Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2049 The Frenchman's Big Order

Chapter 2049 The Frenchman's Big Order
In fact, this result is not surprising.

The last time Italy invaded Abyssinia was at the end of the last century.

At that time, the Italian army was still equipped with single-shot rifles, and there was no air force in the air to assist in the battle. The word tank still meant water tanks, and the most important thing was the secret constraints of Britain and France.

Things have improved a lot now.

Repeating machine guns replaced inefficient single-shot rifles.

The sky is full of Italian planes, and the entire country of Abyssinia does not even have a single plane.

The tanks of the Italians were not outstanding compared to those of southern Africa.

But compared with Abyssinia, which has almost no industrial capabilities, the emergence of tanks has become the biggest key to changing the battlefield situation.

The Abyssinians have no countermeasures against tanks, so the Italian army has made rapid progress, and it has been smashing all the way.

This situation actually caught Rock a little off guard. Before Southern Africa had time to start, the war seemed to be over. Compared with the Italian-Turkish war, it was nothing.

Of course, the British and French were the most shocked.

Both Britain and France have a deep understanding of the strength of mechanized troops, but the process of Italy's invasion of Abyssinia gave Britain and France a new understanding of modern warfare.

After the use of tanks, the Italians were invincible.

So if you replace the Italians with Germans.

Replace Abyssinian with French.

Can the French withstand the German invasion?
Or in other words, can France survive until after the UK completes the national mobilization?
On the second day after the League of Nations announced sanctions against Italy, Paris urgently contacted Pretoria, hoping to purchase "Leopard" tanks and "Tiger" tanks in southern Africa to deal with possible future invasions of France.

The "Leopard" tank and the "Tiger" tank are two main battle tanks in service in southern Africa.

According to the consistent standards in southern Africa, the export of weapons and equipment in service is prohibited, and the tanks currently used for export in southern Africa are still improved models of the "light cavalry".

Since it is an improved model, the name "Light Cavalry" cannot be used, otherwise how dare you ask for a high price.

Therefore, the tanks exported from southern Africa are called "Biao Cavalry".

This is very in line with the French temperament.

The French are indeed a bit stubborn.

Of course, you have to understand it as "bitch".

"Weapons and equipment are not as advanced as possible, the one that suits you is the best. The national conditions in southern Africa and France are different. The use of 'Leopard' and 'Tiger' tanks in France will be greatly restricted, but they are more dexterous and more efficient. The easy-to-use 'Brutal Cavalry' is the most suitable for the national conditions of France, and the price of the 'Public Cavalry' is lower than that of the 'Leopard' and 'Tiger' tanks. The price of one 'Tiger' tank can buy ten 'Biao Cavalry' ’, cost performance still needs to be considered.” Sean Ferguson, secretary-general of the Executive Yuan of the League of Nations, went into battle in person and tried hard to promote the “Biao Cavalry”.

Compared with the "Light Cavalry", the performance of the "Biao Cavalry" has been improved to a certain extent.

Thicker armor, more horsepower, more ferocious firepower——

Although the "Biao Cavalry" has fallen behind in southern Africa, looking at the world, the "Biao Cavalry" is still an excellent tank.

Of course, don't even think about some more advanced technological equipment, such as communication equipment.

"Compared with the 'Light Cavalry' 20 years ago, the performance of the 'Biao Cavalry' has not been substantially improved, and the price is so expensive, the hearts of you southern Africans are black!" Aveno dismissed, Know all about these small tricks in southern Africa.

When the French flicked to sell arms, they also used these words.

"How is it possible that the performance has not been improved? The frontal armor of the 'Light Cavalry' is only 20 mm, and the frontal armor of the 'Biao Cavalry' has reached 25 mm, and a newer slanted armor is adopted. Based on the use of thicker armor,' The Biao Cavalry has no loss of flexibility because of the use of a more powerful engine, and then look at the 50 mm caliber artillery of the "Biao Cavalry", no European tank can resist the attack of this artillery." Sean Ferguson is proud The "Biao Cavalry" is indeed backward compared to the "Tiger" and "Leopard" types, but even so, you French can't make it.

In fact, it is not impossible to create.

The key is the same as Sean Ferguson said, the more advanced the better, the best is the one that suits you best.

The traffic situation in France is bad. Even if the "Tiger" tank with a total combat weight of 55 tons is sold to the French, I am afraid that it will be difficult to move an inch in the muddy ground that will meet the French rainy season. It is really not as good as the lighter "Biao Cavalry". French national conditions.

The small tanks made by the French themselves are only a dozen tons, and the weight is about the same as that of the "Cavalry". However, the protection performance, power and firepower are not as good as the "Cavalry". This has been proved in the French Navy.

