Chapter 1994

It’s not impossible, it’s definitely not possible. With Mike’s situation, it’s almost impossible to apply for immigration to southern Africa. Even if Brown wants to help Mike, he can only find a job for Mike in the hospital. It’s probably just looking at the gate. Maintaining order or something, after all, Mike's identity as a US Marine is still very useful when facing the Brazilians.

While American GIs are recuperating in Kitchener Harbor, the reconstruction of Victoria Harbor is underway.

The foundation of Victoria is still good, the geographical location is important, the scenery is beautiful, and the climate is pleasant. It is a rare natural port in southeastern Brazil.

To transport the iron ore out of Brazil, it must go through Victoria. From this point of view, the importance of rebuilding Victoria, even surpassing Rio, has become the top priority of the new Brazilian government.

Like Rio de Janeiro, the rebuilding of Vitoria was also carried out by Christian Construction.

Iron Four Corners made a request to Christian Construction Company, hoping to extend the railway directly to the wharf, so that iron ore could be loaded directly at the wharf without transit.

This was basically impossible before the outbreak of the Brazilian Civil War, and it doesn’t matter now. With a swipe of the pen, the designers of Christian Construction Company designed a new wharf directly at the place closest to the railway station for the use of the Iron Four Corners Company. Piritu State is also very strong, directly selling dozens of square kilometers of land around the new wharf to Iron Four Corners at a low price, and everyone is happy.

For this result, the new governor of the Holy State, Alex Hilario, is still very satisfied. With the strength of the Holy State, it is impossible to complete the reconstruction of Victoria. This is the best plan.

Fan Bao is also very satisfied. The land price of one rand per acre is almost the same as a free gift. The cost of building the wharf is only about 200 million rand. For Iron Four Corners, it is a month's profit.

Out of gratitude to the state capital of the Holy State, Fan Bao decided to build a new governor's mansion for the governor, which is located in the most prosperous business district in Xincheng.

"The new city includes a port area, a commercial area, and a living area. It is estimated that 10 people can live in the new city. We have decided to name the city Hilario. Your generosity will always be remembered by Iron Four Corners." Fan Bao understands the beauty of adults, but this is not necessarily a good thing. Things like one rand per acre may become Hilario's biggest stain in the future.

The key is that the sale is too cheap. The land around the port knows that every inch of land is very expensive. Iron Sijiao has now started building a rich area and is going to sell it to those rich people who want to settle in Hilario. Guess it will be a villa How much will it cost?

If there is no gray income, Hilario's salary probably cannot afford it.

Give it away if you can’t afford it. Fan Bao will definitely keep a set for Hilario at that time. This is a favor, and it is also an advertisement.

"Christian Construction Company has rich experience in urban construction. All local cities in Brazil have a chronic disease that cannot be shaken off, and that is the slums in the city—" Fan Bao and Hilario chatted while walking, and the pier not far away has already Start construction, surrendered junta soldiers are the best workers.

Even Rio de Janeiro cannot escape the troubles of slums.

The slums are considered to be the scars of the city, not only affecting the appearance of the city, but also bringing huge hidden dangers to public security. This situation is especially serious in Brazil. The slums in many Brazilian cities are even considered to be a country within a country, and the police dare not Easy access to the slums, the gangster is the king of the slums.

"All those poor people with no income should be driven out of the city. They shouldn't live in the city. The Christian Construction Company is doing the right thing." Hilario is 40 years old this year, about 1.5 meters tall and about [-] meters in weight One hundred and fifty——


"We have experience in this regard at all levels of the federal government in Southern Africa. The key is urban management. As long as those people are not given the opportunity to build illegal buildings, the slums in the city will disappear. The experience of southern African cities is to build a large number of public rental housing. The cost may be a bit higher, but the advantages brought to urban management are enough to cover the cost of building public rental housing.” Fan Bao is sincere, he really wants to build the city of Hilario into a model of Brazilian cities, after all, Fan Bao will spend the rest of his life , may stay and work in Brazil.

"In terms of urban management, we still have a lot to learn from governments at all levels of the Southern African Federation." Hilario is half-truthful. There is indeed a lot to learn in terms of urban construction, but not necessarily in terms of management.

If you really want to learn how governments at all levels of the Southern African Federation manage cities, how can these officials in Brazil profit from it?

Fan Bao smiled and said nothing. Brazilian officials do have a lot to learn, including how to make money.

In fact, this problem also exists in southern Africa. Officials are also human beings who have to support their families and hope to provide a better life for their families. This is an unavoidable problem.

