Chapter 2053 Order Landing
When the French were arrogant, they once singled out the whole world.

It is a pity that since Napoleon, the French have lost their ambition to compete for world hegemony.

France now only wants to keep its own vested interests, and fighting for world hegemony is just a cloud. The last world war taught France enough lessons.

Since it is impossible to reproduce the glory of the Napoleonic era, the French now recognize the reality.

As long as France's overseas colonies can be preserved, there is no shame in appeasement.

If the Rhineland can satisfy the ambitions of the Germans, then it does not matter to return the Rhineland to the Germans.

Who cares what the Abyssinians feel if the Abyssinian Empire pleases the Italians—

As for whether the ambitions of the Germans and Italians will further expand, the French, who cannot solve their own troubles, can no longer care about it.

Let it count as a day.

In this way, we can also understand why a French member of parliament proposed some time ago that since France is unable to deal with the threat from Germany, it might as well move the French capital from Paris to Algiers in North Africa, so that France can stay away from the threat of Germany and no longer intervene European affairs.

It's a good idea.

The problem is that Algiers is not too far from Africa, and Italy is across the sea. If it is purely from the perspective of security, it seems safer to move the capital directly to Mongro.

Many French MPs were shocked.

Where is Mongolo?
Mongalore is a small town in the French West African colony, just across the Congo River from the Kingdom of Congo.

"France has a land area of ​​1300 million square kilometers and a population of hundreds of millions, but it cannot protect the safety of the French mainland. Is there anything more ridiculous than this?" Ronald Capet couldn't figure out why France fell to where it is today this point.

Rock couldn't give an answer either.

Now is the heyday of the French colonial empire. If the French mainland is included, the territory of France reaches 1289 million square kilometers, accounting for 8.6% of the total land area of ​​the earth.

According to the census of France last year, the total population has exceeded 1000 million, reaching 110631000, which is about the same as that of southern Africa.

Not to mention mainland France.

French West Africa, French North Africa, and French East Indies are all hopeless lands, rich in resources, large population, and superior location. If France shifts its focus from the mainland to North Africa or West Africa, maybe France can really touch Bottom rebound.

France is dangerous right now.

Although France is devoting all its efforts to building the "Richelieu"-class battleship, it does not give the French a sense of security.

Smart Frenchmen have emigrated.

French capital has also flowed out in large quantities. Those bankers in Paris would rather invest their precious funds in German companies than develop the French economy.

The international environment in France is even worse.

The United Kingdom, the United States, and southern Africa have increased their investment in Germany.

The Russians are allies of Germany, and the Russians contributed a lot to Germany's recovery of the Rhineland.

Only the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Poland, Italy, and Spain are left for France to fight for.

Not to mention the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, the king has already been assassinated in Paris, and an alliance is absolutely impossible.

Poland is a country newly established after the end of World War I. Although this country has the possibility of winning, it is too far away from France, and on both sides are Germany and Russia. Poland is caught in the middle, and the situation is more dangerous than France.

As for Spain—

The country is on the brink of civil war.

Italy is notoriously ignorant. Looking at Italy's performance in World War I, it is also amazing.

France's latest decision is to imitate the Southern African National Defense Forces and form a modern army with real combat effectiveness.

The purchase order for Southern Africa is for this purpose.

Rock is naturally very welcome.

However, the main difference between France and southern Africa is that the Southern African National Defense Force is formed on the basis of southern Africans.

The main force of the French army is the colonial servant army and the foreign legion, which is becoming more and more important in the French army.

The French Foreign Legion has a long history. They are not the protagonists of this book, so I won’t discuss them here.

What Leonard Cape couldn't figure out was that the Southern African Union troops, strictly speaking, were also the colonial servants of southern Africa.

However, the combat effectiveness of the Southern African Union troops far surpassed that of the French colonial servants, which made Leonard Capet unacceptable.

"If you want to improve the combat effectiveness of the colonial slave army, it is not enough to rely on advanced weapons. You must carry out rigorous training. The heart is willing to fight for the country." Patton was the Secretary of the Army in Southern Africa and had the most say on this issue.

Like Angie, Barton also improved greatly after the World War.

Although the southern African army has been dominated by the navy in recent years, the construction of the army has never been relaxed.

As far as the army is concerned, the policy implemented in southern Africa is to hide soldiers from the people.

