Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1982 Still Not Radical Enough

Chapter 1982 Still Not Radical Enough

When Klaus asked Chris for someone, Rock was at Eagle Fort.

The impact of the sinking of the "Lexington" has gradually emerged. Now everyone can see the importance of aircraft carriers in future naval battles.

Unknowingly, a new arms race is kicking off. The United States will build five "Rangers", the United Kingdom will build two "Elizabeths", and Japan has started "Yamato" in secret. The production of the "ideal fleet aircraft carrier" is the "Xianghe" type aircraft carrier that was once suspended.

The "Xianghe" type aircraft carrier originally planned to build two ships, namely the "Xianghe" and "Ruihe".

Compared with Japan's previous aircraft carriers, the performance of "Xianghe" has been greatly improved, and the number of carrier-based aircraft has increased to 72. Although there is still a big gap with the latest "island" class in southern Africa, it is better than carrier-based aircraft with only The 11 "Fengxiang" is much better.

After the "Lexington" was sunk, the Japanese Combined Fleet re-examined the role of aircraft carriers in future naval warfare, and squeezed out a part of the already stretched funds to build the "Xianghe" and "Zuihe". The number of aircraft carriers in the fleet will also increase to five. In addition to the "Xianghe" and "Zuihe", the other three are "Kaga", "Ryujo", and "Akagi" converted from battlecruisers. "No.

Both "Kaga" and "Akagi" can carry 60 carrier-based aircraft.

"Longchamp" is the worst, with only 48 carrier-based aircraft that can be carried, but compared to the displacement of "Longchamp" of 48 tons, [-] ​​is actually a lot.

Of course, the same sentence, the combat effectiveness of an aircraft carrier is mainly reflected in the carrier-based aircraft, and there is still a big gap between the Japanese carrier-based aircraft and the southern African carrier-based aircraft. Regarding this, the Ministry of National Defense of Southern Africa is very confident.

"The Japanese are nothing to worry about. Their Type III carrier-based aircraft is at least ten years behind our strong winds, not to mention our latest high winds. In general, even if Japan's two newest aircraft carriers are built, their five Combined, the combined combat power of the three aircraft carriers is probably only equivalent to one of our city-class." Patton dismissed the Japanese combined fleet, and Japan did not start to try to produce aircraft until after the end of World War I. Started drawing.

The "City" class aircraft carrier in southern Africa is a self-use version of the "Elizabeth" class aircraft carrier.

In 1926, as Type [-] carrier-based fighters had gradually fallen behind, the Japanese combined fleet urgently needed a new type of carrier-based fighter. At that time, several Japanese aircraft companies such as Nakajima, Mitsubishi, and Aichi joined the competition.

The Japanese Combined Fleet is also very strange. It has a strange requirement for the new carrier-based fighter jets, that is, it is required that the aircraft can float on the sea after falling into the sea.

This requirement is actually simple, what kind of carrier-based fighter jets are needed, or just seaplanes and it's over.

Taking into account the requirements of Japan's combined fleet, Mitsubishi and Aichi have added elements of seaplanes to their designs.

Nakajima directly took out the drawings of the British "Gamecock" aircraft to participate in the competition.

It's not that Nakajima doesn't want to change it, but Nakajima doesn't have the ability to modify the drawings, so he can only imitate the British "cockfighting".

"Fighting Cock" is a fighter jet developed by the British company Costa. It flew for the first time in 25 years. It uses a 425-horsepower Jupiter 6 air-cooled engine, wooden frost-leaf propellers, and the ailerons can also be improved.

The "Gamecock" has good performance, but it has not been valued by the Royal Air Force. The Royal Air Force is a loyal supporter of Nyasaran Air. They would rather spend money to buy aircraft from southern Africa than use Costa's "Gamecock Therefore, Costa sold the "fighting cock" all over the world. Nakajima bought three reverse imitations at that time, so there were three types of carrier-based fighters.

The "fighting cock", which the British Royal Air Force despises, is regarded as a treasure by the Japanese. Although the "fighting cock" will sink soon after it falls on the sea, the Japanese combined fleet still chooses the plan of Nakajima Company and uses the three types as Japan's new A generation of carrier-based fighters.

Nakajima knows to buy a reverse imitation of "Gamecock", and the Southern African Air Force will naturally not let go of the opportunity to learn about "Gamecock".

That's why Patton is so confident. In Patton's words, two "Highwinds" can completely fight against a squadron of Type [-] carrier-based fighters.

"When will the island class be able to serve?" Roque didn't give the Japanese any chance. As long as the war started, Roque would send all the Japanese combined fleet to the bottom of the sea.

"The first ship can be launched within two months, the second and third ships will have to wait for four months, and the fourth ship may have to wait until next year." In order to look more mature in the past two years, Barton left two Mustache, which displeased his father, Buck.

