Chapter 1996 Not Treason
From "strong wind" to "gale wind" and then to "gale wind", fighter jets are no longer an era where one or two geniuses can lead the times with a flash of inspiration, but a system engineering that requires the cooperation of multiple departments and long-term research and development.

It seems that the importance of individuals is declining. In fact, an experienced leader can still play a huge role. After a chief designer like Heydrich returns to Germany, German aircraft technology can be improved immediately. one level.

With technology, in fact, it may not necessarily be able to create it.

Aero-engines have very strict requirements on materials. Nyasaran Aviation’s latest aero-engines are unable to be replaced because the materials are not up to standard. A few years ago, Germany imported a batch of aero-engines from southern Africa. , It is said that if you want to copy the cottage, you will not come to the cottage.

Heydrich, as the chief designer of Tornado, has a very high status in Nyasaran Aviation.

Since Heydrich submitted his application to return to Germany, persuasion from Nyasaland Airlines, the Nyasaland state government, and even the Ministry of Defense of Southern Africa has come one after another.

Heydrich has a firm attitude. He would rather give up his good life in southern Africa, and he hopes to return to Germany and use his knowledge to help the German aviation industry. For this reason, Heydrich even turned against several of his old friends.

"If you want to help the German aviation industry, then staying with Nyasaland Airlines will play a greater role, which is more beneficial to the German aviation industry than if you go back to Germany alone." Nyasaland Airways Chief Engineer, also Miller from Germany earnestly.

Miller, like Heydrich, immigrated to southern Africa with his family before the outbreak of the World War, and has settled in southern Africa for more than 20 years.

"Even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about Anne and the children. Do you want Anne and the children to return to Germany with you? You should know what kind of consequences that will lead to. Europe is becoming more and more dangerous now , Everyone else is trying to escape from Germany, escape from Europe, but you want to go back, this is not a responsible attitude.” Richter, Heydrich’s former colleague and now working for Rhodesia Airlines, was moved. Delici has two sons and three daughters. All but the youngest daughter are married, and the eldest grandson is about to go to school.

"If the aviation hero wants a blueprint of 'Gust', just give him one. Why do you have to return to Germany?" Heydrich's best friend and assistant to Heydrich, "Gust "The deputy chief designer of the fighter jet, Friedrich from the UK, has a violent personality.

Friedrich was half German, which is normal in England.

The "hero of aviation" Friedrich said was Goering.

The last time Goering visited Heydrich when he came to southern Africa, Goering expressed the intention of soliciting Heydrich and Friedrich at that time, but Friedrich directly refused, and he could donate to the revival of Germany , but he is unwilling to bind his wealth and life with the revival of Germany.

Heydrich is a pure German. What Goering said to Heydrich is like planting a seed in Heydrich's heart. After knowing that Germany has begun to revive, that seed has now taken root and spoken out, becoming Become a towering tree.

"Even if I go back to Germany, I won't draw the blueprints of 'Gust'. I still have this point." Heydrich grew up in southern Africa, received education in southern Africa, and was deeply influenced by southern Africa. Africa is Heydrich's second hometown. Heydrich hopes that Germany will be revived, but it will not harm the interests of southern Africa.

Of course, this is just Heydrich's wishful thinking. He must not have thought about it now. If the world war breaks out again and southern Africa and Germany belong to different camps, what should he do then?
"Then what's the point of you going back? You don't want to redesign a brand new fighter, right? It's not 20 years ago!" As the chief engineer, Miller must know how complicated it is to design a brand new fighter .

Heydrich didn't speak, his expression seemed unconvinced.

Miller suddenly remembered something.

Compared with the "Gust", the "Gallery" is almost a brand new fighter, and its design ideas and performance have been greatly improved.

Remodeling of fighter jets is a complicated project. In general, existing models are improved, and a new model will not be considered until there is nothing to change.

Heydrich is the chief designer of "Gust". When deciding on a new model, Heydrich upgraded on the basis of "Gust". Although he also applied various state-of-the-art technologies, he was still in front of the brand new "Gust". Heydrich was very unwilling to lose the battle.

A large part of the reason why Heydrich wants to return to Germany should be here.

