Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2069 The sequelae of tearing up the order

Chapter 2069 The sequelae of tearing up the order
The joint exercise between the Mediterranean Fleet and the Cyprus Squadron is considered to be the beginning of a new era of strategic partnership between the Royal Navy and the Southern African Navy.

In the past, the Royal Navy had a psychological advantage in front of the Southern African Navy. Although the Southern African Navy has developed rapidly in recent years and has surpassed the Royal Navy in terms of aircraft carriers and submarines, the Royal Navy still insists that the Southern African Navy It's just that the colonial fleet, which has its own appearance and does not have strong combat effectiveness, simply dismisses it.

With the service of the "Island" class aircraft carrier and the increasingly dangerous situation in Europe, the Royal Navy has now finally admitted that the Southern African Navy is no longer a servant of the Royal Navy, at least in some respects it has the ability to fight side by side with the Royal Navy ability.

This is not easy for the proud Royal Navy.

The British government and the British War Department attached great importance to the exercises of the Mediterranean Fleet and the Cyprus Squadron.

Many domestic media in the UK also sent military reporters to cover this joint exercise. It was against this background that Bronte James came to Cyprus.

Bronte James had just graduated last year from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, an alumnus of Winston and Rock.

However, unlike Winston and Rock, Bronte James was not born at the right time. When the British Army was sluggish for many years, Bronte James had no chance to join the army.

Half a month ago, Bronte James accepted the employment of "Morning Post" and came to Cyprus as a military reporter to cover the joint military exercise.

With the "Times" alone, the "Morning Post" provided Bronte James with limited funding.

So Bronte James teamed up with Andy Hamilton, a reporter from The Daily Telegraph, and took a room at the Rhodesia Hotel.

"Where are you going today?" During breakfast, James and Hamilton discussed today's work.

The operating conditions of the "Daily Telegraph" are similar to that of the "Morning Post", and the funds are not abundant.

James and Hamilton worked for the "Morning Post" and "Daily Telegraph" respectively, which gave James and Hamilton the opportunity to exploit loopholes.

Anyway, the two newspapers are different, so James and Hamilton can do joint interviews and contribute articles to their own newspapers separately. This reduces the workload and meets the needs of the newspapers.

"I don't want to go anywhere now. I don't even want to go back to London. I will apply for permanent residence in Cyprus later. If the newspaper does not agree, I will resign!" Hamilton looked at the white sails on the sea in the distance. Compared with London, Cyprus The air is simply wonderful.

East Cape is located at the easternmost point of the Messoria Plain in central Cyprus.

Needless to say, the Rhodesia Hotel has a very good location. In the room where James and Hamilton lived, the window opened to an invincible sea view. On the first day of staying at the Rhodesia Hotel, James and Hamilton sat on the balcony for a whole day. afternoon.

There are long and narrow white clouds in the blue sky.

The sea under the sun is deep and blue, with white sails passing through it, seagulls flying in the sky, fish jumping out of the water, young couples walking on the beach holding hands, a little girl wearing a beautiful hat, picking up shells on the beach with a basket, The little boy ran wildly against the sunset with his pet dog.

Such a scene, no matter how you look at it, you will never get tired of watching it.

"How will you live if you quit your job?" James thought too, but didn't dare.

"As long as I can stay in Cyprus, I would rather sweep the streets!" Hamilton's words are surprising, he is a top student at Cambridge University.

There is no way, not every high-achieving student at Cambridge University can become a white-collar worker in the financial street. Some people have to work as reporters for the "Daily Telegraph" and make a living by inquiring about the privacy of celebrities.

This job sounds disgusting.

The task given to Hamilton by The Daily Telegraph was actually to inquire into the privacy of the Cyprus baron's family, and it would be best to take photos of the next generation of Cypriot heirs.

If it can be photographed, Hamilton will get a lot of money.

"Whatever you want, I contacted Captain Hank of the Cyprus Squadron yesterday, and I'm going to interview him today, do you want to go together?" James was not as leisurely as Hamilton.

Hamilton was born in an aristocratic family in England, and he is qualified to be willful, otherwise Hamilton would not have the opportunity to go to Cambridge.

Born into poverty, James excelled in his grades and eventually had to attend the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.

this is life.

"Can I enter the station of the Cyprus Squadron?" Hamilton was not interested in interviews, but was very interested in the Cyprus Squadron.

"Maybe." James wasn't sure either.

"Wait for me—" Hamilton stuffed the egg in his mouth, and ran to the bedroom to change.

