Chapter 2209
In the bad times, southern Africa dare not flaunt the spirit of contract, otherwise it would be like putting an invisible shackle on itself.

The same is true for the Germans. Mustache did not hesitate to tear up the "Munich Agreement". Now whoever dares to emphasize the contractual spirit of the Westerners can smash the "Munich Agreement" in his face.

The so-called "contract spirit" only depends on whether it is beneficial to oneself.

When the contract is beneficial to oneself, of course, the "spirit of the contract" should be emphasized.

When it is unfavorable, find a way to modify it.

If you can't modify it, just tear it up.

Whether it is spirit or doctrine, in the final analysis it is all interests.

The "Angel" medical ship has a full load displacement of 15000 tons and a maximum speed of 22 knots. It has 800 beds on board and has complete medical equipment and auxiliary facilities. There are six medical ships of this level in southern Africa.

The two destroyers escorting the "Angel" are the "Curiosity" and the "Intrepid". Equipped with 2500 torpedo tubes and multiple depth charge launchers.

When the fleet left the home port, Bruni, the first mate of the "Dreadnought", was relatively relaxed.

The German army was relatively restrained when fighting the southern African army. Some weapons that were obviously bound by the "International Law", such as poison gas and landmines, were not used on a large scale. It was to rescue German wounded soldiers that they went to Crete. Bruni believed that the "Angel" would not be attacked by German submarines at all.

"Don't be too optimistic. The German submarine commander doesn't know that the 'Angel' is going to Crete to save German wounded soldiers." Neither Yang Sheng nor the captain of the Curiosity, Cole Clough, could bear the responsibility for the sinking.

There are nearly a thousand sailors and medical staff working on the "Angel".

Sailors are easy to train, but medical staff need long-term training.

As in the last World War, the medical staff serving on the "Angel" include some students who have not yet graduated but have entered the internship period from major medical schools in southern Africa, especially the Nyasaland Military Medical College. They're all military babies.

"The range of activities of German submarines does not exceed Crete, and we can speed up appropriately." Bruni was not satisfied with the speed of the fleet. In order to adapt to the speed of the "Angel", the entire fleet was sailing at an economical speed of 15 knots .

After capturing the Dodecanese Islands, the waters east of Crete have all been controlled by the Mediterranean Fleet and the Cyprus Squadron. Even if German submarines sneak into this area, they will not be able to obtain logistical supplies.

Considering the strong anti-submarine capabilities of the Cyprus Squadron, German and Italian submarines rarely entered this region after Southern Africa entered the war.

"You want to save the Germans that much?" Yang Sheng was curious. Bruni was of French descent.

"Of course not!" Bruni looked disgusted, and his hatred for the Germans was palpable: "—Only dead Germans are the best Germans. I want to complete the escort mission as soon as possible, and then go to fight the German sailing boats." .”

After the "Curiosity" and "Dreadnought" complete the escort mission, they will join Colonel Gao Jie's destroyer unit and continue to prevent the German army from reinforcing Crete.

This mission is actually not very meaningful now. The Germans have broken through the blockade of the Royal Navy in the direction of Chania. After the 23rd, the Royal Navy has shifted its main goal from preventing the Germans from landing to evacuating the British troops.

This Nima makes people speechless.

The Battle of Crete broke out on the 22nd, and only one day later, the British were about to flee, and the task of holding down the Germans fell to the southern African army.

The southern African army currently on Crete has also begun to gather around Heraklion Airport. According to the command of the headquarters, the Allied forces must drag the battle until at least June. This task could have been easily completed. Now look at it It's getting harder and harder.

Regardless of the various abuses of the 35th Division against the German paratroopers and airborne troops, it was based on the premise that the German paratroopers and airborne troops lacked heavy weapons and the 35th Division had overwhelming firepower.

As German reinforcements continued to arrive in Crete, the equipment gap between the Germans and the southern African armies was shrinking sharply, the pressure on the southern African armies was increasing, and troop casualties began to increase accordingly.

Again, in wars in the age of hot weapons, weapons and equipment play a decisive role most of the time. If the southern African army does not have the advantage in equipment, it will have to pay a huge price to retake Heraklion Airport.

