Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2055 Hanging the telegram of the Prime Minister

Chapter 2055 Hanging up the Prime Minister's Phone

This is the first time Albert Saro has served as Prime Minister of France.

Albert Saro is also a political veteran with rich experience. Although he knew that the position of French Prime Minister was dangerous, he did not expect the danger to come so quickly.

On the second day after Leonard Capet was interviewed by The Times, Albert Saro arrived at the Prime Minister's Office in the morning and was surrounded by reporters who had been waiting in front of the Prime Minister's Office early.

From the excited expressions of the reporters, Albert Salo faintly felt something unusual.

Sure enough, as soon as the reporters opened their mouths, Albert Salo was completely disgraced.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, could you please rate the content of yesterday's interview with Mr. Leonard Capet?" This is relatively mild.

"Sorry, I haven't had time to read the newspaper yet, I will comment after I read it." Albert Salo was still able to handle it at this time.

"Will the initiative to tear up the "Procurement Agreement" with Southern Africa further deteriorate the relationship between France and Southern Africa?"

This question was a bit sharp, Albert Salo frowned slightly, and subconsciously quickened his pace.

"Put all hope on the Maginot Line, if the Germans bypass the Maginot Line as they did in the last world war, does the Chancellery have a plan B for that situation?"

Albert Saro couldn't answer this question at all, and it was not his idea to build the Maginot Line.

"The German threat is approaching. We are losing our most important ally in the last world war. Mr. Prime Minister, how are you going to deal with the German attack?"

Albert Salo walked into the Prime Minister's Office quickly under the protection of his entourage without saying a word.

So journalists have more room to play.

The poor Mr. Prime Minister fled in embarrassment under the siege of reporters——

Our Monsieur Prime Minister may become the shortest-lived Prime Minister in French history -

France is in peril—

It could all be the headlines in tomorrow's newspapers.

When he came to the office, Albert Salo finally knew what Leonard Capet had said in the newspaper.

"Asshole, all of them are assholes, who allowed these irresponsible remarks to be published in the newspaper? The Times must pay the price!" Albert Saro was furious, and now he finally knew why the reporters were so excited.

Reporters don't care how difficult it is for Albert Salo, their task is to produce enough eye-catching news, so the more sensational the headlines and content of the news, the better.

Albert Salo's secretary was silent.

The Times does not punish anyone who wants to.

As the most influential worldwide newspaper under the Times News Group, The Times has global distribution capabilities, not only in English, French, Chinese, but also in Spanish, German, Russian, and Portuguese.

Many people may not have imagined that Portugal, which has a land area of ​​less than [-] square kilometers, has the fifth largest or sixth largest language family in the world.

Portuguese is the official language of Brazil, as well as the former Portuguese East and West Africa.

The influence of "The Times" is so wide that politicians from all over the world are very afraid of "The Times".

Albert Saro's predecessor, Edward Daladier, had to resign because the "Times" revealed the behind-the-scenes truth about the referendum in the Saarland region.

"Call Leonard Capet, I need his explanation." Albert Saro came back to his senses, filled with fear.

Never underestimate the power of public opinion, especially in a "democratic" country like France, where politicians are worthless if they lose the support of voters.

The secretary immediately called Leonard Capet's office.

"This is the Prime Minister's Office—" The secretary hung up the phone just as the secretary announced himself.

"This—how dare he?!!!" Albert Salo was stunned.

How dare Leonard Capet!

Unlike Albert Saro and other politicians, although Renard Capet is not the French Prime Minister, he is one of the most powerful people in France.

Even more powerful than the French Prime Minister.

Albert Saro had no choice but to become a lawyer if he was not prime minister.

Although Leonard Capet is not the prime minister, he is one of the richest people in France. Countless people are following Leonard Capet for a living. If Leonard Capet treats a certain French politician, or If a certain French political party is not satisfied, then the French politician, or the French political party, can never hope to get any votes from Renard Capet.

From this perspective, Leonard Capet even has the ability to influence French politics.

So Leonard Capet's office really dared to hang up the phone of the Prime Minister's Office.

"Contact The Times, the French Prime Minister needs an explanation!" Albert Saro was flustered, and he still didn't recognize himself.

Compared with Leonard Capet's office, The Times is very polite.

