Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1923 Another Stitching Monster

Chapter 1923 Another Stitching Monster

The chaos didn't last too long. As the capital of Brazil, Rio was stationed with heavy troops, and soon the military and police arrived to bring the situation under control.

However, in less than 10 minutes of chaos, four people were killed and more than [-] people were injured.

Starting at night, Rio began to implement a curfew and entered a state of military control. All roads and ports entering and leaving Rio were closed.

When Rio is turbulent, Pretoria is peaceful.

The economic crisis is over, the economies of various countries are gradually recovering, and the prosperity of Pretoria has also risen to a higher level.

When Rock first moved the Palace of Justice, the Palace of Justice was located in the suburbs of Pretoria.

Now centered on Justice Square, a new high-end residential area has been formed.

On both sides of the Justice Square are the Palace of Justice and the Governor's Palace. In order to solve the housing problems of the staff of the Palace of Justice and the Governor's Palace, the Secret Service specially built a large apartment building next to the Palace of Justice.

After solving the housing problem, it is natural to solve the education problems of the children of the staff and the medical problems of everyone.

So the Secret Service continued to build middle schools and elementary schools non-stop, completely solving the worries of the staff.

At this time, there is no need for the guidance of the Pretoria city government. The businessman's sense of smell is always the keenest. Soon there will be a bustling commercial street next to the Justice Square. Businessmen flock to the cinema, library, and children's playground. , Cafes, bars, and restaurants opened one after another. When Rock stood on the balcony on the top floor of the Palace of Justice one night and looked into the distance, his sight was full of colorful neon lights, extending to the end of his sight.

"Iron Four Corners sent a telegram, and the fourth round of negotiations has officially started. This round of negotiations has officials from the U.S. Department of Commerce and Defense. The Americans are starting to worry—" Henry is in charge of the negotiations with the Americans. His attitude is tougher than Roque's attitude towards Americans.

Although the United States is not yet the world's hegemon, when Rock faces the United States, he will still be subconsciously influenced by the United States in another time and space.

After all, the strength of the United States in another time and space left a deep impression on Rock.

When Rock crossed, the new crown hadn't even started yet. People at that time never thought that the new crown would become the demon mirror of a "civilized society".

For Henry, the United States is an upstart far away in the Americas. Its industrial strength is not bad, but it does not have any advantages compared to southern Africa. Therefore, Henry's attitude towards Americans is far tougher than Rock's. psychological advantage.

Who made Henry an Englishman born in England?

Stoudemire can't compare to this.

Stoudemire is an Englishman born in southern Africa.

Now of course they are all Southern Africans.

"The United States suffered heavy losses in Victoria and Rio de Janeiro. We sent a telegram to David to deal a bigger blow to the Americans and fully cooperate with the Iron Four Corners negotiations." Rock's attitude towards the United States is also being adjusted. Southern Africa is now fully capable in the world If you want to compete with the United States around the world, then you are welcome.

Its international status is all determined. If Britain hadn't killed the Spanish Armada that year, there would be no empire on which the sun never sets.

If the United States in another time and space had not picked peaches during the two world wars, it would not have become the world police later.

Now southern Africa has cut the biggest cake of the First World War. Since the end of the First World War, it has begun to plan for the Second World War.

"Don't we have an aircraft carrier in Victoria, order the aircraft carrier to participate in the war-" Stoudemire is also very American in another time and space, asking "where is our aircraft carrier?" at every turn.

"The aircraft carrier should not participate in the war. We must control the scale of the war." Henry only wanted to force the United States to make concessions, and he didn't really want to fight an all-out war with the Americans.

The reason has already been said before, there is no need to tell the difference between the winner and the loser of the war.

"A proxy war, anyway, ordinary Americans are the ones who die." Rock knows the so-called elite politicians in the United States too well. Regardless of Americans shouting "natural human rights" every day, the one who ignores Americans the most is the US government.

This is really not to blackmail the US government. Looking at how many people died in the United States in a day after the outbreak of the new crown, we have not seen that the US government has really come up with effective policies.

On the contrary, for Americans outside the United States, every little thing will be regarded as a top priority by the local government.

You thought it was Han Bang?

No, it's Japan.

"Should we give the Americans a little bit of sweetness, such as exchanging shares." Henry digs pits for the Americans calmly.

"How to replace?" Stoudemire was interested.

In the past few years, Roque, Stoudemire, and Henry have formed a closer alliance of interests through equity replacement. Now southern Africa has formed a large group with the Nyasaland Consortium, the Rhodesia Consortium, and the Fawalt Consortium as the core. monopoly capital.

