Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2115 Super Sky Fortress

Chapter 2115 Super Sky Fortress
The Southern African Air Force has now been reduced to a pure bomber force with few transport planes.

Relying on bombers and transport planes cannot protect the skies of southern Africa. Martin hopes that the air force can also attract Rock's attention, not to mention fighter jets, bombers, reconnaissance planes, torpedo planes, ground attack planes, and close support planes like naval aviation. Everything is available, at least a few more "Cheetahs" will be built, and the Air Force's voice will be greater.

Winston probably didn't know that there were less than sixty "Cheetahs" in the southern non-native land that he was thinking of.

More Cheetahs were deployed in Cyprus, Port Elizabeth, and Changi Naval Base.

This is also normal. Since the establishment of the Southern African Air Force, it has never accepted a combat mission. Unless the countries around Southern Africa are crazy, they will choose to attack the southern African mainland.

Around southern Africa, there are either the countries of the Southern African Union, or the colonies of Britain and France, and the Southern African Air Force is really useless.

Roque didn't ignore the Air Force, either.

As I said before, there is no best, only the most suitable.

"Cheetah" is indeed very strong, so strong that it has no friends. It is almost the pinnacle of propeller aircraft. Even some early jet fighters are not as good as "Cheetah".

The problem is that it is not good to be too advanced. Many of the technologies used in the "Cheetah" are currently Zenith-level leading technologies. High technology content naturally results in a small output. If the Air Force wants to get more "Cheetahs", they have to wait. After the outbreak of the world war.

Compared with "Cheetah", Rock is more concerned about bombers.

Especially long-range strategic bombers.

The performance of the long-range strategic bomber currently in service in southern Africa is a bit worse than that of Rock’s "African King", but not too much. Under the premise of carrying 1.5 tons of bombs, the range can reach 4500 kilometers. If it is from Kalimantan Island Taking off from the field airport, it can directly attack the Japanese mainland.

Of course, you can only fly there, and you need to refuel in the air when you come back. If the field airport can be built to a large number, then the combat radius of the bomber can cover the entire territory of Japan.

Southern Africa now has 340 strategic bombers, which is the most in the world.

But this position is facing challenges.

After the Brazilian Civil War ended, the United States also began to form a long-range bomber force and bid for domestic airlines in the United States.

The Americans have very high requirements for bombers, with a bomb load of more than two tons and the ability to fly 322 kilometers at a speed of 8045 kilometers per hour.

This requirement is too high, and even the southern African bombers can't do it.

The Americans then lowered the requirement to one ton of ammunition and the ability to fly 322 kilometers at a speed of 3218 kilometers per hour.

So there is B17.
In another time and space, a total of 17 B12731 models were produced.

The first order for the B17 from the U.S. Department of War reached 650.

It seems that the Brazilian Civil War has taught the United States enough lessons. From aircraft carriers to bombers, the United States' military thinking has been completely southernized.

Americans are expanding their arms and preparing for war, and southern Africa cannot be idle.

Through the previous exercises in southern Africa, the generals of the Air Force found that in amphibious support missions, the Air Force's strafing can destroy the enemy's effective forces more than bombing.

So the engineers at Nyasaran Airlines had a new task.

The Southern African Air Force asked engineers to find a way to mount howitzers on bombers so that they would be more effective against enemy infantry or small, fast-moving targets.

This is actually the task of a ground support aircraft. The naval aviation model that undertakes similar tasks is the "Sea Eagle", but the performance of the "Sea Eagle" is not suitable for installing howitzers, so a new type of medium bomber needs to be developed.

This kind of bomber doesn't need a long range, and it doesn't even need a lot of bombs. About one ton is enough.

Taking various circumstances into consideration, the Southern African Air Force’s requirement for a medium-sized bomber is limited to a range of about 3000 kilometers when the bomb load is one ton. If the bomb load increases, the range will be further reduced, and the artillery is installed in the belly position.

The technical reserve in southern Africa is still very strong.

The engineers picked and picked from the arsenal in southern Africa, and finally chose the 88mm tank gun used by the "Tiger" tank. To deal with general moving targets, the 88mm gun is enough.

The research and development of the medium bomber was completed in just three months. At the end of November, Nyasaran Aviation produced the first prototype and delivered it to the Air Force for test flight.

The Air Force was very pleased with the performance of the medium bomber.

So the question is, how much?
In September, the Air Force had just added 120 orders for long-range strategic bombers. This year, the Air Force has spent all its funds and issued 2500 million rand bonds.

For medium bombers, the Ministry of Air Force hopes that the first order will be around 300.

This request was directly rejected by Rock.

Long-range bombers are expensive, costing around R30 each.

The value of medium bombers is also high, each costing 17 rand, and 300 will cost more than 5000 million.

