Chapter 1883
Many things can’t be seen on the surface. Any ethnic group has good and bad. There are also alternatives such as Boers among whites. Of course, Brazilians and Africans are also hardworking.

Taking Van Bow’s experience in Belo Horizonte as an example, some Brazilians are really lazy, and some can even be called bad, but both lazy and bad are a minority, and most Brazilians are good.

Fan Bao's current driver is a Brazilian in his 40s. He is taciturn and works hard. Every morning, before Fan Bao gets up, he wipes the car clean, just like when he just left the factory.

The Brazilian mercenaries hired by the Umbrella Company are also serious and responsible, and they can stand still in the hot sun for two hours while standing guard.

The cleaning aunts employed by Iron Four Corner Company have low salaries, equivalent to only 1.5 rand per month. Even so, there are many people who want to do it. Therefore, the office area of ​​Iron Four Corner Company is not only spotless, but the hygiene level is definitely up to standard.

Those lazy or bad Brazilians will show their true colors after working for a period of time. If such people do not cause major losses to the company, they can be fired directly and left to fend for themselves.

As for causing huge losses to the company, it should be handed over to the Mizhou police directly. The Mizhou police have plenty of ways to make him unable to survive or die.

Many things are actually impossible.

Not to mention Brazil.

Germany also prides itself on being a civilized country. During the period when the mark depreciated rapidly, 100 marks could be exchanged for 15 dollars when paying salaries, but at the end of the month it could only be exchanged for 5 dollars. At this time, saving money is meaningless, and the speed of earning money is definitely It was not as fast as the depreciation, so the Germans at that time were all paycheck to paycheck, and only fools saved money.

Iron Square and Umbrella use rand to pay their salaries, and it has nothing to do with the rand no matter how fast Mirez depreciates.

The newly recruited recruits, those who are disobedient and lazy, will be fired as soon as they are found out, and those who stay are honest and obedient people. Fan Bao is going to ask the driver for his opinion when he leaves Brazil. If the driver wants to continue working for Fan Bao , then Fan Bao can take the driver away when the time comes.

You can even take the driver's family away.

People who work hard deserve better rewards.

While both Mississippi and Rio are gearing up, skirmishes have already begun on the border between the two states.

In terms of area, Mizhou is more than ten times larger than Rio. The area of ​​Rio is only more than 4 square kilometers, while the area of ​​Mizhou is more than 58 square kilometers.

The difference in area is so large, but the population is about the same. Not to mention how cautious the upper echelons on both sides are, the arrival of a large number of "new" weapons and equipment has indeed given great confidence to the officers and soldiers at the bottom.

The small town of Santa Clara in the north of Rio is the intersection of Sanzhou, Mizhou and Rio.

The town is small in size, with only a few dozen households. The tallest building is the Baptist Church. On the hillside not far from it is a newly built outpost, which houses a company of Michigan National Guard soldiers. The chief is Carl, a veteran mercenary from the umbrella company.

It is a company in name, but in fact there are only more than 30 people. The National Guard is expanding its army. Karl hopes that his company will be able to replenish the supply of troops soon, so that Karl will have more confidence in the face of attacks from the military government forces.

After the weapons ordered by the state capital of Mizhou arrived in Mizhou, Carl's company changed equipment immediately. Not only was the rifle replaced with Lee Enfield with better performance, but Carl's outpost was also allocated two general-purpose machine guns and two 60 mm mortar.

This gave Carl a bit of a headache. Machine gun shooters are easy to train. As long as you don’t feel bad, bullets can always be fed out. Operating a mortar requires a long period of professional training, so Carl prefers the only 40mm machine compared to a mortar. Grenade launcher, and two "Super Revolvers".

For soldiers who have never been to school, it is obvious that the "super revolver" with a simpler structure and easier operation is more popular.

It takes rigorous training for weapons to form combat effectiveness, so during this period, Karl and Third Sergeant Major Anthony, who also came from the umbrella, took training as the main task every day.

Carl is white, Anthony is African, and can be mixed into a third-rank sergeant major under the umbrella. Anthony is the kind of more reliable African. He treats his work seriously and strictly, especially when facing African soldiers in the National Guard. Carl has reminded Anthony many times for this, and Anthony also has his own reasons.

"Don't interfere with my work, I'm African myself, so I know Africans better than you—" Anthony always said this when explaining, and Anthony was not simply harsh: "—God can save Africa, But it cannot save Africans."

The latter sentence is too helpless.

