Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2227 Being a prisoner of war is not bad

Chapter 2227 Being a prisoner of war is not bad
The sound of gunfire on the Gibraltar peninsula broke the calm on the west coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Everyone is paying attention to this war, especially the use of modern troops centered on aircraft and tanks by the southern African military.

After the Germans used the "Blitzkrieg" to conquer Europe, all debate about planes and tanks disappeared, and everyone realized that the war had entered a brand new phase.

From the First World War to the Second World War, it was only 20 years, and mankind has gone through a history that took hundreds or even thousands of years to go through.

The times are developing too fast, and the old antiques who can't keep up with the development of the times will be eliminated together with the tactics they are good at.

After the outbreak of the European War, "blitzkrieg" has almost become synonymous with the German army.

In fact, many people know that the concept of "blitzkrieg" was first proposed by southern Africans.

The German "blitzkrieg" has been proven in actual combat.

Now it's the turn of the Southern Africans, and everyone wants to see how powerful the Southern African version of "Blitz" is.

Southern Africa did not disappoint them either.

Fighting broke out at noon on August 8. In just one hour, the Spanish army's defense line was breached by the Southern African Army.

The southern African artillery showed its power.

The artillery equipped by the 33rd Armored Division is a self-propelled artillery and a rocket launcher. Compared with the towed artillery, these two types of artillery have the advantages of convenient movement and rapid deployment, especially the rocket launcher. The rocket with a diameter of 130 mm can reach a maximum range of Ten kilometers away, the firepower was unprecedentedly fierce. The artillery positions of the Spanish army were devastated by rockets before they had time to deploy.

The seemingly impregnable line of defense of the Spanish army was vulnerable to the attacks of "Tiger" tanks and "Leopard" tanks.

The German infantry-tank coordination is already very proficient, and the infantry-tank coordination and infantry coordination of the southern African army is even better.

When the southern African artillery and air force jointly bombed, the tank troops had already been dispatched, and the minefields arranged by the Spanish army were completely destroyed under the saturation attack of the artillery. The trembling Spanish soldiers hiding in the trenches had not had time to enter the position , The "Tiger" and "Leopard" had already driven to the trenches, and the only thing the Spanish soldiers could do was to obediently raise their hands and surrender.

The battle went very smoothly.

Only a handful of Spanish tanks tried to fight back when the southern African army attacked.

These backward and weak No. 12.7 tanks have no resistance to the "Tiger" and "Leopard" types. The shells of the No. [-] tank are not enough to tear the armor of the "Tiger" and "Leopard" types. The "Leopard" type does not need to use tank guns, and the armor of the No. [-] tank can penetrate even a [-]mm machine gun.

This made the Spaniards very helpless.

The Spanish anti-tank rifle has a caliber of only 12.7 mm.

Under the fierce offensive of the 33rd Division, the Second Tank Division, which the Spanish government is proud of, only lasted for half an hour before completely collapsing.

Much more Spanish soldiers died in shelling than in later battles, 80.00% of Spanish deaths were caused by artillery.

When the tanks and infantry rushed to the position of the second division, the battle was completely over. Captain Thiago was lucky to be captured by the southern African army. There were two companies in his position before the battle broke out. After the battle, only 7 people survived .

After breaking through the position of the 33nd Division, the 500rd Armored Division was facing a flat plain. The Gibraltar peninsula is 33 kilometers away from Madrid. After the 15000nd Division was wiped out, only the [-]rd Armored Division was able to stop the [-]rd Armored Division. , the total strength is only [-] people.

This is the situation in Spain.

Otherwise, why didn't Franco dare to join the war? Spain is really too weak.

After the Spanish Civil War, Franco disarmed in order to reduce the pressure, and the number of troops remaining in the country was less than 10.

In order to earn enough capital to participate in the war, Franco sent 4 people to put on German uniforms to participate in the attack on Russia. The only remaining troops in the country were the first and second divisions.

Now the Second Division has been wiped out, leaving only the First Division to defend Madrid.

The first division is still a pure infantry division, not even equipped with the No. [-] tank.

During the Spanish Civil War, the Falange attacked Madrid, and the citizens of Madrid responded to the call of the Popular Front one after another, and the famous Madrid Defense War broke out.

