Chapter 186 Legend

In fact, in many things, as long as you jump out of the shackles of thinking, you will discover a new world.

In Anton's concept, it is necessary to take a train from Cape Town to Johannesburg, not only through the vast no-man's land along the way, but also through the Orange Free State before arriving in Johannesburg.

In fact, it is not a no-man's land, at least it is different from a no-man's land in the general sense.

Under normal circumstances, when people mention no-man's land, people may think of the endless Gobi Desert, or the large desert of tens of thousands of square kilometers. In any case, they will not associate no-man's land with grasslands, forests, and rivers.

In fact, the situation in Cape is so unique. The no-man's land in Cape is not unsuitable for human habitation, but because Cape is sparsely populated, there are no people there.

Looking at the entire Cape, more than 300 million square kilometers, in fact, there are fertile pastures, lush forests, and various mineral deposits under the surface that are not yet known.

The guerrillas can only operate on land, because they don't have ships, so they can't harass the waterway between Cape Town and Durban. Anton can't see this, and Rock will definitely not miss it. Although it is a bit troublesome, the victory is Safe, but also convenient.

"Okay, I'll start sending people here when I turn around—" Anton made up his mind, although Anton was reluctant to part with Oak Town, but as long as Rock insisted, Anton would stick to it.

"Well, I've already prepared a farm here. It's more than 200 square kilometers, enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people—" Rock still couldn't help being proud. Who would have thought that the price of a farm in this era would be so low.

Thanks to the Anglo-Boer war, if it wasn't for the war, Rock would have had to go through a lot of trouble to get so many farms.

It's very simple now, the Boers have fled one after another, the British look down on the farm, the Zulus have no money to buy it, Rock has no competitors at all, if Rock is willing, Rock can really buy all around Johannesburg.

Don't forget that there are still undiscovered gold mines around Johannesburg--

This will not work. In a short period of time, it is enough to have the Rock gold mine. Rock has not planned to develop any gold mines in recent years. It will be troublesome if they are targeted by the British. If they want to develop gold mines, Rock will wait for the Chinese. After he has enough ability to protect his wealth, then Rock can have no scruples.

"When will you go back?" Rock didn't want Anton to leave either. Anton wasn't here, Henry wasn't there, and Rock didn't even have anyone he could communicate with.

"Leave tomorrow." Anton can't stay in Johannesburg for too long, and Cape Town has a lot of things to do.

"I'll see you off in the evening." Rock wanted to present a farewell banquet.

"No need—" Anton is still digesting this fact. After staying in Cape Town for a long time, Anton feels that he has become a frog in a well.

This world is really too big, and there are too many wonderful things waiting for people to discover.

"Then let's drink less in the office." Rock can also think about it, and there is still a long way to go.

Said to drink less, Rock and Anton both got drunk.

After sending Anton away, Rock's life returned to normal.

The guerrillas were still active, and news of guerrilla attacks on the railway and patrols came out every now and then.

The Command of the Expeditionary Force was in a state of desperation and could not find the Boer guerrillas and the provisional government of the Boers. It is said that after Paul Kruger went to Europe to win the support of European countries, the acting president General Schalke Beagle was in the Work on a bullock cart.

The gold mine was operating normally, the "pure gold" ore belt had been dug out, and nearly ten tons of gold were finally piled up in the basement of the gold mine. Buck was ecstatic, but Rock knew that this was just the beginning.

It's only ten tons, and there are still 9980 tons waiting for Rock to dig slowly.

Word kept coming from Pretoria that negotiations had been going on, but no progress had been made, and that the Expeditionary Command was backing down. Going back to the colonies, Kitchener also gave certain guarantees regarding the rights of the Boers. For this reason, Kitchener did not hesitate to sacrifice the interests of the Zulus.

The Boers continued to die, and General DeWitt of Orange re-mobilized those Boers who had sworn an oath of neutrality and were then repatriated by the British. They quickly gathered 3000 people. General DeWitt probably believed that with these 3000 fresh troops , they will soon be able to defeat the British.

This move angered the Expeditionary Command, and Kitchener ordered the troops to capture all adult Boer males in Orange, regardless of whether they had participated in the war, and throw them into concentration camps or exile abroad.

In December, another group of Chinese laborers successfully arrived in Johannesburg, and the number of Chinese in Johannesburg exceeded [-].

To Rock's surprise, more than 200 family members of Chinese policemen also arrived in Johannesburg with the miners. They belonged to more than [-] families, and each family had at least three children on average. This inspired Rock. Fertility is indeed strong.

Since Hawley and Connie successfully registered, more than a dozen Chinese policemen and Boer women have registered for marriage successively, and the officials of the Department of Internal Affairs have not noticed this matter——


Christmas came quietly, because of the war, Johannesburg did not have any official celebrations, and the police station was just an extra meal. Rock arranged to take vacations in batches, and asked Owen to send Phyllis a music box made of gold and gems.

