Chapter 1914 Chaoyang
Victoria Harbour, Fernando Avenue, three months ago, it was the most prosperous and wealthy area in Victoria, but now it has been reduced to a battlefield, full of devastation.

Days of brutal tug-of-war completely destroyed the entire block, not even a complete house, all the doors and windows have been destroyed, only the lonely wall is still standing, the place where the battle was most intense has changed hands several times, the pure white marble The walls were blackened by the fire, and the ground was covered with dried dark red blood. There were still a few scattered corpses in the center of the street that had not been cleaned up in time. A vulture that ate rotting corpses flew down and circled around the corpses for a few times. Not daring to fall, he spread his wings and flew away with a strange cry.

Sun Meng led his company and hid in this ruined wall.

After days of bloody battles, the company led by Sun Meng had only 35 people left, and all three lieutenants under him died in battle. Sergeant William was injured in yesterday's battle, and was smuggled across the Santa Maria River overnight to Kitchener on the other side of the river for treatment. With Rex, his "little monster" had run out of fuel and shells a week ago, Martha and Ben had died in the battle, and Rex himself had been wounded, but refused to withdraw. To Kitchener, insisted on fighting in Victoria.

"How do you feel now?" Sun Meng was concerned about Rex's injuries. This stubborn guy was wounded in three places in the previous battle, but he was still brave enough to die.

Up to now, Rex has killed nearly twenty enemies, which was confirmed by Sun Meng himself.

"Small problem, I can't die—" Rex's expression was indifferent, and his eyes were gloomy like a pool of stagnant water. He was cutting his beard with a knife, and he accidentally cut the skin without blinking. .

Even when the battle was the most difficult, Rex paid great attention to his appearance. He often said that even if he died in battle, he should die cleanly, that is the best destination for a soldier.

Yes, it is a soldier. Although Rex has been retired for a long time, he has always demanded himself according to the standards of a soldier, and he has indeed achieved it. Mercenaries do not have such a strong will as Rex.

"What you have done is already worthy of the salary paid by the state government of Mizhou. Listen to me and withdraw to Kitchener as soon as possible. Don't forget that your family is still waiting for you—" Sun Meng still couldn't help persuading, otherwise Rex would die here sooner or later.

"I want to help Martha and Ben earn more, at least that way I can feel better when I go to see Martha and Ben's family." Rex's voice was calm, and this was the only thing he could do to make up for Martha and Ben. Ben's way.

In fact, when the "little monster" ran out of fuel the other day, Rex seemed to be withdrawing from Kitchener.

How can a tanker fight without a tank?

Martha and Ben disagree, they still want to continue to make money, probably in their view, the money earned is just like picking up money for nothing.

In the previous battle, the government army, which lacked heavy weapons, was basically powerless against tanks. In just half a month, Martha and Ben each earned nearly [-] rand.

Ordinarily, two thousand rand is a lot, but people's desires are infinite. When the war did not break out, I only wanted to earn one thousand rand to build a house for my family, but when I earned one thousand rand, Ben's goal It has quietly increased to two thousand.

The same is true for Martha. When mercenaries have no combat missions, they only have a basic salary, but they don't actually have much money.

In Brazil, Martha and Ben received the basic salary, overseas allowance and combat allowance of the umbrella company, and also received the bonus from the state capital of Mizhou. Every time a government soldier was killed, the state capital of Mizhou clearly marked the price. Money is not the same as picking up for nothing.

As a result, three days ago, the government army's attack suddenly became fierce. Martha and Ben died in battle, and finally paid the price for their greed.

"Do you think there is something wrong with this wave of government troops?" Sun Meng didn't feel right. He still remembered that when the war just broke out, the performance of the government troops was all sorts of lameness, even worse than that of the militia.

As a result, a week ago, the performance of the government army was completely different. The Mizhou Army was caught off guard and suffered heavy losses. Both Martha and Ben died in the attack of the government army.

"I don't know, I just know that no matter who the enemy in front of us is, my mission is to send them to see God." Rex's hand paused, his eyes were also thoughtful.

"To see God? It's a good idea, send them to see the King of Hades—" Sun Meng corrected, the collision between Eastern and Western cultures caught people off guard.

Rex nodded and remained silent. There are also characters similar to Hades in Western mythology. Hades, the king of Hades in Greek mythology, and Satan in the Bible have similar status to Hades.

"Do you think it is possible that our opponent has been replaced by the Americans—" Sun Meng was not sure, but it would be normal for the Americans to participate in the war. It is impossible to occupy Victoria by relying on the government forces.

Rex finally shaved his beard clean, and after wiping it off with a wet towel, his expression remained calm.


