Chapter 1963
Southern Africa and the United States have closed embassies to each other, and the relationship has never been worse. Germany unexpectedly became the link between southern Africa and the United States.

When Roosevelt Jr. and Roque met, they agreed to jointly increase support for Germany. This was not affected by the deterioration of relations between southern Africa and the United States. After the outbreak of the Brazilian Civil War, southern Africa and the United States agreed to increase aid to Germany. , from Germany's point of view, this is obviously a win over Germany Hongguoguo.

"Southern Africa is in Africa, and the United States does not lack supporters in the Americas, but in Europe, southern Africa and the United States have a serious lack of influence, so it is not surprising that they choose Germany." Treat the situation as your own diplomatic achievement.

"We must make full use of the current situation to strive for greater assistance from southern Africa and the United States. At the same time, we must also strengthen relations with Russia. If we make good friends with these three countries at the same time, then the relationship between Britain and France will Threats are nothing to worry about." Bentrop, a true diplomat, had a clear head, but it was not easy to do so.

"Southern Africa and the United States are in Africa and the United States is in America. Russia is excluded by the whole of Europe, so we can only rely on ourselves." Propaganda Minister Paul Joseph is a staunch supporter of Mustache. The first thing he did after he took office was All banned books in Germany were burned, and centralized control of German art, media, and information began.

"You all do your own thing well, and I will be responsible for the war." Goering, the "air combat hero" during the World War, gradually revealed his arrogant character.

Ribbentrop and Paul Joseph did not speak, and looked at Goering with obscure eyes.

Ribbentrop also participated in the World War, but the record was not as good as Goering.

Paul Joseph's left leg was atrophied due to polio, and he was refused to serve in the army during the World War. This became Paul Joseph's biggest regret.

In the end, everyone's eyes fell on the mustache on the main seat.

There was a world map in front of Mustache, and his eyes fell on the southern part of Africa, and he was silent.

After a long time, Mustache raised his head slowly: "We used to have a huge territory in Africa, Southwest Africa, and Tanganyika. These two places have now been taken away by Southern Africa—" Mustache's eyes are as sharp as knives, which is why all An eternal pain in the hearts of the Germans.

Especially when Southwest Africa and Tanganyika are thriving under the leadership of Southern Africa, this pain will be magnified to the point where it cannot be added, just like a bone-biting viper biting the fragile heart of the Germans all day long.

"Southwest Africa and Tanganyika were only entrusted by the League of Nations to the management of southern Africa. Sooner or later we will retake Southwest Africa and Tanganyika." Goering has been to southern Africa in person and knows more about Southwest Africa and Tanganyika Happening.

Southwest Africa, centered on Walvis Bay, has become the most important industrial base in southern Africa along the Atlantic coast.

Relying on its good agricultural foundation, Tanganyika has now become the granary of southern Africa, especially the plantations in Tanganyika, where many cash crops are urgently needed by Germany.

"So southern Africa is not our friend. The lost glory of the empire can only be brought back with our own hands!" The mustache was hysterical and paranoid.

"We still share a lot of common interests with southern Africa. Southern Africa has already separated from the Commonwealth. If we can form an ally with southern Africa, then the revival of the empire will be just around the corner." Heinrich, the intelligence chief, also knows about southern Africa, and also Because of this, Heinrich's attitude is also more cautious.

Some things are just as simple as shouting slogans. Even the United States dare not provoke a full-scale war with southern Africa. It is not easy to retake Southwest Africa and Tanganyika.

In the last world war, southern Africa demonstrated astonishing industrial and mobilization capabilities.

Germany's mobilization speed was fast enough, but the Southern African Expeditionary Force landed in France before Germany had completed the national mobilization, which eventually led to the failure of Moltke's plan.

The industrial capabilities of Southern Africa are equally astounding.

Before the United States entered the war, Southern Africa almost supported the logistics of the Allies on its own.

More than ten years have passed since the world war, and even the United States has not escaped the impact of the economic crisis, but the strength of southern Africa has risen to a higher level during the economic crisis.

All of these, unless it is absolutely necessary, Heinrich really does not want to become an enemy with Southern Africa.

"Southern Africa broke away from the Commonwealth of Nations in a peaceful way, and it still maintains good relations with many Commonwealth countries, so it is impossible for Southern Africa to betray the Commonwealth camp—" Goring had his own ideas. His contacts with Americans during this period A little bit more: "—On the contrary, the United States is more likely to become our ally. The United States has always hoped to break the old colonial system. This is also what we insist on."