The attack of the Germans is indeed not to be underestimated.

Last night, the destroyer HMS Humble of the Cyprus Squadron was sunk by the Luftwaffe. Only 125 of the 28 people on board were rescued.

The "Angel" fleet departs from the home port of the Dodecanese Islands, which is only about 180 kilometers away from Heraklion.

Four hours after departure, the "Angel" fleet entered the waters of Crete to prepare for an attack that may come at any time.

Not only from submarine attacks, after the outbreak of the Battle of Crete, the Southern African Air Force and the German Air Force fought fiercely for the airspace of Crete. The Southern African Air Force had a slight upper hand, but did not completely control the airspace of Crete. The fleet was still at risk of being attacked by the Luftwaffe.

"Our air force is fighting fiercely with the Luftwaffe ahead. The headquarters ordered us to go to Pompia and no longer go directly to Heraklion." The communications officer informed the command of the latest order.

As the order was issued, the fleet drew a beautiful arc on the sea, which was pleasing to the eye.

It was evening at this time, the sun was setting, there was a gorgeous sunset in the sky, there were many seagulls around the warship, the water quality of the Aegean Sea was really good, the waves were as clear as crystal, and the blue sea and blue sky made people intoxicated.

Just as the fleet was turning, a German submarine suddenly fired three torpedoes at the "Angel" at a distance of 1200 meters from the "Angel".

The fleet immediately rang the alarm bell, and the battle alarm sounded instantly. The "Curiosity" was fully powered and rushed towards the German submarine.

Facing the attack of three torpedoes, the "Angel" turned its rudder urgently with full power, trying to escape the attack range of the torpedoes.

After all, a hospital ship is not a warship, and the power on board is weak, so it takes a certain amount of time to accelerate or turn around.

At this time, the "Fearless" was fully fired, and the high-level dual-purpose machine gun played a role. One torpedo was blown up by the high-level dual-purpose machine gun on the "Fearless", and the second torpedo was dangerously close to the "Angel". pass by.

The third torpedo still hit the "Angel" in the desperate eyes of everyone.

Then luckily, the torpedo did not explode.

Torpedo misfiring is normal, not to mention the Germans, and now southern Africa has not completely solved the problem of torpedo misfiring, and the Americans are even more rubbish.

Before the United States obtained a large amount of German technology, the technological level of the Americans was seriously inconsistent with the industrial strength of the United States. The Americans relied entirely on spending money to obtain the ability to be on an equal footing with the Royal Navy.

If we really want to talk about technology, the United States in this period may not even be as good as Japan.

Japan can at least independently complete the "Yamato" 460mm naval gun.

When the "Angel" escaped, the "Curiosity" had already reached the waters where the German submarine appeared.

After launching a torpedo on the "Angel", the German submarine dived with all its strength, trying to escape the pursuit of the destroyer.

The anti-submarine capability of the southern African destroyer is stronger than the Germans imagined.

The "Curiosity" quickly locked the position of the German submarine and fired 20 depth charges in a row until a large amount of oil and submarine parts floated out of the water.

That night, the "Angel" arrived in Pombia smoothly and began to receive the wounded.

Mostly Allied soldiers.

After several days of fierce fighting, the Allied forces also suffered huge casualties, and thousands of wounded soldiers were in urgent need of medical treatment.

Compared with the German wounded soldiers, the wounded Allied soldiers must be rescued first.

However, Pan Wenkang, the captain of the "Angel", did not expect that many wounded soldiers of the Allied forces boarded the "Angel" on the grounds of mental illness. These wounded soldiers seriously occupied the precious medical resources on the "Angel".

"There are many kinds of illnesses. Some people were blinded by the poisonous gas. Although our doctor's examination showed that their eyesight was not affected in any way, I insisted that I couldn't see anything. Some people suffered severe concussions due to shells. This is amazing. Even I know that the German paratroopers and airborne troops lack heavy weapons - there are people who have sprained their arms and have to take a stretcher to get on the boat, looking miserable as if they are going to die at any time." Professor Kant from Nyasaland University is really open In terms of vision, the number of strange cases he has come into contact with in his life is not as many as this day.

