Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2022 Pocket Aircraft Carrier

Chapter 2022 Pocket Aircraft Carrier

The situation in France is very complicated. Unlike Germany and the United Kingdom, which are dominated by a single ethnic group, the main population of France has several parts, namely: French, Brittany, Corsican, and Alsatian.

The complex population structure brings many problems.

After the World War, in order to increase the population, the French government relaxed the restrictions on the importation of colonial population, which further complicated the problems in France. Therefore, when facing Germany, the French government became more and more powerless.

This is also one of the important reasons why the French Prime Minister can't work for long. He is as powerful as "Tiger" Clemenceau, and he was quickly abandoned by the French after the end of the World War. Needless to say, other French politicians, no matter how capable they are, facing the present China's France is also helpless, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as internal and external troubles.

Under such circumstances, St. Rocco, with a developed economy, prosperity, stability, and security, has become the best settlement for those rich French who do not want to leave France, or who cannot leave.

The current San Roque is essentially a huge rich area.

The biggest problem in France now is that the poor are poor and the rich are rich. The economic division has brought about a fierce collision of ideas. The Enlightenment Movement first started in France, and France was also the first country in Europe where the bourgeois revolution broke out. Therefore, the French The spirit of rebellion is also "since ancient times". Among European countries, the French's thinking is the most avant-garde.

In this case, it is easy to understand why the French shouted the slogan "Peace, not aircraft carriers".

Anyway, there are all kinds of ideas, there are those who advocate cruel revenge against Germany, and there are peace-loving ones.

Some were completely disappointed with France and immigrated overseas, and some stayed in France and lived and died together with France.

Some resolutely defend the "giant ship cannon" doctrine, and some take the initiative to accept new technologies and hope to build a modern navy.

Leonard Capet is neither side, he advocates brutal revenge on Germany, but not through war, but through a more peaceful way.

Leonard Capet’s family has been sent to southern Africa, and he himself remains in France. Some people may think that Leonard Capet is earning money in France and spending money in southern Africa, but as long as France does not surrender, Ray Nader Capet will not leave France.

As for whether France is building battleships or aircraft carriers, to be honest, Leonard Capet doesn't care. He doesn't have any hope for the French navy. If Germany wants to attack France, France has the most powerful force in the world. The fleet is useless.

So Leonard Capet pinned more hopes on southern Africa. The "Madagascar" fleet came to Saint Rocco this time was invited by Leonard Capet. Leonard Capet paid.

Reynard Capet's purpose is very clear, he hopes to use this method to give Saint Rocco and France more confidence.

To the Southern African Navy, Leonard Cape was not an outsider, so when Leonard Cape proposed to board the "Madagascar" for a visit, Li Ao readily agreed.

Of course, before boarding the "Madagascar", Li Ao also warned: "The 'Madagascar' is our most advanced aircraft carrier and has applied a lot of the most advanced technologies, so no matter what you see later, I hope you can Rotten in the stomach."

"No, you can just show me casually. I can't take on such a big responsibility for the parts that involve confidentiality." Leonard Capet is self-aware, and Li Ao is too worried. Relevant things, even if they were opened and shown to Leonard Capet, he would not be able to understand them.

This is already the third sea trial of the "Madagascar". Every time it returns to its home port, the "Madagascar" will install some new equipment. The air defense system, communication system, and air-to-sea radar are all on board. The aircraft is also the latest "Goshawk". The southern African navy is very confident. The "Goshawk" on the flight deck of the "Madagascar" is not even covered with a cloth. Pregnant.

"How many carrier-based aircraft can this aircraft carrier carry?" Leonard Capet didn't know enough about "Madagascar".

"The design was 130 planes, but there were some problems later, and now it can carry about 120 planes." Li Ao told the truth, this is not a secret.

The "Island" class aircraft carrier is designed to carry more capacity than the "City" class, but the size of the "Goshawk" carrier-based aircraft is also larger than the previous carrier-based aircraft, so the carrying capacity does not meet the design standard, only 120 shelf.

In fact, it is already very good. The "Elizabeth" of the United Kingdom and the "Yorktown" of the United States only have about 80 aircraft, which is not even as good as the "city" class. From this perspective, an "island" class The fighting power is equivalent to one and a half "Yorktown".

Of course, considering the gap in the performance of carrier-based aircraft, the actual gap must be greater than this.

"Is there any chance of San Rocco becoming the home port of the Atlantic Fleet?" This is the question that Leonard Capet is most concerned about.