The music box must also have a hidden mechanism, but as usual, Owen didn't check it carefully, or even check it at all.

The days passed by so quietly, Kevin, Arnold, and Henry from the Alsop family seemed to have disappeared, without causing trouble for Rock, who sometimes forgot that he was in a battlefield.

One day at the end of January 1901, on a sunny afternoon, bad news came from London. The great Queen Victoria died of illness.

On the day he got the news, Rock went to Pretoria with Philip.

When the Queen dies, Britain will hold a state funeral, and Governor Alfred Milner may also return to London.

Of course, they may not return. The Transvaal is still in a state of war. If Alfred Milner wants to return to London, it will take at least more than a month. In a sense, this is also malfeasance.

There were a lot of people in the Palace of Justice, and there were a lot of people who came to inquire about the news. Everyone's expressions were very serious, but if you looked carefully, you would find that everyone's eyes were a little beaming.

Yes, you read that right, just beaming.

The queen's funeral means that the new king will be crowned, and after the new king is crowned, in order to win people's hearts, he must "pardon the world".

In fact, it has been more than half a year since Roberts announced the end of the war. Under normal circumstances, rewards should have been given long ago. The reason why he delayed until now is to wait for this moment and leave the opportunity of grace to the new king Edward VII.

Look at this queen who has been working for the benefit of the British Empire all her life. Even if it is a funeral, the funeral must be worthwhile.

Henry is also in the Governor's Mansion. Baron Philip has a high status. If he wants to see the Governor, he doesn't have to queue up. Roque has to wait. Henry, who is also waiting, winks: "Rock, get ready, you may want to go to London with me."

to London? ! ! !

Rock's heartbeat speeded up suddenly. Going to London meant that Rock would definitely get the title.

To be honest, Roque really doesn't like nobles, but in order to live better in this troubled world, the title is the best amulet. If Roque becomes a noble, it means that Roque has escaped the constraints of the law. The United Kingdom is still in the Cape, and Rock doesn't need to be afraid of anyone, and he can stand up straight at any time.

"Are you silly?" Henry didn't get the response he wanted, and was still winking there.

Such an action is really inappropriate for Henry, a senior police officer.

"No, it's unlikely." Rock quickly calmed down. Even if Rock could get the title, it's unlikely that Rock would go to London with Henry.

In terms of administrative level, the Pretoria Police Department is almost a provincial department, while the Johannesburg Police Department is a municipal bureau.

Rock is the head of the city bureau, and he is a nominal deputy in the provincial department. In other words, there are only two senior officials in the Transvaal police system, Henry and Rock. If the two go to London at the same time, then the Transvaal The policing system must be messed up.

After all, the Transvaal is still in a period of war. Although the guerrillas were expelled from the Transvaal by Rock, God knows whether the guerrillas will make a comeback after the news of the Queen's death comes out.

It’s okay if you don’t come, if the guerrillas revive in the Transvaal, but the two senior officials, Henry and Roque, are both in London, then no one can bear the responsibility.

"The enthronement ceremony of the new king, maybe you can only have this chance to watch the ceremony once in your life." Henry felt sorry for him.

It is estimated that there are quite a few people who are close to each other, and the soon-to-be-crowned Prince of Wales should feel the most.

Queen Victoria's reign lasted 64 years, and the soon-to-be-crowned Prince of Wales was born in 1841 and is sixty years old this year——

If you look at it this way——

"Don't be stupid, I can't catch up. Also, do you think the Prince of Wales can reign for 64 years like the Queen?" Rock's voice was condensed into lines, and his voice was vaguely disrespectful to the new king.

Henry thought about it carefully, and suddenly realized.

It will take about ten days to return to London from Cape, and the queen can't wait so long——

The Prince of Wales, that is, Edward VII, is 60 years old this year. Unless Edward VII can live to be 124 years old, Roque will definitely have the opportunity to watch the king's enthronement in his life.

Speaking of Will being a prince, it is really embarrassing.

Edward VII is a crown prince with a bad reputation. When he was stationed in the Irish Army in his early years, the Prince of Wales had an affair with an actress. After marriage, horse farms, balls, dining tables and women's beds are frequented by the Prince of Wales. .

The Prince of Wales was once sued by a Sir for these affairs.

Fortunately, the court ruled that the lady who identified the Prince of Wales was insane, and the Prince of Wales escaped.

By the way, there is a legend - just a legend - that Winston's mother, the "world's most beautiful woman", also had an affair with the Prince of Wales.

 This chapter is added in order to recommend more than 4000 votes——


(End of this chapter)

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