Chapter 2065
The mercenaries of the umbrella company, if they are fighting, will cost at least 100 rand per person per month.

Not all of the money belongs to the mercenaries, the umbrella company also takes a cut.

Moreover, the intensity and danger of the battle must also be taken into account. Similar to fighting against the Italian Kingdom's troops, the cost is estimated to double.

In principle, umbrella companies do not intervene in wars between major powers.

But who has a grudge against gold? As long as the mercenaries enter the Abyssinian Empire to fight in the name of volunteers instead of umbrellas, then there is no problem.

"If the Umbrella Company can help the Abyssinian Empire defeat the Italians, then the Umbrella Company will have exclusive access to the mineral resources in the Abyssinian Empire." Duke Imru thought he had made an offer that the Umbrella Company could not refuse condition.

"I understand, Lord Duke, but it must be based on the fact that the Abyssinian Empire defeated the Italians. Please forgive me, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible for the Abyssinian Empire to defeat the Kingdom of Italy." Stuart was blunt, and Duke Imru finally knew what it meant to ask for money.

"Don't the Umbrella Company have the confidence to defeat the Italians?" Duke Imru tried to provoke Stuart's competitiveness.

"The Umbrella Company has no reason to fight the Italians. It's like Napoleon. You have to compare it with the Duke of Wellington, not Hannibal." Stuart is not fooled. Umbrella is a commercial company and really wants to fight the Italians , that is also the responsibility of the Southern African Defense Forces.

Duke Imru was silent. He didn't expect the Umbrella Company's attitude to be so firm. He thought that the Umbrella Company was happy to send mercenaries to Abyssinia just like supporting Brazil against the United States.

What Duke Imru overlooked was that the situation in the Abyssinian Empire was different from that in Brazil.

The United States and Italy also pose different threats to southern Africa.

Because Brazil has the Iron Four Corners, it is too important for Southern Africa to maintain its resource advantage, and Southern Africa cannot give up.

The United States is thousands of miles away from southern Africa, and a war with southern Africa is unlikely.

Italy is different, Cyprus and Italy are both in the Mediterranean Sea, Rock has to worry about the safety of Cyprus.

"Of course, if your requirements are not so high, I think I can still think of a way." Stuart turned around.

Duke Imru was overjoyed.

"For the Abyssinian Empire, [-] mercenaries are meaningless at all. Some elite mercenaries, together with experienced instructors, are enough to solve the current problems of the Abyssinian Empire." Stuart wanted The smaller the number of people, the less noticeable it is.

"Of course, you should not imagine defeating the Kingdom of Italy in the shortest possible time. You must be prepared for a short period of time. After winning the Battle of Mechu, there is no obstacle between the Kingdom of Italy's troops and Addis Ababa. Once Italy If the kingdom occupies Addis Ababa, then that fat and bald man in Rome will declare the war over." Stuart's deduction is very reasonable, but this is not due to him, but to those boring generals in southern Africa to their credit.

"No, we will never allow this to happen!" Duke Imru clamored. If Italy occupied Addis Ababa, it would be a devastating blow to the confidence of the Abyssinians.

"That's what I want to say. Whether this will happen or not is not in your hands. Who made you lose the Battle of Mechu—" Stuart was merciless, and he had to admit if he lost.

Duke Imru sat back down weakly, and he also understood the reason.

"So whether you want it or not, this thing will definitely happen. What we can do now is how to keep the hope of an eventual comeback under such circumstances." Stuart finally said the key.

Yes, the Umbrella Company does not just provide weapons and ammunition, that simply cannot solve the problems that the Abyssinian Empire is facing.

What the Umbrella Company provided was a package solution to preserve the ultimate hope of a comeback for the Abyssinian Empire, which was what the Duke of Imru really wanted.

The ensuing negotiations went smoothly.

The Abyssinian Empire has reached the point where it is now. It makes no difference to the Duke of Imru whether to pay with gold or to overdraft the future hopes of the Abyssinian Empire.

The Umbrella Corporation wants both gold and the mineral resources that the British are obsessed with.

If the Abyssinian Empire accepts the conditions of the Umbrella Company, then even if the Italians are driven out, the Abyssinian Empire will become a quasi-colony of the Umbrella Company.

An empire reduced to a quasi-colony of a commercial corporation!

This kind of thing sounds outrageous.

But the reality is so magical. Think about the former East India Company, and then think about the former South African Company. The role these companies played in the colonial expansion of Western countries is no less than the "Bible" and naval guns.

