Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1891 How to Hit Out of Reach

Chapter 1891 How to Hit Out of Reach

In the waters of the Americas, the U.S. Navy is also used to being domineering. It has never considered giving way to the navies of other countries, which is why it has such an oolong.

After knowing that the other party was the lighthouse of the Brazilian Navy, Ernest King's expression was wonderful. He kept a dark face and said nothing. The first officer quietly stepped back and arranged for the fleet to turn the rudder. Tied to the battleship "Maryland", it probably won't hit the lighthouse of the Brazilian Navy.

After a night of nothing, after dawn, the U.S. Navy was surprised to find that there was a fleet not far from its own fleet, and it was heading south like the U.S. fleet.

Looking at the orange, white and blue tricolor flags flying over the fleet, Ernest King had a solemn expression.

This time it’s not an oolong, the orange, white and blue tricolor flag is the flag of southern Africa. Even if the tricolor flag is not flying, Ernest King can clearly identify the "Basutoland" serving in the Atlantic Fleet of southern Africa aircraft carrier.

During the training of the southern African navy, the US Navy and the Japanese Navy were often regarded as imaginary enemies.

Of course, the same is true for the U.S. Navy, which also regards the southern African navy and the Japanese navy as imaginary enemies during training.

Identifying the type of warship is the most basic ability. Ernest King has long been familiar with the various parameters of the "Basutoland" aircraft carrier. The US Atlantic Fleet has studied it countless times. When the war broke out, how did the US Atlantic Fleet sink the aircraft carrier "Basutoland" at the minimum cost.

It is not right to say that, the United States abolished the establishment of the Atlantic Fleet during World War II, and it was not restored until World War II.

In short, Ernest King had mixed feelings when he saw the "Basutoland".

Ernest King was originally the captain of the aircraft carrier "Lexington".

As the first real aircraft carrier in the United States after the "Langley", there are two "Lexington" class aircraft carriers, namely the "Lexington" and the "Saratoga".

These two aircraft carriers were transformed from Lexington-class battlecruisers, so the armor thickness is much thicker than that of the "Elizabeth"-class aircraft carrier, and the displacement has reached an unprecedented 35000 tons. It is the largest aircraft carrier in the world so far.

The tonnage is large enough, but the performance is not good. The "Lexington" class aircraft carrier is designed to carry 120 aircraft, but in the end it can only be equipped with 91 aircraft, which is similar to the "Basutolan" with a displacement of only 25000 tons. The thick armor does increase the survivability of the "Lexington" class aircraft carrier, but for the aircraft carrier, the survivability is not too important. If the enemy plane breaks through the protective network of the aircraft carrier formation and directly attacks the aircraft carrier, then the armor is thick. Not thick doesn't make much difference.

The reason why Ernest King was in a complicated mood was that in the previous exercises of the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Navy wanted to sink the "Basutoland". The U.S. military wanted to gather two "Lexington" class aircraft carriers. It also requires the cooperation of all three BIG7 battleships to make it possible.

The best result was when the two "Lexington" class aircraft carriers lost all their carrier-based aircraft before relying on the powerful firepower of the battleship to sink the "Basutolan".

This result is embarrassing. You must know that there are four "Elizabeth" class aircraft carriers in southern Africa, but the United States has only two "Lexington" class aircraft carriers, plus one "Langley" that makes up the number.

It is also for this reason that the U.S. Navy has now begun construction of the USS Ranger aircraft carrier.

The "Ranger" is an aircraft carrier designed and built by the United States for the purpose of aircraft carriers. When designing the "Ranger", the U.S. Navy referred to the experience of Japanese aircraft carriers and believed that the greatest function of an aircraft carrier is to cooperate with battleships. The quantity and speed are equivalent to battleships, and a small aircraft carrier with light protection can meet the needs of the navy.

Therefore, when many naval officers strongly suggested designing a new aircraft carrier with reference to the "Elizabeth" class aircraft carrier in southern Africa, the U.S. Naval Aviation Administration decided to adopt the "small aircraft carrier" plan with a displacement of only 13800 tons.

This small aircraft carrier is the "Ranger".

What I want to explain here is that the United States obtained an aircraft carrier quota of 135000 tons in the "Washington Naval Treaty". After the "Langley" retired from active service, the standard displacement of the two "Lexington" class ships totaled 66000 tons. Prepare to build five "Rangers" in one go, so that the aircraft carrier quota can be filled.

It's a pity that the "small aircraft carrier" plan is inherently deficient. It was not until the sea trial that the seakeeping of the "Ranger" was found to be poor, and the aircraft took off and landed in poor sea conditions. It was more dangerous; The deck of the "Cavalry" is too narrow and the speed is too slow, which limits the operation of the torpedo bomber on the ship. Especially without the help of enough wind, the bomber carrying the torpedo can hardly take off.

