Chapter 1860

Smollett knew that Indian soldiers were unreliable a long time ago, but he never expected to be unreliable to this extent.

Really, it doesn't matter if you don't know anything at all, you can learn slowly.

It would be better if you really understand it, even the step of learning can be skipped.

I'm afraid that this kind of bottle is not full of half a bottle, and those who don't know how to pretend to understand——

There should be a little misunderstanding here. Indians don’t just nod yes and shake their heads no. Indians shake their heads in a way that makes people wonder. Indians can understand it themselves, and then think that the whole world should be able to understand it. What a confidant of self-confidence.

On the training ground, there will always be many accidents.

Although this level of accident is outrageous, Smollett's entourage also reacted very quickly, and shouted at the first moment when the Indian soldiers opened fire: "Stop, stop—"

The Indian soldiers ignored it, probably with a blank mind, and stared wide-eyed as they watched a long string of 40mm grenades flying towards the shooting range.

40mm automatic grenade launcher, with a total length of 1062 mm, muzzle velocity of 240 meters per second, effective range of 1500 meters, maximum range of 2200 meters, theoretical rate of fire of 300 rounds per minute, and actual rate of fire of about 60 rounds per minute. The 40mm high-explosive grenade can pierce 5mm armor when exploded at close range. The effective killing radius of personnel is 15 meters, and the killing rate of personnel within a radius of 5 meters is [-]%.

Seeing that the Indian soldier operating the grenade launcher had lost control, Smollett's entourage kicked over and kicked the Indian soldier operating the grenade launcher down.

At this time, the Indian soldiers kept in mind the saying "weapons are life", even if they were kicked down, they didn't let go of the trigger.

As a result, the muzzle of the grenade launcher rose violently, and the last few grenades flew straight into the sky.

The shooting range suddenly jumped up and down.

At this time, I definitely don't have the heart to care about the soldiers who put the targets. Nima's own life is important. God knows if the grenade will fall on his head, so it is really not too much to describe it as a head-clutching mouse.

What Smollett didn't expect was that Major Bridges, who was extremely fat, could run very fast, even faster than Smollett. This damn is unscientific——

But this also proves from another angle that Major Bridges is really used to the various strange operations of Indian soldiers.

The good news is that the grenade launcher used for demonstration is not equipped with a 48-round ammunition box, but is equipped with a 32-round ammunition box, and there are only 12 rounds of grenades in the box. In fact, it will be empty in four or five seconds.

Smollett counted while running. After 12 explosions, Smollett stopped and put his hands on his knees and lowered his head to pant. He had never run so fast in his life, and his lungs felt like they were on fire.

Of course the effect is also very good -

The 40mm automatic grenade launcher, although it looks bulky and stupid, its accuracy can still be guaranteed, especially the first three rounds, all of which hit the shooting range accurately.

Twenty-two of the 26 Indian soldiers who were setting the target died, and only a few soldiers who were farther away from the shooting range survived.

When these soldiers returned to the shooting range after the explosion, the first thing they did was not to rescue their comrades, but to search for the belongings of the dead soldiers——

This kind of enthusiasm for money is really no less than the enthusiasm of the Chinese for land.

Major Bridges said nothing, and his first order after returning to the shooting range was to arrest the out-of-control Indian soldiers.

"What kind of punishment will this guy receive?" Smollett whispered to his colleagues, but the voice was a bit loud, and Major Bridges heard them.

"Punishment? Hehe—" Major Bridges sneered.

Then Smollett saw the out-of-control Indian soldiers being brought to the side of the shooting range——


Smollett was already numb at this moment.

I have never seen such a wonderful soldier.

I have never seen an officer who is so indifferent to the lives of his men.

With such a match, it would be hell to be able to have combat effectiveness.

For a moment, Smollett felt that it was a waste to sell the weapons produced in southern Africa to the Indian army.

After dealing with the out-of-control soldiers, Bridges was in the mood to go to the shooting range to test the power of the automatic grenade launcher.

Power is of course very good, after all, no matter how good the display effect of the body target is, it is not as good as the direct demonstration effect of a real person.

Smollett endured the discomfort to accompany Major Bridges.

The shooting range was a mess, with all kinds of blood, all kinds of stumps and broken arms. Several Indian soldiers who were relatively close to the center of the explosion were blown up like rag dolls after being bitten by wild dogs.

"It's not bad, but the price is a bit expensive—" Major Bridges is worthy of being an elite who participated in the World War. After seeing the mountains of corpses and blood in the World War, he expressed little interest in the scene in front of him.

However, Major Bridges' focus is a bit strange. Whether the price is expensive or not has nothing to do with Major Bridges. Anyway, the British Parliament pays for it. Major Bridges only needs to submit a trial report.

