Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2083 The Incognito Heir to the Throne

Chapter 2083 The Incognito Heir to the Throne
To do the work of the students, it mainly depends on Nyasaland University.

Nyasaland University has about 300 international students each year, accounting for about [-]% of the total student population.

The students who came to Nyasaland University through the "Rhodes Scholarship" accounted for only a part, and more international students were admitted to Nyasaland University at their own expense.

For the management of international students, Nyasaland University is very strict. International students do not have to violate the laws of southern Africa. Once they violate the school rules, there is a high probability of being dismissed.

There are more than 1000 international students in the four grades. They come from all over the world, and most of them are from the countries of the Southern African Union.

Every year, Nyasaland University receives countless applications for admission from all over the world.

Nyasaland University is very strict with the review of international students. It is not enough to simply be rich, but also to be excellent in character and learning. Yaya’s son also passed the examination organized by Nyasaland University to be eligible to enter Nyasaland University. Lan University study.

Yaya also spent a full 50 rand on this.

Prince Najd Mahdi also studied at Nyasaland University.

Mahdi is the sixth son of King Ali Rashid of Najd. Ali Rashid loved Mahdi very much and raised Mahdi as the heir to the throne. He sent Mahdi to southern Africa for education early on.

The current Mahdi has become a standard southern African. He is very fluent in Chinese and is more proficient in his mother tongue. Mahdi is aliased as Marconi at Nyasaland University, and he is strictly protected by the royal family of Najd and the police in Los Angeles.

Ali Rashid has 11 sons in total.

Including the daughter, there are 27 children.

This can explain why the population of Najd Sultanate has expanded nearly five times in only 20 years since its establishment.

Don't be afraid, after five times the population is only over 60, which is not as large as the population of Port Elizabeth.

Ali Rashid has so many children, and the competition for the throne is also very fierce.

Mahdi has been in southern Africa for 13 years, during which numerous accidents occurred, some of which were indeed accidents, and some were intentional murders. It is also a miracle that Mahdi can survive to this day.

In order to protect Mahdi, the umbrella company carefully selected four security personnel to study with Mahdi at Nyasaland University.

Naturally, this part of the cost was also paid by the royal family of Najd.

Unlike other dormitories for international students, Mahdi lives in Nyasaland University's apartment for single teaching staff, which few people know.

The security personnel selected by Umbrella Company for Mahdi are all about the same age as Mahdi. They eat and live together, go to and from school together, and go to the library and sports field together. After two years, they naturally have a very deep relationship.

Mahdi majored in economics and minored in international law at Nyasaland University. His homework was heavy. His ideal was actually a machine, but unfortunately conditions did not allow it.

"I don't want to be a king at all. My ideal is to become an engineer in Nyasaland Automobile." Mahdi often said this to Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao is one of Mahdi's four bodyguards. He is a second-generation mercenary born in southern Africa. He has received military training since he was a child, but his academic performance is very good. He is the winner of the "Matilda First Class Scholarship".

The amount of the Mathilda first class scholarship is 250 rand per year.

This number is not very nice, but everyone wants it.

The amount of the Mathilda Scholarship is based on the per capita income in Southern Africa.

The median per capita income in Southern Africa last year was R250.

"No, you'd better go back to China to inherit the throne. I'm still waiting to serve as the commander-in-chief of Naizhi's armed forces—" Zhang Hao was not joking. "Inheriting the throne" is a joke for others, but it is fate for Mahdi.

Look at their fate——

It can only be said that reincarnation is really a technical job.

Zhang Hao has been with Mahdi for six full years.

Mahdi once said that when he returns to China to inherit the throne, he will appoint Zhang Hao as the commander-in-chief of the three armies of Nezhi.

There are probably more than 300 people under the commander-in-chief of the Naizhi Army, which is worse than George V.

There are more than 500 British royal honor guards.

"Yeah, I have to go back to inherit the throne, this is my biggest distress—" Mahdi is also the old Versailles, and everyone wants this kind of distress.

But Mahdi really thought so.

Mahdi really likes cars.

The Najd royal family is not short of money now. Ali Rashid is also generous with his favorite son. Mahdi owns a huge manor in the suburbs of Los Angeles. The largest building is the garage. Mahdi has collected more than 40 cars. Especially the Lord series.

Mahdi owns all the models of the Lord car since its inception.

Modifying cars is Mahdi's biggest hobby.

Although southern Africa has strict regulations in this regard, modified cars are not allowed to go on the road, but Mahdi's manor is large enough, and he is very satisfied to drive around the manor twice on weekdays.

Mahdi's manor is an excellent investment. Since the purchase, the land price in the suburbs of Los Angeles has turned upside down. If you sell it now, then Mahdi can recover all the expenses spent in southern Africa over the years and still make some money. .

