Chapter 1980 Booty

Washington needs someone responsible for the failure of the U.S.-Pakistan coalition forces, and Barreto is obviously the best person to blame.

It is impossible for the powerful U.S. Marine Corps to fail. It is precisely because of the pig teammates of the Brazilian military government that the U.S. Marine Corps suffered a temporary defeat.

This explanation, though far-fetched and less convincing, is the best option for the War Department right now.

So Barreto was in a tragedy. Even if he didn't come to George Marshall, George Marshall would go to him.

"General, what do you mean?" Barreto couldn't believe it when the guards controlled him.

George Marshall didn't answer, and waved his hand to order the guards to take the man away. He had nothing to say to a dying man.

"Let go of me, you can't do this." Barreto struggled desperately.

The guards were rude and dragged Barreto away like a dead body.

"You bastards, you can't treat me like this—" Barreto's hand gripped the hatch.

The guards dragged him for a while, but one of the guards went to break Barreto's finger, abruptly broke Barreto's finger, and then dragged Barreto away.

"Bastards, cowards, bastards, bitch, God will punish you—" Barreto's voice echoed in the corridor, further and further away.

It wasn't until Barreto's voice disappeared that George Marshall raised his head: "The meeting continues—"

"Cough——" Colonel Harrison was also embarrassed, and this behavior was somewhat disgraceful: "What about our heavy equipment, if we take these heavy equipment away, then we will not be able to let more soldiers board the ship."

"Leave all the heavy equipment that can't be transported—" George Marshall said blankly.

In order to counterattack Belo Horizonte, the U.S. Marine Corps has stockpiled a large amount of weapons and ammunition in Victoria, including heavy equipment such as tanks and armored vehicles. Some warships of the Brazilian Navy cannot be taken away. There are also many types of warships, such as Naihe Patrol boats have no ocean-going capabilities at all, and some outdated warships of the Brazilian Navy are also estimated to be unable to withdraw to St. Louis.

Some aircraft of the Air Force could not be evacuated. The "Lexington" was sunk, and the carrier-based aircraft was almost lost. There were hundreds of aircraft at Victoria Airport, and these aircraft could not be taken away either.

The range of the "Cerberus" is a bit short, and even with an external auxiliary fuel tank, it cannot fly to St. Louis.

What's more, St. Louis doesn't even have an airport now, and planes can't land even if they fly there.

It would be fine if it was just tanks and armored vehicles. Now there are hundreds of planes. Colonel Harrison pretended to be stupid and looked at George Marshall helplessly, hoping that George Marshall would take the initiative to explain what to do with these planes.

George Marshall seemed not to have thought of those planes at all, and immediately asked the next question.

"How are the wounded soldiers treated?"

Yes, compared with those inanimate equipment, wounded soldiers are obviously more important. The US Marine Corps will never give up its comrades.

"The wounded soldiers have been placed in Kitchener Port. We left some medical staff to take care of them. After they recover from their injuries, they will return to the mainland in batches." Colonel Taylor smiled wryly, leaving the medical staff not to take care of the wounded soldiers. It is for wounded soldiers not to be mistreated.

The wounded soldiers of the new government will probably not get proper treatment here in the Americans.

"How's the mood of the Brazilian soldiers?" George Marshall asked lonely. There were still dead bodies lying all over the pier. What do you think?

"It's pretty stable—" Colonel Harrison said nonsense with his eyes wide open, as long as he didn't admit it, he wouldn't exist.

"That's good, God will bless them." George Marshall is also psychologically strong. If the Brazilian soldiers heard this, they would probably mutiny.

When the Americans speeded up their evacuation, Sun Meng and Rex returned to their original place at Victoria Railway Station.

The U.S. marines defending the train station had already withdrawn, while the Brazilian soldiers dispersed in a rush. Sun Meng and Rex did not encounter any resistance and easily occupied the train station.

Behind the barricade made of sandbags at the entrance of the train station, the heavy machine guns with tripods had not been removed in time. There were more than a dozen ammunition boxes piled up next to them. Sun Meng opened one at random, and it was full.

The defeat was like a mountain. If the US-Pakistan coalition forces did not take the initiative to abandon the train station, Sun Meng and Rex would probably need a bloody battle to take it down. By then, Sun Meng's men might only have a few people left.

"Robert, lead your people to search the entire train station to see if there are any enemies—Silva, lead your people to set up the defense line, and look for American warehouses by the way, there should be more gains ——” Rex kept giving orders, and there was indeed something to gain, and it was huge.

No need to look for it, the waiting room is the warehouse of the U.S.-Pakistan coalition forces, filled with all kinds of combat supplies.

Rex opened a box at random, and inside was a brand new Springfield rifle that smelled like gun oil. It was made in the United States, not the British one ten years ago.

