Chapter 1867
If you can gain the qualification to enter and leave the Palace of Justice at will by growing vegetables, probably many people will flock to it.

Of course, some people didn't understand, Lu Si's grandson, Lu Jia, didn't quite understand, especially for the fact that he had to personally deliver food to the Palace of Justice every day, Lu Jia resisted in his heart.

Lu Jia's father is Lu Shao who is in charge of the umbrella Elizabeth. Lu Si is Lu Shao's uncle. Lu Jia was born in southern Africa and is now studying at Nyasaland University. Every holiday, Lu Jia returns to Pretoria Lia, delivering food to the Palace of Justice is the only task that Lu Si assigns to Lu Jia.

"Today, I made an appointment with some friends to go to the National Library to study. Can't I let the old man deliver it?" Lu Jia followed Lu Si to pick vegetables with a basket in the morning. While walking while yawning, he accidentally stepped on a vegetable seedling.

Lu Si's face suddenly turned frosty.

Lu Jia shivered, squatted down and straightened the vegetable seedlings honestly.

For Lu Si, Lu Jia was afraid since he was a child.

After all, he was one of the founders of Umbrella and Brad, and he also fought side by side with Rock. Lu Si personally killed not one hundred people, but maybe eighty. Needless to say, people.

The key point is that Lu Si's image is not very good. After all, he lacked an eye. When he was young, he knew how to cover it with an eye patch. As he got older, he became more and more unscrupulous. Especially in his own home, he never wore an eye patch. Pretty scary.

"The old idiot is working now—" Lu Si's voice was still dark as usual, and he couldn't change it after working in the intelligence industry for a long time: "——Don't call Liqun old stupid, he is not stupid at all."

Lu Si was still merciful to his grandson, let alone whether he is stupid or not, in Lu Si's opinion, the old stupid is actually smarter than Lu Jia.

Old Stupid is the nickname Lu Jia gave to his childhood companions. Old Stupid is surnamed Chen. His grandfather was also one of the earliest people under Rock's command. Unfortunately, he died in battle early. Lu Si took his descendants to take care of him. Chen Liqun His father is now working in the Special Investigation Section of the Ministry of National Defense, and he can be regarded as taking over Lu Si's class.

As for Chen Liqun, he just joined the Secret Service of the Palace of Justice this year and has a bright future.

"Stupid is working? Where do you work?" Lu Jia didn't mean any harm to Chen Liqun, after all, he was a friend since he was a child.

"The Palace of Justice, the Secret Service—" Lu Si turned around and continued walking, his voice intermittent.

"What's so good about the Justice Palace Secret Service, I don't want to go—" Lu Jia didn't realize that Lu Si's emotions were on the verge of breaking out.

Lu Si paused before asking, "Why don't you want to go?"

"The management of the Secret Service is too strict. They have to work in shifts every day. When they are not on duty, they have to train. They have to shoot hundreds of bullets every day. They also have to learn fighting, driving, and blasting. It is best to know three to four languages. It’s best to be able to drive from fighter jets to submarines—I can’t stand it.” Lu Jia himself didn’t notice, and there was a faint envy in his words.

This kind of standard is not aimed at ordinary people at all, Lu Jia feels that only iron men can achieve it.

In fact, there are some reasons that Lu Jia did not mention. Based on the special work of the Justice Palace Secret Service, the Secret Service has requirements for the personal feelings of the secret service members. You can’t just talk about love. Girls who are working with the system.

Not to mention the prosperity and wealth, the Lu family has accumulated a fortune that can be regarded as huge for ordinary people over the past few decades.

Lu Jia didn't realize this when she was a child.

Now that he is studying at Nyasaland University, Lu Jia has already realized the value of wealth. Leaving nothing else aside, Lu Jia can't accept just the requirement of personal feelings.

Lu Jia is not willing to give up the whole forest for one tree.

At least not now.

Lu Si didn't speak, and picked a particularly thick eggplant casually.

Then turned around slowly: "Come here!"

"Grandpa, what are you going to do?" Lu Jia immediately half-turned around, as if to run away at any time.

"I'll say it!" Lu Si repeated again.

Lu Jia finally realized that Lu Si was not joking.

Anger is also graded.

Under normal circumstances, Lu Si would be angry. If the nature was not serious, he would run away and come back when Lu Si's anger subsides.

If the nature is more serious, it will be more serious if it runs away.

There's a grandpa who used to control Umbrella and Brad, run - where could he run -

Lu Si can arrest Lu Jia with just one phone call, and then spanking his palms with a ruler will rise to the level of spanking with a board. After that, he will have to ground his feet and limit his pocket money.

The board is actually not terrible, and the restraint and forbearance will pass. Restricting pocket money is almost fatal for young people like Lu Jia.

According to Lu Jia's observation, Lu Si is obviously very seriously angry now.

So Lu Jia really didn't dare to run away, but he didn't want to be beaten.

I can only wait for Ai Ai to slowly get closer to Lu Si.

