Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2214 The money in southern Africa and the United Kingdom is not easy to get

Chapter 2214 The money in southern Africa and the United Kingdom is not easy to get
The last time the cruiser "Earl Spee" of the German Navy broke into the Atlantic Ocean, it caused huge trouble for the Royal Navy.

"Bismarck" is more powerful than "Earl Spee" and poses a greater threat to the Royal Navy. If "Bismarck" is allowed to escape, the Royal Navy will have to pay several times, or even dozens of dollars, than to encircle "Earl Spee". Double the price to get what you want.

Now the "Bismarck" has sunk the "Hood".

How many battleships will be sunk by the Royal Navy before the "Bismarck" can be sent to the bottom of the sea?

So John Tovey will never let the "Bismarck" enter the port of Spain.

Spain has not participated in the war yet. As a neutral country, "Bismarck" can stay in the port of Spain for no more than 24 hours.

However, considering the relationship between the Spaniards and the Germans, anything could happen, and John Tovey didn't want to make extra troubles.

The crux of the problem is that the battleship John Tovey "George V" is still hundreds of kilometers away from "Bismarck".

He was able to send a torpedo plane to sink the "Victory" of the "Bismarck", but the plane could not take off due to weather, which made John Tovey very angry.

As early as two years ago, during the joint exercise between the British Home Fleet and the Southern African Atlantic Fleet, the Southern African Air Force had completed carrier-based aircraft take-off and landing under severe weather conditions.

Even taking off and landing at night is not a problem for the southern African navy.

"Why can't the Royal Navy do what the southern African soldiers can do?" John Tovey was very angry, but no one could answer this question.

It can only be said that each has its own strengths.

The Southern African Navy is good at aviation, and the Royal Navy is good at battleships.

You have to let the battleships perform a shooting at the sea, and the Royal Navy can throw the Southern African Navy out of the Mediterranean Sea.

But when it comes to the use of naval aviation, the Southern African Navy can throw the Royal Navy out of the Pacific Ocean.

"The attitude of the southern Africans is obvious. They want to force the Spaniards to make a choice." John Tovey's chief of staff, Vice Admiral Flute Walker, did not want to take risks, and he might be responsible for this.

After the "Hood" was sunk, the British government and the British War Department reviewed the battle process. Some people proposed to hold the captain of the "Prince of Wales" John Rich responsible for his role in the "Hood". After the USS was sunk, it was decided to withdraw from the battle.

It's not actually about John Rich.

At the beginning of the battle, one of the main guns of the "Prince of Wales" could not be rotated due to a failure, and two more guns failed shortly after the battle broke out.

At the same time as the "Bismarck" was damaged, the "Prince of Wales" was also hit by the "Bismarck". The No. 2 turret was seriously damaged. At that time, only two artillery pieces were still able to fight. Will follow in the footsteps of the Hood.

Winston and First Sea Lord Dudley Pound didn't care about this. Since John Rich ordered the "Prince of Wales" to leave the battle, he must bear the responsibility.

John Tovey did not endorse the allegations of Winston and Dudley Pond, referred to John Rich's order as no problem, and claimed that John Tovey would accompany John Rich if John Rich was tried Go to court together.

"Then they are not afraid of self-defeating and forcing the Spaniards to the opposite side?" John Tovey did not approve of the southern African approach.

Although the Falange did not perform well in the Spanish Civil War, Spain is an old European colonial country after all, and its influence is still there, especially in South America.

In Europe, Spain is also one of the few countries that has not made a statement. Once Spain makes a formal statement, it will have a huge impact on the current situation in Europe and the Mediterranean, and even the situation around the Atlantic Ocean.

If Spain chooses the Axis powers, all Spanish ports can be used by the German Navy. The supply range of the German Navy will extend 1200 kilometers south from the coast of France, and the Strait of Gibraltar will also be greatly threatened.

If Spain chooses the Allied Forces, then the Allied Forces can threaten Vichy France through Spain, and the Normandy landing, which was hyped by the Allies in another time and space, might not happen at all in this time and space.

"Southern Africa has gathered a large number of troops around the Mediterranean Sea. The Third Army in French North Africa has nearly 20 people. If Spain joins the Axis Powers, the Third Army can cross the Strait of Gibraltar at any time." Defoe Walkley smiled bitterly. If Spain joins The Axis powers might be what Southern Africa most wants to see.

