Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2089 Quote, what quote?

Chapter 2089 Quote, what quote?
Many people don't know that the most powerful army in southern Africa is not the mercenaries of Umbrella Corporation, nor the operations department of Brad's office, but the Secret Service of the Palace of Justice.

There are more than 800 members of the Secret Service of the Palace of Justice, all of whom have special skills, not to mention all kinds of basic skills. Some members of the Secret Service can drive professional racing cars. Do you still remember the sensational "Apartment Butcher" in London? Li Yan caused a sensation in London because it happened at the right time. In terms of personal skills and tactics, Li Yan was not the best in the Secret Service of the Palace of Justice.

In other words, if it wasn't Li Yan who was in that apartment at the time, it was someone else, there are still many people who could do it.

Li Yan's current position is the captain of the First Action Team of the Secret Service.

The first action team is exclusively for Rock, and it is Rock's bodyguard. When Rock goes out, Louis usually takes the co-driver, and Li Yan is in charge of driving.

The convoy organized by Nyasaran Automobile once sent an invitation to Li Yan, which is enough to prove Li Yan's level of posture.

Time flies, and it has been more than ten years since Li Yan killed the Quartet in London.

Li Yan, who is about to turn 34 years old, is in the peak golden period of combining experience and physical fitness.

Li Yan is now married and established. His wife is a professor at Pretoria Imperial University. His two children are smart and have excellent grades. The family lives happily.

Alvin is going to Spain, and Rock must choose a reliable security director for Alvin.

Li Yan had the experience of working in Europe, and was responsible for Rock's personal safety for a long time. With rich experience, he naturally became the No. 1 choice.

"Brother Li, when I arrive in Spain, my safety depends entirely on you—" Alvin is very familiar with Li Yan, and he also knows what Li Yan has done.

Li Yan is not only the famous "apartment butcher", but also once the fastest single lap holder of the Pretoria circuit.

Otherwise, Li Yan would not be eligible to receive the invitation from Nyasaland Automobile.

Of course, that was already ten years ago. At that time, Li Yan had just turned 25 years old. Although the fastest single-lap record has long been broken, Li Yan’s name is still eligible to be included in the Pretoria Auto Race. on the track.

Alvin is an avid car racing enthusiast, he likes both rally and racing, but obviously he is not as talented in driving as Li Yan.

"Honorable Lord Beihai—" Li Yan followed the British rules.

"Brother Li, just call me Alvin, this is southern Africa—" Alvin corrected, the North Sea is Lake Tanganyika, the sixth largest lake in the world with a total area of ​​over 30000 square kilometers, and the entirety of it is Alvin's fiefdom.

The British government sealed the North Sea to Alvin in order to win over Rock. At that time, the North Sea was not even owned by Southern Africa, so this fiefdom was also very interesting.

The land is sealed, and if you want to really own it, go and take it back yourself.

So Alvin has no feelings for England.

"First of all, after arriving in Spain, I will arrange all your itinerary." Li Yan started to work, which was one of the many conditions for Phyllis to agree to Alvin's trip to Spain.

"No problem." Alvin agreed, as long as he could go to Spain, Alvin knew what was more important.

Among other things, if Alvin were to be captured by the Falange in Spain, then Rock's face would be humiliated by Alvin.

Not only Rock's face.

Don't forget that Alvin is also an active duty soldier in Southern Africa.

So when the time comes, the federal government of Southern Africa will fall into a passive position.

"Then there is no problem." Li Yanren is also very interesting, there is first but there is no second.

Alvin has a special status. Li Yan is only responsible for Alvin's personal safety and will not interfere with other aspects.

In other words, if Alvin, like the British heir to the throne, met a confidante by chance in Spain, Li Yan would not interfere at all, and Li Yan would even help guard the door when the two had a tryst.

Of course, Alvin is still very self-disciplined in this regard. If you have a good impression, you don't necessarily have to possess it.

Once the relationship breaks through the bottom line, the goodwill will disappear over time.

Otherwise, if life is just like seeing it at first sight.

During his stay in Spain, Li Yan will lead a 120-member guard to be responsible for Alvin's safety.

Don't worry too much, this fee is all paid by Felice personally, so Li Yan is not responsible to Roque, but to Felice. Li Yan is responsible to Felice for every word and deed of Alvin during his stay in Spain. Reported by Silk.

The equipment of these 120 people is naturally armed to the teeth, all kinds of semi-automatic and fully automatic, armored vehicles, rocket launchers, and snipers are fully equipped.

Phyllis even got an "Alligator" armored vehicle equipped with a communication system through Zach and shipped it to Spain. This is equipment that is strictly prohibited from being exported in southern Africa.

"Alligator" armored vehicles can be exported, and the in-vehicle communication system is strictly prohibited.

The military vehicle communication system is different from the communication system on the taxi. The communication system on the taxi has a receiver and a pager. The communication range is limited, and it is restricted by the terrain. The military vehicle communication system can directly communicate with the south African Native Connections.

