Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2236 The Hardest Winter

Chapter 2236 The Hardest Winter

Southern Africa has a mild climate, but it has the largest textile enterprise in the world. In the early years, Australian wool was shipped to the UK for processing, but now it has been processed in southern Africa.

Southern Africa itself also has strong agricultural strength, with full hematopoietic functions. Any farm has dozens or even hundreds of sheep. Textiles have long been famous all over the world, and Russia is of course no exception.

As for the performance of weapons and equipment——

There is no need to doubt this point. Southern Africa has the strongest technical strength in the world. Diesel engines are indeed more durable than gasoline engines. In winter, diesel engines are too cold and the engine cannot be started. It can be directly roasted with fire, and replaced with a gasoline engine.

Compared with the United Kingdom and the United States, at least Southern Africa's assistance to Russia will not be just lip service. Winston has gone too far. Even the Polish government-in-exile has decided to give Russia a sum of assistance. Can it be more difficult than Poland?
Not to mention blood feud.

Don't forget that Poland was divided by Germany and Russia.

Therefore, the Polish government-in-exile was able to put aside the past and try to squeeze out supplies to assist Russia under such a difficult situation, which fully shows how harmonious the Allied forces are.

Although the aid given to Russia by the Polish government-in-exile is a bit small, there are only ten mortars——

It's not a question of how much, the key is attitude.

Since the Polish government-in-exile is so sensible, the bearded man is of course not stingy, and promised on the spot that he will fully support the restoration of Poland after the war, return all Polish territories to Poland, and help Poland recover its economy.

This is good news for Poland.

But it is not a good thing for the UK.

Russian money is not easy to get, and there must be conditions to get Russian assistance, which means that Russia's influence continues to expand.

But the president of the Polish government-in-exile, Vladslaw Rackiewicz, was very happy.

If the United Kingdom does not want Poland to be influenced by Russia, then it is absolutely possible to give Poland more aid, and Poland will listen to whoever gives more.

This, of course, was also the wishful thinking of Vladslaw Rachkiewicz.

A small country with few people has no right to speak at this time.

After World War II in another time and space, Russia occupied Poland and supported a puppet government. The Polish government-in-exile in Britain was flamboyantly ignored.

Although the United Kingdom did not want to see Russia controlling Poland, it was unable to change the situation. So Poland became Russia's quid pro quo for giving up Greece. After that, Britain no longer recognized the Polish government-in-exile. From then on, officials of the government-in-exile could only work in their own residences .

The Polish government-in-exile remained until 1990.

Compared with Rachkijevic, Vargas is very smart.

As a country of the Southern African Union, Vargas also came to Moscow to participate in the meeting on behalf of Brazil.

After Southern Africa joined the war, Brazil, as a member of the Southern African Union, declared war on Germany and formally joined the war.

Brazil has abundant resources, and Vargas is naturally generous, promising to give economic assistance to Russia, but the federal government of Southern Africa has the final say on the amount of assistance.

The leaders of other allied countries also followed suit. The difference is that some countries choose southern Africa, and some countries choose Britain.

Few countries chose the United States.

This made Roosevelt slightly embarrassed.

On the morning of the second day of the meeting, Beard invited the leaders of the Allied countries to watch the military parade held by the Russian army on Red Square.

Winston didn't take this seriously, thinking that the Russians were engaging in formalism again. Now that the war had reached the most critical moment, the Russians were still in the mood to hold a military parade, probably to seek more aid.

Rock thinks it is still necessary.

Don't underestimate the role of military parades. The more difficult the situation is, the more we need to strengthen our spiritual strength.

This is also where Russia's last confidence lies.

It can be seen that the situation in Russia is indeed very difficult. The ages of the soldiers participating in the military parade are uneven. Some of them have weathered faces, and some are still children.

But their determined eyes and powerful steps are extremely impressive.

Even the last female phalanx is the same.

This is no simple military parade.

These troops participating in the military parade, after undergoing the review, will go directly to the front line to face the crazy German army.

