Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2078 Harold's Amulet

Chapter 2078 Harold's Amulet

Governments at all levels of the Southern African Federation attach great importance to education. When Roque first arrived in Oak Town, the first thing he did was to set up a school for the children of Chinese police officers. This matter has continued to exert influence until now. force.

After Roque became prime minister, he urged every state in southern Africa to establish at least one university, and this goal has already been achieved.

The state with the most developed education is Nyasaland. As the most famous institution of higher learning in southern Africa, Nyasaland University has already ranked among the world's top universities.

The oldest is the University of the Cape of Good Hope, founded in 1873.

Compared with Nyasaland University, the development of Cape University is not so good.

However, as the only institution of higher learning in Cape State, Cape of Good Hope University has a high status at least in Cape State.

Coupled with the fact that governments at all levels of the Southern African Federation have always attached great importance to talents, some people feel a little drifting in their hearts.

James Harold, 55 years old, was born in Cape Town. He was educated in the UK since he was a child. He graduated from the famous University of St. Andrews with a Doctor of Laws.

James Harold graduated from the University of St Andrews in 1902, the year the Second Boer War ended.

At that time in southern Africa, there was a shortage of high-quality talents. Some federal government staff could not even read a word, and several ministers had to share a secretary. Ade had formulated a talent plan at that time, hoping to introduce high-quality talents from Europe. James Harold, a native born in southern Africa, received the first invitations from the colonial government at the time.

What makes people speechless is that James Harold rejected Adelaide's invitation and chose to stay and work in the UK instead of playing for Southern Africa.

This is also normal. Everyone has his own aspirations, and everyone has the right to pursue a happy life.

Even if it is a self-conceived happy life.

Reality soon hit James Harold hard.

After the outbreak of the World War, Britain went from bad to worse, and southern Africa was booming.

By the end of the World War, the overall economy of southern Africa had surpassed that of the British mainland. At this time, the Cape State issued an invitation to James Harold for the second time.

In a chilling turn of events, James Harold once again declined Cape State's invitation.

At that time, James Harold was already well-known in London.

The profession of lawyers has a high status in the UK. Many British politicians are lawyers. James Harold was already famous at the time and was seeking a seat in the regional parliament. It is normal to refuse the invitation of the Cape State.

But James Harold chose the Liberal Party.

British Liberal Party.

Not the Southern African Liberal Party.

Remember the great defeat of the Liberal Party after the World Wars?

After the rise of the Labor Party, the Liberal Party's seats in the British Parliament fell from 158 to 40.

As a result, James Harold missed the opportunity to become a regional MP and became a victim of internal strife in British politics.

James Harold was not reconciled to failure and fought repeatedly.

until the Great Depression hit.

The damage caused by the Great Depression to Britain was immeasurable. James Harold's own law firm also closed down during the Great Depression, and James Harold himself even went bankrupt for a time.

At this time, the University of the Cape of Good Hope once again extended an invitation to James Harold.

From the beginning of the colonial government.

Then to Cape State.

Then to Cape of Good Hope University.

It is not difficult to see that the importance of James Harold is constantly declining.

This time James Harold is finally without pride, returning to his hometown for the first time after nearly 30 years away from Southern Africa.

James Harold couldn't believe the change in his hometown.

Cape Town is no longer the largest city in Southern Africa.

Didn't even qualify for the top ten.

Southern Africa is now the city with the largest population and the largest economic aggregate is Los Angeles.

The second largest city is Salisbury, the capital of Rhodesia.

The third largest is the capital Pretoria.

Next are Edward, Walvis Bay, Kimberley, Lorenzo Marquez, Elizabeth, and St. George, the capital of Tanganyika, and so on.

Cape Town only ranks No.11 in the ranking of cities in Southern Africa.

In the UK, James Harold has actually recognized the prosperity of southern Africa from the movies shot in southern Africa.

Cine lenses are optional though.

So James Harold does not think that the southern Africa in the movie is the southern Africa in reality.

But the problem is that southern Africa in reality is more advanced, more prosperous and more dynamic than the southern Africa in the movie.

This set James Harold on fire.

Compared with the British Empire, it seems that Southern Africa is more prosperous now!
Yes, James Harold never gave up his dream of being an MP.

After accepting the invitation of the University of the Cape of Good Hope, James Harold's official position is the professor of the Faculty of Law of the University of the Cape of Good Hope.

