2007 Ninja Turtles

What Minami Soichiro didn't know was that the "Durban" class light cruisers in southern Africa had rams, and they were made of high-strength alloy steel.

No way, the resource-rich southern Africa is so arrogant. When the Japanese army was still building tanks with iron sheets, the southern African tanks had already used high-strength alloy steel. In this way, the southern African Ministry of Defense still feels that it provides tankers with The protection of the tank is not enough, and a layer of reactive armor is hung on the outside of the tank.

Reactive armor is actually an inert explosive. When the armor-piercing projectile hits a tank equipped with reactive armor, the inert explosive will explode outward, thereby effectively reducing the damage of the armor-piercing projectile to the tank and achieving the purpose of protecting the tank.

Reactive armor is not installed as you want. If the skin of the tank is too thin, it cannot be installed with reactive armor, because the reactive armor will cause certain damage to the tank body when it explodes. Therefore, even if the Japanese army has learned this technology, it can be used. No, the Japanese Type 89 medium-sized tank is the standard stuffing with big stuffing and thin skin.

Going back to the "Durban" class light cruiser, the cost of the cruiser is definitely much higher than that of the tank. Even the tank uses high-strength alloy steel, and the cruiser must also use it, so if there is a collision, the "Durban" must be It won't hurt.

On the light cruiser "Fen Yong", the captain Chang Hong looked at the "Qiu Yue" which was getting closer and closer, with cold eyes.

Chang Hong's hometown was outside the customs, and Japan began to expand its military. Chang Hong's hometown had already fallen. If not for his responsibility, Chang Hong had already launched an attack on the "Qiuyue" when he discovered the "Qiuyue".

Although the war between southern Africa and Japan is on the verge of breaking out, war has not yet been declared. After Japan began its military expansion, the captains of the Changi Naval Base could no longer bear it. A conflict broke out with the Japanese United Fleet, and now the "Akizuki" gave Chang Hong a chance to make an excuse, and Chang Hong would definitely not let it go.

Even if Chang Hong would pay a heavy price for it afterwards, Chang Hong would not hesitate.

"The distance is 1000 meters, prepare to collide—" the first mate Ford shouted hoarsely. For a cruiser with a length of more than 1000 meters, [-] meters is just a few breaths.

"Crash into it!" Chang Hong's attitude was decisive, it was best to hit "Qiuyue" directly and sink it.

It can be seen that the "Qiuyue" is turning desperately, trying to avoid the "Fenilien".

The speed of the "Brave" has been raised to the extreme, and the "Qiuyue" has no chance to escape.

Although the "Qiuyue" tried its best to avoid a frontal collision, the "Fen Yong" still slammed into the side of the "Qiuyue".

The 3100-ton "Fen Yong" collided with the 1500-ton "Qiuyue" as easily as an adult hitting a child.


At the moment of the impact, the hull of the "Akizuki" tilted severely, and the side of the other side was almost parallel to the water surface. The "Akizuki" was thrown into the air by the sea water, and then hit the water again heavily. A big hole was knocked out of the ship's side by the "Brave", and when it hit the water, the hull of the "Qiuyue" made a huge sound of metal breaking.

The "Qiuyue" must have been scrapped. Even if it managed to drive back, it would no longer be able to undertake combat missions because of the damage to the hull structure.

Maybe you won't be able to go back. Seeing this posture, it will sink almost at any time.

Compared with the miserable "Qiuyue", the "Fen Yong" has almost no damage. After returning to the port, it is estimated that the sideboard will need to be repainted.

At the moment of the impact, several sailors on the "Qiuyue" fell directly into the sea, and the other casualties are unknown.

The "Fen Yong" did not intend to stop for rescue at all, and just went straight away after hitting the "Qiuyue", with an extremely arrogant attitude.

There is no ghost submarine left either, it has long since disappeared without a trace.

When the news of the collision between the two ships came out, public opinion was in an uproar.

Southern Africa is a country mainly composed of Chinese. Rock has not concealed his hostility towards Japan from the very beginning. Southern Africa has never done business with the Japanese for so many years, and everyone sees it.

From the perspective of European and American countries, it is irrational for southern Africa to do so. Britain and Germany played their brains during the World War. As soon as the World War ended, Britain began to assist Germany out of its own interests.

The same is true for the United States. Southern Africa defeated the US-Pakistan coalition forces in Brazil, and the US government has not seen the declaration of war on southern Africa. The business is still in business, and the money that should be earned is not lost.

Southern Africa has an impressive record in the Friendship Games, and the Americans also excelled in the Los Angeles Olympics. Among the total 116 gold medals, the American delegation won 65. This should have been a shame for the United States, because participating in There are only 25 countries in this Olympic Games, and all athletes add up to only 830, of which there are 690 American athletes, but the Americans hype 65 gold medals as honors.

To be honest, I have never seen such a shameless country.