On the gun rack next to it is a row of more than 20 light machine guns. It seems that they have not been used, so they were just thrown away.

Next to it are more than a dozen mortars, and the ammunition boxes next to it are piled up like a mountain. Judging from the scale, it is enough for a battalion to fight a high-intensity battle.

In addition to weapons and ammunition, there are many other supplies, cans, tents, military boots and other supplies are also piled up like a mountain. Sun Meng also accidentally found some cotton clothes. He doesn't know what use these cotton clothes are for in Brazil where the temperature is always high.

"The Americans are really generous. How much do you pay for so many supplies? Just throw them away like this—" Sun Meng was speechless. Such an act would be brought to a military court in southern Africa.

Needless to say, Southern Africa, even the umbrella will not happen.

With the style of the umbrella mercenaries scraping the ground, making them lose money is more serious than killing them.

"If this is not the case, how can we prove where the Americans spend all their military expenditure?" Rex was not angry, the Americans were indeed generous, throwing such good things as binoculars and scopes casually, it really deserves to be rich and powerful.

Sun Meng nodded sharply to express his serious agreement, picked out an M1911, and took it as his own trophy.

M1911 is a military pistol jointly produced by Browning and Colt. This pistol is known for its powerful and durable, and the Americans have been using it until 1985.

This gun was also produced in southern Africa, except that the American version, the M1911, only held seven rounds.

The M1911 produced in southern Africa has a capacity of 14 rounds.

"Aren't you going to have one?" Sun Meng's attitude was casual, just like asking Rex if he wanted a drink in a bar.

This thing is still good as a collectible.

"No, I already have—" Rex is also a fan of weapon collection, and there are so many weapons at home that he can arrange an ammunition depot.

"Sir, you have to come and take a look." The soldiers made another discovery. In the garage of the train station, there were more than a dozen US military vehicles, including trucks and off-road vehicles. Take it off.

"Oh ho ho ho ho ho hoo—" Rex finally found what he wanted, a military motorcycle made in southern Africa.

"What's so fun about it." Sun Meng didn't like it. There are many such motorcycles in southern Africa, and their performance is better.

Although the quality of machinery products exported from southern Africa to the United States is acceptable, they are definitely not as good as those put on the domestic market in southern Africa.

And this kind of military motorcycle is already a few years ago. After the acquisition of Harley, the motorcycles produced in southern Africa in the past two years are more comfortable, better in performance, and cooler in appearance.

"There are signs of the U.S. military on it—" Rex told the truth.

Yes, the collectibles market also needs to tell stories.

The motorcycle also produced in southern Africa, if you add the halo of the US Marine Corps, and it was captured from the battlefield, then the value will double immediately.

Sun Meng's eyes lit up immediately, there was more than one military motorcycle, even if one person took two of them, there were still some left.

At this time, two military government soldiers were pushed and shoved and escorted. Sun Meng and Rex were very surprised.

It's already this time, are there still military government soldiers sticking to their posts?

Everyone deserves a medal for bravery.

"They are thieves, trying to come back to steal things—" the soldier's explanation made Sun Meng and Rex furious.

Now that the U.S.-Pakistan coalition forces have withdrawn, everything in the train station is the property of the new government. If you dare to steal things from the new government, it is tantamount to stealing money from Sun Meng and Rex.

"Sir, we were wrong, please forgive us—" The two soldiers probably didn't expect Sun Meng's speed to be so fast. They knelt on the ground with their heads in their hands and begged, the watches on their wrists suddenly appeared.

Most soldiers of the military government cannot afford such things as watches.

While watches are not uncommon in southern Africa, this is Brazil after all.

Without waiting for Sun Meng's order, some soldiers went over to take off their watches, and then found that two Brazilian soldiers were wearing a total of eight watches.

Two of the watches also had blood on their straps.

No need to ask, this is also a trophy.

"Pick it up and search carefully!" Sun Meng sneered, he was still not satisfied after getting so many watches, and he dared to come back to steal things, it really killed people because of greed.

The soldiers acted swiftly, and the two of them were quickly stripped clean. This time, there were not only watches, but also necklaces and rings. One of the necklaces was obviously a woman's.

"Where did these things come from?" Sun Meng's face was gloomy.

"Do you need to ask?" Rex didn't talk nonsense, he directly pulled out his pistol, and under the horrified eyes of the two prisoners, he shot at the captive's forehead.

The scene was like a ripe watermelon being smashed into pieces.

It seemed that something had splashed on Sun Meng's shoes.

"Can you be more careful!" Sun Meng yelled and jumped away, his shoes were bought with his own money, not the high-end goods distributed by the above.

ps: Sorry, yesterday I was temporarily arrested by a friend to help, I sincerely regret it, I am desperately typing at the moment, I will definitely make it up today——

(End of this chapter)

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