Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1898 The United States is about to enter

Chapter 1898 The United States is about to enter
The streets were full of people. When Hicks went out to make a big purchase in the morning, the whole city was empty. Now that I think about it, people should have been hiding in their own homes, but now they are blocked at home, with no way to escape. escape.

There were panicked crowds and ferocious soldiers everywhere. Car lights flashed over the window sill of a house. A woman was leaning on the window sill to jump off, but she was dragged back by a thick palm. In the shadows, several soldiers were violently pushing a girl to the ground, and the house next to it was burning——

The whole city has been reduced to hell.

"What should we do? What should we do?" Selma's hands were still shaking. She just drove a car and hit at least three people into the air.

"Go to the Rhodesia Hotel. Only the Rhodesia Hotel is safe in Macae." Hicks was loading the shotgun, but his hands were trembling, and his two daughters were still in the back seat of the car. Screaming, Hicks turned distracted and yelled, "—shut up and be quiet, all of you."

The two children stopped talking instantly and looked at Hicks with a strange and shocked expression. Hicks had never lost his composure like this before.

"Stop, stop—" A soldier in the uniform of the Mississippi Army suddenly appeared in front of the car.

This time Thelma didn't even have to say a word from Hicks and just stomped on the gas pedal.

The soldier jumped out of the way before Selma could accelerate, gun in hand for an instant.

At this time, you can see the benefits of shotguns. Shotguns were called "trench sweepers" during the World Wars. Everyone is equal in front of the sprayers. Hicks doesn't need to aim precisely, and he shoots soldiers who are too late to react. down.

The front of the Rhodesia Hotel is still heavily guarded. The road in front of the hotel has been blocked. The mercenaries of the Umbrella Company built a barricade with sandbags. There are two armored vehicles on the left and the right. Unless the rebels drag the tanks over, they will definitely not be able to break in. Rhodesian Hotel.

Yes, the rebels.

Hicks is now certain that the soldiers in Mississippi uniforms are former government troops.

Although Hicks still doesn't know what happened, it is obvious that those people are not here to protect the Macae, whether they are wearing government army uniforms or wearing Mississippi uniforms.

The streets ahead were full of obstacles, and the car could no longer move forward. Hicks and Thelma opened the door and got out of the car. Each of them rushed towards the armored car with a child in their arms. Most of the city behind them had already started to burn.

"Stop, don't come over, or we will shoot—" the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company were very vigilant, and shouted to the Hicks family from a distance.

Only then did Hicks notice that he was still carrying his beloved Winchester.

Throwing away the shotgun in their hands, Hicks and Thelma continued to run.

Umbrella mercenaries did shoot, but only as warning shots.

Hicks and Thelma stopped, and Thelma was shaking with the baby in her arms.

"Please, help us—" Thelma screamed with a crying voice. At this time, Hicks and Thelma were chasing after someone, and then Hicks heard the sound of pulling the bolt.

"Get down, get down—" Hicks was smart, or else he wouldn't have made a lot of money from nothing.

This time, the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company did not shoot as a warning. The muzzle of the heavy machine gun could spray more than one meter long, which was extremely conspicuous in the dark night, and the trajectory of the tracer bullet was extremely clear in the dark.

Those who came after him disappeared immediately.

Hicks held the child in one hand, dragged Selma with the other, hunched over and sprinted, rolling and crawling to the barricade set up by the mercenaries.

"You can stay here temporarily, but you have to leave after dawn." The mercenaries are also very helpless. They serve the Southern African Federal Government, which has not participated in the war yet and cannot intervene in the war between Rio and Michigan. .

Even if it is not enough to rescue civilians, any behavior during the war will be magnified and interpreted, especially when the situation is still unclear. Even if the federal government of Southern Africa is not worried about Brazil, it must always consider the reaction of the Americans.

Rescuing civilians can also be interpreted as buying people's hearts. Doesn't this objectively expand the influence of southern Africa in Brazil?

The attitude of the Americans has always been very clear. If I don't save them, neither can you.

"Please don't do this, those people are crazy, we will be killed by them if we leave here—" Hicks begged bitterly, at this time the gunfire still did not subside, screams and wailing resounded over the city, Mixed with unscrupulous laughter.

"Sorry ma'am—" The mercenary didn't dare to make a decision without authorization.

"How can you be so ruthless?" Selma has encountered too many crimes tonight.