Although on the surface Southern Africa had only two standing armies for a long period of time, in fact the National Guards of each state were the reserves of the regular army. If a war broke out, these National Guards could be converted to the regular army at any time.

The equipment of the National Guard is not much better than that of the regular army. In Nyasaland, Rhodesia, Transvaal and other economically developed states, the establishment and equipment of the National Guard are almost exactly the same as those of the regular army. , and in some respects the equipment is even more advanced.

The Nyasaland National Guard even has an air force.


The structure of the Southern African Union troops is similar to that of the French colonial servant army. The soldiers are all composed of Africans, and the officers are southern Africans.

Although the equipment is slightly inferior, the Southern African Union troops are mainly light infantry, and there are few cars, but the combat effectiveness of the troops is good.

"How can we create an atmosphere of respect for soldiers in the whole society?" Leonard Capet is more interested in this part.

Now it's not just the colonists in France who don't want to join the army.

Even real French people don't want to join the army to defend France.

"Did all the pensions promised to veterans after the World War in France be settled?" Barton's question made Renard Capet speechless.

It's been 15 years since the World Wars ended—

France has yet to pay off its promised pensions.

What does that make the veterans who died fighting for their country during the World Wars think?
If war breaks out again in France, will those veterans who have participated in the world war let their children go to the battlefield like they did 20 years ago?

Don't even think about it.

"So what can I say, France has the money to build the Maginot Line, the money to buy more than R[-] million in military supplies from Southern Africa, but no money to comfort the wounded hearts of veterans - yes, Paris Politicians don't care about the life and death of veterans, all they care about is the power in their hands—" Barton sneered, as a soldier, Barton was full of anger at the actions of French politicians.

Of course, it's not just France. Britain and the United States are also killing donkeys.

So it cannot be said that the French are cold-blooded.

On the contrary, a country like Southern Africa that respects soldiers is a standard alternative in this world.

"I have decided that I want to participate in the next French presidential election. If I can be elected as the French president, then I will try my best to give the veterans their due compensation." Reynard Capet tried to turn the tide.

It's a pity that Barton is not optimistic.

"If you use this as your campaign slogan, then you will definitely not be elected." Patton knew the situation in France. If Renard Capet used this as his slogan, he might not be able to pass the party's primary election.

Of course not necessarily, France is different from Britain, there are so many political parties in the country, the current French Prime Minister Édouard Daladier's Democratic Alliance has a support rate of less than 30.00% in France.

The Democratic Alliance is not a political party, but a loose alliance with many internal branches and sharp contradictions. The same is true for other left-wing alliances and national groups. It is precisely because of this that the prime minister changes frequently in France.

"I know, so I will form a political party to run for election, a political party that truly represents the French people." Renard Capet has ideals, and he has learned a lot in southern Africa during this period.

In fact, there are quite a few political parties in southern Africa, but the Liberal Party in Southern Africa is the only one, with a support rate of more than 80.00% all the year round. Other parties, including the Progressive Party and the Nyasaland Party, cannot pose a threat to the Liberal Party.

Rock, as one of the founders of the Liberal Party, is still a member of the Liberal Party.

Just look at Southern Africa.

Look at France again.

Leonard Capet fully understood the meaning of political stability to a country.

Rock fully supports Leonard Capet.

Among other things, if Renard Capet can become the French president, then France will become Southern Africa's most staunch ally in Europe.

Of course Leonard faced many difficulties.

The situation in France is different from that in southern Africa.

When Roque and Stoudemire founded the Liberal Party, there was only one progressive party in southern Africa, founded by Cecil Rhodes Sr.

The sphere of influence of the Progressive Party was in Cape. At that time, the Transvaal, Rhodesia, and Nyasaland were all blank areas. The Liberal Party successfully filled the gap, and there was almost no competition.

There are so many political parties in France, and the French are romantic by nature, they don't like restraint, and they do whatever they want in the name of freedom. In this case, even if Leonard Capet wants to save France, he needs the consent of the French.

On November 2000th, France and Southern Africa signed a procurement agreement. The total contract value exceeded [-] million rand, exceeding the French government budget.

For the excess, the French government will issue bonds in southern Africa, jointly underwritten by Rand Bank and Rhodesia Bank.

Reynald Capet returned to France with Roque's best wishes, and he certainly doesn't know what he will face now.

(End of this chapter)

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