Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2102 The church reduced to hell

Chapter 2102 The church reduced to hell

David Simon and Danny Luiz were interviewing in Badajoz when Alvin made an appointment with Caballero.

Badajoz is located in southwestern Spain, close to Portugal. A few months ago, a fierce war broke out in Badajoz between the People's Guard and the Falange. After the Moorish army recruited by Franco joined the battle, the Falange defeated the People's Guard and occupied it. Badajoz, to be the last victor.

Portugal played a very important role in the Spanish Civil War. Most of Germany's supplies to support the Falange arrived in Spain through Portugal.

The Portuguese border is not fortified against the Falangists. The Falangists can freely enter and exit the Portuguese and Spanish borders, and enter Portugal to rest and supply. The Spanish-Portuguese border is close to the Portuguese side and has been completely occupied by the Falangists.

After the fall of Badajoz, a shocking massacre took place.

The slaughter was initiated by the Moors.

As mentioned above, the Moors are mainly composed of Berbers. Berbers mean "barbarians" in Latin, which fully reflects the moral level of the Moors.

After the capture of Badajoz, the Moors became wild. They humiliated women and castrated men unscrupulously. This is their tradition.

The Phalangists went too far. During the capture of Badajoz, the citizens of Badajoz put up a tenacious resistance, and the National Army suffered heavy casualties as a result.

So after the war, the citizens of Badajoz became the targets of the Falangists.

Among the Moors, women are simply insulted.

After insulting women, the Phalangists also humiliated women by shaving their heads, painting red dye, and parading in the streets.

Not only was this behavior not stopped by the high-level National Army, a high-level National Army general even publicly declared on the radio: The wives of the People’s Guard have understood that our men are the real men, and those castrated members of the People’s Guard It is not.

While women are systematically humiliated, men are massacred.

A garrison force of about 1200 people tried to flee to Portugal after the city was broken, but was rejected by Portugal. They were then brought back by the National Army and shot all of them.

After the city was broken, Badajoz was full of ruins. The corpses on the side of the road had not been cleaned up. The open space at the entrance of the cathedral in the city center was full of corpses. There were still corpses in the church that had not been cleaned up in time. The altar was covered with blood. , above the cross of Christ.


David Simon took this photo without thinking.

Such a horrific massacre before the eyes of Christ is very symbolic and can be interpreted in many ways.

"Hey, be careful—" Louis reminded in a low voice that there were Moore soldiers in the church, and Louis was worried that David Simon's behavior would offend them.

David Simon's face was ashen. He was a Spaniard. The situation in front of him was something that David Simon had never thought of before.

Spain also prides itself on being a "civilized society".

But everything that happened after the city of Badajoz was broken has nothing to do with "civilization". It is already 1935, not 1435.

Even in 1435, such a human tragedy should not have happened.

Dead or alive, all Spaniards—

Wait, that's not right, it was the Moors who started the violence.

"Hey, friend, can you take a photo for us—" Moore's soldier's attitude towards the reporter was quite good.

In particular, the reporters of the "Times" were specially taken care of by the high-level National Army, otherwise David Simon and Louis would not be able to come to Badajoz.

But even so, the actions of David Simon and Louis were strictly restricted.

Yesterday, the National Army rejected the interview application of David Simon and Louis for the prisoner-of-war camp.

No need to ask why.

"Of course—" Louis smiled all over his face, raised the camera in his hand, and looked for a suitable angle.

"Shoot more handsomely!" Moore soldier still has requests.

"Sure, the negatives are so expensive." Louis smiled, and included several Moorish soldiers crossing their shoulders, as well as the corpses in the altar.

"My name is Harbi, remember to send me the photo, and I will give you money—" Albi said to give money, but he didn't mean to take it out.

"Haha, no problem, no need to pay, our newspaper will reimburse you." Louis didn't expect these Moore soldiers to pay, they were actually mercenaries.

Unlike the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company, these Moore soldiers are the real war hyenas.

Before the outbreak of the Civil War, Franco led troops stationed in Spanish overseas colonies.

It's amazing, Spain doesn't even exist to feel this level, and there are still overseas colonies.

It can only be said that the foundation is really thick.

After the outbreak of the civil war, Franco recruited Moors to join the army. These Moors were from the poorest primitive tribes. Products are of interest.

