Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2220 A little scary

Chapter 2220 A little scary
There is a reason for the bearded man not to believe Rock and Winston's reminders.

But all successful people have a characteristic, that is self-confidence, the severity is directly proportional to the achievements, the higher the achievements, the greater the self-confidence.

At the level of the bearded man, other people's reminders are dispensable to him. Even if Rock and Winston put the "Barbarossa Project" in front of the bearded man, the bearded man will only believe his own judgment .

The same goes for mustaches.

It is said that with another shorty's failure, Mustache should fully learn the lesson.

Actually no, if everything in this world can be explained by logic, then this world is not logical.

Even so, in order to allow Russia to persist for a longer period of time under the fierce German offensive, and to pave the way for future cooperation, southern Africa still maintains close trade relations with Russia, and this is how Russian rubber comes from.

However, Rock did not expect that the bearded man trusted the Germans to such an extent that he had no defense at all, which made Rock begin to doubt the possibility of the "Thunderstorm Project".

According to the Russians later, the "Great Thunderstorm Project" was launched a few days later than the "Barbarossa Project", so the Germans succeeded.

This statement is reasonable to a certain extent. After all, while Germany was preparing the "Barbarossa Plan", Russia also hoarded a large number of troops on the border. It seems that there is indeed a plan against Germany.

Now Rock believes that the purpose of the bearded hoarding troops on the border is more to deter the Germans, otherwise the Russians would not be sending important strategic materials to Germany the day before the Germans launched an attack.

The German attack was indeed fierce.

After conquering Europe, the Germans' lightning tactics have reached their peak. Before German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop handed over the gauntlet to the Russian ambassador to Germany at four o'clock in the morning on the 22nd, the Luftwaffe had already mobilized all its forces to attack the airports in Russia. The first wave of blows.

This time is very precise.

Luftwaffe planes take off from airports in Germany, and it only takes about 15 minutes to fly to Russia.

The Luftwaffe plane took off from the airport at 3:45 am and entered Russia after a 15-minute flight.

In other words, when Ribbentrop handed over the gauntlet to the Russian ambassador to Germany, the Luftwaffe fighter jets had already entered Russian airspace.

Russia was defenseless against this.

In fact, as early as midnight on the 22nd, the Russians had already noticed the attack preparations of the German troops. The Russian military headquarters issued a warning to the front-line troops, asking the front-line troops to pay attention to the abnormal actions of the German troops.

Surprisingly, the frontline troops of the Russian army turned a deaf ear to the reminders from the headquarters, and none of the troops entered a state of alert. This resulted in almost no hindrance when the German army launched an offensive.

On the 22nd alone, nearly 1500 Russian aircraft were destroyed, of which more than 800 were destroyed on the ground.

The Germans themselves lost only 35 aircraft.

This ratio is cruel.

Excluding the 800 planes that were destroyed on the ground, 700 planes took off successfully.

The 20 to 1 battle loss ratio fully proves the gap between the Russian Air Force, which has undergone a major purge, and the German Air Force, which has experienced two years of European war.

In the first three days of the campaign, a total of 3922 Russian aircraft were destroyed.

For Roque, this result is not surprising.

Roque was surprised by the German chain of command.

More than 400 million Axis troops participated in the implementation of "Project Barbarossa".

The Axis forces were divided into three parts, and they began to act simultaneously on a front with a length of more than 1500 kilometers. The number and close coordination were astonishing. Even the southern African army could not do better.

At the same time, what surprised Rock was the speed at which the Russian army was defeated.

When the German army launched the "Barbarossa Project", Russia hoarded 430 million people on the Russian-German border. This is probably the largest force in the history of human war.

Compared with the huge force, the number of heavy weapons of the Russian army is equally impressive.

1.4 tanks!

More than 9000 aircraft!
About 3.3 artillery pieces!

Regardless of the performance of weapons, Southern Africa would have to spend all its money to make up such a large number.

Almost at the same time that the German Air Force launched an air strike against Russia, the German ground forces also broke through the Russian border and launched an attack on the Russian army.

