Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2117 Peace for a Whole Generation

Chapter 2117 The Peace of a Whole Generation

It is not easy to attack the Changi Naval Base. Kalimantan is the biggest obstacle to the Japanese combined fleet. It is difficult for the Japanese to bypass Kalimantan Island and launch a surprise attack on the Changi Naval Base.

Southern Africa has more than 30 troops hoarded around the Changi Naval Base, plus the [-] army in East India. It is basically impossible for Japan to sweep across Southeast Asia like in another time and space.

The 30 troops in East India are all trained according to the standards of the Southern African Army. The ten most elite divisions are equipped with a full set of southern African weapons. Asalan rifle, the combat effectiveness is not inferior to that of the Japanese army.

The combat effectiveness of the Japanese army is actually not very good. Compared with the bad times, the Japanese army bullied countries with seriously backward equipment levels. Compared with the southern African army, the Japanese army is a joke.

No matter how accurate Sanba Dagai was, he was suppressed by the general-purpose machine gun, and he didn't even have a chance to fight back.

The protective power of the Douding tank can't even withstand the close-range shooting of a 12.7mm heavy machine gun. Southern Africa doesn't need to deploy the "Tiger" and "Leopard" types. Putting the "Biao Cavalry" on the East Asian battlefield can be regarded as a medium-sized tank.

Japan's largest 89B tank is an improved version of the French "Renault", with a 57mm tank gun, four crew members, and a combat weight of only 12 tons. Let's just say how thin the armor is.

Even the Japanese can't afford it.

During World War II in another time and space, Japan produced another Type 95 light tank with a total combat weight of only 7.4 tons, which is not even as good as armored vehicles in southern Africa.

As for the "bean tank" currently in service in Japan, the total combat weight is only 3.45 tons, and the 35-horsepower gasoline engine can run at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour. This nima has only a layer of iron at all.

Don't underestimate the Japanese either.

In fact, Japan also has heavy tanks.

In 1929, Japan developed a heavy tank Type 91, but it was rejected by the military and was not produced at all.

At that time in 29, Japan was going all out to build ships, and there was no spare steel to build tanks.

So the red deer Yelang of the army died.

In 32, Japan developed another Type 26 heavy tank with a total combat weight of 95 tons.

This time it finally went into production, but only four were produced.

Southern Africa now has more than 400 "Tiger" tanks alone.

So Roque really wanted to know whether the Japanese would dare to launch a war with southern Africa.

This question was finally answered in May.

In mid-May, news came from Bullard's office that the Japanese were in secret contact with the Americans.

Subsequently, the United States once again increased its trade with Japan.

That's right, the profit-seeking Americans began to poach Britain's corners overtly and secretly during the Anglo-Japanese alliance period, and it has been going on for decades.

For the Japanese, the promises of the Americans are certainly more trustworthy than the promises of southern Africa.

Rock still doesn't know what the Americans have promised the Japanese.

However, with the support of the United States, Japan obviously believes that it already has the strength to fight southern Africa.

At least in East Asia, Japan feels that it can fight.

After all, for southern Africa, it is also an away game in East Asia.

Of course, if possible, Japan does not want to provoke a war with southern Africa.

In June, the headlines of the newspapers were still the scandal of the British royal family.

The latest news is that after Edward VIII abdicated, his title was changed to Duke of Windsor, and now the Duke of Windsor is going to France for a wedding trip with his newlywed wife.

In France, the Duke of Windsor and Mrs Simpson are said to have had secret contacts with German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop.

Ribbentrop is also one of Mrs Simpson's faces, which is an open secret in Britain.

The Duke of Windsor is Mrs. Simpson's third husband. I don't know how the Duke of Windsor and Ribbentrop will communicate when they meet.

How does communication please Mrs. Simpson?
Oh, no, after marrying the Duke of Windsor, Mrs. Simpson's title has been changed to the honorable Mrs. Windsor.

The meeting with Ribbentrop once again dealt a heavy blow to the morale of the British people.

Even the British, who are not sensitive to the situation in Europe, know that after Germany regains its strength, it will pose a huge threat to Britain.

Now Germany is gradually regaining its strength.

On March 1935, 3, Germany officially implemented the conscription system. German men who have reached the age of 16 must join the Stormtroopers and serve for two years.

According to this regulation, the school-age population in Germany was 317.2 million that year.

During the same period, France had a population of 157.4 million in the corresponding age group.

By the end of 1935, Germany had established a Wehrmacht with a total size of 70.

Perhaps Germany did not have enough weapons and armed forces at this time, but at least Germany already had 13 legions on paper.

Consider the rate at which German technology advanced during the Spanish Civil War.

It won't be long before Germany will train these 70 people into elite troops.

