Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2123 Batch brush experience

Chapter 2123 Batch brush experience

Haile Selassie, who had been in exile in Europe for four years, finally saw the hope of returning to his country after Britain and France declared war on Germany.

It was just a hope, and it didn't last too long. During the process of partitioning Poland between Germany and Russia, the "sit-in war" on the Western Front made Haile Selassie despair again.

"Don't despair. The British can sit back and watch Poland be divided up. They will certainly not sit back and watch France surrender. Just like the last world war, the victor will be the righteous side." Lewis is full of confidence. He is Chinese, and Lewis is his His English name and his Chinese name is Liu Xuan.

Liu Xuan just turned 30 years old this year. He is a native of southern Africa. After graduating from the Nyasaland Army Academy, he went to serve in the Nyasaland Army. Liu Xuan joined the umbrella the year before last. He was retired in name but was actually gilded.

Commanders at all levels of the southern African military must have actual combat experience to be eligible to compete. If academics like Liu Xuan have not fought in war, they are not qualified to be the commander of the army. Therefore, the umbrella has become the best choice for young military officers in southern Africa. Nice gilt ground.

Southern Africa has been at peace for a long time, but the Umbrella Company has been constantly tasked. During the Brazilian Civil War, about 1500 southern African military officers went to Brazil to fight in the name of Umbrella Company mercenaries. Now some of them have returned to Southern Africa to serve in the newly established army. Troop chief.

Liu Xuan is also qualified to serve as the commander-in-chief of the army. In Abyssinia, Liu Xuan was publicly identified as the adjutant of the Duke of Imru, but in fact he was the commander of the Abyssinian resistance force. He managed nearly 15 million people.

"The British and French don't even care about the Poles, so how can they care about us Abyssinians?" Duke Imru was pessimistic and disappointed. When the news of Britain and France declaring war on Germany reached Abyssinia, The Duke was also ecstatic. How happy Duke Imru was then, how sad Duke Imru is now.

"It is different now. In the past, the Abyssinian Empire was worthless to the United Kingdom and France. Now the importance of the Abyssinian Empire is rising. At least we have contained 25 Italian troops." Liu Xuan is not sad Just now, the British government announced that it would provide assistance to the Abyssinian Rebels. Subsequently, the Umbrella Company's office in Egypt received an order from the United Kingdom.

The content of the order is weapons and ammunition, and some daily necessities.

Although the number is small, it is of great significance.

This shows that the resistance of the Abyssinian Empire has begun to gain British attention.

"The British are too stingy, they only give us so little aid." Duke Imru was very angry when he mentioned the British aid.

Compared with the strength of Britain's aid to Germany, Britain's aid to the Abyssinian Rebels is indeed a bit small, with a total amount of less than [-] pounds.

This is not easy for the British Empire.

The landlord's family has no food left these days.

"If we want to get more aid, we have to show greater value." Liu Xuan was not angry, he was preparing to launch a large-scale offensive against the Italian occupation forces to get more help.

Small fights will definitely not satisfy Britain's requirements for the enemy's rebel army in Abyssinia. Liu Xuan wants to prove with facts that the rebel army is worthy of British investment.

After Prince Amadeo di Savoy, Duke of Aosta, served as Governor of Italian East Africa, he changed Marshal Petro Badoglio's high-handed and harsh policy and began to implement economic development and resettlement in Abyssinia. Farmers, and policies to appease and co-opt the locals.

Through these policies, Prince Savoy cultivated a new group of vested interests, who accepted the Italian colonial rule with peace of mind.

This naturally led to the resolute opposition of the old vested interests who lost their interests to Italy's colonial rule.

The terrain of Abyssinia is complex, and more than two-thirds of its territory is a plateau. It is known as the "roof of Africa", and the Great Rift Valley of Africa runs through the whole area. Addis Ababa, the largest city in Senia, has only 15 people, which leaves plenty of room for the rebels to move.

"Our task is to destroy the railways and highways. It is best to cut off all external traffic in all cities and block the Italians in the city. As long as the Italians dare to leave the city, they will be attacked by us at any time. In the past four years , The total number of Italian invaders killed by us is nearly 3, let’s see how long they can last.” Liu Xuan is now more and more comfortable with guerrilla warfare.

Italy colonized Abyssinia in the hope that Abyssinia would benefit Italy.

Then the mission of the Rebel Army is very clear.

The resources that Italy mined in Abyssinia had to be transported back to the mainland of Italy in order to generate due benefits.

Then destroying the railway has become the main task of the rebels.

No matter what is shipped, it needs to be shipped out by rail.

Although the Italians were strictly guarded, they could not effectively protect the railways of Abyssinia, and the rebels always found opportunities.