Barker, who is over 60 years old, like Roque, does not have a beard. This is actually not in line with the Chinese tradition. Traditionally, the Chinese have a full house at the age of 50, and 50 is also called "Shangshou". If you don't grow a beard at the age of 50, you are usually considered as not "old man".

Rock certainly didn't think so. Buck was influenced by Rock, and he hasn't grown a beard until now.

On the contrary, the "young people" like Barton and An Qi like to grow beards, and use this method to hide their immaturity.

The 30-year-old Secretary of the Navy is not common even in Europe and America today.

"Six city-class ships, plus four island-class ships, can they suppress the U.S. Navy and the Japanese Navy at the same time?" Rock is demanding, and he doesn't regard Japan as a real opponent at all.

In Rock's view, Japan is just a clown, and the United States is the real opponent.

However, the desperate Americans seem to continue to make mistakes. The "Ranger" is not a good aircraft carrier. The Americans launched five ships in one go, and they might be killed alive.

As powerful as the United States, it is impossible to spare no expense in shipbuilding. The industrial advantages of the United States in this time and space are far inferior to those in another time and space.

"It seems that it is definitely possible now, but the American Rangers are not the end, we should pay more attention to York City." Patton also attaches great importance to the Americans. The type of capital ship you can rely on.

The U.S. Navy in another time and space, before the "Essex" class aircraft carrier entered service, "Yorktown" has always been the backbone of the U.S. Navy.

The "Yorktown" class aircraft carrier has a standard displacement of 25000 tons, a full load displacement of 33 tons, a speed of 12000 knots, and an endurance of 80 nautical miles. It can carry about [-] carrier-based aircraft.

A rough look at the data of the "Yorktown" class is almost a replica of the "City" class aircraft carrier in southern Africa.

In another time and space, the United States has built a total of three "Yorktown" class aircraft carriers, and there should be more in this time and space.

Rock remained silent. It is now 1932. If there is no accident, the Second World War will break out in 1939. By then, the current aircraft carriers will be behind the times, and new aircraft carriers will need to be built.

But not necessarily, the United States in another time and space did not experience the failure of the Brazilian Civil War.

Because of the rise of southern Africa in this time and space, Germany is also recovering faster than in another time and space.

So even if the Second World War broke out tomorrow, Rock would not be surprised.

Judging from the current situation, Roque is more worried about whether the Americans will be forced to the Axis camp if there is too much pressure on the Americans. If the Allied Powers want to win, they will face a world that is far more difficult than that in another time and space. greater difficulty.

However, this is not necessarily the case. With the character of the Americans, no matter how great the conflict with southern Africa is, it will not be the decisive factor when the United States chooses sides.

The only reference for the Americans to choose a side is their interests. Simply put, the Americans will help whoever wins, and the Americans will not bet at the beginning. If the Brazilian Civil War did not touch the core interests of the United States, the United States would not wait to enter the war. .

For Americans, the Brazilian Civil War is a good lesson.

The US in the past is now Southern Africa. The two sides bet and manipulate behind the scenes. The US will not enter the game until there is no benefit to be reaped.

The United States entered the field from the beginning of the Brazilian Civil War, while southern Africa stood aside.

As a result, the United States is now in deep trouble. Before Southern Africa entered the field, the Americans were beaten to the ground, and even the "Lexington" was sunk.

It is said that Washington is considering the dismissal of George Marshall. The person who is most likely to replace George Marshall as the commander-in-chief of the US military is none other than MacArthur, who once fought against the southern African army in the Far East.

For Washington, the biggest doubt is that MacArthur's performance in the Far East is not outstanding.

Although MacArthur is now very confident to lead the US-Pakistan coalition forces to defeat the Brazilian military government, Washington has expressed a certain degree of concern about MacArthur's ability.

This guy is too high-profile, high-profile like bragging, even Pershing won't give him full trust.

"Compared with the aircraft carriers of the United States and Japan, city-level aircraft carriers are not inferior in performance at all. The two latest aircraft carriers to be built in the UK are also city-level. If the island-level aircraft carriers are in service, it is a bit too much for the city-level aircraft carriers to be retired directly. It's a pity—" Barton is really reluctant, the "city" class is [-] tons, the "island" class is [-] tons, four "island" class ships are in service, and all six "city" class ships have to be decommissioned.

"Who told you that the island level is in service, and the city level will be retired?" Rock was surprised. The latest "city" level has only been in service for less than five years, so how could it be retired.

"The "Washington Naval Treaty"—" Barton was overjoyed, it was great not to retire.

"Let the "Washington Naval Treaty" die. In two years, there may be no "Washington Naval Treaty." In preparation for the Naval Treaty, the generals in southern Africa still need to be a little bolder.

ps: It’s a bit late, but it’s better than nothing——Today’s third shift is finished, and I’m allowed to be complacent for a while, but it broke my cowhide——

(End of this chapter)

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