Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1901 Technical Problems

Chapter 1901 Technical Problems

It is not so easy to turn the rudder of a warship traveling at high speed. If there is a collision, the faster party will definitely have the advantage.

When the "Endeavour" accelerated towards it, Adrian, the captain of the USS "Bold" destroyer, was sweating profusely.

Regardless of the performance of the U.S. Army, the U.S. Navy is not even as good as the U.S. Army.

The US Navy's problem is primarily one of inexperience.

Although the United States has the most powerful navy in the world, most of the 50-ton battleships are cutting-edge warships that have just been built in recent years, and the paper data is extremely powerful.

In fact, the U.S. Navy has not participated in a battle for many years. The last time the U.S. Navy participated in a battle was during the Spanish-American War.

During the World War, when the United States joined the war, the German Navy was forced into the home port by the Royal Fleet and dared not come out. The U.S. Navy had no chance to accumulate experience at all.

On the contrary, the nascent southern African navy has participated in almost all naval battles during the World War since the Battle of the Dardanelles, and has accumulated rich experience.

After the World War, many retired European naval officers and soldiers immigrated to Southern Africa. Many of them joined the Southern African Navy and brought more experience to the Southern African Navy. Stronger than the US Navy.

This disparity in soft power, reflected in the confrontation at sea, has a completely different performance.

"Crazy, crazy, people in southern Africa are so crazy—" Adrian cursed when the two warships were about to collide.

Inside the bridge of the "Endeavour", McMillan laughed wildly. The collision did not actually happen. The "Endeavour" and the "Bold" passed by dangerously, and the officers and soldiers of the two ships could even hear each other's yelling. The galley of the "Endeavour" lost half a box of tomatoes and eggs. Just as the two ships passed each other, the sailors of the "Endeavour" used tomatoes and eggs to deal a heavy blow to the "Bold".

The consequences are still very serious. When the "Boldness" came back in a circle, the "Endeavour" had successfully broken into the defense circle of the US fleet. After arriving at the predetermined position, it fled at a high speed. Chance.

That night, Roosevelt Jr. urgently summoned Howard, the southern African ambassador to the United States, and asked Howard to give a reasonable explanation for the crazy behavior of the southern African navy.

"This is an accident, Mr. President. There were some problems with the rudder of the 'Endeavour'. At that time, the course could not be controlled. Now the 'Endeavour' has been towed into the dock for repairs—" Howard gave a somewhat perfunctory explanation.

Not bad though, rudder failure is a good excuse to at least partially restore the dignity of the U.S. Navy.

"This is not a mechanical failure, but a technical problem. The southern African navy must stop its dangerous behavior in the Brazilian waters. This dangerous behavior has brought the United States and southern Africa to the brink of war, and it may go off at any time. We must exercise restraint." Roosevelt was still very sensible, and there must be a limit to playing and playing.

"Yes, Your Excellency, we all understand that we must exercise restraint." Howard also did not want to see the Second World War break out, after all, there must be a bottom line.

"Since the intensification of the conflict between the military government in Brazil and the state of Minas Gerais, the relationship between the United States and southern Africa has been affected to some extent. What I hope Pretoria can understand is that the United States does not want to provoke conflicts with southern Africa. The war between Africa, but the United States is not afraid of war, if necessary, the United States government will use all means to protect the interests of the United States in Brazil." Roosevelt Jr. frankly, open the window to speak bluntly, everyone is very busy, don't circle.

"The federal government of Southern Africa is the same. In order to protect the interests of enterprises in southern Africa, the federal government of southern Africa will do whatever it takes." Howard is also tough. American steel companies need iron ore, so they can sit down and talk slowly, so that they can do it as soon as they come up Ming Qiang, is Southern Africa really easy to bully?
The actual negotiation is also underway, but it is not between the federal government of Southern Africa and the United States, but between the Federation of American Iron and Steel Enterprises, the Iron Four Corners and the Fawalt Steel Group.

The Federation of American Iron and Steel Enterprises is an alliance of the American steel industry. There are similar organizations in all walks of life in the United States. The Brazilian military government brazenly provoked the war against the state of Michigan, which is mainly supported by the Federation of American Iron and Steel Enterprises.

Washington's loans to the Brazilian military government are mainly provided by the American Federation of Iron and Steel Enterprises.

This is not the first contact between the Federation of American Iron and Steel Enterprises and the Fawalt Steel Group. It is about the price and market of steel products, and does not involve raw materials.

The core of this negotiation is iron ore.