Destruction can be made much easier to build.

Putting a pack of explosives on it will interrupt the entire railway. The efficiency of the Italians is not high, and it will take at least three to five days to repair. Often, one side is not completed, and the other side is bombed again. The colonial army is therefore devastated and trapped in endless troubles. Endless law and order war.

Not only railways, but also roads, and roads are easier to destroy.

There are many mountains in Abyssinia, and many roads are winding roads. The rebels like to blow up the hillside directly, bury the entire road, and dig it out slowly.

And just like the railway, this side has not been dredged, and the other side has been bombed. Not only can the mined mineral resources not be transported out, but even the various materials needed by the colonial army are often in short supply.

This situation was unexpected by the fat bald head.

The fat bald head originally hoped to occupy Abyssinia to win a wave of honor and gain benefits by the way.

Now that the honor has not been won, the cost of maintaining colonial rule has remained high for a long time, and the fat and bald head regrets not falling.

If I had known it was like this, I shouldn't have invaded Abyssinia in the first place.

Even if they invaded, they should not directly annex Abyssinia. It cost little to support Haile Selassie I to assist Italy in colonial rule, and the effect was very good.

Better than nothing now.

So far, Italy has spent nearly 150 billion lire on the Abyssinian Empire, not to mention getting nothing, and absolutely not recovering the cost.

And it will cost more and more in the future.

Now the fat bald head finally understands why Britain allowed southern Africa to be independent.

Because at that time southern Africa was also such a scammer, and it was changed to a fat bald head, and the fat bald head wanted to give up.

"Port Elizabeth hopes that we can train a unit, and this unit can also assist us in combat in the future." Liu Xuan's deputy is Lawrence, who is from Nezhi. The southern African army is expanding, and a large number of umbrella company officers have returned to active duty. For expansion, the Abyssinians are a good source of troops.

Regardless of the fact that Africans are not welcomed in southern Africa, Umbrella Corporation welcomes African-American mercenaries.

Among other things, the skin color of Africans is the best protective color in itself, especially during night battles, when a big white tooth that can reflect light floats in the distance, this scene can scare people to death.

Africans do not have high requirements for salary, and not all Africans are as lazy as the legends say, there are actually quite a few Africans who are willing to work hard, lazy guys can be fired directly, and those who dare to make trouble are easier to deal with. Forget what umbrella companies do.

"No problem, let's send 2 people to Elizabeth to see if we can exchange for something good." Liu Xuan, a part-time human trafficker——

No, how can you use such an ugly word as "human trafficker", this is called a human resources manager,
Anyway, to introduce a job, to work in Port Elizabeth, for many Abyssinians, it is simply a dream.

In Port Elizabeth, at least they have enough food and clothing, and they don’t have to worry about the threat of war. As long as they work honestly, no one will bully them. The consequences of dishonest work are very serious.

Work honestly, in fact, the work is very easy, sweeping the streets, mowing the lawn and so on, if you work as a servant for the rich, it will be heaven.

Those who work dishonestly will be thrown to undertake the heaviest work. These days, no one pays attention to the interests of Africans. There are many mines in southern Africa, and some mine owners prefer to employ people in order to save costs.

"I'm a little skeptical. We are fighting guerrilla warfare here. Will this help us in future operations?" Lawrence doubted the significance of his work. He had just arrived in Abyssinia not long ago.

The combat method of the southern African military is completely different from that of the Abyssinian rebels. When the southern African military fights, it must be overwhelming bombers as soon as they come up. Tanks and armored vehicles on the ground can’t see the side at a glance, so there is no need to be so digging. , Even how many bullets are left have to be calculated.

"Of course, most of the enemies we will deal with in the future will also choose guerrilla warfare and security warfare. If we want to defeat the enemy as quickly as possible, we must first become experts in guerrilla warfare and security warfare." Liu Xuan explained earnestly. It is for this reason that the fighting in Abyssinia has continued to this day.

If the umbrella company goes all out, Italy will have to be forced to abandon Abyssinia, if not driven away.

As mentioned above, an Abyssinia that does not produce any benefits, the fat and bald head will give up directly.

The fact that the Italians can persist until now has a lot to do with the release of water from the Umbrella Company. The Umbrella Company needs the environment in Abyssinia to train the company's senior officers. This is the greatest significance for the Umbrella Company to undertake this business.

On October 10, the Abyssinian rebels launched a frantic attack on the Italian occupying forces in various areas.

The intensity of the attack this time far exceeded the intensity of the previous attack. The Italian occupation army lost more than 6000 people within three days.

Soon the Abyssinian Resistance Army received a second tranche of aid, this batch of aid was worth more than 50 pounds.

(End of this chapter)

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