Of course, Smollett knew what he meant by hearing the strings. Anyway, it was all public relations expenses, and in the end it was the British Parliament who paid for it.

While Smollett was doing his best to sell, at Shilongmen, 30 kilometers away from Kuching, several engineers from Christian Construction Company were surveying the terrain under the protection of mercenaries from the umbrella company.

Although Borneo is large, there are not many places suitable for landing. In the case of inconvenient transportation, the river can be used to advance to the inland of Borneo at the fastest speed.

This is also normal. The early colonization was carried out along the river. Almost all the settlements were built near the river. As time went by, the settlements gradually expanded into cities, and then there were the current colonies.

There is a river connection between Shilongmen and Kuching. Once the war breaks out and the Japanese army lands from Kuching, they can directly attack Shilongmen along the river.

The good news is that Japanese battleships cannot enter inland rivers, so the poorly equipped Japanese army, not to mention the well-equipped Northern Division of Rhodesia, and the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company can deal with it.

"——So we don't need to build permanent fortifications in Shilongmen, it is more suitable as a forward base, once the enemy captures Kuching, we can start from Shilongmen to launch a counterattack against the enemies in Kuching." Xiao Hua has now Being able to do it alone, this kind of small project does not require Professor Gardner to do it himself.

It is said that Professor Gardner is still building reservoirs in southern Africa. The construction of more than a dozen reservoirs is enough for Professor Gardner to build for several years.

What's more, there are still two Congoles in line behind, and the Congo River is also a big project, which may not be completed until the outbreak of World War II.

"Shilongmen, is this a city built by us Chinese?" Xiao Hua's assistant is Li Bing, who just graduated from Nyasaland University. This Li Bing has nothing to do with Li Bing who built Dujiangyan, it's purely a coincidence.

"It should be, many cities in Borneo were founded by us Chinese——Kuching is also——" Xiao Hua must have done his homework before coming to Borneo.

It is said that whether it is East India or British Malaya, there are a lot of Chinese.

Otherwise, why did Southeast Asia become such a hard-hit area? The fundamental reason is the economic strength of the Chinese, which has already posed a threat to the colonial rule of the colonists. holding gold bricks.

"Then this should be our territory!" As a third-generation Chinese born in southern Africa and fully educated, Li Bing is now qualified to say that since ancient times.

The key is mentality.

Rock now sometimes has to worry about the so-called "international influence". The third-generation Chinese don't have such a mentality.

This is actually the ass decides the head. Don't look at Stoudemire and Henry now. Since ancient times, Stoudemire and Henry have really been seated in Rock's position. Stoudemire and Henry have to be careful. After all, any decision will affect benefit of countless people.

The third-generation Chinese in southern Africa, at least in terms of mentality, is no different from the British. Although everyone has a different skin color, they are all southern Africans.

Compared with southern Africa, a circle of younger brothers called Dad around, the old continent was dying, Americans were shot to death on the beach by southern Africa, the Japanese were cruel, and the Germans were waiting for food——

With such an international situation, even a southern African has the capital to be proud of.

"Hehe, this is not something we should think about. Our problem now is—" Before Xiao Hua finished speaking, Browning, the security director of Umbrella Company, hurried over.

"There are a few Japanese on the other side of the river, and they seem to be surveying the terrain—" Browning mixes with Xiao Hua and Li Bing every day, and is already familiar with the work of Xiao Hua and Li Bing.

"How are you sure it's Japanese?" Xiao Hua was curious, and there was no writing on the Japanese face.

Although the alliance between Japan and the United Kingdom was broken during the Washington Naval Conference, the relationship between Japan and the United Kingdom is still quite good. After all, Britain's interests in the Far East are now largely maintained by Japan.

It sounds a bit unbelievable, but it is actually like this. Britain's strength in the Far East is getting weaker and weaker, and it is no longer enough to protect its sphere of influence. To put it bluntly, Britain is in the Far East.

So I don't know what the British are still proud of.

In this case, it is understandable that there are Japanese in East Malaysia.

"Hey, we have often dealt with the Japanese in recent years, sometimes we take advantage, sometimes the Japanese take advantage, of course most of the time it is us who take advantage, so even across a river, I can smell the Japanese Smell." Browning was young, and looked embarrassed, with the feeling of a sunny boy.

However, Browning's words reveal a lot of information.

"How to take advantage?" Xiao Hua still doesn't know much about the style of the umbrella company.

"The mountain is high here, the emperor is far away, no one should know if you make a vote--" Browning put on a posture of black and white, and Xiao Hua was directly taken aback.

Is the daily life of your mercenaries so exciting?

(End of this chapter)

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