Chapter 192 Luxury

In early February, Alfred Milner, Commissioner of South Africa and Governor of the Transvaal and Orange, went to London for a briefing. Henry, as the hero who killed Joubert, went to London with Alfred Milner.

Rock did not go to London with Alfred Milner. An investigation team from London is about to arrive in Johannesburg and needs security services from the Johannesburg Police Department. Rock, the police chief, really cannot leave.

The purpose of this investigation team is to investigate whether Cecil Rhodes had dereliction of duty during his tenure as Cape Prime Minister and whether he was responsible for the outbreak of the Second Boer War.

Sure enough, the war was not over yet, and the British government had already started looking for a scapegoat.

The day before the investigation team arrived in Johannesburg, Cecil Rhodes Jr., Cecil Rhodes' son, and Frank Rhodes, Cecil Rhodes' older brother, visited Rock at the Johannesburg Police Station.

Before, both Cecil Rhodes Jr. and Frank Rhodes lived in Rhodesia. Rhodesia is now nominally part of the Cape, but it is not managed by the Cape Colonial Government, but by the British South Africa directly managed by the company.

The British South Africa Company was founded in 1889 by Cecil Rhodes.

In Cape, the South African company is an undisputed giant. In the year when the company was established, it was granted a charter by Queen Victoria.

In the charter, Queen Victoria confirmed in official form that the South African Company has the right to make treaties, organize local governments, and form armies in the vast areas north of the British Bena, west and north of the Transvaal Republic, and west of Portuguese East Africa. Privileges with the police, doing business, establishing banks and joint-stock companies, building roads, mining land, forests and mineral deposits.

In other words, Rhodesia under the control of the South African Company is the private kingdom of Cecil Rhodes.

Rhodesia during this period included future Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, and parts of Botswana.

Even excluding this part of Botswana, Rhodesia covers an area of ​​more than 126 million square kilometers, which is larger than the total area of ​​the four Cape colonies combined.

As the first heir of the Rhodes family, Cecil Rhodes Jr. is the real Chosen Son.

Reincarnation is really a technical job!

"Hello, Mr. Cecil Rhodes——Hello, Mr. Frank Rhodes—nice to meet you—" Facing two members of the Rhodes family, one of them was Rhodes As the number one heir of the Si family, Rock did not dare to neglect.

Just kidding, this lineup, even if it is going to London, is worthy of the Prime Minister's reception.

The three sat down on the sofa, and Cecil Rhodes Jr. expressed just the right surprise to Rock: "——It's unbelievable, Director Locke, the reason why I am respected is because my father is Cecil. Syl Rhodes and you, you came to Cape Town a year ago and you've been in a high position in just one year - if you get the chance you should talk to my dad, he was To come to the Cape penniless, to start a South African company, to be Prime Minister of the Cape—you are one of a kind.”

Comparing Rock to Cecil Rhodes?

Rock really dare not: "Please don't compare me with Mr. Cecil Rhodes. I have full respect for Mr. Cecil Rhodes. Without him, Cape Town would not be where it is today. We should all be grateful to him .”

From the standpoint of the United Kingdom, Cecil Rhodes should indeed be grateful.

Regardless of how history judges, Cecil Rhodes is definitely qualified as a fanatical colonialist.

Cecil Rhodes's first business in Kimberley was selling ice cream, and then he got involved in the mining industry, monopolizing Kimberley's diamonds.

After serving as Prime Minister of Cape, he personally planned to annex Rhodesia.

And because of his greed for Rand gold mines, he single-handedly provoked the Second Boer War.

Therefore, Rock really dare not compare with Cecil Rhodes.

"Not everyone is grateful, Director Locke, you should already know that an investigation team will arrive in Johannesburg tomorrow." Frank Rhodes took over the topic.

Contrary to Rock's imagination, Frank Rhodes, as the elder brother of Cecil Rhodes, is only about 50 years old this year. It is meticulous and neat. From all aspects, Frank Rhodes is a very self-disciplined person.

"Yes, I know." Rock replied honestly. It is no secret that the investigation team will soon arrive in Johannesburg. As far as the South African company's influence in Cape Town is concerned, the South African company may have received relevant news before the investigation team left London.

"Look, those damned politicians are shameless vampires, this is how they treat an imperial hero, what Cecil deserves is glory and flowers, not trials and investigations—" Frank Rhodes was emotional, He started yelling in front of Rock.

"I'm sorry Director Locke, Uncle Frank and my father have a very good relationship, so—" Cecil Rhodes Jr. was quite rational.

"It's okay, Mr. Cecil Rhodes, I can understand—" Rock smiled, regardless of whether Frank's anger was real or not, Rock would play on the spot.

