Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2043 Don't even think about getting out

Chapter 2043 Don't even think about getting out
If there were no British Empire in the world, then there should be a lot less trouble.

The Industrial Revolution has indeed contributed to the advancement of human civilization, but the contributions of the British Empire are all side effects.

War, plunder, colonization, massacre—

The British conquered the whole world with the Bible in one hand and a sharp sword in the other, and brought endless disasters to people all over the world. From this perspective, the British Empire cannot be redeemed by a hundred deaths.

So seeing the bad luck of the British, even the French couldn't help but add insult to injury.

The hatred between France and Britain is not much less than that with the Germans.

From the Hundred Years' War to Napoleon, to the current continental balance policy, the French have taken the overall situation into consideration without turning against the British.

Southern Africa has significantly better relations with Britain than the French.

Moreover, the strength of the Changi Squadron is obviously stronger than that of the French Far East Fleet.

So David Stephen can not care about Louis Garribuel's attitude.

But Tang Li's support must be won.

"I'm sorry David, I have to obtain authorization from Pretoria for this matter, and I can't give you a definite answer right now." Tang Li was not leaking. On the issue of Sarawak, the British are also doing it on their own.

The current result has actually been doomed since the end of the Second Boer War.

The British colonial empire is too huge, and the whole world is full of British colonies.

When the Royal Navy is dominant, it can fully safeguard the interests of the British Empire.

Once the advantage of the Royal Navy is gone, these colonies will be the weakness of the British Empire.

As it is now, Japan brazenly sent troops to Sarawak in spite of London's opposition, what about the British Empire?
It is impossible to go to war with Japan directly. The British mainland is tens of thousands of kilometers away from East Asia. Think about how the Russian fleet was wiped out by the Japanese navy in the Russo-Japanese War.

Compromise will cause the British Empire to lose face, and it will also cause the other colonies to lose face. If today is Sarawak, will it be British Malaya tomorrow, and India the day after tomorrow?

"Don, don't forget how you got Changi Naval Base!" David Stephen was furious, Changi Naval Base is the eternal pain of the Royal Navy.

Tang Li spread his hands to express his helplessness, it's meaningless for you to say that.

The Changi Naval Base was bought from Britain with real money in southern Africa.

If this can be repaid, the Americans will be the first to refuse.

Southern Africa bought Changi Naval Base for £1500m.

The U.S. bought Alaska for $720 million.

And the Changi Naval Base at that time was not as big as it is now.

"Yes, General Stephen, although I really want to help you, I must also obtain authorization from Washington." Tom Bartlett added fuel to the fire.

David Stephen glanced at Tom Bartlett and said nothing.

It is understandable that the French do not help, but you Americans are the worst.

If it weren't for the Americans who have been sending industrial raw materials to Japan over the years, the Japanese would not be able to build the current combined fleet.

However, the Americans who are good at raising Gu probably didn’t expect that the Gu thing might backfire. The Americans use the combined fleet to win more funding from Congress, and squeeze the sphere of influence of Britain and France in East Asia by the way. Smash yourself in the foot.

Let's wait and see about this matter, there will be an answer within three to five years.

Seeing David Stephen leave in a huff, Tang Li, Tom Bartlett, and Louis Gariboul knew it.

The British actually raise Gu too.

In order to curb Russia's expansion in the Far East, the United Kingdom chose to support Japan and form the Anglo-Japanese Alliance, which has the combined fleet.

Japan's shipbuilding technology was originally learned from the United Kingdom, so the United Kingdom has to pay a large part of the responsibility for Japan's military expansion.

When the news was sent back to southern Africa, Rock called Martin and Angie immediately and asked whether the Indian Ocean Fleet was ready to fight Japan.

"Is it going to war with Japan now?" Martin was very excited. The Southern African Navy had been preparing for this day for many years.

"No, it's not time to start the war yet." Rock calmed down. If he wanted to fight, it couldn't be a one-on-one fight between southern Africa and Japan.

Don't look at Southern Africa's desperate efforts to build aircraft carriers all day long, just think that battleships are useless.

Battleships are slow and cannot keep up with faster aircraft carriers.

But the Changi Naval Base has no long legs, so it can't run in the Strait of Malacca.

Once Southern Africa goes to war with Japan, Japan will definitely send the United Fleet over to attack the Changi Naval Base immediately. With the current strength of the Changi Squadron, it will definitely not be able to beat the United Fleet.

Even with the addition of the Atlantic Fleet and the Indian Ocean Fleet, it is estimated that the outcome will be [-]-[-].

Unless all four "island" class aircraft carriers are completed, the southern African navy will be sure of victory.

So if we want to fight the Japanese now, we must bring Britain, the United States, and France together, so that we can win the greatest victory at the lowest cost.

