Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2109 Chapter 1 is only half a year

Chapter 2109 One chapter is only half a year
After Stoudemire rectified the Progressive Party, the Progressive Party once defeated the Liberal Party and gained the ruling power in Cape State.

It's a pity that the Progressive Party's advantage didn't last long. After Stoudemire left Cape State, the Progressive Party reverted to its old ways, and its support rate dropped rapidly.

Even so, the Progressive Party is still the second largest party in Cape State, and party leader Robert Nancy is contacting other political parties in an attempt to form a political alliance to run for the election.

Alvin was so kind, he didn't go directly to Robert Nancy, but returned to Pretoria to find Stoudemire.

Stoudemire was busy rectifying the Ministry of Justice during this time.

In southern Africa, where high salaries are used to maintain integrity, some people can't help but take risks.

A month ago, Southern Rhodesia Congressman Franklin Palmer was exposed for accepting political donations for personal gain of others.

Independent prosecutor Daniel Morris died suddenly and unexpectedly while investigating the case, and intelligence from Brad's office showed that the incident was also related to Franklin Palmer.

Rhodesia is the fiefdom of Stoudemire. Although it is split into Southern Rhodesia and Northern Rhodesia, Stoudemire still regards the two Rhodesias as his own territory and will never allow similar incidents to happen.

An anti-corruption operation throughout southern Africa immediately kicked off.

The facts are shocking. Not only Franklin Palmer, but also many officials and members of parliament in Nyasaland have violated the law to varying degrees, many of which are related to political donations.

Political donations refer to political donations received by political party organizations or individual candidates from their own citizens and groups, which is a normal phenomenon in democratic politics.

Political parties or politicians need a lot of funds to run for election, and these funds are usually raised through donations, so there are political donations.

To put it bluntly, it is legal bribery.

Donations are purposeful, and the donors are betting that politicians can seek illegal benefits through their own influence after they are successfully elected.

Since politicians accept donations, they must give appropriate returns after being elected. This situation is common in all European and American countries.

This is also an important reason why Roque supports the Alvin United Party.

If Southern Africa no longer holds general elections every few years, then naturally there will be no need for political donations. The situation in Southern Africa is not serious now, and it will be difficult to say in a few years.

"An important question, if you integrate all the parties, how do you balance the interests of each group?" Stoudemire also pushed for the merger of the Liberal Party and the Progressive Party, but unfortunately it was unsuccessful.

The situation in southern Africa is complicated. The Boers who are natives, the British who are conquerors, and the new immigrants to southern Africa in recent years, each group has different interests and demands, and it is impossible to satisfy all groups. .

"Since there are only southern Africans, and there is no distinction between Chinese, British, and Boer, then there is no conflict of interest. When the Progressive Party was in power in Cape State, the federal government did not turn a blind eye to Cape State and canceled The general election held every few years is just the beginning. In the future, southern Africa will continue to strengthen the centralization of power, gradually withdraw the rights of the states, and limit the powers of the state parliament. The governor of Nyasaland only receives a symbolic salary of one rand. This is a good example." Alvin has lofty ideals, and canceling the general election is only the first step.

Southern Africans are rich.

Candidates for governor who are eligible to stand out among hundreds of millions of southern Africans are richer, so salary doesn't matter.

The positions of governor, speaker, and mayor are all elected, and state government, city government, and parliamentary staff at all levels are all fixed positions. Not only Anton, Owen, as the speaker of the Southern African Congress, also received a blue Special symbolic salary.

"You want to turn southern Africa into a feudal imperial country?" Stoudemire was surprised. In his opinion, Alvin was turning the clock back.

For the right to vote, Europeans have fought for hundreds of years. There are still some European countries where women don't even have the right to vote. Alvin actually wants to cancel the general election. This behavior is definitely inappropriate in Stoudemire's opinion.

"Instead of becoming a feudal monarchy, it shifts the party's attention from holding elections every few years to building the country, whether it's for the Liberal Party or the Progressive Party, the elections involve our Most of the energy, in order to win votes, some politicians made some impossible promises, which ultimately hurt the people's trust in the federal government. The modern electoral system has been born for hundreds of years. It is undeniable that in a certain historical stage, the election The system has played a positive role, but now it seems that elections have increasingly become an obstacle to social development, look at Russia and Germany, then look at Britain and France, the winning system is not necessarily the correct system." Alvin To put things into perspective, Britain and France are obviously inferior to Germany and Russia in terms of development speed alone.