The Federation of American Iron and Steel Enterprises has a big appetite. As soon as it comes up, it requires Iron Four Corners and Fawalt Steel Group to hand over at least 50.00% iron ore produced by Iron Four Corners to the American Iron and Steel Enterprises Federation for sale, and the price must also match Like the iron ore sold to Fawalt Steel Group, it cannot rise at will.

Leaving aside the previous point, with regard to the price of iron ore, Luo Lin, Minister of Legal Affairs of Iron Four Corners, said that there is no problem at all, as much as a ton sold to Fawalt Iron and Steel Group, it will be sold to the American Iron and Steel Corporation for as much as a ton.

This immediately aroused the vigilance of Morgan Jr., the chairman of the Federation of American Iron and Steel Enterprises. Iron Four Corners agreed so happily, there must be something tricky behind it.

Looking at the smile of Chen Qiang, the legal director of Walter Steel Group, Little Morgan suddenly felt like being teased by Iron Four Corners and Far Walter Steel Group.

Little Morgan almost forgot that the two companies, Nima, wear a pair of trousers. Through multiple cross-shareholdings, Rock and Henry each own shares in the other company, so Iron Square can completely reach a deal with Fawalt Steel Group. A tacit agreement on the price, anyway, if the meat is rotten, it will be in the pot, and the left hand will be handed over to the right hand, which will not affect the profits of the two companies.

However, this is not a good signal for U.S. steel companies. Fawalt Steel Group buys iron ore from Iron Four Corners at a higher price, and at the same time can buy iron ore from Australia at a lower price. Obtaining excess income from Iron Four Corners is the same as export tax rebates. It is completely cheating and using the cost difference to fully compete internationally.

This kind of thing used to be what the U.S. government was best at. The U.S. government used tariffs to protect American companies and compete with European companies that were fighting alone, so as to gradually develop and grow.

Now American companies have finally met their opponents. The federal government of Southern Africa is not inferior to the United States in this regard, and even goes too far in many cases. The main business of the Morgan family is finance, and Morgan Jr. knows the same about the federal government of Southern Africa. very profound.

"The price of iron ore should be maintained at the level of 1930. If you want to increase the price, you must get the consent of the American Iron and Steel Enterprises Federation." Little Morgan was depressed. As the head of the Morgan family, he personally participated in the negotiations, Iron Four Corners The Fawalt Steel Group only sent two legal ministers, and neither Henry nor Roque showed up. This is actually a disregard or even an insult to Morgan Jr. and the Federation of American Iron and Steel Enterprises.

But it’s impossible not to talk. People have to bow their heads under the eaves. Iron Four Corners and Fawalt Steel Group jointly control the high-quality iron ore in Australia and Brazil. The American Iron and Steel Association is now even using the last extreme method of war Now, if the monopoly of southern African companies cannot be broken, then sooner or later, American steel companies will be consumed by southern African steel companies.

"Mr. Morgan, the price of iron ore cannot remain unchanged. The conflict between the Brazilian military government and the state of Mizhou has already led to a sharp increase in the price of iron ore. This is not something that any of us can decide." Rollin was not in a hurry. If you think it’s too expensive, you don’t have to buy it, and no one is forcing you.

As for the power of the Morgan family——

In the United States, the Morgan family does have a huge influence.

But in southern Africa, who knows you little Morgan? The political form of the United States, where big companies and big families kidnap the country, is a joke to southern Africans.

Isn't it very dangerous that the most powerful country in the world will be controlled by commercial enterprises or families?
But in the United States, it is a matter of course. The rich in the United States can override the country and the law. In essence, they are similar to the chief tribes in Africa. This is still a civilized society——

Rowling was right. After the conflict between Rio and Michigan intensified, Iron Four Corner’s ore could no longer be shipped out of Brazil through Victoria. The price of iron ore suddenly rose, and it has soared by 80.00% compared with a year ago.

This seems normal to Rock. How did the Australians use iron ore to squeeze steel companies in another time and space? Now the southern Africans are doing the same. If the US steel companies do not accept it, they can continue to use the low-grade iron ore in the United States Stone.

It's a pity that it's easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Once you get used to the benefits brought by high-grade ore, you will never go back to the previous "hard and simple" style.

To put it bluntly, in the past, American steel companies made money lying down, but now they are just standing up instead of lying down, not to the point of kneeling.

"If we can reach an agreement, the war can be stopped at any time." The smile on the corner of Morgan's mouth was extremely cold. The conflict between Rio and Michigan was just an insignificant game to Morgan.

"Mr. Morgan, the issue we are discussing has nothing to do with the ongoing war." Chen Qiang was serious. In this regard, the southern Africans really can't be as cruel and ruthless as the Americans.

(End of this chapter)

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