The Air Force's funding for next year will not add up to 5000 million.

It is not enough to continue to issue bonds. The southern African military is already heavily indebted, and the world war has not yet broken out. It can be spent like this. What will happen after the world war breaks out?
"The performance of the sky fortress is not perfect enough, and there is still room for improvement, so about [-] for the first batch of orders are enough, and more will be added after the performance is improved." Rock cut off [-]% of the order in one breath, Flying Fortress is the nickname given to the medium bomber by The Times journalists.

The aircraft equipped with tank guns is worthy of the nickname "fortress in the sky".

Since medium bombers are "air fortresses", heavy long-range strategic bombers are "super air fortresses".

In this time and space, the B17 and B29 in the United States must have missed these two nicknames.

"Three major fleets plus four sub-flotillas, 30 planes are not enough, no matter what, there must be 200 planes." Martin used the Palace of Justice as a vegetable market, and he didn't expect to get 300 planes at once.

But 30 is too little. When did the wealthy Southern African military ever get so petty?

Rock spread his hands to express his helplessness, only 30, whether he wants it or not.

30 will cost more than 500 million.

Martin is not in charge and doesn’t know that money is expensive. Southern Africa’s sea, land and air are all gold-swallowing monsters. The federal government will continue to invest in infrastructure construction, build more arsenals to prepare for the world war, and buy back those key industries that are related to the national economy and people’s livelihood. The Germans are very dissatisfied with the fact that Roque has even stopped foreign aid now.

Southern Africa's assistance to Germany has never been direct money, mainly material assistance for daily necessities.

After the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, southern Africa's aid to Germany gradually decreased, and Germany was able to provide foreign aid, so southern Africa should not be taken advantage of.

When Roque was in London, German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop asked Roque to see him, hoping that southern Africa would increase its assistance to Germany, not only in terms of daily necessities, but Germany was even more eager for advanced technology in southern Africa.

Rock's attitude is clear. Southern Africa does not want to get involved in the conflicts between European countries. After France and Spain tore up orders one after another, Southern Africa no longer seeks military cooperation with European countries and focuses on developing its own economy.

This attitude is what Germany most wants to see.

What the Germans are most worried about now is that once the war between Germany and Britain and France breaks out, southern Africa will form an expeditionary force to go to Europe as it did during the First World War.

Now that southern Africa is going to focus on developing its own economy, Ribbentrop can't wait to laugh three times to express his gratitude to France and Spain.

Speaking of London.

A week ago, Edward VIII proposed to Mrs. Simpson, which once again detonated Britain.

Mrs. Simpson finally signed a divorce agreement with her husband, her second marriage, ten days ago.

Edward VIII, who has become the king of England, is so impatient. Not only the British, but people all over the world are curious about how attractive Mrs. Simpson is.

Edward VIII's marriage proposal aroused collective opposition from the British cabinet. Neville had a fierce attitude and publicly stated that if Edward VIII was stubborn, the British cabinet would resign collectively in protest.

Edward VIII settled for the next best thing, proposing a solution whereby Mrs Simpson would not claim the title of Queen after her marriage and their future children would have no claim to the throne.

This plan was also rejected by the cabinet headed by Neville.

The Church of England also stated that the marriage between Edward VIII and Mrs. Simpson did not conform to the teachings of the Anglican Church. In the teachings of the Anglican Church, divorce and remarriage are not acceptable.

At the same time, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other Commonwealth countries have clearly expressed their opposition to the marriage of Edward VIII and Mrs. Simpson.

In this regard, Edward VIII said: There are not many people in Australia, and their opinions are not important.

At this time, Edward VIII had forgotten that in World War I, Australia, with a population of only 550 million, formed an expeditionary force of 55 to go to Europe to participate in the war.

So now Rock finally understands why Australia was so passive in World War II.

Wait, Australia now has a population of over 1000 million.

Since the opinions of 1000 million Australians don't matter, the opinions of Canadians with a population of 1000 million also don't matter.

As soon as Edward VIII's words came out, the Commonwealth of Nations fell into the brink of disintegration.

Neville was so angry with Edward VIII's public statement that he gave Edward VIII three choices.

The first was Edward VIII's annulment of his marriage to Mrs Simpson.

Edward VIII certainly disagreed with this.

The second is the collective resignation of the cabinet.

This will cause a constitutional crisis for the United Kingdom, and if it is not done well, it will lead to the division of the United Kingdom.

The third is Edward VIII's voluntary abdication.

After many days of consideration, Edward VIII chose the third option and decided to abdicate and pass the position of King of England to his younger brother Albert.

When the news came out, everyone was dumbfounded. The allure of the British throne was actually not as good as that of a woman who had been divorced twice.

This embarrasses those who fought bloody for Britain.

(End of this chapter)

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