Chapter 1926

The most amazing thing about southern Africa is that everyone who works hard will get a reasonable return, which is especially important for those who are more capable.

Nikola Tesla is capable enough, more than 1000 patents, in theory, any one of them can make Nikola Tesla well-fed, but Nikola Tesla was forced to go bankrupt and poor Down and out.

Rudolf Diesel is also capable. After Rudolf Diesel in another time and space invented the diesel engine, he had the idea of ​​using biogasoline to make an engine. As a result, Rudolf Diesel mysteriously disappeared.

The same is true for many scientists present. Many of them are doing theoretical research. Theoretical research is very important, but the biggest problem is that it is difficult to realize it. So don’t think that these people are qualified to leave their names in history. In fact, some of them Many people have serious financial problems.

Just like Professor Hesling.

On such an occasion, of course, Professor Heslin is indispensable.

Professor Hesling is of German origin. Coincidentally, many people present are from Germany, and most of them are familiar with Professor Hesling, so when they met Professor Hesling, they were very impressed by the changes in Professor Hesling. surprised.

Compared with when he was in Germany, Professor Hesling has changed a lot.

While in Germany, Professor Hesling lost his wife, eldest son, and eldest daughter one after another. Another person might have had a mental breakdown, but Professor Hesling still did not give up his research in an extremely difficult environment.

After coming to Southern Africa, Professor Heslin’s life has undergone earth-shaking changes. Nyasaland University provides a stable living environment for Professor Heslin. The children can study in the best schools in Southern Africa. The second son of the prisoner got married in southern Africa, and the two children became the spiritual pillars of the whole family. Professor Heslin and Mrs. Hesling lived in the beautiful campus on weekdays. Happy weekend, this kind of life is paradise for Professor Hesling.

It is true that one's temperament can be changed by changing one's temperament and raising one's body.

When he was in Germany, Professor Hesling lived in a difficult financial situation, which was reflected in Professor Hesling himself, who was hard-working, simple, bitter and bitter, and he was reluctant to throw away his clothes with holes.

In southern Africa, Nyasaland University pays Professor Heslin very generously. The bonus for the "Starry Sky Award" alone is 30000 rand, which is equivalent to 20 years' salary of a university professor——

With the passage of time, the prize money of the "Starry Sky Award" is now 20 rand, which is still equivalent to [-] years' salary of a university professor.

The current Professor Hesling is dressed in an exquisite and decent hand-made custom suit, his hair is combed meticulously, and he exudes strong self-confidence from the inside out. Even people who don’t know Professor Hesling will know after seeing Professor Hesling He is a successful person who has achieved quite a lot in his field.

Although we often say that judging people by their appearance is wrong, in many cases, the first impression of appearance and temperament is indeed very important.

Compared with Professor Hesling, Rudolf Diesel is more like a successful businessman, and the bigwigs present did not pay much attention to Rudolf Diesel's speech.

So when Rudolf Diesel talked about his success, Professor Hesling whispered to Hans next to him.

Hesling and Hans must not be talking about work. One of them is studying quantum physics, and the other is studying biological embryos. They have nothing to do with each other. Hans is more interested in the biological laboratory of Nyasaland University.

Nyasaland University was initially established on the basis of biological laboratories. After nearly 30 years of development, the Department of Biology of Nyasaland has gained a great reputation all over the world and is an out-and-out authoritative field.

"If you are interested in the biological laboratory of Nyasaland University, then when the meeting is over, I can introduce you to His Excellency Gavin Locke. He himself works in the biological laboratory of Nyasaland University." Heslin and Gavin must be very familiar with each other. Even though Gavin is still only a senior researcher and has not even been a professor, no one will ignore his status as the first heir to the Marquess of Nyasaland Gavin.

"Oh-Honorable Lord Gavin Locke, are the rumors true?" Hans was extremely surprised. It was rumored that the first heir to the Marquess of Nyasaland was working at Nyasaland University, and Like Hans, he also studies embryos, so this kind of thing sounds unreliable.

How should I put it, although southern Africa has separated from the British Empire, the status of noble groups in southern Africa is still relatively high.

In the impression of ordinary people, the heirs of aristocratic families are either brought up by the elders who are high-ranking and powerful, or they spend all day in the upper-class society. Set your mind to scientific research.

Especially he is the heir of the Marquis of Nyasaland. This is not comparable to the declining nobles in Europe who have nothing but a title. Even if he doesn't care about the title, the son of the Marquis of Nyasaland still has too many things to inherit.