"Let the doctors conduct a detailed examination of all wounded soldiers. Only the seriously wounded can board the 'Angel' for treatment. If anyone tries to get away with it, just throw it into the sea for me!" Pan Wenkang was very angry. This situation is common in southern Africa. will not happen.

In the last world war, some people evaded military service for various reasons, or escaped from the battlefield.

Some people pretended to be sick, some pretended to be stupid, and some even shot themselves directly, and it was not uncommon for the wounds to be infected and seriously injured to die.

Now the situation is like this again, some despicable guys try to make excuses to escape from the battlefield, and even occupy precious medical resources because of this, which makes Pan Wenkang unbearable.

Other doctors couldn't stand it either.

At Pombia Wharf, there are nearly a thousand wounded soldiers waiting in line to board the ship for treatment.

There are also many healthy soldiers.

Many healthy soldiers boarded the "Angel" on the grounds of carrying stretchers, and then stayed on the ship, hoping to evacuate Crete with the "Angel".

Chris from the Johannesburg School of Medicine has been working continuously for three hours since the "Angel" docked.

"Doctor, doctor, please save my brother, he is a real hero, and he was wounded in the bloody battle with the Germans—" a private soldier begged bitterly, hoping that his brother could get on the ship for treatment as soon as possible.

Chris checked in detail, and the private brother's brother had a huge wound on his abdomen, and he could clearly see the internal organs that were bleeding. This kind of injury cannot be faked.

"Stretcher, carry this away, give priority to treatment—" Chris is serious and responsible, even if there is only a [-]% chance of successful rescue, he must make [-]% effort.

"Thank you, thank you—" the private soldier slumped on the ground and wept bitterly, thanking him endlessly.

Chris didn't speak, and there were more wounded soldiers waiting for him.

A wounded soldier was sitting on a stretcher and muttering to himself. No matter how Chris asked, there was only one sentence over and over again: "Help me, I don't want to die—"

Appears to be severely hearing impaired.

But not to the point where immediate treatment is necessary.

So Chris casually wrote "II" on the wounded man's clothes with a white marker.

This symbol represents the second level of priority.

The wounded soldier immediately became unhappy and grabbed Chris's clothes to prevent him from leaving, hoping to board the "Angel" immediately.

"Sorry, your injury hasn't reached the point where you need to be treated right away, and you have to leave the opportunity to other more seriously injured soldiers." Chris is merciless. Compared with other wounded soldiers who are about to die, this is really not good. too serious.

"No, no, no, I have to receive treatment right away. I'm feeling very uncomfortable now. I think I'm going to die." The wounded soldier grabbed Chris's white coat and didn't let go, and now he spoke very fluently.

"Bastard, let go of your hand, don't interfere with the doctor's work." Immediately, other wounded soldiers were furious, and everyone was queuing up for treatment, all in very irritable mood.

"I'm also a wounded person, and I also need treatment—" The wounded soldier who didn't let go quibbled, looking full of anger, and really couldn't see where he was injured.

Chris has a gentle personality.

Most of the soldiers were short-tempered.

A soldier with a leg injured and on crutches knocked on the head of the wounded soldier who refused to let go.

"It's a gram!" The wounded soldier got up quickly and pushed the wounded soldier on crutches.

The wounded soldier on crutches is not alone, even if he is on crutches, he needs someone to support him, and the two soldiers next to him are probably his comrades in arms.

"Does this look like you're injured? Which unit are you in?" A captain lying on a stretcher was very angry. He lost a leg, and the bandage was still oozing blood.

Chris conveniently put a "hook" on the captain's bandage.

This is what it means to prioritize.

"This bastard is just pretending, he wasn't injured at all, you coward—" Two comrades on crutches came over, and directly lifted the wounded soldier who was extremely weak just now, but now he was fierce and vigorous, from the stretcher.

"What are you going to do?" The wounded soldier was inexplicably terrified.

"Aren't you injured? Let Sea God heal you!" Two healthy soldiers carried the guy to the pier and threw him into the sea without any nonsense, and even shouted "one two three".

All the wounded soldiers on the pier burst out laughing, and the entire pier was filled with a pleasant atmosphere.

No one cared about the soldiers who were struggling in the sea and calling for help.

Such a person is drowned.

(End of this chapter)

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