Yesterday Luis bought a painting by Velázquez from a Moorish soldier for only a hundred pesetas.

Velázquez was the greatest Spanish painter of the 17th century.

Walking out of the church, David Simon raised his head, the sky seemed to be a touch of blood, and the sky in hell might be like this.

Hundreds of corpses were neatly lined up in the square in front of the church, and several old Spaniards were carrying them. They were also from Badajoz, and there might be their relatives and even their children.

On the other side of the square, more than a dozen Moorish soldiers surrounded the two girls laughing and laughing. The girls were terrified and hugged each other and dared not resist.

The girl's cries were piercing.

David Simon didn't dare to raise the camera, and quietly pointed the lens in the direction and pressed the shutter.


Not only is the flash bright, but it's also loud.

A National Army officer noticed something was wrong and walked towards David Simon and Louis.

"Sir, can I interview you?" Louis asked proactively.

"Which newspaper are you from?" The officer said with a serious expression.

"We are reporters from The Times and have interview permission." Louis offered to show his interview credentials.

"Give me your camera—" the officer offered David Simon's camera.

This is actually meaningless. The current camera does not have a display screen. You have to wait for the photos to be developed before you know what you are shooting.

"Don't be like this, sir, we are all law-abiding journalists—" Louis took the officer's hand, holding a gold coin worth 500 pesetas in his hand.

The officer's expression softened slightly, but he did not give up.

Louis cursed secretly, and "shaked hands" with the officer again.

"We will strictly abide by the regulations of the National Army. All photos will be reviewed by the National Army. Just now, my brother accidentally touched the shutter. You see, the lens cover is not open—" Louis took the initiative to show his camera. The lens cover is indeed is not open.

The shutter speed of today's cameras is very slow, and there is no anti-shake system. It takes a long time to adjust to take a suitable photo, which is different from the camera of the future.

"Be careful, I'll keep an eye on you—" The officer was finally satisfied, he didn't care what David Simon photographed, the scenes inside and outside the church were being staged in any corner of the city of Badajoz at any time.

The two girls over there were finally pulled into a nearby coffee shop. Through the window of the coffee shop, people could be vaguely seen. The girls' cries disappeared, and most of their mouths were gagged.

Louis felt heavy.

David Simon's eyes were red and his body was shaking.

"Let's go, I think you should rest for a while, your current condition is not suitable for continuing to work." Louis didn't want to see David Simon in such pain.

"No, I want to keep working, and I want everyone in the world to know what these bastards have done—" David Simon gritted his teeth, jumping out syllables one by one.

The next day's "News Documentary" published Franco's interview.

Franco publicly declared in the newspapers that he could shoot half of Spain at any time if necessary.

Another national army general, Kepo de Liano, said in an interview: Eighty percent of Andalusian families are in mourning, but we must resolutely use more severe measures.

more severe?
This is the rhythm to kill all the Spaniards.

The massacre did not hold back the Spaniards.

It is true that some members of the name guard who were not determined became deserters because of this.

More Spaniards took the initiative to take up arms against the rebels, and the size of the People's Guard expanded again.

This is not a good thing for the current Republican government.

The members of the Personal Guard are full of enthusiasm, but they lack sufficient training and weapons. The troops fighting on the front line in Madrid even leave their weapons when they withdraw from the battlefield and hand them over to the troops who take over.

The militiamen don't know how to use weapons correctly, let alone how to maintain them. If an enemy plane flies in the sky, all the militiamen will raise their rifles and shoot at the plane, and even some officers are doing the same.

More Spaniards fled the war zone in a hurry. They dragged their families and took all the property they could take away, and they formed groups on the roads, causing serious obstruction to traffic.

The intricate battlefield is criss-crossed. Sometimes on the same road, some people go south and some go north. They don't know what is waiting for them ahead, and they just want to instinctively stay away from the war.

The Fortress of Toledo, south of Madrid, was just occupied by the People's Guard. After the Italian Third Army arrived in Toledo, the People's Guard who had not had time to withdraw was surrounded by the Italian Third Army.

In the previous months of siege, the ancient city of Toledo had been reduced to ruins. The fighting will of the People's Guard was far inferior to that of the previous defenders of Toledo Castle. After only three days, the remaining People's Guard militia All surrendered, and Toledo fell.

At this time, the rebel striker was less than 30 kilometers away from Madrid.

(End of this chapter)

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