Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1896 Men and women are the same

Chapter 1896 Men are the same as women

In the Southern African Office in Macae, there is only Li Qing, a female staff member.

Coincidentally, in the Rhodesia Hotel, Chen Jing was the only girl who was about the same age as Li Qing.

So in just two days, Li Qing and Chen Jing became good friends, and Chen Jing simply moved to Li Qing's room to live together.

"It's not good—" Chennault was a little apprehensive after knowing it, but he was very excited to see Chen Jing's expression.

"Sister Qing asked me to move there—" Chen Jing tried her best to explain, and didn't forget to add another sentence: "—I also want to live with Sister Qing."

Only kind-hearted people will have the latter sentence.

After all, living in Brazil for many years, Chennault is not immune to the influence.

After dinner, Chennault announced his decision and asked the children for their opinions.

Look, no matter how democratic they look, they are still Chinese at heart.

It's all decided, so why ask the children for their opinions?
"Great, I want to go to Southern Africa—" Chennault's youngest son was the first to raise his hand.

"Why?" Chennault had a pleasant face, and Chennault was always full of patience when dealing with children.

"You can serve as a soldier in Southern Africa!" The youngest son's words immediately made Chennault's face darken, a good man doesn't serve as a soldier——

"Being a soldier will prevent you from being bullied and protect your family!" Chennault's next words immediately comforted Chennault, and this reason was acceptable.

"There are many Chinese in southern Africa—" The second son said something more profound. In Brazil, the Chinese are a standard minority.

As for the bitterness of minorities, just look at Greenwood in the United States.

"I want to study in Nyasaland—" Chen Jing bravely expressed herself.

Chennault suddenly looked at him differently, he didn't even know where Nyasaland was.

But it sounds like a nice name.

Oh, by the way, there is a movie called "Nyasaland". There is also a movie theater in Macae, and Chennault took his children to see it.

This can explain why Chennault suddenly had a strong desire to immigrate to southern Africa.

Who wouldn't want to live in such a powerful country.

For the Chennault family in the past, such a country only existed in movies.

It's so within reach now.

"Can girls read too?" The second son loves to read, so much so that he wears glasses at a young age. It shouldn't be, the eyes should be well protected.

"Yes, Sister Qing is a graduate of the Nyasaland Army Academy." Chen Jing immediately let the three younger brothers "wow" at the same time.

Girls can read books.

And you can also study in a military academy. Every boy has a dream of galloping on the battlefield.

"While studying at the Army Academy, girls should take care of their husbands and children." Chennault's wife had an opinion. Didn't they say that good wars would make women go away?

"Girls from southern Africa can study in military academies, but they can only study some auxiliary majors, and subjects related to combat do not recruit female students." Chen Jing felt slightly regretful, while Chennault and his wife felt relieved.

It's fine if it's not about combat.

"If we immigrate to southern Africa, we may have to live a hard life, and we don't know if my craftsmanship will be useful in southern Africa." Chennault might as well change his name to Chen Anji.

"Don't worry, southern Africans also need to wear clothes. You are the best tailor in Macae. The mayor even asks you to make clothes." Chennault's wife has confidence in her husband.

"Dad, you will always be the hero in my heart!" The youngest son adored his father infinitely.

"I've grown up, so I can find a job to support my family." The eldest son is responsible. He and Chen Jing are actually helping out in Chennault's tailor shop, inheriting his father's business.

"I can work too." Chen Jing raised her white hand.

"I can also sew and mend—" Chennault's wife is not a simple housewife either. After being married to Chennault for so many years, she has been influenced by her ears and eyes, and her tailoring skills are not inferior to Chennault's.

Then it is such a happy decision, as long as the family works together, no matter when, no matter where they are, they will live happily.

not always.

No matter how hard an individual works, it depends on whether the general environment will give him a chance.

At least in Brazil, the efforts of the Chennault family cannot guarantee the happiness of the Chennault family.

Hicks felt the same way.

In fact, during the period when the Chennault family moved to the Rhodesia Hotel, the situation in Macae became more and more tense.

Yesterday afternoon, several government soldiers wandered across the street from Hicks' home.

Hicks was standing behind the window of the second-floor balcony, clutching his Winchester shotgun, growing nervous.

Although government soldiers did not try to break into Hicks' home.

However, Hicks could feel the anomaly in the malicious eyes of the government soldiers.

The few government soldiers looked at the American flag hanging in front of Hicks' house. Their eyes no longer had the fear of the past, but became more and more unscrupulous, and their behavior became more and more excessive.