This is why the rich are getting richer.

"When I return to Najd, how about we start a law firm together?" Mahdi often has such weird thoughts, you are the king, who dares to sue you.

"Okay, we will specialize in taking over oil field jobs at that time. If we want to exploit oil in Nej, we must sign a contract through our law firm." Like Mahdi, Zhang Hao also majored in economics at Nyasaland University. Minor in international law, such a good opportunity not to be wasted.

Then something magical happened.

Don't think that when you receive military training since you were a child, you are big and three thick and only have muscles but not brains.

Zhang Hao is surprisingly smart. He is only a sophomore this year. He has already completed the credits of international law and successfully qualified as a lawyer.

Zhang Hao has almost completed his economics credits.

So Zhang Hao is going to take another course in international trade, anyway, he is idle anyway.

"Sir, we can start—" Anton Zagoyev from Port Elizabeth is serious and responsible. He is of Russian descent and Cossack, and his ideal is to become a great mercenary.

Not everyone is as good at seizing opportunities as Zhang Hao, and Anton doesn't like Mahdi very much.

Unlike Mahdi, who still retains Najd's nationality, Anton was born a southern African.

The title of "Heir to the Royal Family" sounds very good, but the weight is different. They are also the heirs of the Royal Family. The attention of the British is high, but Naiji's has to remain anonymous.

The UK is really eye-catching. A few days ago, the "Daily Telegraph" broke another big news. Edward David, the first heir to the British king, was going to marry a twice-divorced woman, and was rejected by the British royal family. and the collective opposition of the British government.

The matter between Prince Edward and Mrs. Simpson is actually very normal in the UK, and no one cares about it. Even if the British talk about it, most of them are just joking. Everyone thinks that Prince Edward will finally choose someone who suits his identity. Girls of status get married.

Unexpectedly, it was Simpson that Prince Edward was going to marry——

Not to mention the British royal family, even ordinary British people cannot accept it.

Prince Edward is also stubborn, not marrying Mrs. Simpson.

Relations between Prince Edward and George V have been strained because of the incident.

Prince Edward's attitude is also very clear.

When George V was alive, Prince Edward had to restrain himself somewhat.

When George V dies, Prince Edward will become King of England.

Who will be able to control Prince Edward at that time-no, it is King Edward.

Compared with Prince Edward, Mahdi, the royal heir, looks like a fake.

At least Anton didn't like the Mahdi.

Even if Mahdi is very likely to become the kingdom of Nezhi in the future, Anton does not become friends with Mahdi like Zhang Hao did.

For Anton, this is a job.

"Let's go—" Zhang Hao didn't forget to check the pistol before going out.

Nyasaland University does not allow students to carry weapons on campus.

However, Mahdi has a special status after all, so Zhang Hao was allowed to carry weapons.

It was only Zhang Hao, An Dong and the other two security personnel who only carried electric batons and pepper spray, not even a knife.

Five people go out together, they are a fixed combination, they play basketball together.

Those who can be selected by the umbrella to protect Mahdi must have nothing to say about their physical fitness.

Except that Zhang Hao's figure was similar to that of Mahdi, Anton and the other two bodyguards were both door panels, 1.9 meters tall and [-] pounds in weight. They really had advantages in playing basketball.

Get in the car as soon as you go out, five people squeeze into one car, Zhang Hao is the driver, Mahdi is the co-pilot, and there are three big and three thick guys in the back seat crowded together, and their legs can't be straightened.

The campus of Nyasaland University covers a huge area. Mahdi’s apartment is a bit far from the teaching building. Many faculty members ride bicycles to the teaching building. Of course, some people drive by themselves. There are even commuter cars in Nyasaland University. One can imagine how big it is.

The campus is very green. The ground is either hardened or grassy. When passing by the assistant principal's office, a large group of people surrounded the office, all of whom were international students.

Those international students are using their signs to ask Nyasaland University to provide the same treatment for international students as local students, hoping that the school will listen to their voices.

"Is the treatment of foreign students bad?" Mahdi has never paid attention to this issue. He is the heir to the royal family, so the treatment must be excellent.

"I don't know either, I haven't been in contact with them—" Zhang Hao replied casually, such words are the most heart-wrenching.

Mahdi nodded, suddenly realizing that he had acted inappropriately.

Zhang Hao's words are slightly offensive to foreign students.

It's not that I don't have the opportunity to contact, but I don't want to contact. On the surface, I keep a distance, but in fact it comes from the pride in my bones.

Although many times Mahdi thinks he is already a southern African.

But Mahdi himself is also an international student.

ps: I went out for a long trip yesterday, I will see if I can make up for it today——

(End of this chapter)

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