Russian ground forces were likewise unsuspecting, and German forces were progressing well in almost every direction except at Brest.

The Brest Fortress is located on the east bank of the Bug River at the border between Belarus and Poland. It is an important traffic route connecting Warsaw-Moscow and Lithuania-West Belarus-West Ukraine. It is also an ancient city with a long history.

After Russia and Germany partitioned Poland, Brest Fortress became a military camp and returned to Russian hands.

The Russian army reinforced and repaired the Brest Fortress, but because the workers who repaired the fortress were all prisoners, the progress was impressive.

By the time the Barbarossa plan was launched, the reinforcement and repair of the Brest Fortress had not been completed, and many key positions where heavy firepower should be deployed were still empty. The troops guarding the fortress had no heavy weapons, and the air defense units had no anti-aircraft guns. The troops did not have cannons, and the soldiers could only fight with light weapons.

It is precisely because of the slackness of the Russians that before the war broke out, the Germans expected to take the Brest Fortress in just a few hours.

What broke the illusion of the Germans was the Russians' determination to fight.

The Russian army guarding the Brest Fortress, with light weapons against the indiscriminate bombardment of German heavy artillery and aircraft, fought bloody battles with German armored forces for a month, becoming a legend in the first stage of the Russian Patriotic War.

The Russians later made a special film commemorating the battle that took place at the Brest Fortress.

On the 22nd, Southern Africa did not yet know how much the Russians had lost.

But all the news is not good for the Russians.

At noon on the 22nd, Rock received a new piece of news. Lithuania, which had just been annexed by Russia last year, declared its independence and sent troops to join the Axis Powers to participate in the attack on Russia.

Rock was not surprised by this news at all.

It is only Lithuania now, and the three Baltic countries will join the Axis powers next, and the troubles for the Russians have just begun.

"Fortunately, we didn't land in Europe—" Stoudemire broke out in a cold sweat from the attack power shown by the Germans. If the development continues at this pace, Russia will be wiped out before winter.

"We are not Russians!" Henry looked down on Russia. Russia's performance in the two world wars was not good.

In the last world war, Russia withdrew midway, which almost led to the complete collapse of the Allies.

This time, the Allied forces reminded many times before the war that the bearded man did not respond in the slightest, so Russia is completely to blame for it to be where it is today.

Henry's confidence in the southern African army is similar to that of the bearded Russian army.

The difference is that the Southern African army deserves Henry's trust, and the Russian army—

"If Russia loses the war quickly, what will we do?" Owen also expressed great concern. Once the Germans conquer Russia and send their troops south, the consequences will be disastrous.

So the Russians must not lose.

At least not too quickly.

"We need to give the Russians some time." Rock still trusts Russia. This country is amazing, and only when it is most dangerous can it burst into true strength.

Magical indeed.

When Napoleon invaded Russia, he also won first and then lost. It is not so much the weather that Napoleon lost to Russia, but Napoleon's determination to lose to Russia.

During the First World War, Russia did not run out of oil at all. Although the Russian army performed poorly, its withdrawal from the war was mainly due to domestic regime change.

The Russo-Finnish War is also evidence. Compared with Finland, Russia has an overall advantage but fought like that. If the Russian army did not perform too poorly in the Russo-Finnish War, Mustache would not have made up his mind to turn against Russia.

Stoudemire, Henry, and Owen didn't know the direction of the Russo-German war.

Roque knew it.

So Rock was not surprised at all when he saw the battle report.

It is now March 6th.

Just now, under the leadership of Marshal von Bock, the German Central Army Group carried out a pincer assault with powerful armored forces. It took only five days to rush 250 miles and complete the encirclement of the Russian Western Front.

In the encirclement of the Germans there were 32 Russian troops.

Although the Russian army in the encirclement has not yet surrendered, they are already unable to fly.

This was only the beginning of the Russian army's rout.

