Chapter 2134 Unimpeded

Britain not only lacks fighter jets, but also lacks high-quality fighter pilots.

It is not easy to train a fighter pilot. In the popular sense, the money spent on training a fighter pilot is roughly equivalent to the gold equivalent of the pilot's weight.

This is more or less the case for the UK.

For southern Africa, the cost of training fighter pilots is much lower.

Southern Africa trains pilots, and the mechanism is completely different from that of the United Kingdom.

The training of pilots in the UK is all paid by the British government. During the last World War, the UK even mobilized truck drivers to participate in pilot training, which shows the low requirements for pilots.

Southern Africa relies on flying clubs all over the states to train pilots. After the club completes the training, pilots can apply to work in major civil aviation companies. Only those who are particularly outstanding are eligible to accept the assessment of the Southern African military. The selection requirements for entering the next stage are very strict.

Under such a selection mechanism, the technical level of fighter pilots in southern Africa naturally far exceeds that of British pilots.

When Britain declared war on Germany, there were only 3500 qualified pilots in the UK.

This is still in accordance with British standards, and it counts all kinds of pilots.

According to the standards of southern Africa, 3500 people do not know how many people are left.

Southern Africa has 3.5 pilots.

This is a good pilot who is qualified to fly a fighter jet.

Meet club or civil aviation standards, but not military standards, and the number of pilots in school is unknown.

When Britain declared war on Germany, the number of domestic fighter jets was about 1000.

In contrast, Britain has fewer than 1000 fighter pilots.

There are not as many pilots as planes!

This kind of thing is estimated to only happen in the UK.

As time went on, the demand for pilots in the UK became more and more urgent, and southern Africa became the target of the British government.

In Queens, Los Angeles, Sergio Rodri, who has joined the southern African nationality, lives happily with Erica.

After the Spanish Republican government tore up the order, most of the Spanish pilots who were trained in southern Africa were disheartened and became southern African nationalities one after another.

The same is true for Sergio Rodri. He bravely expressed his heart to Erica and stayed in southern Africa. He married Erica the year before last, and his daughter is almost two years old now.

With his outstanding skills, Sergio Rodri successfully joined the Southern African Air Force and became an excellent fighter pilot with an annual salary of 1200 rand.

1200 rand is a lot. The annual salary of a senior minister in Nyasaland is only around 1200 rand. Sergio Rodri is very satisfied. He has already sent his family to southern Africa and bought a piece of land in Australia. Farm, become a standard southern African.

Jose Luis, who is also from Spain, is not so lucky. Jose's skills are worse and he works for the Los Angeles Blue Sky Aviation Club.

After the outbreak of the European War, Jose's heart was on fire. He was tired of the life of driving a trainer plane and desperately hoped to go to Europe to participate in the war.

"Sergio, the United Kingdom is recruiting fighter pilots in southern Africa. The annual salary is 2000 pounds. Are you interested?" Jose Luis came to Rodri on his own initiative. 2000 pounds a year is still attractive to pilots in southern Africa.

If you go to Australia, you can buy a farm with an area of ​​about 2000 acres for 250 pounds.

This attraction also varies from person to person. For Rodri, the attraction of 2000 pounds is obviously not as attractive as 1200 rand.

1200 rand is actually not a lot.

The key is that there are various benefits.

Moreover, the cost of living in southern Africa is not high, and there is an excellent environment, excellent education, and medical conditions, which Rodri values ​​very much.

Of course, going to the UK does not mean becoming a British citizen. Those pilots who go to the UK are still southern Africans, and they are essentially mercenaries.

"Don't be stupid, how high the price offered by the United Kingdom means how risky the job is. I don't want to fight for the British." Ruben Mendes, a pilot from Portugal, doesn't like Britain, Spain and Portugal Although the relationship between them is very bad, the Spaniards and Portuguese can live in peace in Los Angeles. This is the charm of Los Angeles.

"Jose, are you going to England?" Rodri was surprised. Although the British government offered a high price, there were not many pilots who were willing to fight in Britain.

the reason is simple.

British fighter jets are not as good as German fighter jets, or even worse. Even if the pilots in southern Africa have superb flying skills and the performance of the aircraft is backward, they will really go to heaven if they go to heaven.

The British side has also been aware of this problem. It negotiated with Nyasaran Aviation a few months ago, hoping to introduce advanced technology from Nyasaran Aviation to improve the performance of British fighter jets.

This was a good thing, but it took a long time.

The negotiation process was long and arduous.