Now that Madrid is facing the baptism of war again, I don't know if the citizens of Madrid will respond to Franco's call and take up arms like the last defense of Madrid.

Roque was very smart. After the war broke out, he found a prince from somewhere, claiming to be the heir to the Spanish royal family.

The prince was very efficient. On August 8, the day the war broke out, he announced the formation of a republican government, bringing real peace to the Spaniards.

The prince forms a republican government—

This is amazing.

It seems that the royalist party, the aristocrats and the bourgeoisie, as well as the common people, can all find spokespersons for their interests in the new republican government.

Franco is not stupid either.

Southern Africa is powerful, and the Spanish government is powerless to resist. After the war broke out, Franco sent a telegram to Mustache, hoping to transfer the Spanish army back to defend the country. At the same time, he cried to London, hoping that Britain could stop the behavior in southern Africa.

Naturally, there are good reasons for this. Franco does not think that Spain has joined the war. After all, the troops sent to Russia are in the name of volunteers and have nothing to do with the Spanish government.

Coincidentally, during the Spanish Civil War, the German troops and Italians who appeared in Spain were also volunteers.

Winston was smart enough to ignore Franco's plea for help.

For a person like Franco who jumps repeatedly, Winston is enough.

At the same time that the 33rd Armored Division swept across Spain, the Cyprus Squadron also launched an attack on the Balearic Islands.

Franco served in the Balearic Islands before the Spanish Civil War.

Due to the long distance, the Cyprus Squadron's attack on the Balearic Islands was not launched until the 17th, so this was not strictly a surprise attack.

The two-day preparation time did not bring any change to the result. Spain has many naval bases and airports in the Balearic Islands, but there is no fleet stationed there, and there are very few aircraft.

In order to attack the Balearic Islands, the Cyprus Squadron sent a powerful fleet, all two aircraft carriers participated, four heavy cruisers and seven light cruisers protected 7 transport ships, and the ships were loaded with the 12th Division. The officers and soldiers of the seventh and eighth brigades of the team.

The battle went very smoothly. The first wave of attack by carrier-based aircraft destroyed all the port forts and field airports. Most of the aircraft were blown up in the hangar before taking off. A small number of Spanish fighter jets that took off to fight were not "Goshawks" at all. opponent.

It’s already 1941, and the Spanish Air Force is still equipped with ancient biplanes——

That's right, the Germans themselves don't have enough BF109, so it's impossible to help the Spaniards.

The efficiency of the carrier-based aircraft was so high that the bombers dispatched in the second wave had no targets.

The marines landed smoothly on the landing craft, and amphibious light tanks participated. The Spanish army guarding the island had no will to fight. The marines dispersed before landing, and the ancient fort did not play any role effect.

In San Francisco, the Marines spotted the submarine base.

So this became ironclad evidence that the Spanish government provided supplies for German submarines operating in the western Mediterranean.

Franco was too wronged, insisting that the Spanish government had nothing to do with the German army, and that Spanish ports had never provided supplies for German ships.

This is talking nonsense with your eyes open again. It is hard to say whether the Spanish port has provided supplies for the German submarines. It must have provided supplies for the "Bismarck" at the beginning, and no one can deny this.

It can be seen from this that the reason why German submarines are so rampant in the western Mediterranean must have a lot to do with the secret support of the Spanish government.

Without the support of Britain, Franco was helpless and turned his idea to the League of Nations.

After the outbreak of the European War, the League of Nations existed in name only. In order to avoid being taken over by Germany, the headquarters had been transferred from Geneva, Switzerland to Cyprus, and it was completely reduced to a vassal of a certain country.

Facing the request of the Spanish government, the League of Nations not only failed to stop Southern Africa, but instead sternly urged the Spanish government to conduct self-examination, correct its mistakes, and obey the public opinion to join the Allied family as soon as possible.

At this time, the Americans jumped out again, thinking that the attack on Spain in southern Africa was illegal. At least so far, there is no evidence of Spain's participation in the Axis operations.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Southern Africa said that countries outside the region please shut up. Whether there is evidence is not up to the United States, and evidence is always available if needed.

While all parties are talking about it, the war is still going on.