"Humph——" Lu Si sneered, counting you as a grandson who knows a lot.

Just when Lu Si raised his hand, Lu Jia immediately dropped the vegetable basket and squatted down with his head in his arms. His skillful movements made people feel distressed.

"Let you throw the vegetable basket—" Lu Siyi hit the eggplant, and Lu Jia immediately picked up the vegetable basket and hugged it in his arms.

"I told you to trample on my vegetable seedlings just now—"

"I've been helped—" Lu Jia tried to defend himself.

"Let you quibble—"

"—" Lu Jia finally faced reality.

Hehe, if grandpa wants to beat his grandson, do he still need to find a reason?
What's more, it should be played.

In fact, the eggplant was interrupted by the first hit.

Lu Si doesn't know how to pump with his hands. The effect of force is mutual. If you pump with your hands, your hands will hurt.

So Lu Si has whatever to use, eggplant, beans, tomatoes, cucumbers——

Finally, Lu Si finally found the onion——

This is good, three or two hits won't break it.

Lü Jia was very unlucky, he completely turned into a zombie, and if he hit him casually, I just crouched down with my head in my arms and didn't speak.

It would be nice if there was a tin bucket at this time.

Old people, stamina is limited, this strategy is correct, Lu Si was out of breath after a few hits, stopped to look at Lu Jia, who was in a mess with a rotten vegetable leaf on his head, hated iron for nothing.

"Do you know why you were beaten?" Lu Si summed up as usual, and he must let his grandson know why he was beaten. This is called starting and ending.

"You shouldn't call Liqun old stupid—" Lu Jia was a little dazed by the onion, and missed the point.

Lu Si felt that he should do some more exercise. Anyway, if he is idle, he is idle. If he has nothing to do, he should treat his grandson as exercise.

"You shouldn't speak ill of the Secret Service—" Lu Jia felt that the surrounding temperature dropped by two degrees, and now he was finally close to the standard answer.

After waiting for a long time, Lu Jia didn't hear Lu Si's words, and secretly looked up at Lu Si, and found that the anger on Lu Si's face was gathering again.

"Study honestly and wholeheartedly contribute to the construction of a great southern Africa!" Lu Jia spoke loudly and quickly, and his desire to survive was also very strong.

"You have delivered food to the Palace of Justice for more than a year and got nothing. Liqun has only delivered food to the Palace of Justice for three months, and then joined the Secret Service. You feel that delivering food is hard work, and maybe you are inferior. If you think so, then you can stay here and grow vegetables forever—" Lu Si didn't know what went wrong, why his grandson, who was very smart when he was young, became what he is now.

It's probably just that it's an hour and it's not necessarily good.

"Grandpa, studying at Nyasaland University, you can still find a good job and realize the value of life after graduation." Lu Jia is really wronged. There is a generation between him and Lu Si, and it is normal to think differently.

What's more, Chen Liqun's successful joining of the Secret Service has a lot to do with Chen Liqun's graduation from Nyasaland Army Academy.

Lu Jia didn't want to join the army, he chose a more colorful life.

As for the future, Lu Jia doesn't care too much. It is said that there is a grandfather who was a spy chief, and a father who is a senior executive of an umbrella company. Lu Jia's starting point is probably the end point of many people.

In Lu Jia's environment, many people may choose to eat, drink, have fun and wait to die. Lu Jia can honestly go to Nyasaland University to study. Rich playboy.

"What do you think is the value of life? You and Liqun are about the same age and starting point. If you choose a different industry now, your future life will be completely different. If you want to live a mediocre life, let me and your father lay the foundation for you." Even if you don’t put in any effort, you can easily do it, but is that the life you want?” Lu Si was not completely disappointed in Lu Jia, otherwise Lu Si would really be cruel and let Lu Jia stay on the farm Just grow vegetables for a lifetime, and just use it as a tool to multiply the family.

Lu Jia squatted on the ground with his head down and didn't speak. In fact, Lu Jia also understood the truth, but at the age of eighteen or nine, who hasn't been young and frivolous.

"You are still qualified to call Liqun old stupid because you are friends, but if you don't work hard, you don't need another 20 years, and after another ten years, there will be a huge gap in your life. Liqun is no longer qualified to be a friend. You were very smart when you were young. What Liqun needs to learn in a week, you can learn in a day. So you went to Nyasaland University, and Liqun went to Los Angeles Army Academy. The sons and grandchildren of our old brothers, didn’t you notice that only you went to Nyasaland University. I know that graduates from Nyasaland University earn more money than graduates from Los Angeles Army Academy, but for us For the family, how meaningful is more money? Can you earn more than the Lord? The eldest son of the Lord is doing scientific research at Nyasaland University. What do you want so much money for?” Lu Sizhen It's because he hates iron but can't make steel, and he certainly can't see it at this time, Lu Jia, who lowered his head, was dumbfounded.

For ordinary people, earning money is really important.

But for Lu Jia, with the wealth accumulated by his grandfather and father, how to go in the future is indeed a question worth thinking about.

(End of this chapter)

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