Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1992 Discrimination from Southern Africa

Chapter 1992 Discrimination from Southern Africa

For American soldiers, Kitchener Port is a novel world, letting them know what kind of life people on the other side of the earth are living, and opening the door to another world for them.

This is rare. You must know that very few Americans care about what people in other parts of the world are going through. Americans have a special mentality. Most Europeans still insist that the United States is a country made up of thieves and robbers. Most Americans also think so, but the United States has established a remarkable economic miracle, a combination of various factors, the American character is both inferior and arrogant, similar to the future universe country.

Southern Africa is another economic miracle.

In just 30 years since the Second Boer War, southern Africa has grown from nothing to one of the most developed countries in the world, which makes southern Africans even more proud.

The key is that Southern Africans have not lost themselves while the economy is developing rapidly. The older generation of Southern Africans are still working hard, and the new generation of Southern Africans who have received modern education are influencing the world in their own way.

Tom has made a lot of new friends during this time, one of them is a German named Brown, who is particularly congenial with Tom.

"If you have the chance, you should really go to southern Africa. Dr. George is right. Going to southern Africa will be a major turning point in your life." Brown was very happy for Tom after knowing that the doctor was willing to give Tom some letters of recommendation.

"I'm an American. If I go to southern Africa, will I be discriminated against by southern Africans? And if I get a recommendation, I will definitely squeeze out a southern African's chances of being admitted to Nyasaland University. This should be It would make someone very sad." Tom was thinking a little too much, what about southern Africa, Tom didn't know, discrimination is common in the United States.

"How is it possible? I am still a German. I also live very well in southern Africa without any discrimination. During the World War, those of us Germans living in southern Africa could even join the army, and we don't have to worry about fighting with German troops. Federal The government will send us German soldiers to the battlefield where there are no German troops." Brown was sunny, and his words were full of strong confidence in southern Africa: "As for the opportunity to study at Nyasaland University, it is of course very precious. But opportunities are only reserved for those who are prepared.”

Brown is not sure why Nyasaland University accepts international students, but if the federal government does so, there must be a reason.

The reason why they don’t know, or don’t understand, is either that their social status is not high enough, or their personal analysis ability is insufficient, and they cannot see the essence through the surface.

Tom has nothing to say. After the United States declared its participation in the World War, all Germans in the United States were centrally managed. To put it bluntly, they were imprisoned in concentration camps. Now "everyone is equal" in the United States has become a joke.

After half a day's work, Tom and Brown went to the restaurant together.

In Tom’s opinion, the restaurant provides a lot of food, including all kinds of meat, poultry and eggs from southern Africa, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables from Brazil. The vegetables are grown by the hospital itself. Many hospital staff are Chinese and grow vegetables. It is racial talent.

To Tom's surprise, Brown dismissed all kinds of meat products shipped from southern Africa. In Brown's words, they are all processed foods after freezing, and they are far inferior to those in Brazil in terms of nutrition and taste. Brown would rather eat an apple than eat canned beef locally produced in southern Africa.

Of course, Brown’s favorite is the cashew nuts produced locally in Brazil. Not only Brown, but all the staff from southern Africa like to eat cashew nuts as snacks. The shape of this cashew nut really doesn’t matter. The research results show that cashew nuts are not only delicious, It can also control cancer.

So while Tom was getting the beef, Brown took a big plate full of cashew nuts, and took them away as a snack if he couldn't finish them.

The two found a seat at random and before starting, four mercenaries from the Umbrella Company wearing white helmets suddenly walked into the restaurant.

White helmets are disciplined personnel, similar to military police in the army, and the appearance of white helmets is usually not a good thing.

The four gendarmes went straight to a staff member named Fadiga and asked Fadiga to go to the gendarme for investigation.

"What mistake did I make?" Fadija said in a high voice, and the staff of the military police, who hadn't noticed at first, were immediately attracted by this scene.

It was time for meals, and there were a lot of staff members who came to eat, and some U.S. Marines who were free to move would also come to the restaurant to eat.

Of course, the staff are free of charge. Although the marines have to pay, the price is actually not expensive and acceptable.

"You know what you did wrong, now just pack up your things and go with us." The white helmet had a serious expression, and the two white helmets stood in front of Fadiga, and the two white helmets left behind Fadiga One right, ready to use coercive means at any time.