Unlike the stubborn Spanish government, the Spanish people welcomed the arrival of the Allied forces very much.

In the liquidation after the Spanish Civil War, more than [-] people were executed in various ways, and there were countless people in Spain who hated Franco.

The Southern African Army is far from innocent, but disciplined on many bottom lines.

Greed for money is a bit greedy for money, but the way to obtain it is not plundering, but exchange.

Although the exchange is not equivalent most of the time, the ability to do this has fully proved the difference between the southern African army and the Spanish army.

There are unequal exchanges in other aspects, but it must be based on the premise of not violating the will. No one can control what you want and what I want. The dream of many Spanish girls is to marry in southern Africa——

Although there are also discordant things happen.

Generally speaking, it is good. Even the Spanish captives were treated relatively humanely. At least there were no mass executions of captives.

The torture of prisoners in another time and space is not worth mentioning in 1941.

The Katyn Forest tragedy that broke out a few years ago is the normal way most countries deal with captives nowadays.

This issue is also a hot topic nowadays.

In the ongoing Russo-German war, the number of Russian soldiers captured by the German army has reached one million.

The fate of these prisoners is extremely tragic. Once the political workers and Jews are captured, they will be shot directly, and the same is true for the wounded. The German army will not use precious medical resources on the wounded.

The able-bodied captives were sent to Germany for labor, and they also faced a miserable situation.

In the labor camps in Germany, prisoners of war faced day after day of high-intensity labor, but the food they got was difficult to satisfy their hunger.

Those who fail to complete the labor tasks will be executed, and those who escape will also be executed, and even those who talk back will be executed.

If unfortunately contracted the disease, the Germans would not treat it at all, and the result was also executed, and some people were even taken to do live experiments in the name of research.

During the Great Patriotic War in another time and space, about 260 million Russian soldiers were captured, only 80 of them survived to the end of the war, and the death rate was as high as 70%.

So don't say that the way the Russians treated the Germans after the war was too cruel, it is normal to fight an eye for an eye with an eye for an eye.

Compared with the Germans, the punishment received by a certain country in the east after the war was obviously too small, so until several decades after the war, some people in a certain country in the east clamored to start a war.

Spanish soldiers captured in southern Africa were also subject to hard labor.

However, compared with the ongoing labor of Russian prisoners of war, the situation of Spanish prisoners of war is very different.

Among other things, Spanish soldiers wounded in the war could be treated in prisoner-of-war camps in southern Africa.

There are definitely no medicines that are too precious, but military doctors in southern Africa are very good at basic treatment methods.

This has avoided the worst results. Many wounded soldiers died not because of their serious injuries, but because they were not treated in time or died of infection.

Both of these rarely occur in southern African POW camps.

Captain Thiago was also injured when he was captured. One of his ears was severely damaged, he had lost his hearing, and he also suffered a slight concussion.

"The problem is not serious. Your ears may recover, but it may take a long recovery period." The doctor in the prisoner-of-war camp conducted a detailed examination on Thiago's body. In addition to deafness and concussion, he also checked There were several diseases that Thiago didn't know before, which made Thiago very grateful.

If some chronic diseases are treated in time, they will not cause too serious impact on health.

Compared with southern Africa, Spain's medical conditions are too poor. Southern African prisoner-of-war camps will conduct regular medical examinations for prisoners of war. When Thiago served in the Spanish army, he only received a simple physical examination when he enlisted.

"Thank you, I feel much better now." Thiago is full of gratitude. Compared with his comrades who have died in battle, Thiago is lucky.

Of course, Thiago has no intention of avenging his comrades. He is very confused now and doesn't know what will happen in the future.

"I'll give you a leave note, you can continue to rest for a week." The doctor gave Thiago the greatest care within the scope of his authority.

It was unheard of for Thiago to be able to ask for leave in the prisoner-of-war camp.

There are even more surprising things.

When he went to the captain who was in charge of the prisoners with the leave note, Thiago was changed to the barracks, and then he could still enjoy the sick meal——

Compared with the menus of other prisoners of war, the sick meal must be richer and more nutritious, with fresh fruits, poultry, eggs and meat, which made Thiago feel that being a prisoner of war in southern Africa is not bad.

(End of this chapter)

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