Nyasaran Airlines must ask for the most benefits, and it is best to be produced by Nyasaran Airlines. For this reason, the price Nyasaran Airlines offers to the British is cheaper than that to the French and Spaniards.

The British wanted advanced technology at the cheapest possible price, preferably for free.

So the negotiations have not yet been completed.

"I want to try it. I'm tired of flying a trainer plane—" Jose Luis was eager to try. In southern Africa, it is very difficult for Jose to have the opportunity to fly a fighter jet.

Both are pilots, but the situation of Jose is different from Ruben and Rodri.

Ruben and Rodri are both official pilots with the Southern African military.

Ruben flew bombers, so the technical requirements for pilots were not high.

Rodri is treated as a "quasi ace" in the southern African military. As long as southern Africa participates in the war, Rodri has a high chance of becoming an ace pilot.

Jose's skills are poor, and he can only work in the aviation club. This job is actually not bad, and many people dream of it, but it's a pity that your arsenic is my honey.

"Jose, even if you want to fly a fighter jet, I don't suggest you go to England. What Britain lacks is not just technology—" Ruben dismissed the British Air Force.

It is the same as the Royal Navy has a huge psychological advantage no matter it faces the navy of any country.

Compared with the air force of any country, the Southern African Air Force also has a huge psychological advantage.

Although the aircraft appeared relatively late, it has been more than 30 years.

Southern Africa is the first country in the world to develop the air force as an independent arm. Over the past 20 years, it has accumulated huge advantages.

The air force is not just as simple as the advanced performance of the aircraft, ground support and maintenance, logistics organization, systematic training of pilots, technology research and development, etc. This is a huge and systematic project that cannot be completed in a year or two. , Southern Africa is also groping.

"You guys don't know how hungry you are-" Louis was a little sad. He had applied for the military fighter pilot exam several times, but unfortunately he hadn't been able to do so.

In fact, Louis's technique is not bad, mainly because of his psychological quality. When it comes to critical moments, his legs are weak, which is a fatal flaw for fighter pilots.

The two fighter jets approached at high speed in the air, hundreds of meters in a second, and life and death were in an instant. With a slight hand shake, the bullets flew to nowhere.

Sometimes when two planes are approaching head-on, the pilots have to be prepared to die together. It is not uncommon for two planes to collide directly in the air. At this time, the fight is not only about technology, but more about courage and sacrifice. .

"Jose, there is still a chance to stay in Southern Africa—" Rodri said meaningfully. As a military pilot, he must know more about the situation.

Southern Africa is not at war right now.

Therefore, the pilots who went to the UK were not organized by the Southern African Federal Government, but spontaneously.

After all, southern Africa was once a British colony, and some southern Africans still have feelings for Britain.

Coupled with the patriotic education provided by the Federal Government of Southern Africa all the time, it is inevitable that some passionate young people will get excited if they are fooled by the British government.

What I want to explain here is the long-standing mercenary tradition in southern Africa.

Therefore, southern Africans are not against being a "volunteer".

What's more, the price tag offered by the British government is still very high.

"What do you know?" Louis found an opportunity in Rodri's words.

Rodri and Ruben looked at each other, and they both shut up in a tacit understanding.

Louis is not a member of the military, so he is not qualified to know some things. Rodri's words are already suspected of leaking to such an extent.

Within the southern African military, it has long been decided when it will participate in the European war.

It is definitely not possible to join the war now. There is also an agreement between southern Africa and Germany. The Germans can tear up the agreement at will, and southern Africa cannot overdraw the country's reputation at will.

The Germans also pay attention to their relations with southern Africa. Some time ago, the "Grand Spee" attacked merchant ships everywhere, and the passenger ship "Tyrola" was sunk even near Cape Town, but there was no southern African merchant ship was attacked.

Now some British merchant ships and French merchant ships fly the flag of southern Africa, the purpose is to confuse the Germans.

Since the Germans are so sensible, southern Africa is naturally happy to watch the fire from the other side.

Isn’t it good to do business like this now? The Germans are still looking for southern Africa to buy oil. The price they offer is very high, and they are paid in gold. The only requirement is that southern Africa is responsible for sending the oil to Germany.

Germany also has tankers, but they dare not go out. Once they leave the German port, they will be detained by the Royal Navy.

Southern Africa also does not want to cause dissatisfaction with Britain and France because of oil.

Fortunately, there are Americans who have no bottom line.

American merchant ships are treated the same as southern African merchant ships, unimpeded.

(End of this chapter)

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