Since southern Africa no longer needs Heydrich's technology, why didn't Heydrich return to Germany to show off?
"The 'Snapwind' you designed was also affirmed by the Ministry of National Defense. The Ministry of National Defense has decided to sell the 'Snapwind' you designed as an export model. In fact, you should also know that the 'Wind' series has not been improved much until now. Space, we want to ensure the advantage in the fighter, we must accept the pain caused by the remodeling.” Miller is the chief designer of the “Hall”, as a brand-new design, the performance of the “Hall” designed by the Miller team is not enough Stable. During the test flight, there was a major accident that caused the plane to crash. The "Gallery" designed by Heydrich's team was technically mature. The two versions were finally sent to Pretoria, and they were finally confirmed after Rock's review.

Don’t be afraid of unstable performance. If problems are exposed during the test flight, they can be improved. In the end, the Southern African Air Force can get a fighter with better performance and more room for improvement.

Following the previous design ideas, the performance is stable, but there is no room for improvement. We still have to go through this process in the future. Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.

"Who said that the 'Wind' series has lost room for improvement? As long as there are new technologies emerging, the 'Wind' series can continue to be brilliant." Heydrich took the case, and "Speed" has become a part of Heydrich's heart. A thorn, just thinking about it will make you feel a dull pain.

"How is it possible—" Miller didn't want to argue with Heydrich on this issue, and Heydrich was a little fuzzy now.

The key is that the requirements are different. Heydrich's new fighter is more dexterous, faster, and has better low-altitude hovering capabilities, so that it can have greater advantages in low-altitude dogfights.

Miller's idea is to have a longer range, more ammunition load, stronger survivability, better climb and dive, which requires higher strength of the fuselage structure, and the aircraft is larger and heavier.

In short, the thinking is different, and the results are completely different.

"Okay, you don't need to argue about this issue. If Germany needs 'Hall of Wind', then we can sell the export version of 'Hall of Wind' directly to Berlin. Wouldn't this also solve the problem?" Hope to do whatever it takes.

Although the "Gallery" designed by Heydrich's team was eliminated in the competition of the Ministry of National Defense, it is still a very good fighter, and it is still unattainable in European and American countries.

With Germany's capabilities, even if the blueprints of "Hayate" were given to the Germans, it is estimated that the Germans would not be able to create "Hayate", so buying is the most convenient way.

"William, you are an Englishman, you don't understand my mood!" Heydrich was in pain, and no one except Rock could understand his mood.

Germany is now considered poor and weak.

Think of Germany when it won the Franco-Prussian War, and then think of Germany under the restrictions of the Treaty of Versailles.

Heydrich didn't care if the Treaty of Versailles was just, he was a German and that was enough.

"I'm not British, I'm a southern African just like you!" Friedrich emphasized that the Anglo-Saxons are actually a branch of the Germanic peoples, which were called Celtics and Slavs during the Roman Empire. The Romans were also known as the three major barbarians in Europe.

"But I'm still German—" Heydrich insisted, though his voice was much lower.

Heydrich does not deny that he is from southern Africa. When he decided to return to Germany, he must have felt guilty about southern Africa. This feeling is very complicated.

Friedrich was furious, and his flushed face fully reflected his mood.

"Okay William, we're going to give Klaus some time to think for himself—" Miller stopped the furious Friedrich, not wanting the differences to escalate into contradictions: "——Klaus, when making a decision , think of Annie and the children, no matter what, we are all your friends and will firmly support you."

Heydrich tightly pursed his lips and remained silent. For him, the price he had to pay to return to Germany was indeed too great.

When leaving Heydrich's house, Miller sensitively noticed a black car standing across the street.

As the chief designer of "Gallery", Miller is still very familiar with the security department in southern Africa. After all, Miller and the others are too important to deal with the security department all year round.

With an angry expression on Miller's face, he strode over to Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang, slamming his elbow on the car door.

"Are you crazy? What are you doing?" The secret agent in the car was still playing dumb, pretending that he didn't know Miller.

"I warn you, stay away from this house, Klaus Heydrich is still the chief designer of Nyasaland Airlines!" Miller was furious, Heydrich just wanted to chase his own dream, not treason .

The young secret agent did not speak, but peeked at the middle-aged inspector on the co-pilot.

The inspector's hat was pulled down so low that it almost covered his entire face. He sighed and made a gesture. The young detective grinned awkwardly at Miller and started the car immediately.

ps: It’s the end of the month again, brothers, I got up at three o’clock this morning to code, and I can code as many codes as I can, and I’m going to celebrate the old man’s birthday at noon——

(End of this chapter)

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