A law school professor is not the dean. There may be many professors in a university in southern Africa, but only one dean.

The salary of the professor is actually good.

Hesling is also a professor now.

James Harold's decision was supported by Adrian Noah, dean of the Faculty of Law at Cape Town University, and John Ackerman, editor-in-chief of the Cape Town Evening News.

Adrian Noah supports James Harold, hoping that after James Harold becomes a member of parliament, he can bring greater support to the University of the Cape of Good Hope.

John Ackerman's reason is more pure. He and James Harold have been neighbors since childhood, and the relationship between the two has always been very good.

In the words of the Chinese, it means growing up with bare buttocks.

Now James Harold still doesn't know what kind of consequences his remarks in the newspaper will bring.

James Harold just followed the British habit to make a speech to gain attention and exchange for opportunities for public attention.

This is difficult to do in the UK, because the mainstream media in the UK, such as "The Times", don't even bother to interview such a small role as James Harold.

I didn't expect it to come true so easily in Cape Town.

James Harold had now begun to plan his career in politics.

The first step is to try to become a Cape Town City Councilor.

Then there's the Cape State MP.

And then the MPs, the Speaker—

If all goes well, develop according to James Harold's design.

Then John Ackerman believes that James Harold may be eligible to run for prime minister after five years.

"This is really not a fantasy. You should know that Lord Nyasaland's reputation in southern Africa is unshakable. As long as Lord Nyasaland is elected, no one else is eligible to compete at all. So it is up to Starr It really makes no difference whether Dr. Jameson is running for the Progressive Party or Dr. James Harold is running for the Progressive Party.” John Ackerman’s words made James Harold a little sad.

The Dr. Starr Jameson mentioned by John Ackerman is the Dr. Starr Jameson who is reported to die every year, but can't die every year.

This man is also wonderful. It was reported 30 years ago that Dr. Starr Jameson was in poor health and was dying.

But he hasn't died yet.

Almost all his contemporaries died.

"Even if you can't enter the Palace of Justice, it's not bad to be a member of the Cape State Council." James Harold recognized the reality. In southern Africa, as long as Rock is alive, the Palace of Justice will be named Luo.

"If you're going to be Cape State MP, watch your words." John Ackerman knew more about Southern Africa than James Harold.

"Hahahaha, John, you don't understand. A normal society must allow the existence of different opinions. Southern Africa has made a huge mistake on the issue of the Commonwealth. For the sake of the Commonwealth market, Southern Africa should endure a short-term loss. In exchange for longer-term benefits, this is the tolerance that a country of the size of southern Africa should have.” James Harold disagreed with John Ackerman’s reminder.

For some, everything, including national interest, is a bargaining chip.

This was the case with James Harold, whose idol was not Winston but Ramsay MacDonald, leader of the British Labor Party.

Ramsay MacDonald led the Labor Party to replace the Liberal Party and become the second largest party in the UK by virtue of the exchange of interests.

"No, no, no, this is a British habit, not a southern African habit—" John Ackerman frowned, 30 years is enough to change a lot of things, and now James Harold is no longer John The James Harold in Ackerman's memory.

"Whether it is southern Africa or the United Kingdom, the essence of politics is the same. The status of Lord Nyasaland is actually not that stable. Don't let the appearance confuse your heart. Do you think that Mr. Cecil Rhodes, Jr. Ain't there no complaints about the situation? And us native southern Africans, southern Africa is our southern Africa, not the southern Africa of those goddamn eastern immigrants who took our jobs and took what was rightfully ours We must take back our wealth." James Harold's words made John Ackerman shudder.

"James, as your old friend, I advise you not to think like this. I can pretend that I didn't hear anything just now. Remember, forget your words. Your words are very dangerous." John Ackerman Worrying, James Harold not only doesn't know about Southern Africa, but also doesn't know about Brad's office.

Not knowing about southern Africa, and failing to compete for the most parliamentarians, James Harold can still be his professor when he returns to the University of the Cape of Good Hope.

If you don't know Brad's office, you'll be thrown on Robben Island.

All the prisoners on Robben Island are unforgivable felons. Since the establishment of the Southern African Federal Government, no one has ever been able to leave Robben Island alive.

"Don't worry about John, you are my talisman—" James Harold was confident.

It is more accurate to say that public opinion is James Harold's talisman.

(End of this chapter)

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