Chapter 2232 Blue Army

It's not that Marines don't have compassion, it's just that it happens a lot.

The ability of many white people to push their feet is really amazing.

In the case of boats, if they were allowed to go on board, they would then demand the same treatment as southern Africans.

You have to continue to meet their demands, and they will ask for privileges next.

The point is that even if you meet all their requirements, people will not thank you in the end, but thank God.

While the Changi Naval Base was scrambling to evacuate non-combatants, the 33rd Armored Division had entered Catalonia.

Under normal circumstances, after occupying Madrid, the Spanish government would surrender and no longer hold back.

Unwilling to fail, Franco moved the Spanish government to Barcelona and called on the Spaniards to stand up and continue to fight against the southern Africans.

In Spain, Catalonia will always be special.

During the Spanish Civil War, the Republican government promised to give Catalonia greater autonomy after the war, so it won the support of the Catalonia region.

After the Franco-led Falange Party won the civil war, it began to liquidate Catalonia, which supported the Republican government during the civil war. Many Catalans were shot. Catalan is also banned, and possession of books published in Catalan is subject to arrest.

Under such circumstances, one can imagine how much Catalans dislike the Spanish government.

Catalans have a very bad habit. They have a loose personality and no concept of time. They always have a way to postpone the things that need to be done immediately until the next day. This is infinitely magnified after the Spanish government moved to Barcelona.

The Sants train station in the old town is extremely busy. Before Franco moved the Spanish government to Barcelona, ​​it was the most important commodity distribution center in Catalonia.

After the war broke out between southern Africa and Spain, although Germany was unable to send troops to Spain, it still had the assistance it should have.

Something magic happened.

Even under these circumstances, the trains at Sands Station were habitually not on time.

"Not on time" here does not just mean late.

Delay is definitely the norm, but sometimes the train driver has a whim, and the train that was originally scheduled to depart at 07 am may depart early at 30:[-] in the morning, which is incredible.

"If you leave early, you can arrive at your destination earlier, which saves time." Old Harry, who has worked at Sands Railway Station for 30 years, is not surprised.

This is actually normal, not only train drivers, but also many municipal workers in Barcelona. They are expressing their protest against the Spanish government in this way.

So did old Harry.

It is normal for the staff of Sants Railway Station to arrive late and leave early. If they are absent from work, they can just make up a leave note after going to work the next day. This makes Jose Alva, who has just joined the job, not used to it.

Jose Alba is a Barcelona native like Harry Sr.

Unlike Old Harry, young people who have just joined the workforce are always full of longing for the future. They hope to show their talents at work and stand out.

Someone does.

More people drift with the tide after being tortured by reality, and live every day.

Unlike the old Harry who did not receive much education, Jose is a student at the University of France. He originally graduated next year and has a bright future.

After the war broke out, Jose interrupted his studies and returned home to join the war, becoming a glorious "defender of the country", but now Jose has doubts about his choice.

The walls of the Sands train station are still shocking with bullet holes from the Civil War.

This makes Jose very sad. The civil war has been over for several years, but the Barcelona government has not filled these bomb craters. The platform, which was in disrepair, has experienced the double baptism of years and war, and is now dilapidated.

Aid materials from France were randomly piled up on the platform, some of which were urgently needed medicines, weapons and ammunition on the front line, but no one sent these materials to the places where they were needed most.

"Everyone just wants to escape for their lives. The people who get off the train are all volunteers, but the Spaniards are busy fleeing. Jose, if I were you, I wouldn't come back. At least you don't have to worry about the threat of war if you stay in Paris." Harry bluntly said that it is unrealistic to expect the Catalans to fight against the southern Africans. If the southern Africans really want to attack Barcelona, ​​it would be good if the Barcelona people did not rebel.

Spain's new government, which has made Madrid its capital, has promised to give Catalans more autonomy after the war.

It was different from the cakes drawn by the Republican government to the Catalans during the Spanish Civil War.