The biggest disadvantage of democracy is nonsense. The French built a Maginot Line, which has not been fully completed for more than ten years. If it were replaced by the Russians, both Maginot Lines would have been completed.

Regardless of how Britain and France demonized the Russians, Russia has developed rapidly since it started implementing the five-year plan, so it has the ability to provide large-scale assistance to the Spanish Republican government, which was impossible before.

Therefore, the victory of Britain and France is not the victory of the system. It is purely because the foundation accumulated over hundreds of years of colonizing the world is too strong, so it can persist until now.

The influence of elections on southern Africa is actually not as serious as Alvin described.

However, when Roque retires in the future, southern Africa will inevitably follow in the footsteps of Britain, France and the United States.

Leaving aside other political parties, the strength of the Nyasaland Party has now faintly surpassed that of the Liberal Party, so are the members of the Nyasaland Party willing to accept the fate of the opposition party?
The Liberals are fine if they do well.

If the Liberal Party makes a mistake, then southern Africa will also fall into the vortex of party struggle.

"What you do is tantamount to disenfranchising southern Africans. Do you know what this means?" Stoudemire reminded Alvin to be prepared to face difficulties.

"Uncle Cecil, I have a question. Is the right to vote really that important to us?" Stoudemire sneered. The importance of the right to vote was actually hyped up.

Stoudemire was taken aback, he had never thought about this question before.

That's right, if the right to vote is really so important, how did people survive before elections appeared?
"Before the establishment of the federal government, southern Africans did not have the right to vote—" Alvin said sincerely, he needed Stoudemire's support: "—our life is better now, not because we have the right to vote, but because We have a strong federal government - the good life we ​​have now is the result of the hard work of all of us in Southern Africa, not elections."

Stoudemire suddenly realized that the people really don't care whether they have the right to vote, they only care about whether they can have a happy life.

So even if southern Africa is a feudal country, as long as the southern Africans can live a happy life, then the southern Africans have no complaints.

"Alvin, do as you imagined, and I will fully support you." Stoudemire was relieved that Rock did not choose the wrong person, and Alvin was indeed courageous.

With Stoudemire done, the Progressive Party's opposition to partisan unity gradually diminished.

Ordinary southern Africans have even less of a problem with partisanship.

Many people may not have thought that the Chinese, who account for the majority of the population in southern Africa, have always had a dispensable attitude towards elections.

If it weren’t for every election year, the major media outlets in southern Africa would start to report on the election, reminding people to go to the polling stations. The vast majority of Chinese in southern Africa would not pay any attention to the election at all.

The same goes for the vast majority of Boers.

Today's Boers don't care about politics, because no matter how hard they try, the People's Party has no chance of ruling.

The same goes for the Progressive Party.

No matter how hard the Progressive Party works, the Progressive Party will not be able to expand its influence beyond the Cape State. States other than the Cape State are the basic bases of the Liberal Party and the Nyasaland Party.

The British who attach the most importance to the right to vote rely on the support of the majority of Chinese to maintain the ruling power.

To put it bluntly, Alvin took the initiative to solicit the opinions of other parties because he fully considered the respect for other parties.

If Alvin insists on going his own way, even with the support of the Liberal Party and the Nyasaland Party, Alvin can push Congress to eliminate all other parties except the Liberal Party from legislation.

This may be the greatest meaning of democracy.

By June, Southern Africa has completed all preparations for the merger of the parties, and the Congress has approved it. Just wait for the Constitution to be amended, and then Southern Africa will enter a new stage.

This situation has aroused strong concern from the countries of the Southern African Union, as well as European and American countries.

It's just attention, and there is no objection.

No matter what, southern Africa is still a democratic country, Europe still has a large number of constitutional monarchies, Germany still has a stick, and Russia still has the working class in power. Oppose—can you oppose it?
Of course, for European and American countries, they are not in the mood to pay attention to southern Africa now.

In the middle of 1936, in North Africa, the Abyssinian rebels were still fighting guerrilla warfare with the army of the Kingdom of Italy.

In Spain, the People's Guard won the Battle of Madrid, and the Republican government and the National Army entered a stalemate, planning the next phase of the offensive.

In Berlin, Germany and Japan officially formed an alliance, the Eurasian axis has been formed, and the pressure from Britain and France has increased unprecedentedly.

Southern Africa suddenly matters.

(End of this chapter)

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