Chapter 2130 One Percent Possibility

As in the previous world war, British mobilization was slow and inefficient.

Poland has been divided up, and the British Parliament is still discussing whether to form 24 divisions within 55 months, or postpone it to 36 months, or longer.

It's hard to imagine that Germany has already transferred its main force from the Polish battlefield back to the Western Front, and Britain is struggling with the intensity of mobilization.

Things are bad in the UK right now.

Even Winston, who has the most determined attitude, estimates that it will take 55 months to form 18 divisions.

In early October, Rock received a call from Winston.

On the phone, Winston asked southern African military enterprises to help their British counterparts restore their military production capacity.

This is really impressive!
I still remember that 30 years ago, the Nyasaland military industry started with a difficult start with the help of the British Royal Small Arms Factory.

At the end of the last world war, Britain still retained a fairly strong military industrial capability.

In just 20 years, Britain's military-industrial capabilities have been exhausted, and it has reached the point where it has to turn to southern Africa for help.

Rock didn't know how serious the situation was.

Rock knew from Winston's words that the UK was no longer self-sufficient in bullets.


But that's the truth.

This also starts with the rise of the Nyasaland military industry.

It is an obvious fact that the weapons and ammunition produced in southern Africa are far superior to those produced in the UK in terms of quality and cost.

The relationship between southern Africa and the United Kingdom is still very good, and there is no such thing as military sanctions.

Here comes the problem.

Since there are high-quality and cheap southern African weapons and ammunition, why do you have to produce them yourself?
Especially rifle bullets.

In peacetime, Britain only kept one battalion of guards of honor, and it is estimated that it could not train a few times a year, and it would not consume many bullets a year.

Britain itself still has a strong reserve. At the end of the last world war, Britain sealed up at least millions of rifles and billions of rounds of ammunition, imitating southern Africa and establishing a combat readiness warehouse system.

The system is good, but it has been ruined by others.

The British ignored a problem. Weapons and ammunition also have a shelf life.

Even if the gunpowder in the bullet is carefully preserved, its performance will definitely be seriously affected after 20 years.

The combat readiness warehouses in southern Africa have to be replaced in time every few years, and weapons and ammunition that are about to expire are either sold or consumed.

Otherwise, so many military exercises are held in southern Africa every year.

The climate in the UK is humid and cold, which is not conducive to storage, and the staff are not dedicated to their duties.

So when Britain declared war on Germany and opened the war preparation warehouse, the situation was very bad. Many weapons and ammunition were seriously damaged and unusable. Some warehouses were even empty. All the sealed weapons and equipment disappeared, and no one knew where they went.

Winston had just been appointed Lord of the Admiralty just before the war, and he couldn't even find anyone responsible for it.

A sad fact.

Since the end of the last World War, John Fisher has passed away, Chief of Staff Wilson has passed away, John Jericho has passed away the year before last, David Beatty also died three months ago, Badenburg, Fear Conan , Studdy --

These star-studded generals in the last world war have all passed away.

After the United Kingdom declared war on Germany, the cabinet was reshuffled. The current British Minister of War is Hall Besali. No need to check, this is a new name that has never appeared before.

Air Force Minister Kingsley Wood is also a newcomer. He has never touched an airplane before, let alone how an airplane fights. Sir Wood is a lawyer by profession and specializes in industrial insurance.

After finishing the call with Winston, Rock held another ministerial meeting.

"If the UK restores its military strength, who will we sell the weapons and ammunition we produce to?" Stoudemire strongly objected. The UK does not need to manufacture bullets. It just needs to buy them from southern Africa.

Southern African military enterprises are divided into two parts, one in Nyasaland and the other in Rhodesia.

Specifically, the military industrial enterprises in Nyasaland are dominated by Nyasaland military industry, mainly producing tanks, armored vehicles, artillery and other weapons with relatively high technical content.

The arsenal in Rhodesia mainly produces pistols, rifles, general-purpose machine guns, grenades and other individual weapons that are in greater demand.

Therefore, the factories in Rhodesia will be most affected by the restoration of military industrial capabilities by British counterparts.

Although the arsenals in Rhodesia and Nyasaland belong to the Nyasaland military industry, companies in Rhodesia have to hand over part of their profits to Rhodesia.

British ordnance companies will not pay dividends to Rhodesia.

"Has the British Empire been so miserable? It can't be—" Owen was very skeptical.

After the outbreak of the European War, the federal government of Southern Africa was also reorganized, and Owen served as the newly formed Minister of Industry.