"You can also understand it in this way." The mercenary was still indifferent and ruthless——

Why are you passionate about you?
"Please, at least let the two children go in and hide for a while, I can pay, I will give you all the money--" Hicks took off his watch and ring.

Thelma next to her woke up like a dream. She had more valuable things on her body, including necklaces, rings, earrings, and two big golden bracelets.

Now Thelma can only be thankful that she hadn't removed her makeup when the chaos happened.

"Sorry—" The mercenary smiled mockingly. This amount of money was far from enough to pay for the two children's asylum.

"Please—" Hicks suddenly begged on his knees.

Hicks could have sworn he had only kneeled before God in church before this.

Now for the sake of two children, Hicks is willing to give up his self-esteem.

"Mr. Hicks?" At this moment, Hicks suddenly heard Chen Jing's voice.

Chen Jing is still with the girl from the daytime, both of them have changed their clothes now, Chen Jing is wearing an iron gray men's shirt, and the same overalls as the mercenaries, she is holding a water bottle, Looked at Hicks in shock.

"Quiet, it's great to see you, please help me, bring Sarah and Betty into the Rhodesia Hotel—" Hicks was as excited as seeing God himself.

"God, Selma, Sara, Betty, how did you do this?" Chen Jing looked shocked, and only now knew what war meant to civilians.

"Those government soldiers are crazy. They put on the uniforms of the Mississippi Army and kill everyone they see--set fire everywhere--" Selma couldn't stop crying. She, a housewife, has never encountered this.

"You said the government army wore the uniform of the Mizhou Army?" the girl who was with Chen Jing suddenly asked.

"Yes, I'm sure I know some of them." Hicks seized the opportunity keenly.

"Okay then, come with me—" Li Qing was also very sensitive. The government army wore the uniform of the Mizhou Army. There is a lot of information in this sentence.

Later facts proved that it was precisely because of this discovery by Hicks that the conspiracy of the Rio military government was confirmed.

The Rio military government tried to drag the United States into the water in this way, on the grounds that the government troops stationed in Macae suddenly rebelled to join the Michigan Army, and created the appalling "Macae Massacre."

On the night of the massacre, and in the following three days, at least 1500 people died in this massacre, most of them innocent civilians.

When word reached Rio, Jones and Hopman blamed each other for the massacre.

"If it weren't for the instigation of the Michigan Army, there would be no rebellion in Macae. At least 25 American citizens died in the Macae massacre. The Michigan Army should be responsible for this time and give Washington a decent explanation." Hopman made a qualitative statement as soon as he came up. If the United States is not satisfied with the account of the Michigan Army, then the United States has sufficient reasons to join the war.

"Come on, we all know what happened. This is just a farce written and performed by the Rio military government. You are purely self-inflicted. If you did not support the Rio military government to start the war, today's tragedy would not have happened. "Jones sneered, the Americans shouting and catching thieves is a must. In this regard, we can refer to the American flu.

The American flu is the Spanish flu in another time and space.

In this time and space, only the United States still insists on using the term "Spanish influenza". Under the initiative of southern Africa, most countries use the term "American influenza". The League of Nations considers the strong opposition of the United States and uses it in official documents The most popular is the "1918 Influenza".

This is very funny. The logic of the Americans is that since the flu was the first positively recognized by the Spanish government, it should be the Spanish flu. The origin of the flu is not important, even though the League of Nations has already determined that the flu first broke out in the United States Yes, but the United States firmly denies this.

"What is the truth is still unknown, but the death of 25 American citizens has been confirmed, so the responsibility lies with you, the Southern African Federation. If the Southern African Federation does not support Minas Gerais, there will be no tragedy today. "Hopman is a standard American, I don't listen to what you say, I just say what I think.

"So what does Washington want?" Jones sneered, giving up arguing with Hopman.

"Washington is considering sending troops to mediate the conflict between Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais." Hopman poker face, the United States is actively preparing to enter the war.

"Hehe, if Washington wants to join the war, the federal government of southern Africa may have to send troops to protect the interests of southern African companies in Brazil." Jones confronted, with your American army, who are you scaring?

Southern Africa is not scary.

However, the United States is not incapable of participating in the war. Although the U.S. Army was disbanded on the spot after the World War, the Marine Corps retained it and became the standing army of the United States.

So if the United States sends troops to Brazil, it will probably be the Marine Corps.

Coincidentally, if southern Africa sends troops to Brazil, the most likely troops to be sent are also marines.

(End of this chapter)

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