Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1853 Iceberg 1 Corner

Chapter 1853 The tip of the iceberg

For stupid people, life is a repetition of mistakes.

David Winks didn't think he was stupid. After all, he was born in a famous family, a top student at Oxford University, and served as the second secretary of the British Embassy in Southern Africa at a young age. In any case, he could not be described as stupid.

After all, the British Empire used to be the suzerain of southern Africa. With this relationship, David Winks thought that an ordinary traffic policeman in Pretoria should give David Winks a little special care.

Don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face. After all, the British flag is flying on the car driven by David Winks.

But what David Winks didn't expect was that he and the national flag on his car did not bring him any special treatment. The three tickets were exactly the same, all twenty.

"Picking quarrels and provoking trouble - what crime is this?" Samuel Hall, the British ambassador to southern Africa, looked confused.

Samuel Hall was born in an aristocratic family. In 1915, he succeeded his father as a baronet. He participated in the World Wars and went to Russia and Italy successively as a member of the military delegation.

When working in Italy, Samuel Hall was the head of the British intelligence agency in Italy. At that time, he had 100 people under him, including the current Italian Prime Minister with a fat and bald head.

At that time, the fat and bald head had a weekly salary of 100 pounds, which was definitely a high salary, higher than the salary of the British Minister of Finance.

So now I know why so many people are willing to be two dogs, the money is in place.

David Winks had a dejected look on his face. This kind of thing can't be explained at all. Who would have thought that he would just smile and be ticketed for no reason.

Samuel Hall's eyes were slightly dissatisfied, and he quickly put the matter of the ticket behind him, and he still got down to business.

"How far has your work progressed?" Samuel Hall focused on his work, and Southern Africa's secession from the Commonwealth finally made the British Empire realize that its understanding of southern Africa was seriously insufficient.

The content of David Winks' work during this period is to collect data on agriculture in southern Africa.

"The agriculture in southern Africa is very healthy, unimaginably healthy. For the farms in southern Africa, the sale of agricultural products is not a problem at all. There is a price guarantee system in southern Africa, which guarantees the minimum income of the farms. And in southern Africa It has a strong deep processing capacity of agricultural products. The canned food produced by the South African company has a shelf life of up to three years. Although the taste of the canned food has been criticized because of the addition of many food additives, outside of southern Africa, the canned food produced by the South African company is very good. Welcome." David Winks looked sad, such a powerful southern Africa was so easily given up by the British Empire, the person who made this decision should be hanged, there is no need to go through a trial.

"That is to say, if a war breaks out, the agriculture in southern Africa will not be affected in any way—" Samuel Hall's expression was depressed. Compared with the British mainland, southern Africa is simply a treasure land of geomantic omen.

It's a pity that this land of geomantic omen no longer belongs to the United Kingdom.

"Not only will it not be affected, but the farmers in southern Africa may be the group of people most eager for war besides the military, because the price of agricultural products will rise sharply during the war-so no matter where a war breaks out in any corner of the world, Southern African farmers are all beneficiaries." David Winks smiled wryly, what he said was just the tip of a huge iceberg for southern Africa.

If that's the case, it's not just farmers. I'm afraid everyone is eager for war.

"Is there no weakness in southern Africa?" Samuel Hall had a splitting headache. It is impossible to have no weaknesses. As strong as Britain and the United States, there must be weaknesses, and southern Africa must also have them.

It's just that Samuel Hall hasn't been found yet.

"Of course, the stronger the agriculture in southern Africa, the greater the dependence on external markets, especially poultry eggs, fruits and other things that are not suitable for long-term storage. Although southern Africans can make them into cans, canned food in southern Africa The sales volume is very bad, and most of them are sold to foreign countries, so if the external market is lost, it will deal a huge blow to southern African agriculture." David Winks was expressionless, which seemed to be a weakness, Too bad it's hard to take advantage of.

In the whole world, only southern Africa has the luxury to make canned fruits and poultry eggs.

There is no way, the output of fruits and poultry eggs in southern Africa is too high. In any farm, there are hundreds of chickens, ducks, geese and so on. The eggs laid every day are simply too much to eat. Some new immigrants who have just arrived in southern Africa will still I pickled all the poultry eggs, but found that there was no room for the jars of pickled eggs in the warehouse, so I had to sell them all.

Fortunately, there is a price protection system in southern Africa, otherwise the price of eggs in southern Africa would have already broken through the cost line of the farm.

However, farms in southern Africa have almost no cost line. Chickens, ducks and geese are all free-range and do not need feed, so how much cost can they have.