The Atlantic Fleet and the Indian Ocean Fleet have two home ports, the Atlantic Fleet is Walvis Bay and Halifax; the Indian Ocean Fleet is Port Edward and Diego Garcia.

As an enclave of Southern Africa in Europe, Saint-Roch is far away from the mainland of Southern Africa and is located on the French-Belgian border. Once the world war breaks out again, Saint-Roch will definitely face the German attack.

At this time, if there is a fleet stationed in St. Rocco, it will provide the city of St. Rocco with the greatest degree of protection, and the Atlantic Fleet will also strengthen the defense of St. Rocco accordingly.

Among other things, the combat effectiveness of the Marine Corps is definitely stronger than that of the umbrella company.

"It depends on the arrangement of the Ministry of National Defense—" Li Ao did not overstep his authority. Saint Rocco now actually has warships stationed there, but only light cruisers and destroyers, whose main functions are anti-submarine and escort.

This focus is obvious. Anti-submarine and escort forces are also one of the themes of this naval meeting.

As the main type of anti-submarine and escort ships, in the category of cruisers, the United Kingdom has 34 ships, Japan has 18 ships, southern Africa has 42 ships, and the United States has only 10 ships.

In 1931, Japan's "Imperial National Defense Policy" decided to further expand the size of the navy to meet increasingly severe challenges.


In order to implement this plan, Japan's military expenditure reached 30.5 billion yen that year, an increase of 10% over the previous year.

In order to complete this plan, in the next five years, Japan will build at least 72 new warships, and its annual military expenditure will increase by about 30.00%.

After the "Lexington" was sunk, the U.S. government also proposed a huge shipbuilding plan. It is estimated that by 1938, the U.S. will have 18 battleships, 45 cruisers, 150 destroyers, 56 submarines, and 8 aircraft carriers.

In order to support this shipbuilding plan, the United States is expected to invest 15 billion US dollars.

Needless to say, southern Africa, after the completion of the four "island" class aircraft carriers, southern Africa will have 10 aircraft carriers, 42 cruisers, 80 destroyers, an unknown number of submarine forces, and an aviation force composed of up to 1500 combat aircraft .

Oh, by the way, there are still four battleships in Southern Africa.

Although the age of these four battleships is relatively long, it has actually been launched for nearly 20 years so far, but the modernization of southern African warships is very fast, and the performance of these four battleships is still very advanced.

In comparison, the modernization of the British Royal Navy lags far behind southern Africa.

Among other things, practical air-to-air radars are only mastered in southern Africa.

Only southern Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States have mastered sea radar, and other countries have not even realized the importance of radar.

Compared with the huge cruisers and destroyers in southern Africa, the Royal Navy also pales in comparison. Germany does not even have a battleship now, so is it necessary for the Royal Navy to maintain a strong battleship force?

Don't forget that the best arm of the German Navy is submarines. In the last world war, the United Kingdom had already suffered a lot. Therefore, at the just past naval meeting, the United Kingdom also proposed a huge shipbuilding plan, which is planned to be completed in the next five years. , ten new light cruisers and ten destroyers are newly built every year to strengthen the anti-submarine force of the Royal Navy.

The Southern African Atlantic Fleet is also based on this factor, so the warships deployed in San Rocco are all anti-submarine and escort.

"The Saint Rock fleet must at least have the ability to send all the Saint Rock people to the UK once the war is extremely unfavorable." Leonard Capet has already prepared for the worst, and Dunkirk is less than Saint Rock. 30 kilometers.

"You don't have to worry about this problem. It's very easy to send the Saint Rock people across the English Channel, and civilian ships can also do it." Li Ao has not yet realized the seriousness of this problem.

This is also normal. Now no one would think that France, which fought bloody battles with Germany for four years in the last world war, would give up resistance within 40 days.

From four years to 40 days, the ghost knows what the French have experienced in these years.

When Leonard Capet was visiting the "Madagascar", the arrival of the "Madagascar" also attracted strong attention from relevant countries, especially the United Kingdom and Germany.

The UK has already lagged behind southern Africa and the United States in terms of aircraft carriers. Even after the two "Elizabeths" are built, the UK has only four aircraft carriers in total, and the ambition is not even as good as that of the Japanese.

The Germans were even worse. The Germans once approached the "Akagi" infinitely, but unfortunately they failed in the end. Now the Germans' purpose is very simple. They only need a pocket-sized aircraft carrier to meet Germany's current needs.

(End of this chapter)

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