"We have deployed 10 people at the Changi Naval Base. Once a war breaks out with Japan, we can at least hold the Strait of Malacca." Angel is also cautious. This kind of war that can determine the level of "National Fortune" has to be cautious.

Angie's confidence does not come from the Changi Naval Base, but from the fortifications built by the Marine Corps and the East India Army on Kalimantan Island.

Southeast Asia is not the Pacific Ocean, and it is difficult for Japan to launch a surprise attack on the Changi Naval Base through the Philippines and the East India.

The safest way must be to advance step by step, either through the French East Indies and British Malaya, and attack the Changi Naval Base from land.

Either hit the Philippines first by sea, then hit the East India, and finally hit the Changi Naval Base.

No matter which of these two routes is very long, there is plenty of time in southern Africa to adjust the deployment.

"We are only 20 kilometers away from the nearest military base in Kuching. There is a field airport in the base, and we can launch an attack on the three 'Miaoko' ships docked in Kuching at any time." Tens of millions of rand have built countless fortification groups on Kalimantan Island. If the Japanese army dares to land, it will be courting death.

In terms of the navy, Japan and the current southern Africa can make a [-]-[-] split.

In terms of the army, southern Africa does not need to dispatch two local ace divisions. With the amphibious tanks of the Marine Corps, the Japanese can be wiped out in seconds.

The amphibious tank equipped by the Marine Corps has a total combat weight of 14 tons, a maximum road speed of 35 kilometers per hour, and a water speed of 5 kilometers per hour. The main weapon is a 75mm tank gun, plus a 7.7mm coaxial machine gun. Gaoping dual-purpose 12.7mm large-caliber machine gun.

Compared with the "Tiger" and "Leopard", amphibious tanks are not powerful, but against light infantry who lack heavy weapons, amphibious tanks are a big killer.

The Japanese haven't even studied army tanks yet, so don't even think about amphibious tanks.

"Is it possible to unite with other countries to launch a war against Japan?" Martin was eager to fight, and the sooner he killed the Japanese, the threat could be lifted one day earlier.

"It's almost impossible now. The center of gravity of Britain and France is still in Europe. The attitude of the Americans is ambiguous. Japan is not ready to fight us." Angel is getting more and more stable. Japan is the same as Germany. Busy digesting the results of military expansion in the previous stage.

Japan promoted the establishment of a puppet state a few years ago, and Germany just took back the Rhineland by force some time ago. It will take a while to complete the digestion, and then enrich its military strength for the next stage of military expansion.

"The Japanese cruiser stops in Kuching, can we take advantage of this situation?" Rock proposed a new idea.

Create a reason without a reason.

Southern Africa is also very good at this.

"You can try—" Martin's eyes lit up suddenly, he was still not as clear as Rock in terms of thinking.

"I guess we need the cooperation of the umbrella company." An Qi told me that Sarawak is also the territory of the umbrella company.

"Then let's do it as soon as possible—" Rock hopes to drag Britain, the United States, and France into trouble, and time is running out.

It is true that time is not waiting for us. When Rock was thinking of doing something, London was also actively operating, hoping to resolve the dispute between Japan and Sarawak in a peaceful manner.

Yes, the British definition of Japan and Sarawak is a dispute, not even a contradiction.

In the final analysis, it is money. The appetite of the Kingdom of Sarawak is getting bigger and bigger. The Japanese are already short of funds. If the Kingdom of Sarawak hadn't taken the initiative to tear up the agreement, the Japanese would not have sent the three "Myoko" ships to Kuching.

For the United Kingdom, the interests of the Kingdom of Sarawak are not worth mentioning. The United Kingdom will certainly not invest in a protracted war for Sarawak, so a decent step is what the United Kingdom wants most now.

This step finally fell to the Portuguese.

Many people may have forgotten that the Portuguese also had colonies in East Asia.

And the Portuguese actually have a fleet in East Asia!
Although the size of this fleet is a bit small, there are only a few poor old-fashioned warships, and the combat effectiveness is not worth mentioning.

The Portuguese dare not refuse London's request.

So the Portuguese reluctantly stood up, hoping to mediate the dispute between Britain and Japan.

This should be an honor for Portugal. For such a small country, the sense of existence is not as good as that of Spain. How can He De be qualified to mediate disputes between the world's largest navy and the third largest navy?
Although the third place in the world is now in doubt.

Just when the negotiations between Britain and Japan had not yet started, the engineers and workers hired by Pan Asia Co., Ltd. from the United States finally arrived in Kuching.

The Japanese can't wait to start building offshore oil rigs.

This time, the endless extortion and extortion finally ended, and Kakuda Zhi finally heaved a sigh of relief, hoping that everything will go well in the future.

Umbrella Corporation will certainly not let Satoshi Tsunoda get what he wants.

(End of this chapter)

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