The new government's commitment to --

In other words, the promise of the southern Africans has a high chance of being realized. All Spaniards know that the federal government of southern Africa has always kept its promises.

It must be said that in terms of propaganda, the efficiency of the Federal Government of Southern Africa is completely different from that of the Falange Party.

Within a few days of the outbreak of the war, the cause of the war was spread throughout Spain.

The Federal Government of Southern Africa attributed the outbreak of the war to Franco's violent rule in Spain, claiming to rescue the Spaniards from the high pressure of the Franco government and give the Spaniards real peace and freedom.

This reason is very attractive to the vast majority of Spaniards. There are many people in Spain who are dissatisfied with Franco, and Catalonia is the hardest hit area.

"Our army is still insisting, at least the Spaniards are still working hard." Jose has ideals. The Spaniards' affairs should be resolved by the Spaniards themselves. No matter how good the reason of the Southern African Federal Government is, it cannot change the fact of invading Spain.

"Army - ha ha, boy, you don't know what virtue our army is. In our Catalonia, there are still many people who are starving, but in our army, the soldiers will not be able to eat up." The bread was poured out, and the officers are still enjoying the luxury life rarely seen by civilians, do you know what was loaded on the train that just left?" Old Harry sneered.

Jose looked puzzled, he really didn't know.

"Those big boxes contain the property of dignitaries. These properties will be sent to Swiss banks. You have to know that even the nails on the box belong to all Spaniards." Old Harry was very angry, but unfortunately He can't do anything.


The stern air defense siren sounded suddenly.

The alarm came a bit late. When old Harry and Jose looked up in shock, the roar of aeroengines could already be heard in the distance.

This is also normal.

Let's not forget that this is Barcelona, ​​known for its lazy procrastination.

"Follow me, and hide quickly—" Old Harry turned around and rushed towards the air-raid shelter not far away. At this time, the platform was already in chaos.

What made Jose angry was that the staff and passengers who were about to take the train dispersed in a rush, and the Spanish soldiers on duty at the antiaircraft artillery positions not far from the platform also dispersed in a rush.

An officer drew his pistol and brandished it, trying to stop soldiers fleeing from their positions.

No one cared about the command of the officers. Some soldiers even threw away their rifles and took off their uniforms when they fled, so as to reduce the probability of being attacked by southern African pilots.

The officer was furious and fired a warning shot into the sky, but the sound of the shot was drowned in the huge explosion.

Soon the officer was engulfed in flames, along with the anti-aircraft guns beside him.

The so-called air-raid shelter is actually an underground passage.

When Jose ran into the underpass, it was already full of people.

In front of Jose was a distressed lady with a terrified face who was crying. Her skirt was torn, and she was holding one shoe in her hand, while the other was missing.

Jose tried to give Madame more space, but couldn't.

"Man, do you have a cigarette?" An officer next to him asked another soldier for a cigarette.

The soldier took out a pack of cigarettes and gave it directly to the officer.

Yes, Barcelona people have always been generous despite their problems.

The dark underground passage was suddenly shrouded in clouds and mist.

Violent explosions were heard from time to time, and the power was cut off when the bombing first started, and people in the underground passage could even feel the heat wave outside.

The sound of the explosion varies from big to small, which should be due to the distance.

If the distance is relatively short, dirt will rustle down from the top and walls of the underground passage, and every time it will cause a burst of exclamation, it feels like the passage will collapse at any time.

"Why don't you fight back?" Jose couldn't bear it after all, and asked the second lieutenant who was puffing.

"If you want to do that, there's no one stopping you—" the officer's answer surprised Jose.

Are you so shameless?
But it's normal to think about it. The French can stop resisting, and so can the Spaniards.

"The generals are hiding in the safety of the bomb shelters, but we have to fight the southern Africans. What good is it to win? The southern Africans have promised to hand over the management to the Spaniards after the war. Spain is still the Spaniards Spain." The officer sneered and blew a puff of cigarettes on Jose, while the soldiers next to him looked at Jose unkindly.

It is irrational to accuse soldiers face to face in the context of war.