"Call me Cecil, Director Locke." Cecil Rhodes Jr. had a sincere expression.

"Okay, Cecil." Rock said kindly.

Cecil Rhodes Jr. and Frank Rhodes smiled at each other, both seemed satisfied with Rock's performance.

"Lock, you know, my father served as the governor of Cape. Although my father has a clear conscience, since he is in a high position, he has to withstand the rain and wind. Even my father cannot satisfy everyone, so Rock—” Cecil Rhodes Jr. gave Rock plenty of space.

"I understand, Cecil." Rock nodded with a smile. Even if Cecil Rhodes Jr. didn't say anything, Rock knew the reason for Cecil Rhodes Jr.'s visit.

"Very good, Director Locke, you have the friendship of the Rhodes family." Frank Rhodes said carelessly.

If it were a different person, he might be flattered, but Roque felt a little bad.

Don't look at the current Rhodes family, which is full of flowers, but it is actually cooking with fire.

If there is no accident, Cecil Rhodes will die of illness next year, and then the South African company will go from bad to worse.

In 1904, the British government would take back the jurisdiction of Nyasaland (Malawi).

Then in 1923 and 1924, the British would take back the jurisdiction of Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and Northern Rhodesia (Zambia).

At this point, the South African company ceased to exist.

Even the invincible De Beers Consolidated Mining Company will be defeated by the Anglo-American company founded by Sir Ernest Oppenheimer in a dozen years, and will give up its supremacy in South Africa's mining industry.

Looking at it this way, Cecil Rhodes Jr. was right, his father was indeed very powerful.

But that does not mean that everyone in the Rhodes family is very powerful. When Cecil Rhodes was alive, the status of the Rhodes family in South Africa was indeed unshakable, but Cecil Rhodes After death—

Hehe, Rock doesn't like the feeling of being handed over.

To Rock's slight regret, Cecil Rhodes Jr. did not think Frank Rhodes' words were too exaggerated. After Frank Rhodes finished speaking, Cecil Rhodes Jr. also smiled Looking at Rock, waiting for Rock's response.

It's also normal, if Cecil Rhodes Jr. has his father's majestic strategy, then the Rhodes family will not decline.

Of course, for the current Roque, Roque can't ignore the friendship of the Rhodes family, so Roque's reaction is very timely: "Thank you, Mr. Frank, I think everyone in Johannesburg really hopes to serve Sisi Mister El Rhodes do something."

It was clear that Cecil Rhodes Jr. was pleased with Rock's response.

So the next day, Cecil Rhodes Jr. went hunting with Rock.

This is a normal high society activity.

To Rock's surprise, Cecil Rhodes Jr. did not go to a nearby hunting ground with Rock, but led Rock to a farm on the outskirts of Johannesburg.

There is only one house on the farm, and the appearance of the house is unremarkable except that the land area is a bit large.

When he came to the house, Roque realized that there was something else going on.

The structure of the house is not wood, but stone. From a distance, because of the reflection of the trees, the house does not seem to be tall. When you get closer, you find that the height of the whole house is more than 15 meters. The height of the ceiling is as high as seven or eight meters. The decoration in the room is extremely luxurious. Gold ornaments and precious stones can be seen everywhere. The silver ornaments that are common in middle-class families are not seen here at all. Any ordinary lampshade is made of crystal. According to the technological level of this era, it should not be artificial.

When he entered the door, Rock was startled by a majestic tiger.

"Are you okay, Paul, say hello to our Mr. Locke, you haven't seen a stranger for a long time—" Little Cecil Rhodes rubbed the tiger's head very affectionately, turned back He smiled and explained to Rock: "This is my father's pet. It's called Paul. Do you know why it's called this name?"

Rock shook his head, if he knew this, he would be a ghost.

"Because of Paul Kruger." Cecil Rhodes said the answer lightly.

Rock suddenly realized that Paul Kruger was the former president of the Transvaal Republic and an old opponent of Cecil Rhodes, so——

Hate a person and name your pet after the enemy?

This brain circuit is a bit weird, a bit like a cantilevered head piercing the thigh.

"Come in, Locke, it's been three or four years, and you're the first guest here." Cecil Rhodes Jr. said lightly.

Rock could understand this level of overtures, and followed Cecil Rhodes Jr. through the door.

There were servants who tiptoed over to take Paul away. It was really extravagant to keep such a big tiger just for the guests to take a look at it.

 This chapter was originally for Brother Pai Daxing’s Jiageng, but he didn’t expect him to—what a good guy—



(End of this chapter)

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