Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1877 This is interesting enough

Chapter 1877 This is interesting enough

Regardless of the isolationism that Americans talk about all day long, the United States has provoked quite a few wars. Starting from the American War of Independence, the United States has provoked two Barbary Wars, the Seminole War, and the Mexican-American War. The Spanish-American War, the Eight-Power Allied Forces, the US-Philippines War, the First World War, etc., this is not counting the conflict with France.

After all, Southern Africa has been established for a short time, and the only war it has officially participated in is the World War.

It was precisely because of Southern Africa's outstanding performance during the World War that the international status of Southern Africa was achieved.

In contrast, the U.S. record during the World Wars was lackluster, with only the fortress of Liege remembered.

In order to conquer the fortress of Liege, nearly 12 U.S. troops were killed and more than 30 were injured, a tragedy comparable to the Mill of Flesh at Verdun.

After the world war, the United States, like southern Africa, also praised the performance of the US military during the world war.

This is normal. Compared with the old European colonial countries, the United States is also a rising star. It needs such publicity to improve national self-confidence. It is a rare opportunity for publicity both internally and externally.

The problem is that the U.S. exaggerated when it praised the U.S. military, and promoted the U.S. military’s capture of the Liege Fortress as the winner or loser to save Europe, so the U.S. military became the savior of Europe.

This is disgusting. During the World War, only the mainland was counted. Britain died 71, France 124 million, Italy 65, Serbia 45, and Russia 170 million——

The co-authors of other countries are just making up the numbers. As soon as the Americans came, the Germans immediately disarmed and surrendered. Even the fortress of Liege can cause such a large number of casualties. Say.

What's especially abominable is that in the propaganda of the United States, the Southern African Expeditionary Force was rarely mentioned as a member of the British Army. Even the Anzac Army became famous because of the "Australian New Zealand Harbor" and participated in the Dardanelles as the main force The southern African expeditionary force of the campaign actually became a foil.

So if given the chance, Angie would really like to send an army to Brazil to see how well the Americans can fight.

It's a pity that I can only think about-

But not necessarily, it depends on whether the Americans give southern Africa a chance.

If the Americans do not end up in the war.

Then southern Africa can only watch from the sidelines.

If the Americans end up in person.

Then Southern Africa will definitely stay with me to the end.

"Infantry training can be done locally in Michigan. Armor, artillery, and aviation training must be done in southern Africa, especially for tanks and aircraft. In a sense, the logistics team is as important as tankers and pilots. , No matter how good a weapon is, it needs to be carefully maintained to be effective.” An Qi has rich experience and tailor-made for Mizhou.

When it comes to equipment maintenance, this point has always been criticized in the colonial servant army composed of Africans. In the words of the British and French, even if advanced weapons are handed over to Africans, Africans can use them as fire sticks.

Therefore, troops composed of Africans have always been equipped with weapons that were eliminated by European countries.

This is actually not true. Whether the African soldiers are diligent or not has nothing to do with the character of the African soldiers. On the contrary, it has a lot to do with the quality of the officers.

To put it bluntly, it depends on whether the white officer is serious and responsible.

In the Southern African Union Army, almost all soldiers are Africans. If the officers are strict, African soldiers can also disassemble and maintain their weapons as soon as possible after finishing shooting training, and they also maintain them very carefully. In many cases, the lives of African soldiers may not be as valuable as their weapons.

In the British and French colonial servants, the officers were all white officers. If the white officers didn't care, they didn't even teach the African soldiers to maintain their weapons, so there was no way to maintain them.

In the era of cold weapons, it’s okay to say that the big knife and spear can be wiped off with blood. Modern weapons are becoming more and more complicated, and they can’t be used without certain training, so they can only be used as fire sticks.

"Okay, the state of Mississippi is forming troops and recruiting soldiers with a certain cultural foundation to receive education in southern Africa. The information I got here is that Rio de Janeiro has ordered enough weapons and ammunition from Washington to arm nearly 30 troops. If possible, I will I hope these weapons can be shipped and shipped as soon as possible.” Vargas was worried. Before, Vargas had imagined that 5 troops would be able to overthrow the rule of the military government, but now it seems that it is far from enough.

This is also normal. After all, Brazil has a population of 3500 million. If the military government can get enough loans from the United States, let alone 30 people, even 300 million people are not impossible.

How should I put it, sometimes God is really unfair.

Regardless of its political chaos and economic backwardness, Brazil actually has potential no less than that of southern Africa.

In terms of resources, even if Brazil is almost no worse than southern Africa, especially the steel and oil needed by modern industry, Brazil has no shortage at all, and the reserves are still very high.

In contrast, although the iron ore grade in southern Africa is high, the reserves are small. The iron ore reserves in southern Africa are only 10 billion tons, and Brazil has 333 billion tons. Moreover, the grade of iron ore in Brazil is not bad, which is comparable to that in southern Africa. The comparison is about 62% to 65%.

