Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2026 The Frenchman waiting to die

Chapter 2026 The Frenchman waiting to die
A small restaurant conceals the continuous cultural output of southern Africa over the years.

To attract lower-class Europeans to immigrate to southern Africa, all you need is a peaceful and stable life.

If we want European elites to immigrate to Southern Africa, we must make European elites yearn for the culture of Southern Africa.

In southern African culture, there are not only benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trust in traditional eastern culture, but also honor, sacrifice, and bravery in western chivalry.

The city of San Roque has done a particularly good job in cultural integration.

As the only enclave in Europe, the federal government of Southern Africa has invested a lot of effort in São Roque, turning the city of São Roque into a window for southern Africa to display its image to the outside world.

After more than ten years of construction, San Rocco has become one of the most prosperous and safest cities in Europe. In recent years, the "Times" has ranked San Rocco as the most livable city in the world, ranking first for many years .

This ranking is a little bit watery, but no one cares about it. Everyone who comes to San Rocco will be surprised by the blooming flowers of San Rocco. San Rocco is also the largest free port in southern Africa.

The concept of a free port can be traced back to 1547, when the Port of Livorno in Italy became the first free port in the world.

The original free port was a special area created to promote free trade, with the purpose of expanding international trade.

Later, with the development of the economy, the nature of the free port gradually deteriorated, and it became the best tool for industrialized countries to export to the outside world.

It is the United Kingdom that has played the greatest role in promoting the concept of free ports, but the United States is the country with the largest number of existing free ports. There are complex historical, economic, political, and cultural reasons for this.

To put it simply, whoever has a more developed industry will start to tout this set.

Now that the industrial strength of southern Africa is far ahead of European countries, it is only logical that Saint Rocco becomes a free port.

After St. Rocco is identified as a free port, Europeans can buy various commodities in southern Africa at a relatively low price.

As long as the various commodities here are industrial products, most of them are expensive luxury goods, such as jewelry from De Beers Consolidated Mining Company, high-end cars from southern Africa, and all kinds of fur and crocodile leather bags that are popular among Europeans. , In recent years, private jets have also become popular, not only the large business jets, but also small and flexible small jets.

"The Germans are ambitious. Not only did London and Paris not maintain enough vigilance against Germany, but they allowed the Germans to continue to break through the restrictions of the "Contract of Versailles". Marshal Foch's words are becoming a reality. In the near future, Europe will once again stage a world war. The tragedy of the Great War, and this time, it will definitely be more cruel, more destructive, and last longer than the last one." Reynard Capet was not optimistic about the prospects of France, and Americans and southern Africans helped Germany Well, what are the British doing?
Are you foolish to play the Continental Equilibrium Policy?

"Why did Paris get involved?" Li Ao also couldn't figure it out, British and French politicians are not stupid.

"Paris tried to stop it, but France alone was not enough. King Alexander visited Paris some time ago. It was originally a good opportunity. If France could unite more allies, it could stop Germany's expansion. Unfortunately, it was all blocked by a Croat. Destroyed." Leonard Capel shook his head again and again, the assassin who assassinated King Alexander was beaten to death by the angry French, and even the real culprit behind the scenes could not be found.

Assassin Vlado Chernozemsky was also talented. Before assassinating King Alexander, he had two previous convictions for assassinating politicians. Both times he was sentenced to death, but he was miraculously exonerated.

If we don't say that we have to strike hard when dealing with criminals, tolerance for criminal behavior is irresponsible for other law-abiding citizens.

"France cannot pin its hope of peace on other countries." It was difficult for Li Ao to accept the way of the French government.

The "Internationale" has been sung. There has never been a savior, and you can't rely on God. To create happiness, you can only rely on yourself. The French don't understand the "Internationale" deeply enough. Pottier's expectations.

Switching to southern Africa, as long as Germany dares to break through the restrictions of the "Versailles Treaty", southern Africa will immediately mobilize all troops to fight the Germans back from the Rhineland.

At that time, Germany only had 10 people, and France had more than 60 troops, and the French army also had heavy weapons that the German army did not have. Mustache himself admitted that he was trembling when he marched into the Rhineland. What worried him most was the French opposition. As a result, the French Just do nothing.

So it deserved the fall of France in World War II.

