Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2111 Are We Still Friends

Chapter 2111 Are We Still Friends
In 1910, George V succeeded to the throne. Just as he took the throne, he was faced with the situation that the overseas colonies demanded autonomy and even independence, and the British Empire was about to fall apart.

At that time, Britain was on the verge of civil war because of its conflict with Ireland.

George V worked hard to appease the Irish, improved the status of overseas colonies, and maintained the unity of the Commonwealth. He then led Britain to win the First World War and was deeply loved by the British.

During the World Wars, George V took the lead in saving money and donating the money he saved to the British government. In order to save money, he even gave up drinking.

During the Great Depression, King George V took the initiative to walk out of Buckingham Palace, had close contact with the British, and encouraged the British to work hard to overcome difficulties.

For 25 years, George V did everything he could.

Last year, the UK just held the silver wedding ceremony of King George V and the queen. George V himself didn't pay much attention to it. Unexpectedly, the British burst out with great enthusiasm, which surprised George V.

Knowing the news of George V's death, Winston must immediately return to London to attend George V's funeral.

Roque, as the Prime Minister of Southern Africa and the former Marquess of Nyasaland of the British Empire, will also go to London to express his condolences to George V.

Time is running out, Rock and Winston fly to England, which makes Winston very worried.

Winston has a deep fear of airplanes, and every time he travels between England and southern Africa, he takes a boat.

A month ago, the German giant passenger airship "Hindenburg" burned down in New Jersey, USA, killing 5 people. Since then, the airship has withdrawn from the stage of commercial flight.

Rock's landline is called "African King". The name is a bit of a second name, but it perfectly fits the status of southern Africa in Africa.

The "African King" has a length of 35.7 meters, a wingspan of 43.2 meters, a height of 8.9 meters, and a crew of 16 people. There is a bedroom exclusively for Rock to rest.

Moving the bedroom onto the plane shocked Winston.

Even more shocking.

Considering the time constraints, the "African King" will fly directly to the British mainland via Luanda and Santa Maria Island in Cape Verde.

Pretoria is not far from Luanda, more than 2000 kilometers, which is still within Winston's understanding.

The distance from Roan to Santa Maria Island is about 5000 kilometers. Winston doubts whether the "African King" has this ability.

"Are we going to take the same plane?" Winston was still uneasy until he got on the plane.

"There is only one 'African King'——" Rock didn't want to do that either, but the "African King" was expensive, and if Winston wanted, Winston could take a military transport plane with Rock's guards.

Rock went to the UK with more than 600 entourages, plus various equipment, to be divided into 12 large military transport planes, plus the escorting Air Force fighter planes, the total number of various planes totaled more than 20.

This is the number of planes taking off at the same time. Considering that the range of fighter jets is far inferior to that of transport planes, shifts must be changed halfway. Counting all of them, if Rock goes to London, the Southern African Air Force will dispatch more than 100 sorties.

The interior decoration of the African Great is sure to be perfect in every way. This time, Rock is going with the followers, and Phyllis will also go with him, so the "African Great" has a lot of people.

This, on the contrary, gave Winston a little more sense of security.

After boarding the plane, Winston sat in the seat closest to the window. Through the porthole, Winston could clearly see the accompanying "Cheetah" flying in the air.

The "Cheetah" is the latest fighter jet of the Southern African Air Force, and its overall performance is better than the "Goshawk" of the Naval Aviation.

When he first saw "Cheetah", Winston hadn't realized how advanced the performance of "Cheetah" was.

However, when the "African King" landed at Luanda Airport and stayed for a short time, Winston suddenly realized that the escort fighter jets of the Southern African Air Force that took off from Pretoria actually flew all the way to Luanda. Horror.

Luanda is 2500 kilometers from Pretoria.

This also means that the voyage of the "Cheetah" in southern Africa has reached at least 2500 kilometers.

That's right, the "Cheetah" is 9.98 meters long, with a wingspan of 11.3 meters, a range of 2500 kilometers, a maximum flight speed of 700 kilometers per hour, and a practical ceiling of 12000 meters. The weapon system is two 20mm cannons with 800 rounds of ammunition. A 12.7mm heavy machine gun with 2000 rounds of ammunition.

When Winston learned of the "Cheetah" data, his eyes were dull. He didn't know that the technology of the Southern African Air Force had reached the current level.

The performance of the "Cheetah" is seriously overflowing for the British Air Force.

The UK's requirement for fighter jets is to protect the British mainland. There is no need for such a large range. Six to seven hundred kilometers is enough. Isn't it good to use the excess weight to carry more bullets?
Of course, the long range also has advantages, which means that the air control time is long enough and the combat radius is larger, which is also meaningful, because Britain will counterattack the German mainland in the future.

Simply listing the data of "Cheetah" is not enough to prove the strength of "Cheetah".

