Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2073 You are all murderers

Chapter 2073 You are all murderers
May 1934, 5, twelve o'clock at noon.

It has been 50 hours since the "Victoria" sank to the bottom of the sea and hit the seabed, and the staff trapped in the "Victoria" have not yet been rescued.

As soon as the accident happened in "Victoria", "The Times" made a follow-up report in the form of "Supplement".

In the latest "Supplement", "The Times" published the list of staff trapped inside the "Victoria".

Among the trapped personnel, the captain of the ship, Colonel Oram, and the representative of the Royal Navy, Colonel Denny, had the highest military rank.

Most attention is "Victoria" Chief Designer Stanley Bell, and his design team.

The good news is that Joe John, a submarine expert from southern Africa, is on vacation in London. After learning about it, the Royal Navy immediately sent someone to invite Joe John as quickly as possible, hoping that Joe John could help get him out.

"The biggest problem we have now is that because the escape hatch is located six meters underwater, heavy cutting equipment cannot be used, and the escape hatch cannot be opened smoothly, so it is impossible to rescue the people in the submarine." Royal Navy Home Fleet Colonel Felton was distraught, and most of the staff trapped in "Victoria" were Colonel Felton's comrades-in-arms.

The safety of sailors is not the number one priority for the Royal Navy.

More importantly, Stanley Bell and his design team.

Britain has insufficient accumulation in submarines, and Stanley Bell is one of the few experts in Britain in submarines.

If Stanley Bell and his team were all killed in this accident, then Britain's submarine design capabilities would fall back overnight to before the outbreak of the last world war.

"I need the design drawings of 'Victoria'." After hearing the news, Joe John arrived at the Portsmouth Naval Base as quickly as possible, and changed his clothes in the car.

Colonel Felton looked troubled.

"Victoria" is Britain's most advanced submarine.

Joe John is a Southern African.

Although Britain and Southern Africa are allies.

But just show Joe John the blueprint of "Victoria", then the most advanced British submarine has no secrets for the southern African navy.

"Sorry, I need to ask my superior." Colonel Felton decided to hand over the choice to the Royal Navy's senior management.

Joe John nodded in understanding, it was a difficult decision.

"Time is fast. It has been more than 50 hours since the 'Victoria' accident. The oxygen in the submarine may be exhausted at any time. Can we contact the inside of the submarine now?" Joe John was also worried about the safety of his peers. He and Stan Leigh Bell was an acquaintance, had worked together before.

After the world wars, there was a honeymoon period between southern Africa and Great Britain.

For the United Kingdom, German submarines are the biggest threat. In order to figure out the performance of German submarines, Southern Africa and the United Kingdom have cooperated for a long time. Joe John and Stanley Bell met at that time.

"The submarine's telegraph is an independent power supply system, and we have always maintained close contact." Colonel Felton looked embarrassed, which is also the status quo of the relationship between southern Africa and the United Kingdom.

The status quo is embarrassing.

As the suzerain of southern Africa, Britain personally drove southern Africa out of the Commonwealth.

Then the United Kingdom discovered that it is not that southern Africa needs the market of the Commonwealth, but that the Commonwealth needs the industrial capabilities of Southern Africa.

So the British government tried every means to make up for the relationship with southern Africa.

Now the relationship between southern Africa and the United Kingdom has finally recovered, but the rift still exists. No matter how hard the British government tries, it is impossible for the relationship between southern Africa and the United Kingdom to return to a state of no grudges.

"Can I go and see the scene?" Joe John didn't hold out much hope, but he still had to help.

Colonel Felton said nothing.

Obviously not.

If Joe John was a normal person, it wouldn't matter if he went to the scene.

A submarine expert like Joe John can see a lot just by taking a closer look at the site.

Among other things, the shell shape of the submarine has a huge impact on the performance of the submarine.

Submarine experts in southern Africa know to put anechoic tiles on the Dolphin.

God knows whether the British submarine experts will install outer armor on the "Victoria".

Don't laugh, it's possible.

Joe John was speechless.

This doesn't work either.

That's not OK.

Why did you call me here?

The Royal Navy hopes to rescue people without leaking the secrets.

So after Colonel Felton asked for instructions, the Royal Navy gave Joe John a drawing.

Joe John could tell at a glance that it was a drawing of a German U-boat.

Therefore, the British "Victoria" is similar to the German U-boat.

At least the structure is similar.

Then the performance will not be too bad.

Therefore, the comprehensive performance of "Victoria" is probably not as good as the "ghost" in southern Africa.

This has to ensure that the performance of the British torpedo is good enough.

If, like the American torpedoes, the Japanese merchant ships were beaten like hedgehogs, but none of them were blown up, then the performance of the "Victoria" would be useless no matter how advanced it is.

