Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 200 Touching Porcelain

Chapter 200 Touching Porcelain (for Subscription)

People have a herd effect, especially people like Roque. In just over a year, Roque has grown from a mere Chinese patrolman to one of the few nobles in the four Cape colonies, which makes many people envious.

For example, Joe Russell, as the deputy chief of the Johannesburg Police Department, Joe Russell is now following the pace of Rock, Rock buys a farm, Joe Russell also buys a farm, Rock mines gold, Joe Russell——

Joe Russell was not so lucky. A gold mine was "accidentally" discovered on Rock's farm. There was nothing on Joe Russell's farm. Even the livestock raised by the Boers before was robbed by the army. The compatriots needed resettlement, so Joe Russell's investment was doomed.

It can't be said that there is no loss. After confirming that there is no gold mine on the farm, Joe Russell came to Rock.

"Sir Locke, I heard you are buying a farm?" Joe Russell said seriously.

Rock saw through what Joe Russell was up to at a glance.

"Speak directly, what do you want to do?" Rock didn't want to be courteous to Joe Russell, even if he didn't talk about the relationship between Rock and August Russell, Rock didn't need to be polite to Joe Russell.

"I want to sell you the farm I bought—I thought there was a gold mine under the farm, but I hired Christian Prospecting Company to search for a month, but I couldn't find a hair, so Sir Locke, help— "Joe Russell was crying, feeling that he had passed a large fortune.

"Didn't you and your uncle buy a gold mine?" Rock laughed directly.

"Who would think that there are too many gold mines--" Joe Russell almost cried out, what the hell is different.

You can tell from the name that the Christian Prospecting Company is the company Roque asked Christian to establish. The only mission of this company was to help Roque find the Far West Rand gold mine. Because they knew the approximate location, the Christian Prospecting Company was very This mission was successfully completed.

One yard counts for one yard. Although Rock asked Christian to register Christian Prospecting Company, Rock still paid a large fee to Christian Prospecting Company.

It turned out that Christian saw a business opportunity.

There should not be too many gold diggers coming to Johannesburg to look for gold mines. The Golden Mountain Hotel is now full of agents from big local families. They don’t need to look for gold mines, but look for mine owners who want to transfer the gold mines and buy the gold mines directly .

So now the Pretoria Bureau of Mines no longer needs to organize gold mine auctions. With the jewels from the Matilda Gold Mine in front, even the abandoned gold mines in the entire Johannesburg area have been snapped up.

This also caused the price of gold mines and the land around Johannesburg to rise sharply. Most of those who bought abandoned gold mines lost money. Some people did find gold mines that were still worth mining. Unfortunately, everyone All eyes are on the lucky ones, no one pays attention to the losers.

Therefore, countless gold diggers are still pouring into Johannesburg.

These gold prospectors, as well as the agents of the great families, were clients of the Christian Prospecting Company.

"How big is your farm, and how much do you want to sell?" Rock didn't pay attention to the gold mine now, but the farm.

"3000 acres, I bought it for 150 pounds, just give me 150 pounds." Joe Russell put on a smile on his face.

"Forget it, I don't want your uncle to scold me, so I'll just go with the current price." Rock put on the attitude of an elder, and it's only a few hundred pounds, and he can get a favor from August Russell. Nothing is more important than this Good deal.

"That's great, you are a merciful God—" Joe Russell was overjoyed. According to the current price, a 3000-acre farm is worth 750 pounds, which is already a good return for an investment.

As an inspector serving as the deputy director, Joe Russell's annual salary plus the colonial subsidy only earned this little.

The 3000-acre deal now doesn't require Roque to come forward in person.

Rock bought too many farms, and now he can be regarded as the largest landowner around Johannesburg. As long as someone notices this, it will definitely affect Rock's image.

Therefore, Rock now has to disperse ownership and transfer most of the farms to Buck, Iron Hook, and Holly. Even so, it is still a bit eye-catching. Buck, Iron Hook, and Holly each have more than [-] farms. acre.

In addition to Buck, Iron Hook, and Holly, there are now more than one hundred Chinese farmers in Johannesburg. The farms under their names range from 50 acres to 500 acres. Miners who guarantee each other purchase, they can get more loans.

In Rock's plan, an ordinary farm must have at least 50 acres of land, which is about 300 acres in metric system. Considering the modern agriculture planned by Rock, 300 acres of land is more than enough to feed a family, enough for a family to live Johannesburg thrives, and they are Rock's base.

Even at the police station, Marvin made Rock's lunch, and then Zach sent it to Rock's office.

