Chapter 1894

Fragozzo, Noronha, and Barreto were all soldiers. They relied on a coup to overthrow the previous government to form a military government. What Noronha said is essentially correct. You can’t dislike me. You can do what you want——

"I'm in charge of communicating with the Americans, giving you and Mena enough support, maintaining the stability of Rio de Janeiro, and drawing troops from across the country to strengthen Rio's defenses. Do you think my job is easy?" Ragozzo was also angry, 10 people beat 2 people like this, and he dared to go to the presidential palace to slap the table, what a face!
"Okay then, let's switch jobs. You go to command the troops to fight against the Mizhou people, and I will guard Rio de Janeiro." Noronha is trying to seize power. of.

"You made this mess, why do you ask me to wipe your ass for you?" Fragozzo was also talking nonsense, he must have forgotten at this moment, he and Noronha and Barreto are on the same team Grasshoppers on the line.

"If you don't want to solve it, we will all die!" Noronya roared so loudly that the glass was buzzing.

That's right.

Unable to withstand the attack of the Mizhou people, it is difficult for others to say, the Rio trio will die.

This was too straightforward and cruel, Fragozzo and Noronha calmed down for a while.

Arguing doesn't solve the problem.

"Okay, I will try my best to win the support of the Americans. You go back to rectify the army, and you must drive the Mizhou people back to Mizhou." Fragozzo now dare not talk about victory lightly, and it will not be easy to maintain the situation.

"It's not trying to fight for it, but we must get the support of the Americans—" Noronha had a gloomy expression and fierce eyes.

Fragozzo was startled by Noronha's sullen voice.

"What do you want? Don't be a fool—" Fragozzo worried that Noronha would take the risk.

"Either tie the Americans to our chariots, or we all die together." Noronha had no choice.

After Fragozzo left in Noronha, he sat alone in the office for a long time.

The relationship between the United States and Brazil has always been very good, so many Americans live in Brazil.

After the war broke out, most Americans chose to leave Brazil temporarily and return to the United States, and return after the war ended.

In any case, no matter whether the military government wins the final victory or Vargas enters Rio, they must rely on the support of the United States in order to stabilize their rule.

Of course, some people choose to stay in Brazil. Tim Hicks, who runs a timber business in Macaé, chooses to stay in Brazil. The Hicks family has lived in Macaé for more than ten years. Hicks’ wife is Brazilian, two lively and lovely daughters were born in Macaé. Although there is a gap between Brazil's education and that of the United States, Hicks has the ability to hire a tutor for her daughter. She is going to send her daughter back when she becomes an adult. American higher education.

After the war broke out, Hicks' wife Selma was very worried about the situation and hoped to go to the United States to avoid the war.

Hicks reassured his wife not to worry, American identity is still very easy to use in Brazil, the last time when the Brazilian army rioted, Hicks hung an American flag in front of his house, and the rioting soldiers and soldiers loyal to the government , Frozen, no one dared to break into Hicks's home.

"So don't worry, you have to believe in the sense of security that the status of American citizenship brings to you. It's hard to say in other continents. In America, if someone dares to violate the interests of Americans, then the U.S. government will be the strongest backing for Americans." Hicks has a well-thought-out plan. For more than ten years, Hicks has been in Brazil by virtue of his identity as an American. From being penniless to now being worth a lot, this Hicks has accumulated huge self-confidence.

Most successful people are like this, and they will accumulate great self-confidence in the process of success. No matter whether the success comes from external factors or not, they will attribute more factors to their own abilities.

Of course, too much self-confidence is conceited. Sometimes, no matter in business or investment, when the general environment is good, you can make a fortune with your eyes closed. It really has nothing to do with your own ability.

Just like the farmer who accidentally discovered the Rand gold mine while herding sheep, this is indeed God's favor, but if he thinks that God will always bless him, then he is probably out of luck.

"The identity of American citizens cannot protect us forever. The Africans in Greenwood are also American citizens, and they are still in the United States, but they are still massacred by the American government." Selma is very rational. Most of the time, the identity of American citizens is indeed It is very useful, but this identity is not omnipotent. Once the protective effect is lost, it will bring disaster to the Hicks family.

Greenwood is the "Black Wall Street" mentioned above. It has been ten years since this incident, but it has left a deep shadow on the minorities in the United States and non-whites who want to immigrate to the United States.