"Lithuania has joined the Axis Powers, Russia's Western Front is surrounded, and the Southwestern Front is about to be surrounded. More than half of the tanks and one-third of the planes have been destroyed. After a while, the Germans will occupy St. Petersburg—" Stoudemire laments that he sees no chance of a Russian victory.

"No, the Germans can't capture St. Petersburg." Rock inadvertently leaked the secret.

St. Petersburg is now called Leningrad.

During World War II in another time and space, Leningrad was besieged by the Germans for 872 days. The Russians saved their spiritual symbol at the cost of 350 million soldiers and 100 million civilian lives. The number of German casualties and missing people exceeded 50.

The losses were indeed heavy.

But with such heavy losses, the Russians are still fighting, which fully proves the determination of the Russians.

"Unless our great tsarist father can conjure up ten armored divisions, it must be the armored divisions of our southern Africa, so that it is possible for Russians to hold St. Petersburg." Owen is not optimistic either.

Although the Russians have a large number of aircraft and tanks, their performance is not as advanced as that of the Germans.

Modern warfare has long been won by numbers.

So as long as the Russians survive the most difficult stage, they can win the final victory.

Roque's task now is to help Russia survive the most difficult stage.

There is one thing to say, regardless of Rock's various vows, in fact, Rock is not sure whether Russia can be as tenacious as another time and space.

In fact, Southern Africa has another option.

After the outbreak of the Russo-German War, the U.S. Congress assessed the world war. Senator Harry Truman publicly declared: If the Germans have the upper hand, we will help Russia; if Russia has the upper hand, we will help Germany. Cannibalism.

This is of course Rock's purpose.

Fortunately, no southern Africans have publicly expressed their views in this way.

"We must now believe that Russia will be able to withstand the German attack—" Rock set the tone, southern Africa cannot be as shameless as the Americans: "—the Ministry of Defense has formulated a plan to land in Europe. Once St. Petersburg, or Chali Once Zimbabwe is occupied, we will land in Europe and deal a blow to Germany in the back of the Germans."

Tsaritsyn is Stalingrad.

Although many cities in Russia have changed their names, in southern Africa, it is still customary to use the old names.

"In that case, all the pressure will be transferred to our side." Henry was full of worries. The combat effectiveness of the German troops after the outbreak of the Russo-German War was a bit scary.

Millions of troops were routed in just a few days.

Tens of thousands of tanks did nothing.

Thousands of planes were destroyed as they said they were destroyed.

Even Rock was muttering, so it goes without saying for others.

"It will take time for the Germans to return to defense." Rock is cold-hearted. To become the master of the future world, he has to pay a corresponding price.

The United States and Russia in another time and space both became world leaders after paying a huge price. A country like the United Kingdom that thinks about the continental balance policy all day long is reduced to the point where it can’t even make up an aircraft carrier. deserve it.

The same goes for Southern Africa.

Either at the cost of countless deaths, or at the cost of massive assistance, the contribution and contribution are directly proportional.

"Once we land in Europe, we will occupy Germany as quickly as possible, completely destroy Germany's industrial base, cut off the German army's human resources, and complete the encirclement and suppression of the German army, even if millions of people die for this." Rock. Harden your heart when needed.

One will be a million bones.

In companies in southern Africa, even if there is an accident involving only one worker, the person responsible must be held accountable because it could have been avoided and should not have happened.

Tens of thousands of people died in the war, just a series of cold numbers on the battle report, because they are all necessary, and what Rock can do is to make up for the family members as much as possible.

So don't think that Southern Africa has a strong industrial strength, so it has been able to watch the fire from the other side. After Europe was in a mess, it smoothly came forward to clean up the mess. Europeans are not stupid.

"Then let's increase our assistance to the Russians, at least this will reduce our losses." Stoudemire was the first to respond, saying that nature is hard to change.

For Stoudemire, problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

But it is not easy.

The trade between southern Africa and Russia is carried out through the Black Sea.

Once Russia loses the Black Sea, the connection between southern Africa and Russia will be cut off.

So the key is that the Russians themselves have to live up to expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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