Chapter 1904 Rounding Up
Except for the ferocious war hyenas who occasionally go offline, the Michigan Army is still very friendly to Tom.

It should be said that Tom's American identity is also valid even for Mizhou people.

No way, the United States has too much influence on Brazil. As mentioned above, even if Vargas came to power, he must obey the will of the Americans to maintain his rule.

Of course, now that Vargas has the thicker thighs of southern Africa, his dependence on the Americans after he came to power will definitely not be as strong as the military trio, but the Michigan Army still gave Tom the treatment that matched his status.

Tom also has a big heart, or Yankees have a big heart. After changing into clean clothes, Tom immediately forgot the humiliating scene in the tent and started to get in touch with this strange and curious military camp.

It can be seen that the Mizhou Army and the government army are two completely different troops.

Although they are all composed of Brazilians, the Michigan Army is obviously more well-trained and has a higher degree of professionalism. Tom often sees the vehicle drivers of the Michigan Army washing the vehicles carefully after performing tasks. not common.

The drivers of the government army, unless they are required by their superiors, will never take the initiative to brush their cars. Even Fragozzo's cars are often dirty——

Fragozzo is now the nominal president of Brazil.

Except for the sentinels on duty, the Mizhou Army undergoes rigorous training every day.

Starting in the morning, it is a five-kilometer fully armed, rest for half an hour after breakfast, and then a three-hour training task, including but not limited to fighting, shooting, overcoming obstacles, physical fitness, etc. In the afternoon, if there is no Combat missions, then there is still endless training until before going to bed at night.

"People are not machines, so they shouldn't accept such abuse." Tom often sat on the edge of the training field and sighed. to this extent.

After realizing this, Tom suddenly worried about the blindly optimistic government forces.

This Nima might not be able to beat it.

Joseph from Swaziland glanced at Tom and said nothing. Joseph was the sergeant who could not understand American English. He and Henry from Madagascar were responsible for monitoring Tom. As long as Tom did not leave the camp, Joseph and Henry would not interfere.

Of course, if Tom tries to enter some sensitive areas, it will definitely not work.

"Joe, why are you torturing these poor guys? Wouldn't it be nice to let them die? Look at that guy, I think he's going to throw up—" Tom's most shameful side has been seen by Joseph and Henry , Now let yourself go completely.

It's actually quite a shame now.

Don't expect the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company to find out in good conscience that these black-hearted war hyenas never forget to make fun of Tom, so the clean clothes Joseph found for Tom turned out to be a short skirt.


It is said that short skirts can be found in the barracks, and I don't know how much time Joseph spent.

But it's not the kind of women's kilt, but the kind of plaid kilt that is very Scottish Highland style, which makes Tom feel more or less acceptable.

It is said that southern Africa was once a British colony, and the Umbrella Company is a southern African enterprise, so it is normal for the Umbrella Company to have kilts in its camp.

Thinking of this, Tom immediately walked the birds in the camp with peace of mind.

The wicked mercenaries only gave skirts, not even a pair of underwear, on the grounds that they would not give Tom a chance to escape.

Think of a camp with thousands of people, even the female soldiers are wearing short-sleeved trousers, and Tom is the only one wearing a skirt, which is not too eye-catching.

"I think he can still run a circle—" Joseph ignored Tom, holding his chin and watching the fully armed soldiers run around.

This guy didn't know what mistake he made, he had already run around the playground several times, and the sergeant major with a serious face showed no signs of stopping.

Now this guy is out of breath, his eyes are turning white, and he is staggering, looking like he will fall to the ground any second.

"I think he can run two laps—" Henry disagreed, the Brazilians are very good at acting, and all of them are actor-level.

"What two laps, one and a half laps at most." Tom tried to join in.

Both Joseph and Henry looked at Tom like a fool.

Tom tried his best to smile and please. Tom now understood that his happiness index was in the hands of Joseph and Henry.

This morning, Tom took a while to get up, and he missed the meal time when Joseph and Henry brought him to the restaurant. Although Tom begged, the cook still gave the unfinished cans to the dog rather than to Tom. , which made Tom very sad.

Of course, from another perspective, Tom was also surprised by the adequacy of the MI Army's logistics.

American companies imitated the canned luncheon meat in southern Africa and developed a fast food that is also specially used by the army.

The result is sad. American cooking is definitely a disaster level. The luncheon meat produced in southern Africa tastes passable. If you eat too much, it will be greasy. It is by no means a disadvantage in the 20s. People in this era are very fat-poor and dry. Baba's steak and pork belly are available for people to choose at the same time, and most people will choose pork belly.