"We are not the same as those damn nigs. We are white people, the true people of God, the sons of God!" Hicks emphasized that the news about "Black Wall Street" has been blocked by the US government, and no one is allowed to discuss it. , newspapers are not allowed to report, and in a few decades, maybe Africans in the United States will not know that there used to be a place called "Black Wall Street".

Selma hesitated to speak, thought for a while to give up persuading Hicks, and went upstairs to take care of the child.

Let it be fate, marry a chicken as a chicken, marry a dog as a dog, the current Selma obviously does not have as independent thinking as the future women.

In fact, Hicks’ self-confidence is not all groundless. Macae is located in the coastal area, about 170 kilometers away from Rio de Janeiro, and is not in a traffic artery. The war between Rio and Michigan should not affect Macae.

After all, it was not a war of annihilation. Neither Rio nor Michigan wanted to leave a devastated Brazil after the war.

Therefore, the scope of the war will be limited to a certain range. Mizhou hopes to go straight to Rio de Janeiro and overthrow the general government, while Rio hopes to push the Mizhou Army back to Rio, so the front is straight, not flat.

Of course, after the outbreak of the war, Macae was inevitably affected.

Macae was under the rule of the military government before the outbreak of the war. In order to raise funds for the war, the Brazilian military government collected a wave of taxes before the outbreak of the war. The Hicks family paid a tax equivalent to about US$100.

In addition, the security level in Macae has been greatly improved. The government troops and the Rio National Guard patrol the streets around the clock, and the lives of the people have been seriously affected.

It is precisely because of the patrols by government troops and the Rio National Guard that Hicks is more confident to stay in Macae.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the Hicks doorbell rang.

Hicks went to answer the door, and the door was his Chinese neighbor Chennault.

Don't doubt, there are also Chinese in Brazil. Chinese arrived in Brazil as early as 1809.

During the construction of the railway in Brazil in the middle of the last century, many Chinese came to Brazil as laborers, and about 5000 people lost their lives during the construction of the railway.

Chennault's elders came to Brazil during the construction of the railway in Brazil in the last century.

After the construction of the railway was completed, Chennault's elders did not leave Brazil, but stayed in Macae.

Chennault now runs a tailor shop, and the Hicks family is a regular customer of Chennault.

"Chen, what's the matter?" Hicks smiled. Hicks still likes Chennault as a neighbor.

One thing to say, Hicks actually liked Chennault's service.

However, in Brazil, as an American, Hicks is also a minority. In addition, every time the Hicks family went to Chennault's shop to order clothes, Chennault would try his best to provide the Hicks family with perfect service, and the service was excellent. The price is not too expensive, so this neighbor Hicks is also acceptable.

To be honest, Chinese neighbors who are kind to others will not hate them unless they are some unreasonable groups.

After all, the Chinese believe that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors.

"Mr. Hicks, my family and I are going to the embassy for a few days. Are you and your family going?" Chennault said with a sincere expression. getting nervous.

"Does the Qing Dynasty have an embassy in Macae?" Hicks' understanding of his neighbors was still decades ago.

This is normal. After all, this is an era of limited information. You can make a lot of money by relying on poor information. Brazil doesn't even have a mature radio network. Don't expect Hicks to know much about countries on the other side of the world.

"It's southern Africa, the southern African embassy—" Chennault's expression was proud. Although southern Africa was not a country founded by the Chinese, the Qing Dynasty also could not represent the Chinese.

"Oh, southern Africa, then I can't go, I'm not from southern Africa—" Hicks resentfully said that Americans' attitudes towards southern Africa are very complicated.

Before Southern Africa became independent, as part of the Commonwealth, the attitude of Americans toward Southern Africa was basically the same as that of Canada and Australia. In the eyes of most Americans, Southern Africa was a British colony. What people pursue is the British Empire, not the colonies of the British Empire.

After the independence of southern Africa, the Americans' attitude towards southern Africa has undergone subtle changes. At this time, many Americans realized that the strength of southern Africa is not inferior to that of the United States.

What I want to explain here is that the attitude of Americans towards Britain is also very complicated. After all, Britain was once the suzerain of the United States. Later, the strength of the United States surpassed that of the United Kingdom. Therefore, even though Americans are discriminated against in Europe, Americans still have something to be proud of.

This can be seen from the fact that the United States has always used the "Old Continent" to refer to Europe.

Now the strength of southern Africa has been comparable to that of the United States, which directly shattered the last pride in the hearts of Americans.

That's why Hicks is so determined. Even if staying in Macae is dangerous, Hicks is not willing to accept the asylum of the southern African embassy.

(End of this chapter)

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