As for the fruit, this is thanks to the farmers who have fully exploited the potential of the farm.

The farm conditions in southern Africa are really good. You can grow anything you want to survive. Take Pretoria as an example. In Pretoria, the biggonia tree is planted. The farmers want to plant As far as trees are concerned, they are all fruit trees.

The variety of fruit trees in southern Africa is also jaw-dropping. Almost all fruits in the world can be grown in southern Africa, especially common fruits such as grapes, apples, and yellow peaches. If you are not careful, you can grow the best varieties in the world. , so various canned fruits are one of the most exported agricultural products in southern Africa.

The reason why I say one is because there are also a lot of sales of canned meat.

What makes David Winks helpless is that probably only southern Africa has no shortage of food in the world, and other countries, including the United States, which is larger than southern Africa, are short of food.

What's more, there are two large population tiankengs in East Asia and South Asia, so there is absolutely no shortage of marketable agricultural products in southern Africa.

Thinking of the sphere of influence in southern Africa, Samuel Hall could only shake his head speechlessly.

Southern Africa has indeed withdrawn from the Commonwealth, but southern African products have not withdrawn from the Commonwealth market.

On the contrary, because of economic recovery, countries are more dependent on southern African commodities.

This involves a problem of productivity. The essence of an economic crisis is that the market supply exceeds demand, and then some backward productivity will be eliminated to balance supply and demand in the market. Then demand will gradually recover, and productivity will continue to increase.

The improvement of productivity requires a process, including the United States. It can be said that only southern Africa in the world is capable of providing the commodities that other countries need, so it is basically impossible to contain southern Africa.

"No, no, as long as it is a country, it will have weaknesses, but we haven't found the weaknesses in southern Africa yet." Samuel Hall could only comfort himself in this way.

Then keep looking.

In the afternoon, David Winks went to the National Library of Southern Africa in the center of Pretoria, hoping to consult some materials about agriculture in Southern Africa.

At the entrance of the National Library, David Winks accidentally saw a large photo of Gavin.

Gavin was awarded the "Starry Sky Award" by the Federal Government of Southern Africa last year for his improvement of the breeding cattle.

For Gavin, the prize money from the "Starry Sky Award" was nothing more than drizzle, so Gavin donated the prize money from the "Starry Sky Award" to Phyllis' foundation, and it was an anonymous donation.

This is enough to prove Gavin's character. If Stoudemire wants to donate, it must be a big fanfare. I wish everyone would know that donating 100 million would have the effect of donating 1000 million.

Gavin is a low-key person. If he donates his prize money with great fanfare, what will happen to the other scientists who received the prize money? Donate it. Not all scientists are rich.

Don't donate. With Gavin's pearl in front, I feel that scientists are all misers.

Speaking of which, Gavin, as the first heir to the Marquis of Nyasaland, is amazing to be able to engage in scientific research to such an extent.

You must know that the review of the "Starry Sky Awards" is very strict. Gavin, as Rock's eldest son, will not only not get a bonus, but will make the judges more cautious.

As an heir, you are not honestly waiting to inherit the title, and you go to do some scientific research, but you really made a name for yourself, which makes other people feel so embarrassing.

In the National Library of Southern Africa, there are a lot of materials about agriculture in southern Africa. The more David Winks reads, the more complicated his mood becomes.

Taking last year's data as an example, there are more than 1400 million horses, 6700 million cattle, 6100 million pigs, 9600 million sheep and 6 million poultry in southern Africa.

For comparison, there were 105 million horses, 780 million cattle, 290 million pigs, and 2600 million sheep in the British Empire last year. There is no data on poultry.


It's okay if the gap is obvious, but the data is not a ghost.

Has the management of the British Empire fallen to this extent compared with southern Africa?

In addition, this gap is a bit too big, and the huge gap in other aspects is understandable for David Winks. The number of sheep is so different, and David Winks really didn't expect it.

You must know that Britain was the first country where the bourgeois revolution broke out, and the sheep cannibalism movement is very famous.

Compared with southern Africa, the result is scum.

Even with the addition of other Commonwealth countries, the UK's various data, except for the population, are estimated to be inferior to southern Africa.

And it's the kind of difference that is obvious.

Of course, the various paper data in southern Africa also shocked David Winks.

True to that sentence, the more you know about Southern Africa, the more you fear Southern Africa.

ps: This chapter will no longer summarize the central idea, because I find that no matter how I summarize, I can always find an angle if I want to complain——

(End of this chapter)

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