Therefore, the canned food produced in southern Africa is a good choice even for Tom, a pilot.

But the cook whom Tom hated all his life—

The second hate, the number one is Joseph.

While speaking, the out of breath soldier collapsed after holding on for a circle and a half.

Tom immediately raised his arms and cheered.

Henry was also cheering, looking in a good mood.

Joseph's face was full of displeasure, he was just chatting, so it wouldn't be -

Then Tom was surprised to see that Joseph took out a gold coin worth one rand from his pocket and threw it to Henry.

Henry smiled all over his face, and after catching it, he shook it with his teeth, and then put it away triumphantly.

Tom looked straight.

In the whole world, it is estimated that only southern Africa is still using gold to issue currency——

Not true either, Southern Africa is also off the gold standard, so this should have been handed out before.

But it looks like Tom won the bet.

So Tom actively fought for his rights.

"Shut up, you are not qualified to participate at all." Joseph was furious.

"That is, can you take out a gold coin as the capital?" Henry laughed, and anyone who won the money was happy.

"But none of you won. That guy only ran one and a half laps, and I was the final winner." Tom insisted that the math must have been taught by the physical education teacher for the two black-hearted guys.

"Yes, you didn't win either!" Joseph seemed to suddenly realize.

"Shut up, don't talk nonsense, it's called rounding—" Once the money is in Henry's pocket, it is naturally impossible to take it out again no matter what.

It's a good rounding, the little math knowledge I learned when I was in school is used in this aspect.

"Joseph, bring Tom back." Augusto's guards came to find Tom, which was a routine interrogation time every day.

It's not torture, it's just asking Tom some confusing questions that don't seem to have any logical relationship. There are all kinds of questions. For example, the last question is how many dogs does Tom have at home, and the next question will jump to how many fighter jets the government army has. Tom knows what to say and doesn't give the war hyenas a chance to deal with him.

"I just don't understand, what's the use of such an interrogation?" This is the most painful time for Tom every day, and many questions are repeated. Tom has a faint feeling that this should be the way for Umbrella Company to test whether Tom is lying.

"Let's go, let's go, tell the truth—" Joseph didn't blame Tom for losing the money. Money is very important to mercenaries, but it's not everything.

Just when Tom began to try to integrate into the life of the Michigan Army, Tom's capture has caused an uproar. The state government of Michigan publicly accused the United States of interfering in Brazil's internal affairs in the "Times", saying that it was a bad start. At the same time, the state government of Michigan appealed that the Americas are not the Americas of Americans, but the Americas of all Americans.

This hits the sore spot of the United States. The Americas are not Americans. This directly overthrows the legitimacy of the "Monroe Doctrine."

However, the U.S. government did not deny that Tom was captured. Before the new year, the U.S. accelerated its troop increase to Rio, and sent about a brigade of Marines to Brazil, with a total strength of about 6000, on the grounds of protecting American nationals.

Southern Africa faced tit-for-tat, and also sent about 8000 Southern African Union troops to Brazil on the grounds of protecting the interests of southern African companies in Brazil.

Six thousand against eight thousand, whether it is the federal government of southern Africa or the US government, they all think that they have a chance of winning.

The open intervention of the United States government and the federal government of Southern Africa further escalated the civil war in Brazil, which caused strong unease in the international community.

Although the British Empire still exists, there is no doubt that southern Africa and the United States are currently the two most powerful countries in the world.

The outbreak of conflict between these two countries is really likely to directly lead to the outbreak of World War II.

Therefore, on the night of Christmas Eve, at the New Year banquet held in the Palace of Justice, envoys from various countries in southern Africa took turns lobbying the federal government of southern Africa and the US ambassador to South Africa, hoping to mediate the conflict between southern Africa and the United States.

"Conflict? There is no conflict at all. The U.S. Marine Corps went to Brazil to protect American nationals and will not intervene in the Brazilian civil war." Stimson denied it. .

On the other hand, Jan Smoltz was also dealing with Pierre Saro, the French ambassador to southern Africa.

"The Federal Government of Southern Africa has no intention of participating in the war, but American pilots have already appeared on the battlefield in Brazil and were captured by the Michigan Army, so the responsibility lies with the Americans—" If the occasion was not suitable, Yang Smozi really thought Looking up to the sky and laughing.

Just like that, I want to turn America into America for Americans——


(End of this chapter)

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