Sometimes Rock is actually quite worried about the current situation in southern Africa. The generation of Rock, Stoudemire, and Henry are okay. When their generation retreats behind the scenes, will the next generation be able to maintain the current close relationship? ?

It's hard to say, after all, brothers have to settle accounts clearly. When interests conflict, no matter how close the relationship is, they will gradually become estranged.

Therefore, Roque is also quietly making adjustments to gradually improve the status of the federal government in the social economy. Some time ago, the federal government invested heavily in water conservancy to increase the federal government's voice in infrastructure.

Recently, the federal government has begun to adjust transportation facilities such as airports, railways, and highways, with the same purpose of increasing the federal government's voice.

"I want to exchange the shares of Fawalt Steel Group for the shares of U.S. Steel Corporation—" Henry has quietly raised his sword.

Xiao Dun squinted his eyes, this is the rhythm of eating people without spitting out bones.

Although the U.S. Steel Corporation is powerful, it pales in comparison to the Fawalt Steel Group.

Fawalt Iron and Steel Group not only produces steel, but is also a world-renowned resource giant, especially in terms of iron ore. Fawalt Iron and Steel Group has almost monopolized all high-quality iron ore in the world.

The current valuation of Fawalt Steel Group must far exceed the valuation of U.S. Steel Corporation.

Henry will not do business at a loss. If he exchanges shares with U.S. Steel, he may impose a lot of unequal treaties on U.S. Steel. If U.S. Steel agrees, sooner or later U.S. Steel will become like Ford. A vassal of the Southern African capital.

Ford is the best example.

Under the frenzied competition of car companies in southern Africa, Ford began to adjust its strategy a few years ago.

It's a pity that Ford has been in peace for a long time, and has lost its awareness of danger, and the adjustment was made too late. In the end, it had to accept the requirements of southern African capital and was forced to reorganize into a joint venture.

In the reorganized Ford, Southern African capital holds 40.00% of the shares, and Ford himself has only [-]% of the remaining shares. That is to say, if the southern African capital is willing, Ford himself will be swept out at any time.

For this reorganization, Ford is definitely not willing to accept it, but it is a pity that Ford's investors cannot accept that their investment has lost their money, so Ford can only be forced to succumb to the pressure of the board of directors.

For now, with the capital and technology of southern African capital, Ford has indeed regained its vitality to a certain extent, launching more advanced models, and its sales are steadily increasing.

It's hard to say in the long run, after all, Ford is still an American company, not a Southern African company.

But which board of directors is worried about the future Ford, what they care about is only profit.

The same is true for U.S. Steel Corporation. Although the majority shareholder of U.S. Steel Corporation is Morgan, Morgan Jr. is still responsible to other directors, not to mention that the main business of the Morgan family is finance, and now investing in Germany is the core business. Focus more on U.S. Steel.

"Let's talk about it, if possible." Rock is happy to see the results, capital is always greedy, "The Times" now often advocates a saying that "capital has no borders".

This is also a lie.

Now it is the southern African capital that dominates, expanding wantonly on a global scale, buying foreign companies to expand their strength, and of course capital has no borders.

If the capital strength in southern Africa is weak and unable to go abroad at all, just like the United States 100 years ago, then capital must have national boundaries in southern Africa. Whoever dares to say "capital has no borders" will be criticized by thousands of people in society .

So whether it is "capital without borders" or "enterprise without borders", the key is to see who benefits.

"Nicola's laboratory sent a helicopter, do you want to go and see it?" Rock took the initiative to invite Stoudemire and Henry.

What's so cool about a helicopter?

Henry and Stoudemire didn't care. Of course, Rock's invitation could not be refused, so they went downstairs to the tarmac behind the Palace of Justice.

Several technicians on the tarmac are making final adjustments to a silver-gray helicopter. It can be seen that this is an unfinished work. The cockpit is not completely closed, and the front windshield is not even installed.

Seeing Rock, Henry, and Stoudemire approaching, Douglas trotted all the way in high spirits.

Douglas was not in good health some time ago, and it is said that he was hospitalized for treatment at one time.

Now it looks like Douglas is in good health, without the slightest sign of discomfort.

"Lord, Lord Fawalt, Lord Rhodesia, you are ready now, can you start?" Douglas said hello one by one, how could he be missing in this kind of thing, this is all the achievements of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

"Let's get started—" Rock started when he was ready, without wasting everyone's time.

At this time, Henry and Stoudemire were surprised to find that the helicopter had no pilot.

Could it be that the long-range intelligent unmanned bomber project that Nikola Tesla has been studying for several years has finally succeeded?
(End of this chapter)

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