Even if these soldiers knew that Russia had reached the most difficult time, and what awaited them was either death or capture, they did not hesitate at all.

"This is Russia. No matter how powerful the enemy is, the Russians will never give in. We will defeat all enemies, kill them, bury them, and bury them under trees as fertilizer—" the bearded man's words are cathartic, and even more so. warn.

Rock and Winston looked at each other, their eyes were a little complicated.

Looking at De Gaulle next to him, his eyes were full of envy.

If France also had the courage of Russia to fight to the last person, the last bullet, then Free France would not have fallen to where it is today.

Most of the weapons and equipment used by the parade troops were aided by southern Africa.

Before the war broke out, Russia's industrial strength was really not that strong.

The same is true for the United States. The strength of the United States lies in its industrial scale, and its technology is not even as good as that of Germany.

Another time and space is precisely because the United States and Russia carved up Germany after World War II, and then there was a technological leap.

Taking into account logistical factors, the weapons that Southern Africa aids Russia are as consistent as possible with the Russian weapon system. Even the rifles are Mosin Nagant 7.62 mm caliber, which is not difficult for southern African military enterprises.

Even if southern Africa has strong industrial strength, it cannot produce enough weapons in such a short period of time.

Therefore, only half of the troops participating in the military parade had weapons, and the other half did not even have the most basic rifles.

"Sending such an army to fight against the Germans is simply to die—" Winston's voice was low, and if the bearded man heard it, it would definitely seriously affect the unity of the Allied forces.

"This configuration is so that after No.1 soldier sacrifices, No.2 soldier can pick up his weapon and move on—" Rock had mixed emotions.

Although the Russians have made many mistakes.

Although the whole world doesn't like Russia.

Although Rock had already learned about this period of history through various channels.

But when the history was truly presented in front of his eyes, Rock was still shocked.

Russia has fought so far, and if it is replaced by the French, it is estimated that they have raised their hands and surrendered.

Although Britain has not yet surrendered, Winston has already made preparations for the UK to move its capital as soon as the Germans land.

When all countries in the world are facing war, only the Russians have such courage and determination——

No, there is another country in the Far East that has not surrendered.

Compared with the Russians, the Chinese have a more determined attitude towards war.

The war in Russia has only just broken out for three months, and the war in the Far East has been going on for five years.

Russians are tough.

The war in the Far East was brutal, even worse than Russia's.

Roosevelt was also obviously infected, leaning on the railing in front of him, stood up tremblingly, and paid tribute to the soldiers who died generously.

Then he told Big Beard that the first batch of aid materials would be shipped as soon as possible.

The bearded man was even more satisfied.

The military parade showed Russia's determination, allowing allies to give Russia more trust, and at the same time, it was also a warning to some bad guys.

It's a pity that Mustache was not there, otherwise Mustache should re-evaluate the prospects for war.

While the parade was going on, the war continued.

After capturing 66 Russian troops in Kiev, the Germans moved on to Moscow.

In early October, the Romanian army ended the Battle of Odessa at the cost of 10 people and occupied the entire Ukraine.

The Russian army lost only 4.1 people in this battle, of which 16578 were killed.

From a strategic level, this result is obviously another huge failure for Russia.

However, Russia promoted the Battle of Odessa as a huge victory. After all, the losses of the Russian army in the Battle of Odessa were much smaller than that of the Romanians.

Against the background of the Great Patriotic War, this is one of the few bright spots.

The Russians need such a morale boost.

This also fully proves that the so-called "weakness" of the Russian army is only relative to the German army.

For the German servant army, the Russian army is still very strong.

Also at the beginning of October, the Battle of Leningrad broke out. The Russian army defending Leningrad totaled 90 people, and more than 70 German troops participated in the battle.

Although the Russian army outnumbered the German army, no one was optimistic about Russia, and Winston even believed that Leningrad would not survive the New Year.

"No, no, Winston, you still don't understand that Leningrad is the spiritual symbol of Russia, and the Russians will definitely defend Leningrad at all costs." Rock was sure after watching the military parade that Russia would definitely win. The last victory.