The German BF109 has a length of 9.07, a wingspan of 9.92, a height of 2.5, a range of 700, and a maximum speed of 490. The weapon system has only three 7.92mm machine guns.

The Hurricane, which was tested in the UK last year, has a maximum flight speed of only 450 kilometers and a range of 700 kilometers. It has not yet installed a weapon system. If a weapon system is installed, the data will be reduced.

As for the flame--

The UK just started research on the Spitfire this year, which was only promoted after Winston became the Secretary of State for the Air Force.

"The cheetah can reach its current voyage only on the premise of adding auxiliary fuel tanks—" Rock was slightly embarrassed. This was an accident. Under normal circumstances, Winston had no chance to learn about the "cheetah".

This happened suddenly. The Southern African Air Force ignored the existence of Winston, and directly dispatched the most advanced fighter jets to escort the "African King". Otherwise, Winston would have thought that the "Spitfire" was the most advanced fighter jet in the world. .

The overall performance of the "Spitfire" is not even as good as the "Goshawk" in service with the Southern African Naval Air Force.

"Locke, are we still friends?" Winston's expression was serious, not to mention that the British Empire was the suzerain of southern Africa, and Rocke didn't accept that.

"Of course, is there any doubt about it?" Rock was in a dilemma. There was no permanent friend or permanent enemy. Winston said this.

"We've known each other for over thirty years—" Winston looked sad, and Rock knew he was faking it.

Not all, at least some of it is faked.

More, it should be the concern about Britain's technical backwardness in the aviation field.

"The United Kingdom paid a great price for Southern Africa. If the Second Boer War had not happened, the United Kingdom would not have been weak. There would be no independence for Southern Africa. There is no Southern Africa now. We fought together in the world wars. I always Thinking that we are best friends, Southern Africa and the United Kingdom are the countries with the best relationship—" Winston's upper body was full of drama, and the circles of his eyes began to turn red.

"Stop, stop, stop, what do you want to say?" Rock directly revealed, what kind of acting is a man in his decades, who doesn't know who.

"Locke, I'm the Air Minister of the United Kingdom now, and I need your help—" Winston was absolutely addicted, and he grabbed Rock's hand.

Rock has forgotten when he shook hands with Winston last time. It seems that since the outbreak of the World War, Rock and Winston have hugged every time they met.

"There are no eternal enemies, nor eternal friends, only eternal interests—" Rock sneered, shook off Winston's hand, took out a handkerchief and wiped it.

Winston's eyes widened suddenly, a gesture that bordered on insulting.

Of course, in terms of the relationship between Rock and Winston, this action is normal and will not affect the friendship between Rock and Winston.

"Hehe, Locke, the United Kingdom is researching a new type of fighter jet. The performance of the 'Cheetah' perfectly meets all the requirements of the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom can place an order—" Winston smiled immediately after staring, probably thinking that Disgusting: "—BIG ORDER!"

"Sorry, 'Cheetah' is not for sale. If you need it, I can give you 'Crown Eagle'. You can produce it yourself." Rock had some things to say, which hurt his feelings.

Production can be produced, but money still needs to be given.

Authorize it.

"Is the relationship between us not as good as Spain?" Winston was really angry this time.

"Winston, I'm not just your friend Locke, I'm also the Prime Minister of Southern Africa. I have to be responsible for Southern Africa. Countless engineers and workers have put in a lot of effort to create 'Cheetah'. I can't because of your personal I can’t give you the technology of the ‘Cheetah’ because of the relationship, I can’t do it.” Rock was sad, he also hoped that the friendship with Winston would last forever, but each was his own master.

Winston was silent for a long time, and did not speak until the "African King" took off again.

Leaving Luanda, the next stop of "African King" is Cape Verde.

This time the Air Force learned its lesson, and the "Cheetah" flew over Principe and then returned, and the escort mission was replaced by the "Goshawk" of the Naval Air Force.

Winston looked at Rock coldly.

Rock was puzzled.

The data of "Goshawk" is not as good as that of "Cheetah". "Cheetah" can accept it, but why can't "Goshawk" accept it?
Winston didn't care about Goshawk at all.

But why the fuck does Southern Africa also have an air force base in Principe?
Rock couldn't explain it well.

Southern Africa sees the Indian Ocean as a core interest.

However, there are not many military bases within the Atlantic Ocean.

The home ports of the Atlantic Fleet are still Walvis Bay and Halifax.

However, on the coast of Africa, the coast of America, and the islands in the Atlantic Ocean, the Atlantic Fleet already has more than ten military bases, and there are ports that can be supplied everywhere.

Winston suddenly felt that the position of the British Empire in the Atlantic was about to be lost.

Don't forget that it is not only the United Kingdom that regards the Atlantic Ocean as its core interest. The United States also regards the Atlantic Ocean as its core interest. The strength of the Atlantic Fleet is more than twice that of the Pacific Fleet.

(End of this chapter)

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