"We need to pay more attention to Japan. Japan, like the United States, is being sanctioned by the League of Nations, but the situation in Japan is much worse than that of the United States—" Ribbentrop hopes to win over more allies. The United States has been sanctioned by the League of Nations. With a huge domestic market and the American market, Japan will be miserable. Japan's domestic market is not enough to support Japan to become a powerful country.

As for East Asia, it has now become the most chaotic region in the world. Britain, France, the United States, South Africa, and Russia are all factors that limit Japan's expansion in East Asia.

Especially in southern Africa, after controlling the Changi Naval Base, Japan has been unable to obtain any supplies from the direction of the Strait of Malacca.

This objectively strengthened the connection between Japan and the United States, which are each other's largest trading nations.

What the United States does to Germany is aid, not trade.

"It is also possible to fight for Italy. As long as we become allies with Italy, then we will break the blockade of the English Channel." Paul Joseph still has expectations for the Italians. World War I.

Italy was the first country in Europe to establish the rule of poisonous vegetables. The fat and bald head successfully seized power just after the end of the World War. After more than ten years, the foundation of the rule has been quite solid.

For more than a decade, Fat Bald has ruled with his own poisonous vegetables to create a falsely prosperous Italy, which is very confusing to the outside world.

"Then go and work hard. Everything is for the revival of Germany. We will eventually become the most powerful country on this planet. At that time, whether it is the Anglo-Saxons, the Slavs, or the Hebrews, we must Surrender to the halo of Germany." The mustache poured chicken soup, and the meeting ended in a frenzied atmosphere.

When the German Chancellery was about to move, the southern African embassy in Germany was also holding a meeting to discuss whether to further increase aid to Germany.

As judged by the Germans, Southern Africa really hopes to obtain German support through aid to Germany. This is a geopolitical requirement. Southern Africa, like the United Kingdom, needs an old continent with balanced power.

A well-balanced Europe is good for the whole world, and southern Africa can only gain more time if the energies of Britain and France are firmly absorbed by Germany.

The key is to accumulate. The UK is a typical example of a good card that is beaten alive. France has never won a good card.

"Pretoria reminds us to pay attention to the trend of public opinion in Germany. During this period, more and more Germans have applied to leave southern Africa and return to Germany. Some of them are cutting-edge scientific and technological talents in the military industry. This is not good for us. message.” Ambassador William Tibbetts was one-eighth German, a pattern common in southern Africa.

This is also inevitable.

After the end of the World War, southern Africa stepped up efforts to introduce talents from Germany. Several of the most famous German companies and some departments of German colleges and universities were almost entirely relocated to southern Africa.

Southern Africa has benefited greatly from this, and the Ghost submarine was developed on the basis of the U-shaped submarine.

After Moustache came to power, Germany made great efforts. Coupled with the changes in the international environment, Germany finally returned to the right track, and its development speed became faster and faster.

The slogan put forward by Mustache during the campaign has basically been fulfilled now. The German table is indeed full of bread and milk, but there is still a gap between Germany and the world's top level in terms of cutting-edge technology.

The world's best scientific researchers and engineers are in southern Africa, so Germany has stepped up its efforts to promote Germans in southern Africa. During this period, more and more Germans who cherish their homeland are bewitched by the German government to return to Germany and help Germany Re-emergence, this is what the federal government of southern Africa does not want to see.

"There are pros and cons to this matter. The native Germans want to return to Germany, and more Germans want to go to southern Africa. We just need to issue more visas—" Counselor Chen Qi is not worried. The attraction of southern Africa to Europeans is beyond doubt. .

This has a lot to do with the pervasive propaganda in southern Africa. The propaganda work of the German government is carried out in imitation of the propaganda of the federal government of southern Africa.

However, the method in southern Africa is not easy to learn. Painting a tiger is not an anti-cat, and most of the time the effect is not good.

Especially after Mustache came to power, the sentiments of the Germans became increasingly extreme, and the exclusion of the Hebrews was gradually turning into persecution, which caused the Hebrews in Germany to flee crazily.

Southern Africa is the number one choice for German Hebrews.

"On the contrary, we must pay attention to this phenomenon. It is not without reason that the Hebrews have been targeted by almost all countries in Europe." William Tibbetts reminded softly that many Chinese do not know much about European history.

However, as the counselor of the embassy in Germany, Chen Qi should not make such a mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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