"Gentlemen, please forgive this rash young man, he has just left school to study in France—" Old Harry still took great care of Jose.

"Oh, you're from France. Didn't you French never fight to the end? Why do you ask us to do this?" The officer sneered, thinking that Jose was a Frenchman.

"I'm a Spaniard, and I came to Barcelona to defend Spain." Jose was disappointed, but he still couldn't help defending himself.

"If you only learned this in school, then congratulations—" The officer looked at Jose like he was a fool.

"Sir, can I ask you not to smoke?" Madam finally couldn't stand it anymore.

"Good lady—" The officer is kind, and it doesn't matter about such a small matter.

If Madam asked the officer to return to the battlefield, then the officer probably wouldn't be so easy to talk to.

At this time, the ground has become a sea of ​​​​flames, and the bombers in southern Africa are still very powerful.

When the war first broke out, Spain's few air forces were still trying to compete with the southern African air force for air supremacy.

Soon the Spanish Air Force realized that this was simply impossible.

The gap is too large, from the skills of the pilots to the performance of the aircraft, to the quantity and logistical support, the gap is all-round.

Reflected on the battlefield, as long as the Spanish Air Force is dispatched, the entire army is basically wiped out.

There are not many aircraft in Spain. Although there are still aircraft that can fight, there are no pilots willing to fly the aircraft.

The point is hopeless.

If there is hope of victory, I believe there will definitely be pilots who will come forward.

But in the face of a hopeless war, no one is willing to give his life.

The same goes for the officers in the underpass.

What they are facing is also an enemy that is impossible to defeat.

In fact, there were not many planes that carried out air strikes on Sands Railway Station. There was only one squadron of bombers, and they were not heavy bombers, so they carried limited bombs.

Even so, the effect was surprisingly good. After all the bombers dropped their bombs, Sands Railway Station was basically wiped out, completely losing the possibility of use.

After the Southern Africa plane left, Jose and old Harry came out of the underground passage.

The originally crumbling platform collapsed completely. There was a huge deep pit where weapons and ammunition were originally piled up. The waiting hall was blown up, and the rails were twisted into twists. The air defense position not far away was the hardest hit area, and the flames were still burning.

Jose still wanted to put out the fire, but found that the people around him were indifferent, staring at the mess in front of him with numb eyes.

"Damn southern Africans—" old Harry swore and turned away.

Now that the station has been destroyed, old Harry and Jose are out of a job.

According to the efficiency of the Barcelona people, it will take at least several years to repair the station.

By this time the street outside the station was deserted.

Old Harry led Jose close to the side of the street and walked carefully through the street.

Suddenly there was a gunshot, hitting two meters in front of old Harry, and the bullet rebounded and hit the window next to it, breaking a piece of glass.

"What the hell is going on? Have the southern Africans already called?" Jose looked terrified, and at this moment Jose really regretted it.

"No, it's not—" Old Harry walked a few steps to a house and hid under the eaves.

"Then why are they shooting at us?" José trembled, not in the most dangerous time of Paris.

"You ask me, who shall I ask?" Old Harry was annoyed. The two of them together must have a bigger goal than one: "Since the train station has been completely destroyed, boy, we are officially unemployed now, and I'm going home to sleep now." What about you?"

Jose was dumbfounded, he had just arrived in Barcelona and had nowhere to go.

"Come with me, the current Spain is not worth your blood and sacrifice for him." After all, the old Harry couldn't bear to leave Jose behind. After all, he was a student at the University of France. In the future, Spain still needs people like Jose to build.

On September 9, the 1rd Armored Division arrived in Barcelona.

Franco fled to Paris before the 33rd Armored Division arrived in Barcelona, ​​where he formed a government-in-exile and declared that he would continue to fight in southern Africa.

This is not impossible, after all, Franco still has an army to command.

Of course only in name.

Germany is now also in the predicament of insufficient troops, and Mustache will definitely not return the command of the Blue Army to Franco.

(End of this chapter)

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