It's no wonder that Sun Meng and Rex suspected that the reason why the government army's combat effectiveness is not strong has a lot to do with the government army's lack of experience.

Although recruits will become veterans at the fastest speed after participating in a few battles, the casualties of each attack by the government army are huge, and the recruits lack the opportunity to become veterans, so there is no reason for the government army to turn upside down overnight The change.

The only explanation then is that the Americans are already at war.

Otherwise, the Mizhou Army would not have suffered such a big loss.

Thinking about it this way, Sun Meng and Rex felt a complicated feeling in their hearts at the same time, just like Tom was instantly relieved when he found out that the pilot driving the "Strong Wind" was from southern Africa.

That makes sense.

But unlike Tom who accepted it calmly, after thinking about this point, both Sun Meng and Rex clenched their guns tightly at the same time.

Well, so what about the Americans, Grandpa Southern Africa is here!

Although they are in a battlefield, the logistics support of the Mississippi Army is not bad. Sun Meng and Rex’s breakfast is all canned food. There are many kinds of canned food in southern Africa. There are meat and vegetables, and canned fruits are also available. Although they are relatively rare, Sun Meng and Rex are definitely entitled to enjoy it as officers.

Sun Meng's favorite is braised pork. Although the fat in the canned braised pork has been processed, the fat is not missing at all. A box of canned food can provide enough calories for the whole morning's battle.

With a box of half a catty canned braised pork, a bottle of green beans from Rhodesia, and a can of yellow peaches shared with Rex, Sun Meng felt so full of strength that he could swim all the way from Victoria to southern Africa.

Well, this is definitely an illusion.

Before the cans that had just been eaten had time to pack away, there was the sound of shells screaming in the air. Sun Meng and Rex scrambled and rushed to the base of the wall next to them with their guns in their arms. This was a wall made of marble with a thickness close to One meter, forming a stable triangular structure with the corner next to it, which can provide maximum protection for Sun Meng and Rex.

If you can be killed in this way, you can only blame your bad luck.

Being able to survive until now, Sun Meng and Rex are still lucky. Rex leaned against the wall and began to check his general-purpose machine gun. arms.

Sun Meng still used Lee Enfield, which was most used by mercenaries. On the battlefield, a weapon at hand was far more important than a more powerful weapon.


A shell exploded not far from Sun Meng and Rex. Sun Meng and Rex covered their ears and closed their mouths at the same time.

If you don't want to cover your ears, you can also open your mouth, so that the air pressure inside and outside the body is balanced, and you can still resist the impact of the impact.

But it's not a good idea to open your mouth. The dust and choking gunpowder smoke will come at the same time as the blast, so it's better to cover your ears.

The sound of violent explosions was endless, and Sun Meng and Rex felt as if they were sitting on a big drum. A stone fell and just hit Rex's helmet, causing Rex to feel dizzy.

Fortunately, if the stone was bigger, Rex might be killed directly.

Even if the steel helmet can withstand it, the fragile cervical spine cannot withstand it.

After a long time, the shelling finally went away and extended deep into the city.

Sun Meng and Rex didn't have time to catch their breath, and quickly entered the position with their guns on their waists. At this time, the enemy in the uniform of the government army was less than 50 meters away from the position where Sun Meng and Rex were.

Now that the battle has been fought, the infantry and artillery coordination of the government army has reached a certain level. At least there will be no oolongs such as landing troops being accidentally hit by shells fired by the government army.

At such a short distance, Lee Enfield is definitely not as effective as grenades, so Sun Meng just took off two grenades and pulled the tabs off as soon as he entered the combat position. Throw it over.

The grenade exploded in the air, and the screams and wailing were heard endlessly. Rex, who had already set up the general-purpose machine gun, listened to the messy voices of "Fack" and "Buy lousy", and lightly pulled the trigger.

Whether it is "Faque" or "buy cake", it can explain the problem very well. The common language of Brazil is Portuguese, not English.

So the enemy on the opposite side is definitely not Brazilian.


Rex's proficiency in general-purpose machine guns is no less than Ben's. The rapid bursts of fire beat the attacking enemies to the ground. It's a pity that except for the two enemies that were knocked down at the beginning of the fire, the rest of the enemies are very smart. Hide without showing your head.

Sun Meng didn't even touch Lee Enfield, he threw two grenades out and took out two more, and threw them according to the position he remembered, and immediately there was another howl.

At this time, the whole of Victoria was already in fierce fighting, and brutal hand-to-hand combat even broke out in some neighborhoods.

The morning sun has just risen, and the sky is full of red clouds.

The whole city was shrouded in red morning mist.

Bright as blood.

(End of this chapter)

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