Half an hour later, James and Hamilton appeared outside the gate of the Cyprus Squadron station.

As the only fleet in the Mediterranean Sea, the Cyprus Squadron has its own stations in the East and West Cape.

The station of the Cyprus Squadron in East Cape is located on a hill in the north of East Cape. This hill is also the commanding height of the entire city of East Cape. At the foot of the mountain there is a natural harbor with excellent natural conditions. It can dock at a draft of no more than five meters. large naval warships.

The management of the Cyprus Squadron is very strict, and all visitors must be strictly registered in accordance with the requirements.

Ten minutes after calling Captain Hank on the security phone, Captain Hank appeared in front of James and Hamilton in an electric internal commuter vehicle.

So the interview started with this electric commuter car.

"This is our commuter car for internal use. It is not for sale. It is fully electric, safe and pollution-free, with zero noise and easy to operate. The only drawback is that it needs to be charged every day—" Captain Hank put one hand on the back of the front seat With one hand holding the steering wheel, it is easy and casual.

The internal infrastructure of the base is good, the road is flat and wide, and there are dense and neatly trimmed street trees on both sides of the road. The ground is spotless, and the lawn in the distance is obviously just trimmed, and a soldier is using a hose to sprinkle water.

There were several heavily armed Marines passing by in a commuter vehicle. One Marine had a bandage on his arm. It seemed that they had just gone through a fierce battle.

James and Hamilton looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

I haven't heard of any recent battles——

But it's normal, next to Cyprus is the Asia Minor peninsula, which is still raging with war. There are rumors that the Southern African Marine Corps stationed in Cyprus has been training with the rebels on the Asia Minor peninsula.

Sure enough, the authenticity of the gossip is higher.

"Since there are so many benefits, why aren't electric cars sold externally?" Hamilton's focus has never been the same as James: "——If it is sold externally, I will be the first to buy it."

"Even if you buy it, there is no place to charge it—and it is not the lack of electricity that restricts the popularity of electric vehicles, but the interests of oil companies. If you think cars are driven by electricity, who will sell the oil to?" Captain Hanke said bluntly, This is part of the truth, not all.

There are many factors restricting the development of electric vehicles, a large part of which is the performance of electric vehicles, which still has a large gap compared with gasoline vehicles.

The commuter vehicles used by the Cyprus squadron station have a cruising range of only about 100 kilometers, and the battery decays quickly, so there is no possibility of large-scale promotion at all.

The reason why it is used as a commuter car is partly for experimental purposes.

"Is this the work of the 'father of radio'?" Hamilton asked Nikola Tesla, not Marconi.

According to the ruling of the US court, the radio invention patent belongs to the Italian Marconi and has nothing to do with Nikola Tesla.

Outside the United States, though, it was Nikola Tesla who was the real inventor of the radio.

This is the same as Americans insisting that the flu outbreak during World War I was the "Spanish flu".

But everyone outside the United States calls it the "American flu".

"It's related, but not all of them. There are a lot of research institutes related to electronics in southern Africa—" Captain Hank almost slipped the tongue. The number of related research institutes is a state secret.

Of course, the data learned by Captain Hank is not necessarily the real data in southern Africa.

After all, Captain Hank's level is limited, and there are many real secrets that Captain Hank is not qualified to touch at all.

"Let's talk about the ongoing military exercises, Captain Hank, why does the Cyprus Squadron have to join the retreat project?" James took out his interview book and prepared to record it. The most important skill of reporters in this era is shorthand.

"Because it is necessary, our Cyprus squadron thinks it is necessary to join this project, so we joined." Captain Hank was full of domineering.

Not everything needs a reason.

Especially for a country like Southern Africa.

Southern Africa sets the rules.

If the rules are not good for Southern Africa, then Southern Africa changes the rules.

This is what a big hooligan should do!

"I understand that the French believe that this project is suspected of insinuating the French government. Will this affect the relationship between southern Africa and France?" Hamilton added, and his professional sense is also good.

"Hehehe, France just tore up the military purchase order with southern Africa not long ago, causing huge losses to the federal government of southern Africa and southern African enterprises-now the French government has no reasonable explanation for this matter, so our Cyprus squadron , why do you have to take into account the ideas of the French?" Captain Hank sneered, the French don't think that the Southern African Federal Government will not pursue it, just forget about tearing up the order.

The latest news is that southern Africa is considering transferring part of its tank technology to Germany.

(End of this chapter)

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