Under such circumstances, the abdicated British king actually met with the German foreign minister and had a good talk.

Think about the relationship between the Windsor family and Germany——

Thinking hard.

By the end of 1936, the total population of southern Africa had reached 2000 million, and the Chinese population exceeded 400 million, accounting for about 70.00% of the total population.

Time passed with an eerie calm, except for the Spaniards.

Relying on the aid of the Russians, the Spanish Republican government took Barcelona and crushed the Falangist siege.

This is not the end, Franco is not reconciled to failure, after the end of the Catalan campaign, Franco gathered his forces again, and sought more aid from Germany and Italy, trying to complete the battle.

At the same time, the Germans are also actively running.

After meeting with the Duke of Windsor, Ribbentrop went to London to lobby the British government again, hoping to conclude an alliance with the British government.

Yes, Germany wants to form an ally with Britain in exchange for Britain's promise not to interfere with Germany's eastward expansion.

Mustache's goal is very clear, 7000 million Germans need a wider living space, so Germany must expand.

Taking into account the attitude of the United Kingdom, Mustache aimed the direction of expansion at Poland.

Before Ribbentrop arrived in London, the Germans seemed to have reached some kind of agreement with the Russians, so Russian support for Spain has declined recently.

When Ribbentrop met with Winston, he confessed that Germany would maintain the overseas colonies of the British Empire and give up its pursuit of Germany’s overseas colonies after World War I. What Britain had to do for this was not to interfere with Germany’s overseas colonies. Eastern European expansion.

Most of Germany's overseas colonies after World War I were taken over by southern Africa, so asking for the colonies is delusional, and it has nothing to do with the United Kingdom.

Winston and Ribbentrop disagreed about the demands of the Germans.

Winston later wrote in his autobiography: When you talk about war, don’t underestimate Britain. Britain is a strange country. Few foreigners really understand Britain. Don’t judge the British Empire with the attitude of the current British government. There is a great cause before the British, and the British government and the British will take unexpected actions.

This statement is clearly opposed.

However, Ribbentrop later confessed at the Nuremberg trial that Winston agreed to Ribbentrop's request.

That is, in exchange for Germany's guarantee to maintain Britain's overseas colonies, Britain promised not to interfere with Germany's eastward expansion.

Winston was called to testify by the Nuremberg court.

Winston refused.

By the time of the Nuremberg trials, the truth was no longer important.

At the end of June, Germany finally annexed Austria, and Mustache successfully completed the unification of Germany and Austria.

When Mustache first became Chancellor of Germany, he once planned the unification of Germany and Austria. At that time, Mustache failed because of the opposition of Britain and France.

Now that time has passed and Germany annexed Austria again, Britain and France not only did not object, but immediately recognized the merger of Germany and Austria, abolished the embassy in Austria, and replaced it with the consulate in Vienna. The quick response and firm attitude are simply shocking. Jaw-dropping.

This attitude is intriguing.

This is not the end.

A month later, Mustache sent German troops to approach Czechoslovakia and made territorial claims to the Sudeten region of Czechoslovakia.

The British finally revealed their true colors. Neville met with Edouard Daladier, then French Minister of Defense, to discuss how to solve the Czechoslovak problem.

Under Neville's suggestion, the British and French governments reached an agreement: all territories in the Sudetenland with Germanic residents accounting for more than 50.00% were directly transferred to the German Empire.

This proposal was rejected by Czechoslovakia.

Neville and Edward Daladier were very annoyed. They threatened the Benes government that if Czechoslovakia did not accept this plan, they would half have to take the "responsibility for initiating war". At that time, Britain would not give Czechoslovakia any assistance. The Franco-French Treaty will also not be honored.

This consequence is unbearable for Czechoslovakia. Without the protection of Britain and France, Germany will directly annex Czechoslovakia completely.

But even if this plan is accepted, Czechoslovakia cannot escape the consequences of being annexed.

Facing the ultimatum from Britain and France, the Czechoslovak government chose to give in and accept the proposals proposed by Britain and France.

The Czech government sent a note to the British and French governments, "accepting the proposals of the British and French countries with a heavy heart", and broadcast to the Czech people: "We have no other choice, because we have been abandoned."

This is not the end.

The ink on the agreement was not dry, and Mustache made a new request. He demanded that all German-speaking areas in Czechoslovakia be ceded to Germany.

Neville was in a state of desperation, and flew to Munich for the third time to meet Mustache. This time, Italians were added to the meeting, which was known as the "Munich Meeting" in history.

In the absence of representatives of Czechoslovakia, Neville and Edward Daladier decided to meet all of Mustache's demands, Czechoslovakia was brutally dismembered, and the policy of appeasement reached its peak.

(End of this chapter)

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