"Don't say that, you and I are both Africans—" Karl always comforted Anthony like this, although the "African" that Karl and Anthony said obviously did not mean the same thing, it still made Anthony feel Karl's friendship.

In terms of qualifications, Anthony joined the umbrella company earlier than Karl, and every time he performs a mission, Anthony always strives to be the first and is not afraid of death.

Carl was in high school when Anthony went to the World Wars with southern Africa.

But now Karl's military rank is already captain, but Anthony is still a third-rank sergeant major.

Unless Anthony can make that kind of credit that can be called "defying the sky", otherwise, the third-rank sergeant major is probably Anthony's ceiling in this life.

The National Guard soldiers in the outpost have served for more than a year at the shortest time, and they adapt to new weapons very quickly.

Anthony takes his work seriously and responsibly. After each training session, the soldiers are required to carefully maintain their weapons according to the requirements. Anthony will check them one by one. If there are any failures, the consequences will be very serious. In addition to not being able to enjoy fresh beef and fruits, he is also responsible for cleaning the toilets .

One day in mid-October, about a company of soldiers from the Brazilian military government came to the small town of Santa Clara to build a large building on the hill opposite the outpost, and it seemed that they would be stationed for a long time.

Karl and Anthony expressed great concern about this. The straight-line distance between the two outposts does not exceed three kilometers, which theoretically just reaches the limit range of a general-purpose machine gun, but it is basically meaningless to shoot at this distance.

"Should we carry out a raid on them?" Anthony was irritable and aggressive.

"No, we didn't authorize—" Carl was rational, and the state of Michigan was not ready yet.

"Then let's lure them to attack us—" Anthony's heart was itching unbearably, Michigan was not ready, and neither was Rio.

"What do you want to do?" Carl trusted Anthony's experience, three sergeant majors, each of whom crawled out of a sea of ​​corpses and blood.

Anthony is indeed experienced. Karl and Anthony use binoculars to observe the opposite outpost every day, and the officer at the opposite outpost will definitely do the same.

Then Anthony began to implement his plan.

The officer at the outpost on the opposite side was probably very happy. From his observations, the outposts of Karl and Anthony were full of loopholes. Not only were the positions of the machine guns unreasonable, but also the outposts were lax in discipline and lacked troops. There were not even sentries at noon. Arrangement, this is seriously inconsistent with the legendary strength of the umbrella company.

Wait, machine gun—

In such a small outpost, there are actually two heavy machine guns with tripods installed.

And there is an automatic grenade launcher, and the soldiers are equipped with Lee Enfield——

Mizhou is indeed as rich as the legend says.

Looking at the Winchester rifles equipped by his soldiers, and the Lee Enfield equipped by the Michigan soldiers, Captain Santos shook his head speechlessly.

Although Santos doesn't want to admit that compared with the state of Michigan, which has the support of southern Africa, the performance of the Brazilian military government is indeed a bit amateurish.

Santos's company has a total of 126 people. Although the rifles equipped are all Winchester, they have three different calibers. This brings difficulties to the company's logistics. A rifle of one caliber was equipped to a platoon, and then Santos was dismayed to find that the number of bullets distributed to the company by the superior was different, and the largest number was actually the 0.303-inch R rifle bullet that Lee Enfield could only use.

Santos' company had no Lee Enfield at all, so what was the use of .0.303 R rounds?
Wait, Lee Enfield, although Santos's company doesn't have one, the soldiers at the opposite outpost are all equipped with Lee Enfield.

After realizing this problem, Santos' ambitions grew uncontrollably like weeds in spring.

At this time, Santos was still rational. After all, the opposite outpost was equipped with advanced equipment, and Santos did not dare to attack rashly.

But one evening, after Santos discovered that there was a woman in the opposite outpost, Santos finally made up his mind.

At this time in Brazil, the military camp was a restricted area for women, so when Santos found a woman in the opposite post, Santos immediately determined that the soldiers at the opposite post recruited him.

It's normal to recruit them, but it's too much to recruit them to the military camp and take the initiative to provide door-to-door services.

Santos immediately assembled his troops and prepared to attack the opposite outpost that night.

Just after Santos issued the combat order, in the outpost of the Michigan National Guard, Carl, Anthony and other National Guard soldiers were laughing and watching the three big men in women's clothing.

In the barracks of the Michigan National Guard, women are also off limits.

However, there must be more than 30 young men with good looks. It is not unacceptable to put on women's clothing and wander around outside the camp, not to mention there are bonuses to be won.

"The person on the other side should be fooled now, right?" Karl admired Anthony. If a man gets up like that, there is nothing wrong with a woman.

(End of this chapter)

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