After the reorganization of the Federal Government of Southern Africa, the Minister of Finance is still Ada, the Minister of Defense is still Martin, the Minister of Commerce is replaced by Stoudemire, Henry is the Minister of Resources, and Sidney Milner replaces Douglas who has completely retired to manage culture, education and health. · Smozi also wanted to retire, but was persuaded by Rock.

Clever Uncle Jenny is almost 70 years old, and his body is still very healthy, so he can work for another 20 years without any problem.

In another time and space, Yang Smolts was 90 years old, a standard longevity.

In this time and space, even Kitchina, who "died young", is now in great health and delicious food, and Yang Smozi is no problem.

Kitchener wasn't idle either.

After the outbreak of the European War, Kitchener, who was unwilling to fish all day long, took the initiative to find Rock, hoping to continue to shine.

Rock was very happy, and gave Kitchener the title of National War Advisor, allowing Kitchener to participate in the newly established War Council, mainly responsible for being a mascot.

Kitchina is in good health. He is nearly 90 years old and his body is still strong. He underwent an operation last year to remove three pieces of shrapnel left over from his early years in his leg. These three pieces of shrapnel are now preserved in the National Military Museum in Pretoria.

Compared with Kitchener, Ade's health is not very good, he is often hospitalized, he has severe cervical spondylosis and frozen shoulder, which have made Ade suffer a lot these years.

Ade is also 86 years old. Another time and space passed away early in 1925. It seems that this time and space can live another ten years without any problem.

In another time and space, Ade was left idle after resigning as the governor of Southern Africa. He was in a depressed mood, and it was normal for him to die early.

In this time and space, Adelaide has served two consecutive terms as prime minister after resigning as governor, and his meritorious deeds have been completed.

So mood is really important to health, especially for the elderly.

Ade has not completely retired now. Like Kitchener, he is also a consultant for southern African countries.

Philip, the last of the three elders, has completely retired and takes care of his grandson at home every day, enjoying the family happiness.

Not right, now Philip has started to take care of his great-grandson, great-grandson, a dozen of them, big and small.

Therefore, starting a family is also very important. Don’t believe in starting a business first and then starting a family. It should be starting a family first and then starting a business.

To put it bluntly, after you succeed, you don't even know who or what kind of people they are.

"Book of the Later Han Dynasty. Song Hongzhuan" said: Friends who are poor and humble will never forget each other, and wives who are filthy will not go to court.

Makes sense.

"Even if the UK recovers its military industrial capacity, it will not be able to organize production. The United Kingdom has too many problems, and bullets are just a trivial problem." Ada is very familiar with the British situation, especially the financial situation.

I remember that in the past few years, the British annual military budget still had 5000 million pounds.

This year, the UK's annual military budget is only £4400 million.

It's amazing, the war has already broken out, the military expenditure has not increased but decreased, 4400 million pounds, all used to buy weapons and ammunition, not even enough to form 55 divisions.

No wonder the British Parliament wants to extend the time to 36 months, 12 months is really out of the question.

Oh, almost forgot, it is impossible for the UK to give all 4400 million pounds to the army.

There are still a lot of battleships and cruisers in the navy's shipyard, all of which are gold-swallowing monsters.

"Gentlemen, our focus is not to help London solve its problems, but to meet London's needs." Henry said negatively. Didn't Winston hope that southern Africa would help British ordnance companies restore their production capacity? Well, we can help. As for whether the British government can It is the business of the British to organize production smoothly.

To put it bluntly, the fact that Britain cannot organize production smoothly is a good thing for southern Africa, so that the British Empire can truly recognize the reality.

"Hahahaha, you are so right!" Stoudemire slapped the table and laughed wildly. The help from the southern African company must not be free.

With such a group of important cabinet members under him, Roque is also very helpless.

Well then, although the British government's military budget is stingy, other budgets are sufficient, and the funds will be in place soon. The Nyasaland military industry will directly move several arsenals in Rhodesia to the UK as a whole to meet Wen's needs. All the requirements of Ston.

Don't underestimate a small bullet. All countries in the world have one, and there are not many countries capable of manufacturing it. Like southern Africa, countries that can produce almost all caliber bullets, except for southern Africa, are only the United States.

It wasn't just bullets that were giving Winston a headache.

The sit-in war on the Western Front is still going on, and the battle between the navies has begun.

On November 11, the Royal Navy's "Brave" aircraft carrier was attacked by a German submarine during its mission.

At this time, the possibility of being attacked is no more than one percent.

At this time, a German submarine appeared on the side of the "Brave" and fired three torpedoes at the "Brave".

The "Brave" was sunk, 1260 crew members, more than 500 people died, and the captain Makaige Jones died with the ship.

(End of this chapter)

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