"Of course it's true. Little Locke is working in Professor Kosol's laboratory. His direction is the improvement of Nyasaran cattle. Little Locke is very talented in this area. He has already rejected a Starry Sky Award." Heslin Hans was shocked by the professor's words.

It's really more popular than people. Your Locke family is already so rich. The heirs don't think of ways to spend money, but study how to improve breeding cattle. According to Professor Heslin, they have studied to the extent that they can win the "Starry Sky Award" , this is not a word "excellent" can be summed up.

Hans certainly would not think that the jury of the "Starry Sky Award" would decide to award the "Starry Sky Award" to Gavin because of Gavin's identity.

The "Starry Sky Award" has now become a golden signboard of Nyasaland University and even the whole of southern Africa. In order to maintain the gold content of the "Starry Sky Award", the jury will not be so hasty.

What's more, Gavin himself does not need the blessing of the "Starry Sky Award". Gavin prefers to leave the "Starry Sky Award" to those who need it more, so Gavin refuses to accept the award.

What are scientists most concerned about?
In addition to academic achievement, personality and morality should be more concerned.

"Then I want to have a good chat with him. He should be under 30 years old. It's unimaginable to have such an achievement——" Hans couldn't help but sigh.

"There will definitely be a common language between you, and Little Locke should be very happy to meet you. His research has used a lot of your research results—" Professor Heslin is very happy. Hans' concept of "embryo induction" Made great contributions to the establishment of the branch of developmental biology.

"The little Locke you are talking about is the first heir to the Marquis of Nyasaland?" The chat between Heslin and Hans finally aroused Thomas Morgan's interest.

Thomas Morgan is an American, currently the president of the National Academy of Sciences, the president of the American Society of Genetics, and a member of the Society for Experimental Zoology and Experimental Medicine. In another time and space, Morgan is the winner of the Dynamite Award next year.

Morgan in this time and space still has the hope of winning the Dynamite Award next year.

But before that, Morgan was first and foremost the recipient of Nyasaland's Star Award.

During the annual academic exchange conference, Nyasaland University will hold the awarding ceremony of the "Starry Sky Award". This year's Physiology or Medicine Award will be awarded to Morgan and Hans.

That's right, the joint award won't be less, still [-] per person.

Thomas Morgan devoted his life to the research of embryology and genetics, and created the gene theory and chromosome theory about the linear arrangement of genetic genes on chromosomes.

Although Thomas Morgan is unlikely to immigrate to Southern Africa, Nyasaland University decided to award the "Star Award" to Morgan, regardless of nationality.

Science has no borders. Gavin used Hans' "embryo induction" theory when improving breeding cattle. Thomas Morgan's research results are also valuable to scientific research in related fields.

And it's also of great value.

"Yes, it is His Excellency Gavin Locke." Heslin nodded with a smile. Gavin has now become a golden signboard of the Biological Laboratory of Nyasaland University and a colleague of the future Marquis of Nyasaland. To many people Still quite attractive.

"I have read his thesis, and it left a deep impression on me. He is a very outstanding young man. Our Genetics Society sent an invitation to him last year. Unfortunately, our strength is not enough——" Thomas Morgan inadvertently After a moment of silence, this is not a question of whether the Genetics Society of America is strong enough, but Gavin's special status makes it inconvenient for him to leave southern Africa.

If it was Alvin, he could travel around the world casually, and the countries he visited would warmly welcome him, without daring to neglect him.

Gavin still needs to be careful. The first in line heir is quite special. If something happens, it may cause diplomatic disputes. Therefore, the US government is probably worried about the invitation of the Genetics Society of America.

If Gavin accepts the invitation of the Genetics Society of America, if something goes wrong during the academic exchange of the Genetics Society, Rock may be able to deal with it calmly, but Phyllis may not be able to calm down.

Don't look at all the kindness and kindness of Phyllis when she is doing charity, if it touches Phyllis' rebellious scales, then how strong is Phyllis when she does charity, and how much strength she will have when she retaliates.

"Hahahaha, it's not a matter of strength or not—" Professor Heslin paused for a few seconds before bursting into laughter.

The nerve reflex arc of the Germans is indeed a bit long.

"Hey, hey, can you guys show me even a little bit of respect!" Rudolf Diesel, who was talking about success, was very dissatisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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