Of course, "The Times" did not have time to explain to Albert Saro, because the editor-in-chief of "The Times" was in Geneva, Switzerland, interviewing Sean Ferguson, Secretary-General of the Executive Council of the League of Nations.

Sean Ferguson has also been depressed recently.

The American joining the League of Nations did not bring anything new to the League of Nations. The League of Nations was still the same League of Nations that quarreled as soon as it held a meeting.

Still a bit different.

In the previous League of Nations, Britain and France quarreled during meetings.

Now Britain and France, and southern Africa and the United States are arguing together.

The key is that there is a Russian watching the show next to him, and he would jump out from time to time and say something strange, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

"Sorry, as the Secretary-General of the Council of the League of Nations, it is inconvenient for me to comment on the decision of the French government, but I always feel that it is very unwise to entrust the security of France on a line of defense that will not move. "Sean Ferguson once served as the southern African ambassador to France and is an old friend with Randall Williams, the French editor-in-chief of The Times.

“So, the French government got it wrong from the start—” Randall Williams is known for telling the truth, which is the basic requirement of The Times.

"The Times" never reports fake news, and even the editors don't add comments to deliberately guide them. They just report news facts, with a little guidance at most, so that readers can think for themselves.

"It can't be wrong. The Maginot Line is also the crystallization of the wisdom of many people. If the Maginot Line is wrong, then we have denied a lot of great work-for France, the Maginot Line is the most suitable. Yes, if France doesn't build the Maginot Line, then maybe it won't even have a sense of security now—" Sean Ferguson was more tactful, saving face for the French government.

"A sense of security does not mean security." Randall Williams is good at catching loopholes.

"When Germany only had an army of [-], France must be safe." Sean Ferguson was invisible, and in a safe situation, he couldn't hold the French to their own deaths.

"Talk about the arms purchases between France and southern Africa. If France can obtain advanced weapons from southern Africa, will France be able to protect its own security?" Randall finally asked about the Arms Purchase Agreement.

"Of course! Southern Africa has the most advanced technology in the world. The Nyasaland military industry and Nyasaland Aviation tailor-made weapons for France are enough to keep France's enemies out of the country, but France has now lost This opportunity, I think some people will be happy with the decision of the French, even more happy than the French." Sean Ferguson finally revealed his dark side.

"We all know that advanced weapons do not necessarily win a war. There are many factors that contribute to winning a war. How do you evaluate the combat effectiveness of the French army?" Randall asked skillfully, and if he was not careful, he would fall into a trap.

"The combat effectiveness of the French army has been proven in the last world war. France is great, and the French are great." Sean Ferguson stopped here.

Randall was curious, isn't the French government great?
Apparently Sean Ferguson's attitude just isn't great.

"Germany has taken back the Rhineland, and now it has taken back the Saarland region. As the Secretary-General of the League of Nations Executive Council, what do you think of this issue?" Randall's question became more and more acute.

"Good question. I, as well as Southern Africa, have never given up on world peace efforts. If Germany recovers the Rhineland and Saarland regions and makes Germany a normal country, then this is a good thing for our world. "Sean Ferguson never misses an opportunity to earn his reputation.

"What do you think of Prime Minister Albert Saro?" Randall looked worried at the interview.

Sean Ferguson's interview so far has not had any eye-catching flashpoints, so it certainly won't work.

The Times also sells.

"How can I see it, a prime minister who has just taken office for ten days, he has no time to straighten out his work, and he has encountered such a difficult thing. This is also a problem that all French prime ministers need to face. The French are losing patience. There is not enough time left for the French prime ministers, they always hope that the new prime minister will make drastic changes immediately after taking office, but unfortunately that is impossible, don’t forget that France is such a complicated country—” Sean Ferguson finally got a little emotional .

The French are more emotional.

For southern Africans, the attitude of the French is quite good.

After all, during the last World War, the Southern African Expeditionary Force made great sacrifices to bring victory to France.

During the combat in France, the Southern African Expeditionary Force did not have any troubles similar to those of the Americans, and the overall performance was in line with France's expectations for the "army of a civilized country".

So after France tore up the "Arms Purchase Agreement", the French had only one request.

That is someone has to be responsible for it.

(End of this chapter)

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