Even when the few government soldiers left, a government soldier casually visited under the big tree opposite the Hicks house, which was an impossible behavior in the past.

When Thelma came back from grocery shopping in the morning, all she brought back to Hicks was bad news.

"There are fewer and fewer people in the market, and the price of meat and eggs has risen again. What used to cost a chicken can only buy a drumstick now—"

"Mr. Brandon and his wife moved to relatives in Rio last night. Mr. Thomas's farm was attacked by mobs. Poor Elizabeth and Victoria don't know how they are now-"

"There are more and more soldiers on the street, but the law and order is getting worse and worse. I don't know what those soldiers are doing—"

Hicks finally realized at this time that it would be very unwise to let Thelma go out again.

But there is always a meal every day, even if Hicks and Thelma don't eat, the children's nutrition must be guaranteed.

"I'll go out for a big purchase later, and we won't go out for the rest of the time." Hicks finally felt a little regretful now, and he didn't know how the Chennault family was doing now.

The Chennault family is very happy now. Their immigration application has been passed by the Southern African Office in Macae, and it is the fastest green channel. The office even applied for the "Nansen Passport" for the Chennault family. With the "Nansen Passport”, the Chennault family can enter southern Africa smoothly.

Just entry.

If you want to be naturalized, you have to abide by the southern African regulations to pass the waiting period.

"Don't worry, the waiting period for Chinese immigrants to southern Africa is the shortest. If you are a special talent, you don't even need the waiting period, you can directly join the southern African nationality." Li Qing took the initiative to comfort Chen Jing. Chen Jing, after Chennault's family arrives in southern Africa, you can call Li Qing's family, and Li Qing's family will give the Chennault family all the help they can.

"What kind of special talent?" Chen Jing was curious, and it sounded like a very powerful person.

"Forget about your family, uncle's craftsmanship is so good, he must be considered a special talent!" Li Qing has been bought by Chennault's family.

Girls, even if they graduated from the Nyasaland Army Academy, they have no resistance to beautiful clothes.

Chennault was a tailor by profession.

Chen Jing helped Chennault's tailor shop since she was a child, and her skills are actually very good. After getting acquainted with Li Qing, Chen Jing changed Li Qing's uniform.

Then a miracle happened.

There is only Li Qing, a female staff member in Macae.

Working with a group of old men all day long, Li Qing's dressing style was inevitably affected and became wild.

When working on weekdays, Li Qing has to wear work clothes.

Although work clothes are also customized, there is still a difference between unified customization and special customization, and the difference is still very large.

Chen Jing's altered work attire seemed to be the same as the previously issued work attire, but Li Qing wore it more fit and more shabby, and it cleverly covered up some defects of Li Qing's figure. A, but it seems to have the feeling of C.

This made Li Qing very satisfied. He looked up like a little swan when he went in and out these few days, and there were a lot more courteous mercenaries by his side.

Of course, Li Qing must be dismissive. He used to ignore his old lady, but now you can't afford her.

These are Li Qing's original words.

With Li Qing's jewels in front of him, Chennault's family got busy immediately, and the business room was immediately upgraded to a presidential suit. There was no way, too many people asked Chennault to make clothes, not only women love beauty, but men also have this aspect Needs okay.

In this kind of matter, men and women actually pay equal attention to and are equally picky.

Many straight men often dislike their girlfriends or wives who spend too much time shopping.

That's because they have different hobbies. Straight men don't like shopping, so they naturally decide that shopping is a waste of time.

But straight men never compromise on their hobbies, such as cars.

No matter how straight a straight man is, when buying a car, he would shop around with women and shop around at three or even [-] companies. He would still visit car forums in the middle of the night, test driving one by one, what about acceleration, fuel consumption, configuration, and safety? Ah, the interior, the preservation rate, the zero-to-full ratio, and even the business philosophy of the company must match one's own three views. Buying a car is more complicated than finding a wife.

Women are not so troublesome. Fuel consumption is superfluous at any speed, and it’s all about looking good. It’s as rare as a man who can paint his wife’s eyebrows if he can care about the interior.

It also maintains its value. Before you buy your car, you start to care about how much you can sell it for when you sell it.

So let’s talk about how rare a good tailor is. You need to know that the price of customizing a suit in southern Africa can buy almost ten mass-produced suits.

This is just the processing fee, not counting the fabric.

Chennault is responsive here, no processing fee or anything is required, everyone is greeted with a smile and thoughtful service, and the revisions are painstaking. Where can I find such considerate service? If you miss this village, there will be no such shop.

(End of this chapter)

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