After Japan began its military expansion, southern Africa became more hostile to Japan. Japanese merchant ships could not even pass through the Strait of Malacca at one point, and had to hang the flags of other countries to pass.

In the League of Nations, Southern Africa insisted on imposing sanctions on Japan. Southern Africa did not even send an invitation to Japan for the Friendship Games, because the United States insisted on trade with Japan. Southern Africa sanctioned the United States. Before Japan began military expansion, Southern Africa and Japan There are also sporadic trade volumes between Japan.

After Japan began its military expansion, the trade volume between southern Africa and Japan has been zero for many years.

Not only in southern Africa, but also in countries of the Southern African Union, including Australia, whose trade volume with Japan is also zero.

After the collision incident, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately lodged the most serious protest to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Southern Africa, demanding that Southern Africa compensate for the loss of the Japanese Combined Fleet while punishing those responsible.

After the "Qiuyue" was rushed to the Philippines for repairs, it still failed to escape the fate of sinking.

The damage caused to the "Qiuyue" by the "Fen Yong" was too great, and the hull structure of the "Qiuyue" was destroyed. If it were to be repaired, the cost would be even higher than directly building a new ship.

The Japanese government finally gave up the maintenance of the "Akizuki", and the "Akizuki" was forced to sink in the waters of the Philippines, and the sailors on the "Akizuki" returned to Japan on an American merchant ship.

This matter did not end here. After the sinking of the "Akizuki", what made the Japanese most angry was not the atrocities in southern Africa, but the captain of the "Akizuki", Minami Soichiro, did not follow the naval tradition and followed the sinking of the "Akizuki". Including other officers and soldiers, they have attracted ridicule from Japanese public opinion.

The Japanese government did not hold the officers and soldiers of the "Akizuki" accountable. On the contrary, the first officer Oda Takashi couldn't bear the humiliation and committed suicide by caesarean section after returning to Japan.

The response of the Federal Government of Southern Africa to the collision incident was extremely indifferent. The Changi Squadron did not even stop the work of Captain Chang Hong of the "Brave". Because of this, he became the most popular person in the Navy Club. It is said that since then, Chang Hong has never paid for wine in the Navy Club.

"You should have sunk the Japanese ship and drowned all the sailors at that time, to see if the Japanese government can bear this breath." In the Navy Club, Captain Bran, who is also the captain of the "Durban" class cruiser, It's a pity that if it was Brandt, Brandt might go too far.

Brandt was of French descent, and while there was no direct animosity between France and Japan, Brandt was still influenced by the atmosphere at Changi Naval Base.

It is said that at the Changi Naval Base, when the recruits shoot targets, the images of the targets are all Japanese soldiers.

"I think I've gone too far. I didn't expect the Japanese government to tolerate it—" Chang Hong also regretted that the reputation of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was well-deserved.

"Otherwise, what else can we do? Declare war with us? Give the Japanese another chance!" Yuri from the Marine Corps also hates the Japanese extremely, and there is also an inextricable hatred between Russia and Japan.

Don't forget the damage caused by the Russo-Japanese War to Russia, so if there is a chance, the Russians don't mind teaching the Japanese a lesson.

Japan also knows that the Russians will take revenge, otherwise they would not regard Russia as Japan's biggest enemy on land.

"I have a question, why did the 'Akizuki' break into the East Indies?" Brandt still can't figure out why the Japanese did this.

"Whatever his reason is, if he dares to come again, we will continue to collide!" Yuri regretted, why didn't the Japanese log in in Kalimantan, so that the marines could show their talents.

"The Japanese are probably testing the bottom line of us and East India—" Chang Hong calmly analyzed that a mere Japanese rogue is not worth the Japanese government's actions.

"We have to be careful during this time, the Japanese will definitely retaliate." Brandt reminded that it is true that the Japanese can bear it, and it is also true that they must retaliate.

"Oh, I'm worried that the Japanese won't retaliate." Chang Hong hoped that the Japanese would retaliate, which would give the southern African federal government enough excuses.

In fact, southern Africa was not ready to go to war with the Japanese.

On the fourth day after the collision, Tang Li held a meeting of captains to give the ambitious captains a chance to cool down and not push the situation out of control.

Even if you want to fight, you have to wait until all the "island" class aircraft carriers are built.

After all, Japan is different from the United States. Southern Africa and the United States fought in Brazil, with the purpose of teaching the Americans a lesson and shaking the hegemony of the United States in the Americas.

Regarding Japan, the attitude of the Federal Government of Southern Africa is very clear.

Either don't fight, or if you want to fight, you must kill Japan completely, and don't give Japan any chance to rise again.

The Japanese government must also be able to feel the hostility of southern Africa. In order to express its protest against southern Africa, on November 11, Japan decided to recall its ambassadors to southern Africa, and at the same time suggested that the southern African ambassadors to Japan should leave Japan in the shortest possible time.

Don't get me wrong, this is not a severance of diplomatic relations. The United States and southern Africa have recalled each other's ambassadors.

(End of this chapter)

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