The French Navy's shipbuilding technology is actually good.

The key lies in the level of smelting of steel.

Even Japan has begun to use higher-strength steel when building large warships, so that more displacement can be used on armor steel.

When France built its warships, it still used steel that was less powerful, so the level of protection of French warships was not as good as that of Britain, the United States, and Japan.

Even the southern African navy, which does not pay attention to protection, is inferior.

It is not that southern Africa does not have the level of manufacturing high-strength steel. On the contrary, the level of smelting in southern Africa is very high just now. Even the helmets of soldiers are made of high-strength manganese steel. America and Japan.

"Your Excellency Secretary-General, the Germans have already started to develop the No. [-] tank, don't say you don't know about it." Aveno was very dissatisfied. The No. [-] in this time and space is completely different from the No. [-] in another time and space.

Another time and space is that in 1933, Germany began to develop the No. 5.6 tank. Five companies including Henschel, MAN, Rheinmetall, Krupp, and Daimler-Benz responded to the request of the German Ordnance Agency to manufacture "tractors" Three prototype vehicles were manufactured in the name of Krupp, among which a small tank weighing about [-] tons from Krupp successfully won the bid.

In this time and space, Germany's start in armored vehicles is far higher than in another time and space.

This is also due to the technical designers who returned to Germany from southern Africa, who brought the latest tank manufacturing concepts to Germany, and Germany thus has a brand new No. [-] tank.

This space-time German No. 15 tank weighs about 5.4 tons, has a length of 2.9 meters, a width of 2.45 meters, and a height of 7.92 meters. The weapon system is three 34mm MG37 machine guns and a [-]mm tank gun.

The overall performance is roughly equivalent to No. [-] in another time and space.

"Don't worry, I can guarantee that the performance of the No. [-] tank is far inferior to that of the Biao Cavalry." Sean Ferguson said seriously, although the performance of the No. There is still a gap.

The performance comparison of tanks is mainly firepower, power, and protection.

Deutschland I used a 37mm tank gun.

The "Biao Cavalry" uses 50mm tank guns, and the shells also include armor-piercing shells developed by Nyasaland Military Industry.

Compared with Germany, Southern Africa's biggest advantage lies in resources. Southern Africa has no shortage of steel and oil, so the "Biao Cavalry" can install thicker protective steel plates and use more powerful engines.

The Germans are more miserable in this regard. Even if the Germans have better engines, the Germans must be very cautious. The tragedy of fuel shortage in the last world war cannot be repeated in the future.

In general, the "Biao Cavalry" still has an advantage when facing the No. [-] tank.

But this is far from enough for France. What the French want is not a small advantage, but an overwhelming advantage.

What's more, German tanks can be improved.

Once Germany fully breaks through the restrictions of the "Contract of Versailles" and continues to improve No. [-], then Germany's industrial strength will still be daunting.

At least the French are afraid.

"Your Excellency the Secretary-General, this is a military order with a total value of [-] million rand, which deserves Pretoria's attention—" The number Aveno said made Sean Ferguson's heart skip half a beat.

This is 1933 million rand in [-].

The most advanced "Tiger" type in southern Africa only has an ex-factory price of [-] rand.

One hundred million is two thousand vehicles, which can form almost seven tank divisions.

The "Biao Cavalry" is much cheaper than the "Tiger" type, and the export price is about [-] rand. The French's [-] million will definitely not be used to buy tanks, it is estimated to be the total order.

Of course, it can also be understood as protection fees. What the French hope to get is not only tanks, but also southern Africa's commitment to security.

Rock was really surprised when the news came back to Pretoria.

After the economic crisis in France, the performance has been struggling, and the economy has not improved much.

As far as Rock knows, the cost of each of France's new "Richelieu" class battleships is only 12.25 billion francs, which is roughly equivalent to 5000 million rand.

So this time the French really spent their money and took out two "Richelieu" to arm the French army. From another aspect, it can also show how much pressure France is facing now.

It must be sold. If the money is not earned in southern Africa, the French will turn around and go back to the United States.

But how to make money has to be discussed, and the French can't just give what they want.

Since France needs a new tank with performance that can form an overwhelming advantage over the German No. [-], the Nyasaland military industry simply started from scratch, tailoring a tank for the French Army that is most suitable for the French national conditions, and completely meets the requirements of the French. .

Didn't the French dislike the lack of protection of the "big cavalry"?

No problem, install a thicker protective steel plate, use a more powerful engine, improve the protection and at the same time ensure the speed of the tank, this is enough!

As for the caliber of the artillery, 50mm is not a choice. All the tanks in active service in the world, except for the "Tiger" and "Leopard", cannot stop the armor-piercing projectiles fired by [-]mm tanks.

(End of this chapter)

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