"France is not southern Africa, and the situation in southern Africa cannot be used to look at France—" Reynard Capet admitted frankly that the French government also had difficulties as a last resort.

"Southern Africa has the most abundant industrial raw materials in the world, the deepest human resources in the world, and you also have a strong and stable federal government. I am also curious. They are also Africans. How they behaved in Southern Africa and in South Africa France’s performance is completely different, why?” Reynold Capet has a deep understanding, he moved some of his family businesses to North Africa a few years ago, and the result is hard to describe.

Believe it or not, this book is devoted to France from the beginning to the end, and in fact France is at an unprecedented peak right now.

During this period, France, including overseas colonies, had a land area of ​​1289.8 million square kilometers, accounting for 8.6% of the world's total land area.

It is a pity that France obviously lacks experience in colonial management, even worse than Britain. Also in Africa, the development of French colonies is completely different from that in southern Africa.

In one sentence, the French colonies in Africa are almost the same as they were 30 years ago.

Time seemed to stand still in the French colonies.

"There are no Africans in Southern Africa!" Li Ao corrected decisively, although West Africa has been merged into Southern Africa, although there are Africans in Madagascar—

However, governments at all levels of the Southern African Federation have never admitted that there were more than 200 million Africans when West Africa was first merged into Southern Africa, but now there are only a little over 100 million left.

Don't get me wrong, the Africans in West Africa were not brutally treated, but moved to the Kingdom of Congo and the Republic of Congo on their own initiative. This result was not promoted by the federal government of Southern Africa, but the choice of the Africans in West Africa.

The reason is quite normal. In the Kingdom of Congo and the Republic of Congo, if Africans don't want to work, they don't have to work. No one forces them.

Not in West Africa. The West African state government vowed to change the backwardness of West Africa. While helping Africans in West Africa to find jobs, they also distributed land to Africans and helped Africans in West Africa to set up farms.

As a result, something unexpected happened. Most of the Africans who got the land did not think about working hard to improve their lives through their own hands, but sold the land immediately and took the poor money to enjoy themselves. happy.

As for the aid materials for the farms supported by the West African government, what can be sold is sold, and what can be eaten is eaten. A small merino lamb is carefully cared for on the farm run by the Chinese, and it is a pot of meat on the farm run by the Africans.

This is also impossible. The elites in southern Africa who formulate policies are out of touch with the lower-level Africans. They don’t know much about Africans. Many methods that have been proven to be effective in Chinese farms will not work on farms run by Africans. No way.

After trying countless methods, the West African state government finally admitted that poor people must have something to hate. Some people are so rotten that they can't be saved. Give them a golden mountain, and they will lose it sooner or later.

If this trend continues, within a few years, the main population of West Africa will become Chinese and white.

"Come on, without the participation of Africans, can the cost of industrial products in southern Africa be reduced to such an extent?" Reynold Cape also runs a factory himself, so he is definitely not an outsider to all this.

"French companies can also employ African-American workers—" Li Ao did not argue. The employees in the factory are still different from the real southern Africans.

"It's useless, even if we hire Africans, they have countless excuses to be lazy - not only lazy, but also stealing things, can you imagine, the machines in the factory sometimes disappear for no reason, or they are violent Destroy, because then the workers who operate the machines can rest.” Leonard Capet did not behave like a capitalist, and capitalists have a good way of dealing with this kind of behavior.

Workers in this era have no human rights. If you are caught stealing things, your hands will be chopped off, and your head will be beheaded. The police will not cause trouble, because it is only right and proper.

"So what are your managers doing?" Li Ao couldn't imagine that there had never been a machine disappearing for no reason in a southern African factory.

"It's impossible for the management to keep an eye on everyone. There are always times when they don't notice." Leonard Cape was also very distressed.

Li Ao seemed to understand a little bit.

It's not that Africans don't work hard.

It's not that management isn't responsible.

The root cause is poor management.

Just like France now, although Germany is constantly breaking through the restrictions of the "Contract of Versailles", there is still a big gap in strength compared with France. If France is ruthless now, the situation may still be restored.

So the question is, can the French government make up its mind?

Most likely not, the current France is like a sinking wreck with a leak in the bottom of the ship. Everyone is busy saving their belongings, and no one is going to plug the leaking hole.

They're all waiting for someone else to figure it out.

(End of this chapter)

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