Zach and Anna are now in Johannesburg, staying at Rock's house next to the police station.

That home is now more similar to Zach and Anna's home. Rock rarely goes back, sometimes lives in the gold mine, and more often simply lives in the police station.

Rock had lunch with Li De and Martin. During the meal, Rock would chat with Li De and Martin, and sometimes he would discover some unexpected situations.

There was an accident today.

"The priest we caught should be released, right?" Li De seemed careless, muttering while he was eating rice.


Frank von Adelaide!

Rock forgot all about it!

"Not released yet?" Rock originally planned to release Frank von Adelaide after the investigation team left. Now that the investigation team has been away for half a month, he did not expect Frank von Adelaide to be still in the police. Bureau.

"If you don't speak, who dares to let it go!" Martin rolled his eyes from choking, and quickly gave away the Elsie wine that Anton sent over.

"This priest is quite capable. He stayed in our police station for more than a month. I heard that he has developed more than a dozen Catholic believers. If he is allowed to stay here, I don't know what troubles will happen." The information provided by Li De Rock was stunned.

For priests or pastors, preaching is their bounden duty. When the colonists conquered the natives, they used a sword in one hand and the Bible in the other.

What Rock never expected was that Frank von Adelaide could develop believers even in the police station. Rock really underestimated the role of religion.

"Hurry up and drive him away—" Rock didn't hesitate, the state religion in England is Protestantism, and Frank von Adelaide is a Catholic priest, so it's not troublesome.

Li De didn't even eat his meal, he put down his bowl and ran to the cafeteria.

In the cafeteria, Frank von Adelaide sat at a dining table surrounded by Chinese, Boer and Zulu officers from the Johannesburg Police Department.

"Methuselah gave birth to Lamech at the age of seven in 180. After giving birth to Lamech, Methuselah lived for another 780 years and did not meet God until he was nine years old in 960—" Frank von Adelaide said Foam splashed all over the mouth, and the surrounding policemen let out a burst of exclamation.

Owen said it all, eat and drink well.

Rock didn't make any discounts. Frank von Adelaide lived in the police dormitory, ate in the police cafeteria, his clothes were washed, and the used tableware was brushed. Strolling, the small life is simply not too moist.

This foreign monk, he doesn’t give up meat, Frank von Adelaide is preaching among the aborigines all day long, and he probably hasn’t had a good life for a few days, so these days Frank von Adelaide is in the police At the police station, it is obvious that there is a look of reluctance. When the time comes, they come to the cafeteria to eat, and sometimes they drink with the police, without the consciousness of prisoners at all.

The Chinese are very enthusiastic about their friends. They got to know Frank von Adelaide once and for all. In just one month, Frank von Adelaide developed more than ten Catholic believers in the police station. See Frank von Adelaide Adelaide's posture, if he does not develop all the policemen into Catholic believers, he will not leave voluntarily.

Li De stepped forward to separate the crowd and interrupted Frank von Adelaide's preaching and giving: "Father, you can go now."

"Going? Where?" For a moment, Frank von Adelaide had the police station as his own.

"Go where you should go, aren't you going to find the investigation team? Go find it!" Li De still wanted to fool Frank von Adelaide.

"Hehe, do you think I don't know that the investigation team went to Pretoria?" Frank von Adelaide was very well informed.

He told him so fast!

Li De looked at the policemen around him.

The police immediately dispersed.

"Never mind where the investigative team is, your imprisonment has been lifted, you can go." Reed looked at the steak on Frank von Adelaide's dinner plate and was furious.

The monks are all pure-hearted and ascetic, not only do not eat meat, but also sweep the floor to fear the lives of ants, and cherish the moth gauze lamp.

Frank von Adelaide, this guy always picks the best ones when he eats. He only eats beef tenderloin for steak, only the first half for fish, and chicken thighs for chicken. I haven’t seen Frank von Adelaide. Adelaide had bread.

Guarding the gold mines around Johannesburg, the police officers don't pay for meals in the restaurants in the police station. Frank von Adelaide eats from the funds of the police station, and Reed has long been disgusted with it.

"Prisoner? What did I do wrong?" Frank von Adelaide still wanted to find fault.

"You're right, I was wrong." Li De didn't talk nonsense with Frank von Adelaide, he raised his hand and waved. Two strong men came over from the door of the restaurant, and put Frank von Adelaide up. Walk.

Hehe, eating and drinking for so long, it's fine if you don't pay, and want to touch porcelain before leaving?

Crazy to dare to touch the porcelain of the police.

(End of this chapter)

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