According to Phyllis' vision, the Spanish Civil War will have to wait until the next year to break out.

The Falange couldn't wait that long.

On November 11, Marquez, nephew of one of the leaders of the Falange, José Antonio, was shot and killed by José Casti, a member of the government assault guards.

The Falange's revenge was imminent, and Jose Casti was also shot.

Government commandos retaliated by forging a warrant to kidnap right-wing leader and finance minister Calvo Sotero, who was later killed and dumped in a cemetery.

The Falange then formulated a plan of insurrection, and Spain was on the verge of civil war.

On December 12, the Spanish colonial army stationed in Morocco and the Canary Islands launched a rebellion under the instigation of Franco, Emilio Mora and other generals.

The rebellion quickly spread to large and medium-sized cities such as Cadiz, Seville, Zaragoza, and Burgos. Most of the army and air force, about 12 people, and the "foreign legion" composed of Moroccans participated in the rebellion. rebellion.

The republican government judged that the rebels would launch an insurrection by early next year at the latest.

The Republican government was caught off guard by the sudden actions of the rebels, and the rebels quickly occupied Spanish Morocco, the Canary Islands, the Balearic Islands, and the northern and southwestern provinces of mainland Spain.

On December 12, Franco established the "National Defense Ruling Committee" in Burgos in an attempt to attack Madrid from the north to the south, and then seize national power.

The Spanish Republican government is still very efficient.

At this time, weapons and equipment ordered from southern Africa have begun to arrive in Spain.

The first batch of mercenaries from the Umbrella Company also departed from Port Elizabeth, landed in Colombia via the Mediterranean Sea, and formally participated in the Spanish Civil War.

After the initial difficult stage, the Republican government quickly stabilized the situation. 30 Spaniards responded to the call of the Popular Front and joined the People's Guard. Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Cartagena, Malaga, Bilbao The rebellion in large and medium-sized cities was quickly quelled.

As of January 1, only Andalusia in the south and Galicia, Navarra, and Old Castile in the north remained in the rebel-controlled area.

Government forces controlled all industrial and political centers, major ports, traffic arteries and important agricultural areas.

Just when everyone thought the Spanish Civil War was coming to an end, the Spanish Republican government made a move to self-destruct the Great Wall.

The total amount of weapons and equipment ordered by the Spanish Republican government from southern Africa is as high as 1.7 million rand.

According to the stipulations of the contract, the military-industrial enterprises in southern Africa have organized full-scale production and have delivered three batches of weapons and equipment to Spain.

The front line is progressing smoothly, and the Spanish Republican government has also begun to delay the payment of related payments, and has reduced the number of mercenaries in the Umbrella Company to only 3000.

For this situation, Roque has long been prepared.

Under normal circumstances, Spain only needs to maintain a minimum level of armed forces, and does not need so many aircraft and tanks at all.

So now the Spanish Republican government is delaying payment and reducing orders, Roque can also understand.

But it is not acceptable.

Military enterprises in southern Africa have been longing for such a large order for a long time, so they went all out to produce after receiving the order. By the end of January, most of the order production tasks had been completed.

The performance of the exported weapons and equipment is definitely different from the weapons and equipment in service of the Southern African National Defense Forces. Therefore, if these weapons are produced for the Spanish Republican government, if the Spanish Republican government does not want them, it will cause huge losses to the southern African military industry.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Minister, as you know, the Spaniards love peace, and we don't want to participate in wars, so we don't need so many weapons and equipment, not to mention that the Republican government is not able to pay so much money now, please understand——" the Spanish embassy Jose Laporta, the ambassador to Southern Africa, complained endlessly. The expenditure of the war was far greater than the Spanish Republican government imagined. Now the Spanish Republican government is overwhelmed.

Among other things, the monthly cost of maintaining a 30-strong army is enough to bankrupt the Spanish Republican government.

"Mr. Ambassador, I ask you to pay attention. If you want to tear up the order now, all our previous quotations will be void." Yang Smozi was not angry. The Spaniards' understanding of war was too superficial, and they were not as optimistic as they imagined. .

"Offer—what offer?" José Laporta played dumb. It would be great if Southern Africa could agree to cancel the order.

Yang Smozi sneered and saw off the guests directly. Southern Africa's grasp of the situation in Europe was far more accurate than that of the Spanish Republican government.

The day after the Spaniards tore up the order, Germany and Italy brazenly sent troops into Spain to join the war in the name of the "Foreign Legion".

The originally good situation was completely reversed in just two months.

On March 3, with the support of the German and Italian intervention forces, the rebels launched an attack from the Portuguese border towards Madrid, successively captured Badajoz, Cáceres, Talavera, Toledo and other towns, and captured the south, The two control areas in the north are united into one.

At the end of April, the rebels and intervention forces captured Irun and San Sebastián in the north, cutting off the northern part of the Republic from France.

Jose Laporta urgently asks to see Jan Smoltz.

(End of this chapter)

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