Yes, the Germans' blitzkrieg is very powerful, and the German army's weapons and equipment are more advanced, and they also have richer combat experience.

But in front of countless Russians who are not afraid of death, all these are paper tigers. In the end, the only factor that determines the outcome of the war must be people, not others.

"Lock, why don't we make a bet, I'll bet ten pounds!" Winston was still in the mood to joke.

"I bet on Russia to win, ten francs!" De Gaulle bet on Russia, and he has been in a state of excitement since watching the military parade.

This is understandable.

Since the surrender of France, de Gaulle has been under great pressure. He is worried that the Allied forces will not win the final victory, that the French will lose their former glory, and that France will no longer be the master of the world.

Some worry is warranted.

Some worries have already become a fait accompli.

After watching a Russian military parade, de Gaulle had a clear sense of victory for the first time.

Prior to this, even with a strong ally in southern Africa, de Gaulle was still cautiously optimistic about the prospects for war.

"Gentlemen, this is a great disrespect to the soldiers who are fighting bloody battles on the front line." Rock will not participate, war is not a game, and Rock will not do this.

"Yes—" De Gaulle was ashamed.

"Ha, Locke, you are getting more and more boring." Winston disliked that Rock ruined the fun of the game.

That's right, for big men like them, war is just a game.

Anyway, even if Britain loses the war and Winston goes to Canada, he will still be the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

"The Germans are about to hit Moscow, and I can already smell the smoke." Rock was leaving Moscow tomorrow, which was requested by Jan Smother.

Moscow was about to become a war zone, it was too dangerous for Rock to stay, and Yang Smother didn't want any accidents to happen at this time.

"Although I don't believe that Russia can hold St. Petersburg, I believe that Russia will definitely win the final victory. Locke, this is what we want to see." Winston must put Rock into the water.

Why pretend to be noble? Winston and Roque made the decision to divert the trouble from the north. No one of them is more noble than the other.

"Yes, this is what we want to see—" Rock never thought he was noble, and if he was noble, he would be irresponsible to the 1.3 million people in southern Africa.

After the capture of Smolensk, there were no obstacles in front of the German army. Guderian's armored troops had arrived at the outskirts of Moscow last month, but Mustache ordered Guderian to lead his armored army to turn south to support the dragons. Army Group South under Destedt's attack on Kiev, the Ukrainian capital.

With the addition of armored units, Army Group South successfully concluded the Kiev campaign, and the attack on Moscow was postponed until October.

Russia in October is already a world of ice and snow.

This winter was extremely cold, and it began to snow in September. The snow on the roads was too late to clear, and the ground was muddy. The poor traffic conditions in Russia brought great difficulties to the advancement of the German armored forces.

Moscow is 1600 kilometers away from Berlin. When the Russian army was retreating, it resolutely carried out the order of the bearded man to fortify the wall and clear the field. The German army could hardly get any supplies in Russia. All supplies had to be sent from Germany. As the supply distance became longer and longer , The German army encountered more and more difficulties.

In order to attack Moscow, Mustache prepared 180 million people, an unprecedented scale.

There are only 125 million people in Russia, and most of them are recruits with little experience, and their weapons and equipment are also at a disadvantage.

This number is constantly changing with the passage of time. The German army is now at the end of its battle and is unable to mobilize more troops to participate in the attack on Moscow.

The bearded man is at all costs, the number of troops is increasing, and weapons aided by southern Africa and the United States are also arriving in a steady stream. This winter is too difficult for Russia and Germany.

Roosevelt and Roque had a long talk on the eve of Roque's departure from Moscow.

Roosevelt hoped that Southern Africa would not continue to expand its sphere of influence in the Americas and that Brazil would withdraw from the Southern African Union.

Rock's attitude is firm. Southern Africa may not expand its sphere of influence in the Americas, but it will not expel Brazil from the Southern African Union.

After all, the Brazilian did nothing wrong.

Vargas' performance played a huge role at the most critical moment.

(End of this chapter)

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