The Third Army was originally prepared for Italian North Africa.

However, because of the firm opposition of the United Kingdom, the Third Army could only stay in Algiers for fishing every day. Going to Malta to see the excitement was disgusted by the Mediterranean theater.

Gibraltar has an airborne division stationed in southern Africa. If Spain joins the Axis powers, the Third Army can launch an attack on Spain at any time.

This is also what the UK does not want to see.

Britain also regards the Mediterranean as its core interest.

Now Southern Africa has controlled Cyprus and the Twelve Islands. If Southern Africa extends its influence to the western Mediterranean, the interests of not only Britain, but also France and Italy will be seriously affected.

"Then let the southern Africans fight the Spaniards, which will also reduce our pressure." John Tovey is eager for southern Africa to go all out.

Rock and Winston's misfortune diverted to the north, which is also controversial in the UK.

Although the United Kingdom has retreated to the British Isles, southern Africa is far from exerting its strength. If southern Africa counterattacks the European continent, the war will end within two years.

This is still a cautious estimate.

If Southern Africa goes all out, it is optimistic that the war will be over within a year.

If the disaster is diverted to the north, it can indeed greatly reduce the casualties of the southern African army, but the war will be delayed for several years before it can end.

Anyway, the dead are all southern Africans, so what does it have to do with Britain——

"So why should we stop the southern Africans?" Defoe Walkley smiled, and John Tovey was speechless.

This is what the British want to see.

When Defoe Walkley persuaded John Tovey, the "Bismarck" slowly sailed into the port of Vigo on the Atlantic coast in northwest Spain.

Vigo (VIGO) is located on the south coast of Vigo Bay, opposite the Moranzo Peninsula, with the Shays Islands as a barrier at the mouth of the bay. It is a natural harbor and the largest fishing port in Spain and Europe.

The Spanish government has not sent a reply to the Atlantic Fleet until this time. According to international practice, "Bismarck" can stay in Vigo Port for up to 24 hours. Vigo Port cannot provide "Bismarck" with material assistance, let alone help with maintenance. "Bismarck" must leave port.

Patton was very happy after knowing this situation, and ordered the "Madagascar" and "Basutoland" to stop off the coast of Vigo Port, and as soon as the "Bismarck" left the port, the "Bismarck" would be sunk immediately.

The response from the Spanish government was long overdue until then.

There was nothing new in the reply. While reiterating Spain's neutral position, it stated that the "Bismarck" was severely damaged and could no longer leave Vigo Port by its own ability.

The reply of the Atlantic Fleet and the Royal Navy was very simple: since the "Bismarck" cannot leave the port by its own strength, then use a tugboat to drag the "Bismarck" out.

Drag it out for you to sink?

Even if Mustache didn't speak, Franco didn't dare to do so.

The significance of "Bismarck" to the German Navy is definitely more important than the significance of "Hood" to the Royal Navy.

At this time, it was already late at night on the 2nd, and all parties were playing games around the "Bismarck".

Southern Africa and the United Kingdom stood firm and demanded that Spain hand over "Bismarck" immediately, no matter how it was.

The German government is more resolute, hoping that while the Spanish government will do everything possible to delay the time, it also hopes that the Spanish government will do everything it can to help "Bismarck", including but not limited to providing necessary repairs and supplies.

The Spanish government is in a dilemma. Franco does not want to turn against the allies, let alone offend the Germans. The "Bismarck" in the port is in urgent need of maintenance. Received an order to prepare reinforcements to the Strait of Gibraltar, which aroused Franco's strong indignation.

Southern Africa has increased its troops to Gibraltar, and the goal is self-evident.

On the night of the 2nd, a British reconnaissance plane went to Vigo Port for reconnaissance, and was illuminated by ground searchlights in Vigo Port.

The anti-aircraft machine gun on the "Bismarck" damaged the reconnaissance plane according to the guidance of the ground searchlight, and the British reconnaissance plane was forced to make an emergency landing on the "Madagascar".

It may be because the aircraft is damaged and difficult to control, or it may be that the investigators are not skilled enough.

In short, when the reconnaissance plane landed, even though "Madagascar" turned on all the searchlights and signal lights, the reconnaissance plane still lost control and collided with the aircraft fleet parked on the deck of "Madagascar", causing two "Goshawk" carrier-based fighter jets to be damaged. damaged, one of which was badly damaged.