The salaries of officials in southern Africa are not high, but on the one hand, the officials themselves have a lot of wealth, and on the other hand, as long as the process of making money for officials is legal, the federal government also allows it.

It doesn't work if you don't allow it. Rock himself is a big bug. Officials are not allowed to do business. What is Rock Henry?
So money can be made, but the process must be legal, the taxes that should be paid must be paid, and the employees should not be treated so harshly. When it comes to 996, they will be ruined in minutes.

Of course, there are many hidden dangers in doing so. More people still like to get something for nothing. The simpler the way of making money, the better. This will test the enforcement of the supervisory department. Otherwise, the Southern African Taxation Bureau has so much power.

"What we are most worried about now is that the Americans will go back and return. The war is not completely over. The military government is still entrenched in St. Louis. Why don't southern Africa directly participate in the war, so that we can end the war as quickly as possible. .” Hilario completely started from his own point of view, and Fan Bao was speechless.

This is the biggest problem in Brazil.

Perhaps it can also be said that this is the common problem faced by all colonies.

It is probably because the dependence on the suzerain country has been too high for a long time. When colonial government officials solve problems, they always pin their hopes on the help of the suzerain country. It seems that they have never considered relying on their own ability to solve the problem.

Even with jewels from the United States and southern Africa, many colonies have not tried to be self-reliant. For example, Brazil, as long as the Brazilians are willing, then Brazil is fully capable of becoming a regional power by its own conditions, but from Vargas to Hillary Oh, they don't seem to want to do that.

But this seems to be a good thing for Iron Four Corners.

So Fan Bao is not going to remind Hilario.

But the promise still has to be given.

"It is impossible for the Americans to return to Victoria. Even if MacArthur served as the commander-in-chief of the US-Pakistan coalition forces, he would not be able to lead the US-Pakistan coalition forces back to Rio. Just wait and see. The military government will not last long in St. Louis. The war will last in a few years." It will be completely over within a month." Fan Bao has confidence in the umbrella, and he has survived such a difficult situation before, but now, it will be destroyed!
Qinling and Gaoshan are also confident. The Germans have already entered the Rhineland. It is impossible for the Southern African federal government to concentrate too much energy on Brazil. After all, the "civilization center" is still in Europe, and Brazil needs to get it done as soon as possible.

After defeating the US-Pakistan coalition forces, the army of the new Brazilian government has swelled to nearly 50 people.

It is not easy to maintain such a large-scale army. Southern Africa only retains about 20 troops in peacetime, and 50 troops are overwhelmed for the new Brazilian government.

So disarmament is inevitable.

However, the war did not end completely, and the Americans did not give up. The new government also needed to maintain a certain degree of military power and maintain suppression of other states. Therefore, after discussing with Vargas, Qinling decided to cut 20 troops, leaving only about 30 troops, so the pressure on the new government will be greatly reduced.

"It is not easy to attack St. Louis. Even if the troops depart from Victoria, the distance from St. Louis is more than 2000 kilometers. The sea route is the most convenient attack route. However, the coastline is controlled by the US-Pakistan coalition forces. If we want to attack St. Louis by sea, we must first complete the coastline. Control." Gao Shan is not optimistic, the Brazilian Navy is easy to deal with, and the US Navy is the biggest challenge.

During this period of time, the submarines purchased by the new Brazilian government from southern Africa have been delivered one after another, but it is almost impossible to deal with the battleships of the US Navy only with submarines.

Regardless of the sneakiness of submarines, once they are targeted by warships with strong anti-submarine capabilities, it is a dead end. The greatest power of submarines is still reflected in sneak attacks.

"It is impossible to attack St. Louis by sea in a short time. We still have to advance by land." Qin Ling is not afraid of difficulties, but still has to go straight to Huanglong.

To deal with the coalition fleet, it is not impossible to attack from land. As long as the port is taken down, the fleet will naturally have to retreat.

However, this method is not realistic in Brazil. St. Louis itself is the largest port in northern Brazil. Even if St. Louis is lost, the US Navy still has countless ports in South America that can be used. All ports are occupied.

So we still have to advance by land. Although this seems a bit stupid, it is the safest way.

And for things like long-distance raids, there is no need to use too many troops. With 50 new government troops, one elite soldier is enough to do the job.

The only thing to worry about is that Washington cannot bear the second defeat, and MacArthur cannot lose, so the US government will definitely go all out. This is destined to be a tough battle. If it wins, the new Brazilian government can unify Brazil.

If you lose the fight, you might be devastated.

(End of this chapter)

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