"You guys are discriminatory, just because I am a mixed race, I have African blood in my body, so you discriminate against me, I have known for a long time, I should not believe your nonsense, I also work for the federal government just like you, You can't treat me like this—" Fadiga is a mixed-race, but his African genetic characteristics are not obvious, so he has the opportunity to work in the hospital.

Doctors have a high status in southern Africa. Most of the time, Africans don't even have the opportunity to go to medical school, not to mention working in hospitals.

The two companies that employ the most Africans in Southern Africa are Umbrella and Christian Human Resources. Others, such as Fawalt, Iron Four Corners, and National Farm, all African workers in them are provided by Christian Human Resources. .

The white helmet didn't talk nonsense, and directly controlled Fadiga and took him away.

Fadiga still wanted to resist, but was punched hard in the stomach by a white helmet, and finally calmed down.

"What did Fadiga do wrong?" Tom was surprised. The mercenaries of the umbrella company were still very friendly to the hospital staff, and such violence rarely happened.

"This guy deserves it!" Brown curled his lips. We are all colleagues and have heard of many things more or less.

"Is it really discrimination from the federal government as Fadiga said?" Tom asked, if the situation is true, then it is reasonable.

So how can there be a country that does not discriminate in the world? With so many races forced together, there will definitely be contradictions.

Especially in immigrant countries like Southern Africa.

"No, it's not what Fadiga said. He deserved it all." Brown looked disdainful. Southern Africa is now a country with a population of more than 1 million, and the forest is big enough to have everything.

Tom didn't speak, waiting for Brown to continue to explain.

"The Federal Government of Southern Africa, and Southern Africans, never discriminate against a group of people in a targeted manner, only against the behavior itself." Brown is not sure what mistake Fadiga made, but Brown believes that even the white helmets are not. No one will be wronged, otherwise Fadiqa can appeal to the federal government.

"Everyone is equal" is not shouted out, more often it still needs system maintenance.

"Fadiga is indeed a mixed race of Boers and Africans. First of all, I am not targeting the group of mixed races, but some problems cannot be avoided and are deeply rooted. I have heard some things. Fadiga once sent some medical supplies in the hospital. You may have heard of it being stolen and sold to the U.S.-Pakistan coalition—" Brown stared into Tom's eyes, and Tom immediately felt uncomfortable.

The curative effect of medicines in southern Africa is good, and the US-Pakistan coalition forces are often in a state of shortage of medicine and medicine, so this kind of thing is normal.

Tom used to be a military doctor of the U.S.-Pakistan Allied Forces, so he must have heard of such things more or less.

If so, then Fadija deserves it.

"In southern Africa, even Africans, if they work hard, are honest and reliable, they will be trusted by their employers - if they have a bad work attitude, pick and choose, and pick and choose, then no one will like them even if they are Chinese or white. He." Brown has three views, it is easy to say that it is wrong to be right, but it is difficult to do it.

The United States is a good example.

"I heard that the Chinese will receive special care in southern Africa. Is it true?" Tom became more and more curious about southern Africa.

Because of someone's reasons, combined with the reality of southern Africa, there are indeed some similar rumors.

The overall economic level of the Chinese in southern Africa is indeed better than that of the whites.

This is especially evident in the management of the farm.

"It depends on how you look at this matter. As I said just now, southern Africa never targeted a certain group of discrimination, only for the behavior itself - you Americans may not know much about Chinese, to be honest I don’t know how the Chinese in the United States are, but in Southern Africa, the Chinese are gentle, hardworking and kind. They are usually the best neighbors. They never hesitate to lend a helping hand when their neighbors need help. I have the best relationship in Southern Africa. My friends are all Chinese, I even hope to marry a Chinese girl to start a family, but unfortunately the girls don’t like me, they think I have to use perfume every day, it’s too motherly—”


It never occurred to Tom that it would be for this reason.

Caucasians wear perfume to cover up body odor, which is obviously a respect for others, what the hell?
"To be honest, if I had to choose, I would live in a Chinese community. In a Chinese community, you never have to worry about security issues. When you walk alone on the street at night, if the oncoming person is a white person, then I will keep my distance. , if it is an African, I will hold my gun tightly, and if it is a Chinese, I will nod and smile to him, because he will definitely do the same." The situation described by Brown made Tom yearn for it.

This situation is hard to imagine in the United States.

(End of this chapter)

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