The Duke of Imru really had no choice. After agreeing to all the conditions proposed by Stuart, he paid Stuart [-] tons of gold on the spot as the start-up capital of the umbrella company.

The subsequent development was the same as in Stuart's deduction.

Haile Selassie I was indeed unwilling to fail. His plan to move the capital was opposed by most of the nobles of the Abyssinian Empire. The ministers, by a huge margin of 21 votes to 3, decided to send Haile Selassie I into exile.

In the early morning of March 3, Haile Selassie I took a train to Berbera, and then took a British warship to the British mainland, starting his exile journey.

It was the Duke of Imru who stayed in the Abyssinian Empire to continue fighting against the Italians.

Also on March 3, a group of approximately 3 Umbrella Company mercenaries entered the Abyssinian Empire on foot. Their commander was Anthony, who had just returned to Port Elizabeth from Brazil.

After the Brazilian Civil War, Carl left the Umbrella Company and returned to the farm in the countryside of Tanganyika to enjoy the family happiness. After much consideration, Anthony decided to stay in the Umbrella to continue his military career.

Anthony also has a farm in Tanganyika.

But Anthony still doesn't want to leave the umbrella after all, he can do nothing but fight.

This time when he came to the Abyssinian Empire, Anthony took the initiative to volunteer. He had already fought against the Germans and the Americans, and now it was the turn of the Italians.

"There is an Italian patrol ahead of us." Anthony's partner is also Rex who just returned from Brazil.

Rex's situation is the same as Anthony's. He distributes all the money he earns to the families of his brothers who died in battle, and he is alone and has nothing to worry about, and he has returned to the umbrella.

"How many people?" Anthony's eyes turned into Rand's look. Italian patrols are money to Anthony.

The mercenaries under Anthony have at least five years of military experience.

Most of these people have participated in the Brazilian Civil War and have rich combat experience. Their individual quality is unmatched, and almost all of them have excellent shooting skills. The proportion of accurate shooters is higher than that of the Southern African National Defense Forces.

After all, the combat method of mercenaries is different from that of the regular army. The mercenaries of the Umbrella Company are not equipped with heavy firepower, so when facing the Italian armored forces, the Umbrella Company may lack the ability to attack.

But facing the patrol team also composed of light infantry——

Then it's not easy at all.

"More than 100 people, probably a company." Rex is also relaxed. He still misses the time when he was partnered with Sun Meng, but after all, Abyssinia is different from Brazil. The soldiers are all white or African.

"Hit them in an ambush and kill them!" Anthony took the initiative to attack, and their task was to eliminate more Italians.

"Total annihilation, not one can be let go." Rex has a big appetite, 1000 people fight more than 100 people, and he still has mental calculations and careless intentions. He doesn't say whether the fight will win or not.

The Italian patrol was actually not unprepared.

The elite troops of the Abyssinian Empire had been completely lost in the Battle of Mechu, and the part of the border bordering British Somalia became the key area for the Italian army to patrol.

The British did acquiesce in the Italian invasion of the Abyssinian Empire.

However, there is such a bad company as Umbrella, and the Italians dare not be careless.

The transportation in the Abyssinian Empire is indeed a bit poor. There are not many decent roads in the city. Needless to say, this wilderness is full of difficult and rugged winding mountain roads.

There was also rain earlier today, and the roads were wet and slippery with ponding. The officers and soldiers of the patrol team rode horses and trekked hard on the winding mountain road. Some sections even had to get off their horses and lead them along. Everyone complained.

"This damn weather, it's raining nonstop every day—" Lieutenant Tony from Florence sat on a big rock by the side of the road and wiped his military boots. He accidentally fell down just now, and his military boots were covered with mud.

"Cheer up Tony, we still have five kilometers to complete today's mission—" Lieutenant Montella, also from Florence, took out his cigarette case, and the surrounding soldiers also got off their horses to rest. Carrying out patrol missions is really hard work.

Before Tony could speak, he suddenly saw Lieutenant Montella's head explode.

Then gunshots were heard.

"Enemy attack——" Tony just yelled two words, and his body fell to the ground as if he had been kicked by an elephant.

blah blah——

The unique roar of the general-purpose machine gun in southern Africa came. Tony wanted to stand up and command the soldiers to fight, but his whole body had lost strength. He looked at the cloudy sky, and his eyes gradually lost their spirit.

The fight lasted only 5 minutes.

Like Rex said, wipe it all out.

(End of this chapter)

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