As for oil, Brazil has 153 billion barrels, and southern Africa's oil comes from the Persian Gulf, which is incomparable.

Even the difficulty of obtaining food, Brazil is not bad compared with southern Africa, but 60% of the Amazon rainforest is in Brazil, the arable land area of ​​Brazil is 27 billion mu, and the pasture is 1.7 million hectares or almost 26 billion mu. Another time and space Brazil is the world's second largest grower of genetically modified crops, the largest producer of soybeans, the fourth largest producer of corn, and the world's largest exporter of beef and chicken.

Therefore, in terms of natural conditions, Brazil fully possesses all the conditions needed to become a major country.

Of course, as in Southern Africa, the only constraint in Brazil is the people.

Southern Africa has now largely solved this problem.

Brazil -

Anyway, in Michigan, the Brazilians seem more suitable for playing football.

Football in Michigan was still passed down from southern Africa. At the beginning, the employees of Iron Four Corners and Umbrella played and played, and then local Brazilians joined in. Later, the employees of Iron Four Corners and the mercenaries of the umbrella company discovered that many Brazilian youths did not touch football. In a few days, he played decently, and his level quickly surpassed that of the southern Africans, and then the Brazilians became the protagonists on the football field.

This is also amazing. Brazilians, like Africans, are naturally gifted in sports. However, Brazilians and Africans are very good at anything related to "playing". They would rather focus on playing games. , Also unwilling to use it in learning.

Probably because the head cantilever and awl stabbing the buttocks are too boring.

But no matter how good the football is, except for a very few days who can rely on football to make a fortune, the vast majority of people waste their youth when they should be studying, and it is too late when they regret it, so they just Only by buying for zero yuan can we survive.

"Don't worry about conventional weapons, the lord has already made arrangements—" Angie is not worried about the 30 people in the military government. The combat effectiveness of the army is never reflected by the number of people, otherwise India would not be so soy sauce during the world war.

"What did your lord say?" Vargas looked expectant.

An Qi smiled and said nothing, hearing is believing, seeing is believing, no matter how good you say it, it is not as shocking as seeing it with your own eyes.

Then go and see.

Angie asked Vargas to get in the car. In fact, the helicopter is faster, but the armored car is obviously safer. The contract has not been signed yet. Vargas can't die, and he can't take any risks.

The armored vehicles galloped along the winding mountain road, with cliffs on one side and abyss on the other, which made people tremble with fear.

Two hours later, the armored vehicle had not yet reached its destination.

Vargas couldn't help asking Angie where she was going, but Angie didn't answer directly.

After another two hours, the armored vehicle finally stopped, and Vargas got out of the vehicle and found himself in a valley.

"This is one of our combat readiness warehouses, and the equipment stored in it is prepared for you by the lord." An Qi smiled lightly, and waved someone to open the door next to her.

Brazil does not have combat readiness warehouses.

Vargas never imagined that the scale of the warehouse could be so large.

When the warehouse door was slowly opened, what appeared in front of Vargas was a quiet and deep passage that could not be seen at a glance. The street lights on both sides of the passage lit up one by one, the ventilation system started to work, and a staff member drove over a car that looked very strange. The crude car was almost like a model, and Vargas didn't hear the sound of the engine at all.

Angel did not explain that this electric car is also a product of the Nikola Tesla Research Institute, and its performance is actually similar to that of a car using an internal combustion engine. If this kind of car is brought to the market, it will definitely be very popular.

The Federal Government of Southern Africa is not prepared to do this. Power plants are available in all countries. Once the technology of electric vehicles is popularized, who will sell the oil in the Persian Gulf?

As for technology—

Well, a guy who has been playing with artificial lightning since 1891, don't use mortal logic to try to explain the abilities of genius.

The car drove forward about 100 meters and stopped in front of a gate about ten meters wide.

When the staff opened the door, what Vargas saw was also a wooden box that could not be seen as far as the eye could see.

Vargas is no stranger to this kind of box, with the logo of Nyasaland Military Industry on the outside, and Lee Enfield is usually packed inside, ten in each box.

Vargas looked at the pile of wooden boxes dumbfounded. At this moment, Vargas had a more intuitive understanding of the strength of southern Africa.

"There are about 100 million Lee Enfields stored here, all of which were sealed up during the World War, and most of them have never been used—" Angie's expression was calm, and her tone was full of pride.

The purpose of the combat readiness warehouse is that when southern Africa is invaded by foreign enemies, it will only be activated at the critical moment of life and death.

Now Mizhou wants to buy weapons, and Southern Africa directly sells the weapons stored in the combat readiness warehouse to Mizhou, which is interesting enough!
(End of this chapter)

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