This made Li Ao very helpless.

Li Ao didn't know how to write the report that the carrier plane was not injured by the Germans, but by friendly forces, or in such a weird way.

But this matter is serious in nature.

Strictly speaking, this is the cooperation between the "Bismarck" and the Vigo Harbor Guards, which damaged the British reconnaissance plane. John Tovey boarded "Madagascar" overnight, hoping that the Atlantic Fleet and the Royal Navy would join forces, even if the Spaniards If the "Bismarck" is not handed over, the "Bismarck" must also be sunk in the Spanish port.

"This way—it's not appropriate—" Li Ao was very surprised, he was not used to the British way of handling it.

"What's inappropriate? Wait for the Spaniards to repair the 'Bismarck', add sufficient fuel and ammunition to the 'Bismarck', and then sink the 'Bismarck' at the cost of several battleships and a certain number of cruisers? "John Tovey has a standard colonial mentality, and a big fist is justified.

"The Spaniards did not repair the 'Bismarck', but only transferred the wounded of the 'Bismarck' to the shore. As for replenishing fuel and ammunition, I can guarantee that the 'Bismarck' will never return to Brest." Li Ao is confident, even if "Bismarck" returned to its peak state, and "Madagascar" was also sure to sink "Bismarck".

"Isn't your purpose to force the Spaniards to take a stand? This will be more effective." John Tovey didn't go around in circles, and the soldiers didn't have too many twists and turns.

"But this will be self-defeating. Our goal is to let Spain join the camp of justice against evil without damaging the pride of the Spaniards—" Li Ao said with a serious face.

John Tovey had a complicated expression.

Nima opened his mouth and shut his mouth for justice to fight against evil, and he was always in camp. These are all my lines.

"24 hours, we only give the Spaniards 24 hours, which is enough for the Spaniards to make a decision." Li Ao smiled, no matter what the Spaniards do, it will plant a thorn between the Spaniards and the Germans.

Repeated horizontal jumps also depends on whether you have the strength to repeat horizontal jumps.

Aid from southern Africa and the British Empire is not so easy to get.

In the early morning of the 3rd, the "Bismarck" was still docked in the port of Vigo, and there was no sign of raising fire and anchoring.

Li Ao was not in a hurry, and also sent a reconnaissance plane to the port of Vigo for reconnaissance.

At this time, the sky was already bright, the Spanish troops in Vigo Port did not use searchlights, and the "Bismarck" did not fire on the reconnaissance planes in southern Africa. This distinction is also obvious.

It is estimated that the Germans also want to plant thorns between the southern Africans and the British.

But there is no need for this, the relationship between the Atlantic Fleet and the Royal Navy is not very harmonious.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Admiral Gunther Lütjens, commander of the German High Seas Fleet, sent someone out of the port to contact the Allied forces.

Lütjens hoped that the Allies would allow the crew of the "Bismarck" to return to France in a peaceful manner, and that the "Bismarck" could be disarmed and sank in the port of Vigo.


Return to France in a peaceful way?

Li Ao's reply was firm: all crew members of the "Bismarck" were required to surrender to the Allied forces unconditionally, and the "Bismarck" had to go to a port controlled by the Allied forces for dismantling in accordance with the requirements of the Allied forces.

John Tovey's attitude was more intense.

No warship in southern Africa was sunk by "Bismarck".

So "Bismarck" must die.

Even if it is sunk, it has to be sunk by the Royal Navy.

The negotiations were fruitless, and Lütjens then sent a power call to Mustache, saying that "Bismarck" would fight to the last moment.

Mustache then called back to Lütjens: I hope that "Bismarck" will show resolute courage and do his best.

The crew of the "Bismarck" did their best. Except for a few wounded who went ashore in Vigo Harbor for treatment, most of the 2200 crew members returned to the warship.

At [-]:[-] p.m., the "Bismarck" with a severely tilted hull slowly sailed out of Vigo Harbor due to severe water ingress.

The Royal Navy didn't even have the patience to wait for the "Bismarck" to sail into the open sea.

As soon as the "Bismarck" left the port, the battleships "George V" and "Rodney" used 16-inch and 14-inch main guns to shoot at the "Bismarck".

Fifteen minutes later, the "Bismarck" sank, and only 15 of the nearly 2000 crew members on board were rescued.

(End of this chapter)

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