Alas, looking at it this way, American bombs have a tradition of being unreliable.

Otherwise, there would be so many mistakenly hitting friendly troops.

By the time Joe John got the drawings, it had been more than 55 hours since the "Victoria" had an accident.

The most important thing now is not to get people out, but to find a way to deliver fresh air to the interior of the submarine to ensure that the people in the submarine can survive first.

"Sorry, Mr. John, I can't tell you how long the oxygen inside the submarine can last. I can only tell you that the people inside the submarine are still alive." Colonel Felton was exhausted physically and mentally, and he was also very confused now.

This doesn't work either.

That's not OK.

What's the point of calling Joe John all that way from London?

Joe John threw up his hands.

"There is a way to cut the hull of the boat with a large cutting machine, so that the staff inside the submarine can escape smoothly." Joe John chose violent cutting, which is the simplest and most effective way.

Colonel Felton didn't say a word. If you can cut it violently, why would you still be asked to do it?
The meaning of the Royal Navy is very clear. To get people out, it can't cause too much damage to "Victoria".

After all, "Victoria" is a new type of submarine that has just been built. It was completely destroyed in the first sea trial, and the Royal Navy has no way to explain it to Congress.

"So, it's not that the large cutting equipment can't be used, but that it can't be used." Joe John had a vague feeling that a bigger disaster might happen.

Colonel Felton lowered his head, not daring to meet Joe John's eyes.

"When the hell is this already? Are you still worried about whether it will cause damage to the submarine? Is it more important for people, or lifeless equipment, and the face of the Royal Navy?" Joe John was furious, and the Royal Navy showed His indifference to life is chilling.

The Royal Navy can be so indifferent to the designers of the Royal Navy.

So what about your allies?

If the world war breaks out again, the Southern African Navy and the Royal Navy will fight side by side. If the Southern African Navy encounters difficulties, will the Royal Navy go all out?

It's impossible to think about it with your toes.

"There are 125 living beings in there, including your comrades in arms and even your relatives. Don't you just watch them die of suffocation?" Joe John couldn't stand it anymore, how cold-blooded it must be, to make such a decision.

In fact, the Royal Navy is not cold-blooded.

After Sir Charles Forbes retired from service due to illness, Cunningham lost the competition, and Roger Keyes was finally appointed as the commander of the Home Fleet.

However, Roger Case has not yet arrived. He was busy running for Congress before, and there are still some affairs that have not been taken over in time. The Conservative Party also needs someone to replace Roger Case to run for Congress. This is another A muddled account.

So when "Victoria" hit the seabed, Colonel Felton, who was in charge of handling the matter, didn't know who to report to. Because the commander didn't arrive at the headquarters, and no one took the initiative to take responsibility, that's why it happened. current dilemma.

"I reminded you five hours ago that the oxygen inside the 'Victoria' is about to run out, and now five hours have passed, and the situation has not improved at all. Drilling a hole in the body of the boat can also send fresh air to the interior of the submarine. It has been more than 55 hours since the accident happened. If the people in the submarine die, you are all murderers!" Joe John cursed, and the Southern African Federation Compared with the British government and the Royal Navy, the powerlessness of the government makes people desperate.

Yes, it is very weak.

No matter what you do, you are powerless, and you feel like you can't bring yourself back to heaven if you want to kill a thief.

Even if it is a correct suggestion, there will still be people who will find fault in the egg and drag it down unscrupulously.

Some people are only good at identifying problems, never proposing solutions to them.

Because some problems simply cannot be solved.

"Mr. John, drilling a hole in 'Victoria' will also damage the structure of 'Victoria'." Colonel Felton was also very helpless. The submarine was scrapped after drilling a hole. No one dared to take this responsibility.

However, if all the staff in the submarine died due to the failure of the escape cabin, this is not the responsibility of the Royal Navy, but the responsibility of the shipyard, the submarine designer, and even the submarine staff themselves.

After all, "Victoria" is the first sea trial.

Submarine staff are not very familiar with the performance of "Victoria".

So if the escape hatch is locked due to the submarine staff's own operational errors, then this has nothing to do with the Royal Navy.

Time is passing little by little.

60 hours later, the escape hatch still cannot be opened.

At the 65th hour, the communication with the submarine was interrupted, and Joe John forced himself into the headquarters of the Royal Navy's Home Fleet, demanding that the "Victoria" be cut open immediately with a large cutting machine.

At the 70th hour, under the intervention of the British government, the Royal Navy finally cut "Victoria".

When the hatch was opened, the scene was horrible, and all 125 staff members died of suffocation.

(End of this chapter)

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