So after the "Rangers" only built one ship, they canceled the subsequent four shipbuilding plans.

The United States has never attempted to build a "small aircraft carrier" since then.

At this time, Ernest King was still looking forward to the "Rangers".

But what worried Ernest King even more was the problem of carrier-based aircraft. Although the "Cerberus" newly equipped by the U.S. military is good in performance, it still has a gap with the "Gust" equipped in southern Africa. All the attack power of an aircraft carrier depends on Although the "Lexington" was equipped with four dual-mounted 203 mm caliber naval guns, Ernest King never had any expectations for these naval guns.

The "Basutoland" is different from the "Lexington" in that not only does it not have a 203mm gun, but it does not even have a 127mm dual-purpose gun.

The "Basutolan" is equipped with 40mm anti-aircraft guns, and all of them are quadruple-mounted, with an unprecedented number of 104 guns.

"What a perfect aircraft carrier!" Ernest King would sigh every time he saw the "Basutoland".

When the U.S. Navy built a new aircraft carrier, Ernest King was inclined to build a "big aircraft carrier."

In Ernest King's view, the U.S. Naval Aviation Administration did not refer to the "Elizabeth" class aircraft carrier, but instead referred to the fledgling Japanese aircraft carrier. This behavior is simply brain damage.

After all, the "Elizabeth" class aircraft carrier participated in world wars and withstood the test, proving that the "Elizabeth" class aircraft carrier is a very perfect aircraft carrier.

To Ernest King's vague disquiet, construction of the next class of aircraft carriers has already begun in southern Africa.

Due to the lag in intelligence work, the U.S. Navy does not yet have data on the new generation of aircraft carriers in southern Africa. However, judging from some unconfirmed sources, the displacement of the new generation of aircraft carriers in southern Africa should be around 30000 tons. Although this displacement is higher than that of "Elizabeth "class is not much higher, but the carrying capacity has increased from 108 of "Basutoland" to about 130.

This is scary. The performance of the "Torgal" fighter is better than that of the "Cerberus", and now it has more aircraft. Whenever he thinks about this problem, Ernest King even feels a sense of despair.

"Where is the destination of the Atlantic Fleet?" Ernest King asked the mate.

"They said it was Whale Cove—" The first mate had a strange expression, as if he had eaten a fly.

Ernest King glanced at the map and flew into a rage.

If the destination of the Atlantic Fleet is Walvis Bay, why has it reached the waters near Maceio and is still going south? Is this going to Antarctica?
Under normal circumstances, if the Atlantic Fleet departs from its home port of Halifax to Walvis Bay, it can directly turn its course and head directly to Walvis Bay after passing through the Natal waters.

Judging from the current course, the destination of the Atlantic Fleet may be the same as that of the fleet commanded by Ernest King, and the destination may be Rio.

Or just Victoria.

"Tell them to keep them away from us." Ernest King was upset. Just in the air not far from the US fleet, a plane from southern Africa was circling.

Needless to say, this is monitoring the US fleet.

"Get the damn plane out of my way." Ernest King hated this kind of surveillance.

Two U.S. Navy Cerberus quickly took off and headed for the Tornado in the distance.

The pilot of the "Gust" was a bit crazy, and he didn't get entangled with the "Cerberus" at all. He directly pulled the plane up and continued to monitor the US fleet.

The "Cerberus" pilot also wanted to lift it up, but it was impossible to lift the "Cerberus" to the same height as the "Gust".

Ernest King finally knew how big the performance gap between "Cerberus" and "Gust" was.

It has been proved in World War I that the most effective tactic in air combat is to seize favorable terrain in advance and attack enemy aircraft with formation tactics.

In the air, the so-called "favorable terrain" must be a higher altitude.

The U.S. military's new generation fighter "Cerberus" has a practical ceiling of 8500 meters.

Now "Gust" has raised the altitude to a height that "Cerberus" can't reach at all, which shows that the practical ceiling of "Gust" must exceed at least 9000 meters, or even exceed [-] meters.

With the habit of keeping a hand in everything in southern Africa, "even" can even be removed.

And judging from the air posture of the "Gust" fighter, there should still be some spare power left.

How can you fight if you can't reach it?
This feeling of powerlessness from the bottom of his heart almost made Ernest King spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Fortunately, Ernest King is not defenseless.

There is also a battleship "Maryland", one of the BIG7, in the US military formation.

No matter how arrogant the Southern African aircraft carrier is, it will never dare to be approached by battleships.

The result made Ernest King even more depressed.

The battleship "Maryland" received orders from Ernest King and began to approach the Atlantic Fleet.

As a result, the "Basutoland" aircraft carrier slipped away like a rabbit with wings, and the "Maryland" battleship couldn't catch up——

Still not enough!

(End of this chapter)

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